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Bible Verse Examples
Except the God of my father,
the God of Abraham,
and the fear of Isaac,
had been with me,
surely thou hadst sent me away now empty.
God hath seen mine affliction and the labor of my hands,
and rebuked thee yesternight.
Genesis 31:42 KJV
If the God of my father,
the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac,
had not been on my side,
surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed.
God saw my affliction and the labor of my hands and rebuked you last night.”
Genesis 31:42 ESV
And he told it to his father,
and to his brethren:
and his father rebuked him,
and said unto him,
What is this dream that thou hast dreamed?
Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
Genesis 37:10 KJV
But when he told it to his father and to his brothers,
his father rebuked him and said to him,
“What is this dream that you have dreamed?
Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?”
Genesis 37:10 ESV
And he saith unto them,
Why are ye fearful,
O ye of little faith?
Then he arose,
and rebuked the winds and the sea;
and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:26 KJV
And he said to them,
“Why are you afraid,
O you of little faith?”
Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea,
and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:26 ESV
And Jesus rebuked the devil;
and he departed out of him:
and the child was cured from that very hour.
Matthew 17:18 KJV
And Jesus rebuked the demon,
and it came out of him,
and the boy was healed instantly.
Matthew 17:18 ESV
Then were there brought unto him little children,
that he should put his hands on them,
and pray:
and the disciples rebuked them.
Matthew 19:13 KJV
Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked the people,
Matthew 19:13 ESV
And the multitude rebuked them,
because they should hold their peace:
but they cried the more,
Have mercy on us,
O Lord,
thou son of David.
Matthew 20:31 KJV
The crowd rebuked them,
telling them to be silent,
but they cried out all the more,
have mercy on us,
Son of David!”
Matthew 20:31 ESV
And Jesus rebuked him,
Hold thy peace,
and come out of him.
Mark 1:25 KJV
But Jesus rebuked him,
“Be silent,
and come out of him!”
Mark 1:25 ESV
And he arose,
and rebuked the wind,
and said unto the sea,
be still.
And the wind ceased,
and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39 KJV
And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea,
Be still!”
And the wind ceased,
and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39 ESV
But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples,
he rebuked Peter,
Get thee behind me,
for thou savourest not the things that be of God,
but the things that be of men.
Mark 8:33 KJV
But turning and seeing his disciples,
he rebuked Peter and said,
“Get behind me,
For you are not setting your mind on the things of God,
but on the things of man.”
Mark 8:33 ESV
When Jesus saw that the people came running together,
he rebuked the foul spirit,
saying unto him,
Thou dumb and deaf spirit,
I charge thee,
come out of him,
and enter no more into him.
Mark 9:25 KJV
And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together,
he rebuked the unclean spirit,
saying to it,
“You mute and deaf spirit,
I command you,
come out of him and never enter him again.”
Mark 9:25 ESV
And they brought young children to him,
that he should touch them:
and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
Mark 10:13 KJV
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them,
and the disciples rebuked them.
Mark 10:13 ESV
And many charged him that he should hold his peace:
but he cried the more a great deal,
Thou son of David,
have mercy on me.
Mark 10:48 KJV
And many rebuked him,
telling him to be silent.
But he cried out all the more,
“Son of David,
have mercy on me!”
Mark 10:48 ESV
Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat,
and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart,
because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
Mark 16:14 KJV
Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table,
and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart,
because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen.
Mark 16:14 ESV
And Jesus rebuked him,
Hold thy peace,
and come out of him.
And when the devil had thrown him in the midst,
he came out of him,
and hurt him not.
Luke 4:35 KJV
But Jesus rebuked him,
“Be silent and come out of him!”
And when the demon had thrown him down in their midst,
he came out of him,
having done him no harm.
Luke 4:35 ESV
And he stood over her,
and rebuked the fever;
and it left her:
and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.
Luke 4:39 KJV
And he stood over her and rebuked the fever,
and it left her,
and immediately she rose and began to serve them.
Luke 4:39 ESV
And devils also came out of many,
crying out,
and saying,
Thou art Christ the Son of God.
And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak:
for they knew that he was Christ.
Luke 4:41 KJV
And demons also came out of many,
“You are the Son of God!”
But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak,
because they knew that he was the Christ.
Luke 4:41 ESV
And they came to him,
and awoke him,
we perish.
Then he arose,
and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water:
and they ceased,
and there was a calm.
Luke 8:24 KJV
And they went and woke him,
we are perishing!”
And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves,
and they ceased,
and there was a calm.
Luke 8:24 ESV
And as he was yet a coming,
the devil threw him down,
and tare him.
And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,
and healed the child,
and delivered him again to his father.
Luke 9:42 KJV
While he was coming,
the demon threw him to the ground and convulsed him.
But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy,
and gave him back to his father.
Luke 9:42 ESV
But he turned,
and rebuked them,
and said,
Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
Luke 9:55 KJV
But he turned and rebuked them.
Luke 9:55 ESV
And they brought unto him also infants,
that he would touch them:
but when his disciples saw it,
they rebuked them.
Luke 18:15 KJV
Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them.
And when the disciples saw it,
they rebuked them.
Luke 18:15 ESV
And they which went before rebuked him,
that he should hold his peace:
but he cried so much the more,
Thou son of David,
have mercy on me.
Luke 18:39 KJV
And those who were in front rebuked him,
telling him to be silent.
But he cried out all the more,
“Son of David,
have mercy on me!”
Luke 18:39 ESV
But the other answering rebuked him,
Dost not thou fear God,
seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
Luke 23:40 KJV
But the other rebuked him,
“Do you not fear God,
since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?
Luke 23:40 ESV
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