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Bible Verse Examples
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:
and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 KJV
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 ESV
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD,
and dwelt in the land of Nod,
on the east of Eden.
Genesis 4:16 KJV
Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod,
east of Eden.
Genesis 4:16 ESV
And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity,
in Ur of the Chaldees.
Genesis 11:28 KJV
Haran died in the presence of his father Terah in the land of his kindred,
in Ur of the Chaldeans.
Genesis 11:28 ESV
That he may give me the cave of Machpelah,
which he hath,
which is in the end of his field;
for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you.
Genesis 23:9 KJV
that he may give me the cave of Machpelah,
which he owns;
it is at the end of his field.
For the full price let him give it to me in your presence as property for a burying place.&#;
Genesis 23:9 ESV
Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth,
before all that went in at the gate of his city.
Genesis 23:18 KJV
to Abraham as a possession in the presence of the Hittites,
before all who went in at the gate of his city.
Genesis 23:18 ESV
And it came to pass,
as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob,
and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father,
that Esau his brother came in from his hunting.
Genesis 27:30 KJV
As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob,
when Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father,
Esau his brother came in from his hunting.
Genesis 27:30 ESV
With whomsoever thou findest thy gods,
let him not live:
before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me,
and take it to thee.
For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them.
Genesis 31:32 KJV
Anyone with whom you find your gods shall not live.
In the presence of our kinsmen point out what I have that is yours,
and take it.&#;
Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
Genesis 31:32 ESV
And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt.
And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh,
and went throughout all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:46 KJV
Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and went through all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:46 ESV
And Joseph said unto his brethren,
I am Joseph;
doth my father yet live?
And his brethren could not answer him;
for they were troubled at his presence.
Genesis 45:3 KJV
And Joseph said to his brothers,
&#;I am Joseph!
Is my father still alive?&#;
But his brothers could not answer him,
for they were dismayed at his presence.
Genesis 45:3 ESV
And Jacob blessed Pharaoh,
and went out from before Pharaoh.
Genesis 47:10 KJV
And Jacob blessed Pharaoh and went out from the presence of Pharaoh.
Genesis 47:10 ESV
How he entered into the house of God,
and did eat the shewbread,
which was not lawful for him to eat,
neither for them which were with him,
but only for the priests?
Matthew 12:4 KJV
how he entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence,
which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for those who were with him,
but only for the priests?
Matthew 12:4 ESV
How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest,
and did eat the shewbread,
which is not lawful to eat but for the priests,
and gave also to them which were with him?
Mark 2:26 KJV
how he entered the house of God,
in the time of Abiathar the high priest,
and ate the bread of the Presence,
which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat,
and also gave it to those who were with him?&#;
Mark 2:26 ESV
And the angel answering said unto him,
I am Gabriel,
that stand in the presence of God;
and am sent to speak unto thee,
and to shew thee these glad tidings.
Luke 1:19 KJV
And the angel answered him,
&#;I am Gabriel.
I stand in the presence of God,
and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
Luke 1:19 ESV
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
Luke 2:31 KJV
that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
Luke 2:31 ESV
How he went into the house of God,
and did take and eat the shewbread,
and gave also to them that were with him;
which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone?
Luke 6:4 KJV
how he entered the house of God and took and ate the bread of the Presence,
which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat,
and also gave it to those with him?&#;
Luke 6:4 ESV
And when the woman saw that she was not hid,
she came trembling,
and falling down before him,
she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him,
and how she was healed immediately.
Luke 8:47 KJV
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden,
she came trembling,
and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him,
and how she had been immediately healed.
Luke 8:47 ESV
Then shall ye begin to say,
We have eaten and drunk in thy presence,
and thou hast taught in our streets.
Luke 13:26 KJV
Then you will begin to say,
&#;We ate and drank in your presence,
and you taught in our streets.&#;
Luke 13:26 ESV
But when thou art bidden,
go and sit down in the lowest room;
that when he that bade thee cometh,
he may say unto thee,
go up higher:
then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.
Luke 14:10 KJV
But when you are invited,
go and sit in the lowest place,
so that when your host comes he may say to you,
move up higher.&#;
Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you.
Luke 14:10 ESV
And they could not take hold of his words before the people:
and they marvelled at his answer,
and held their peace.
Luke 20:26 KJV
And they were not able in the presence of the people to catch him in what he said,
but marveling at his answer they became silent.
Luke 20:26 ESV
And now,
O Father,
glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
John 17:5 KJV
And now,
glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.
John 17:5 ESV
And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples,
which are not written in this book:
John 20:30 KJV
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples,
which are not written in this book;
John 20:30 ESV
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