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Bible Verse Examples
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field,
and every fowl of the air;
and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:
and whatsoever Adam called every living creature,
that was the name thereof.
Genesis 2:19 KJV
Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them.
And whatever the man called every living creature,
that was its name.
Genesis 2:19 ESV
Also he sent forth a dove from him,
to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;
Genesis 8:8 KJV
Then he sent forth a dove from him,
to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground.
Genesis 8:8 ESV
And the bow shall be in the cloud;
and I will look upon it,
that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
Genesis 9:16 KJV
When the bow is in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
Genesis 9:16 ESV
And Shem and Japheth took a garment,
and laid it upon both their shoulders,
and went backward,
and covered the nakedness of their father;
and their faces were backward,
and they saw not their father's nakedness.
Genesis 9:23 KJV
Then Shem and Japheth took a garment,
laid it on both their shoulders,
and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father.
Their faces were turned backward,
and they did not see their father's nakedness.
Genesis 9:23 ESV
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower,
which the children of men builded.
Genesis 11:5 KJV
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower,
which the children of man had built.
Genesis 11:5 ESV
Therefore it shall come to pass,
when the Egyptians shall see thee,
that they shall say,
This is his wife:
and they will kill me,
but they will save thee alive.
Genesis 12:12 KJV
and when the Egyptians see you,
they will say,
‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me,
but they will let you live.
Genesis 12:12 ESV
For all the land which thou seest,
to thee will I give it,
and to thy seed for ever.
Genesis 13:15 KJV
for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever.
Genesis 13:15 ESV
I will go down now,
and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it,
which is come unto me;
and if not,
I will know.
Genesis 18:21 KJV
I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me.
And if not,
I will know.”
Genesis 18:21 ESV
And Abimelech said unto Abraham,
What sawest thou,
that thou hast done this thing?
Genesis 20:10 KJV
And Abimelech said to Abraham,
“What did you see,
that you did this thing?”
Genesis 20:10 ESV
And Abraham said unto him,
Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.
Genesis 24:6 KJV
Abraham said to him,
"See to it that you do not take my son back there.
Genesis 24:6 ESV
And they said,
We saw certainly that the LORD was with thee:
and we said,
Let there be now an oath betwixt us,
even betwixt us and thee,
and let us make a covenant with thee;
Genesis 26:28 KJV
They said,
“We see plainly that the Lord has been with you.
So we said,
let there be a sworn pact between us,
between you and us,
and let us make a covenant with you,
Genesis 26:28 ESV
And it came to pass,
that when Isaac was old,
and his eyes were dim,
so that he could not see,
he called Esau his eldest son,
and said unto him,
My son:
and he said unto him,
here am I.
Genesis 27:1 KJV
When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see,
he called Esau his older son and said to him,
“My son”;
and he answered,
“Here I am.”
Genesis 27:1 ESV
And he came near,
and kissed him:
and he smelled the smell of his raiment,
and blessed him,
and said,
the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed:
Genesis 27:27 KJV
So he came near and kissed him.
And Isaac smelled the smell of his garments and blessed him and said,
the smell of my son is as the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed!
Genesis 27:27 ESV
And he said unto them,
Is he well?
And they said,
He is well:
Rachel his daughter cometh with the sheep.
Genesis 29:6 KJV
He said to them,
“Is it well with him?”
They said,
“It is well;
and see,
Rachel his daughter is coming with the sheep!”
Genesis 29:6 ESV
And said unto them,
I see your father's countenance,
that it is not toward me as before;
but the God of my father hath been with me.
Genesis 31:5 KJV
and said to them,
“I see that your father does not regard me with favor as he did before.
But the God of my father has been with me.
Genesis 31:5 ESV
And he said,
Lift up now thine eyes,
and see,
all the rams which leap upon the cattle are ring-streaked,
and grizzled:
for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.
Genesis 31:12 KJV
And he said,
‘Lift up your eyes and see,
all the goats that mate with the flock are striped,
and mottled,
for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.
Genesis 31:12 ESV
And Laban answered and said unto Jacob,
These daughters are my daughters,
and these children are my children,
and these cattle are my cattle,
and all that thou seest is mine:
and what can I do this day unto these my daughters,
or unto their children which they have born?
