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Bible Verse Examples
Now all this was done,
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
Matthew 1:22 KJV
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:
Matthew 1:22 ESV
And was there until the death of Herod:
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
Out of Egypt have I called my son.
Matthew 2:15 KJV
and remained there until the death of Herod.
This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet,
“Out of Egypt I called my son.”
Matthew 2:15 ESV
And Jesus answering said unto him,
Suffer it to be so now:
for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.
Then he suffered him.
Matthew 3:15 KJV
But Jesus answered him,
“Let it be so now,
for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”
Then he consented.
Matthew 3:15 ESV
Think not that I am come to destroy the law,
or the prophets:
I am not come to destroy,
but to fulfil.
Matthew 5:17 KJV
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17 ESV
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,
Himself took our infirmities,
and bare our sicknesses.
Matthew 8:17 KJV
This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah:
“He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.”
Matthew 8:17 ESV
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,
Matthew 12:17 KJV
This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah:
Matthew 12:17 ESV
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
I will open my mouth in parables;
I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Matthew 13:35 KJV
This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet:
“I will open my mouth in parables;
I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”
Matthew 13:35 ESV
All this was done,
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
Matthew 21:4 KJV
This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet,
Matthew 21:4 ESV
For these be the days of vengeance,
that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
Luke 21:22 KJV
for these are days of vengeance,
to fulfill all that is written.
Luke 21:22 ESV
That the saying might be fulfilled,
which he spake,
Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.
John 18:9 KJV
This was to fulfill the word that he had spoken:
“Of those whom you gave me I have lost not one.”
John 18:9 ESV
That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled,
which he spake,
signifying what death he should die.
John 18:32 KJV
This was to fulfill the word that Jesus had spoken to show by what kind of death he was going to die.
John 18:32 ESV
They said therefore among themselves,
Let us not rend it,
but cast lots for it,
whose it shall be:
that the scripture might be fulfilled,
which saith,
They parted my raiment among them,
and for my vesture they did cast lots.
These things therefore the soldiers did.
John 19:24 KJV
so they said to one another,
“Let us not tear it,
but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be.”
This was to fulfill the Scripture which says,
“They divided my garments among them,
and for my clothing they cast lots.”
So the soldiers did these things,
John 19:24 ESV
After this,
Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished,
that the scripture might be fulfilled,
I thirst.
John 19:28 KJV
After this,
knowing that all was now finished,
said (to fulfill the Scripture),
“I thirst.”
John 19:28 ESV
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