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Crucified Распяту Распя́тый
Bible Verse Examples
And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock,
and to scourge,
and to crucify him:
and the third day he shall rise again.
Matthew 20:19 KJV
and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified,
and he will be raised on the third day.”
Matthew 20:19 ESV
Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover,
and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
Matthew 26:2 KJV
“You know that after two days the Passover is coming,
and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified."
Matthew 26:2 ESV
Pilate saith unto them,
What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
They all say unto him,
Let him be crucified.
Matthew 27:22 KJV
Pilate said to them,
“Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
They all said,
“Let him be crucified!"
Matthew 27:22 ESV
And the governor said,
what evil hath he done?
But they cried out the more,
Let him be crucified.
Matthew 27:23 KJV
And he said,
What evil has he done?”
But they shouted all the more,
“Let him be crucified!"
Matthew 27:23 ESV
Then released he Barabbas unto them:
and when he had scourged Jesus,
he delivered him to be crucified.
Matthew 27:26 KJV
Then he released for them Barabbas,
and having scourged Jesus,
delivered him to be crucified.
Matthew 27:26 ESV
And they crucified him,
and parted his garments,
casting lots:
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
They parted my garments among them,
and upon my vesture did they cast lots.
Matthew 27:35 KJV
And when they had crucified him,
they divided his garments among them by casting lots.
Matthew 27:35 ESV
Then were there two thieves crucified with him,
one on the right hand,
and another on the left.
Matthew 27:38 KJV
Then two robbers were crucified with him,
one on the right and one on the left.
Matthew 27:38 ESV
The thieves also,
which were crucified with him,
cast the same in his teeth.
Matthew 27:44 KJV
And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way.
Matthew 27:44 ESV
And the angel answered and said unto the women,
Fear not ye:
for I know that ye seek Jesus,
which was crucified.
Matthew 28:5 KJV
But the angel said to the women,
“Do not be afraid,
for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
Matthew 28:5 ESV
And so Pilate,
willing to content the people,
released Barabbas unto them,
and delivered Jesus,
when he had scourged him,
to be crucified.
Mark 15:15 KJV
So Pilate,
wishing to satisfy the crowd,
released for them Barabbas,
and having scourged Jesus,
he delivered him to be crucified.
Mark 15:15 ESV
And when they had crucified him,
they parted his garments,
casting lots upon them,
what every man should take.
Mark 15:24 KJV
And they crucified him and divided his garments among them,
casting lots for them,
to decide what each should take.
Mark 15:24 ESV
And it was the third hour,
and they crucified him.
Mark 15:25 KJV
And it was the third hour when they crucified him.
Mark 15:25 ESV
And with him they crucify two thieves;
the one on his right hand,
and the other on his left.
Mark 15:27 KJV
And with him they crucified two robbers,
one on his right and one on his left.
Mark 15:27 ESV
Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross,
that we may see and believe.
And they that were crucified with him reviled him.
Mark 15:32 KJV
Let the Christ,
the King of Israel,
come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.”
Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.
Mark 15:32 ESV
And he saith unto them,
Be not affrighted:
Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth,
which was crucified:
he is risen;
he is not here:
behold the place where they laid him.
Mark 16:6 KJV
And he said to them,
“Do not be alarmed.
You seek Jesus of Nazareth,
who was crucified.
He has risen;
he is not here.
See the place where they laid him.
Mark 16:6 ESV
And they were instant with loud voices,
requiring that he might be crucified.
And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed.
Luke 23:23 KJV
But they were urgent,
demanding with loud cries that he should be crucified.
And their voices prevailed.
Luke 23:23 ESV
And when they were come to the place,
which is called Calvary,
there they crucified him,
and the malefactors,
one on the right hand,
and the other on the left.
Luke 23:33 KJV
And when they came to the place that is called The Skull,
there they crucified him,
and the criminals,
one on his right and one on his left.
Luke 23:33 ESV
The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,
and be crucified,
and the third day rise again.
Luke 24:7 KJV
that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”
Luke 24:7 ESV
And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death,
and have crucified him.
Luke 24:20 KJV
and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death,
and crucified him.
Luke 24:20 ESV
Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified.
And they took Jesus,
and led him away.
John 19:16 KJV
So he delivered him over to them to be crucified.
So they took Jesus,
John 19:16 ESV
Where they crucified him,
and two other with him,
on either side one,
and Jesus in the midst.
John 19:18 KJV
There they crucified him,
and with him two others,
one on either side,
and Jesus between them.
John 19:18 ESV
This title then read many of the Jews:
for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city:
and it was written in Hebrew,
and Greek,
and Latin.
John 19:20 KJV
Many of the Jews read this inscription,
for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city,
and it was written in Aramaic,
in Latin,
and in Greek.
John 19:20 ESV
Then the soldiers,
when they had crucified Jesus,
took his garments,
and made four parts,
to every soldier a part;
and also his coat:
now the coat was without seam,
woven from the top throughout.
John 19:23 KJV
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus,
they took his garments and divided them into four parts,
one part for each soldier;
also his tunic.
But the tunic was seamless,
woven in one piece from top to bottom,
John 19:23 ESV
Then came the soldiers,
and brake the legs of the first,
and of the other which was crucified with him.
John 19:32 KJV
So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first,
and of the other who had been crucified with him.
John 19:32 ESV
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden;
and in the garden a new sepulchre,
wherein was never man yet laid.
John 19:41 KJV
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden,
and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid.
John 19:41 ESV
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