Genesis 31:43 KJV
Then Laban answered and said to Jacob,
“The daughters are my daughters,
the children are my children,
the flocks are my flocks,
and all that you see is mine.
But what can I do this day for these my daughters or for their children whom they have borne?
Genesis 31:43 ESV
If thou shalt afflict my daughters,
or if thou shalt take other wives beside my daughters,
no man is with us;
God is witness betwixt me and thee.
Genesis 31:50 KJV
If you oppress my daughters,
or if you take wives besides my daughters,
although no one is with us,
God is witness between you and me.”
Genesis 31:50 ESV
And Laban said to Jacob,
Behold this heap,
and behold this pillar,
which I have cast betwixt me and thee:
Genesis 31:51 KJV
Then Laban said to Jacob,
"See this heap and the pillar,
which I have set between you and me.
Genesis 31:51 ESV
And say ye moreover,
thy servant Jacob is behind us.
For he said,
I will appease him with the present that goeth before me,
and afterward I will see his face;
peradventure he will accept of me.
Genesis 32:20 KJV
and you shall say,
your servant Jacob is behind us.’”
For he thought,
“I may appease him with the present that goes ahead of me,
and afterward I shall see his face.
Perhaps he will accept me.”
Genesis 32:20 ESV
And Dinah the daughter of Leah,
which she bare unto Jacob,
went out to see the daughters of the land.
Genesis 34:1 KJV
Now Dinah the daughter of Leah,
whom she had borne to Jacob,
went out to see the women of the land.
Genesis 34:1 ESV
And he said to him,
I pray thee,
see whether it be well with thy brethren,
and well with the flocks;
and bring me word again.
So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron,
and he came to Shechem.
Genesis 37:14 KJV
So he said to him,
“Go now,
see if it is well with your brothers and with the flock,
and bring me word.”
So he sent him from the Valley of Hebron,
and he came to Shechem.
Genesis 37:14 ESV
Come now therefore,
and let us slay him,
and cast him into some pit,
and we will say,
Some evil beast hath devoured him:
and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
Genesis 37:20 KJV
Come now,
let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits.
Then we will say that a fierce animal has devoured him,
and we will see what will become of his dreams.”
Genesis 37:20 ESV
And Judah said,
Let her take it to her,
lest we be shamed:
I sent this kid,
and thou hast not found her.
Genesis 38:23 KJV
And Judah replied,
“Let her keep the things as her own,
or we shall be laughed at.
You see,
I sent this young goat,
and you did not find her.”
Genesis 38:23 ESV
That she called unto the men of her house,
and spake unto them,
he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us;
he came in unto me to lie with me,
and I cried with a loud voice:
Genesis 39:14 KJV
she called to the men of her household and said to them,
he has brought among us a Hebrew to laugh at us.
He came in to me to lie with me,
and I cried out with a loud voice.
Genesis 39:14 ESV
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph,
I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:41 KJV
And Pharaoh said to Joseph,
I have set you over all the land of Egypt.”
Genesis 41:41 ESV
And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them,
and said unto them,
Ye are spies;
to see the nakedness of the land ye are come.
Genesis 42:9 KJV
And Joseph remembered the dreams that he had dreamed of them.
And he said to them,
“You are spies;
you have come to see the nakedness of the land.”
Genesis 42:9 ESV
And he said unto them,
but to see the nakedness of the land ye are come.
Genesis 42:12 KJV
He said to them,
it is the nakedness of the land that you have come to see."
Genesis 42:12 ESV
And Judah spake unto him,
The man did solemnly protest unto us,
Ye shall not see my face,
except your brother be with you.
Genesis 43:3 KJV
But Judah said to him,
“The man solemnly warned us,
‘You shall not see my face unless your brother is with you.’ Genesis 43:3 ESV
But if thou wilt not send him,
we will not go down:
for the man said unto us,
Ye shall not see my face,
except your brother be with you.
Genesis 43:5 KJV
But if you will not send him,
we will not go down,
for the man said to us,
‘You shall not see my face,
unless your brother is with you.’”
Genesis 43:5 ESV
And thou saidst unto thy servants,
Except your youngest brother come down with you,
ye shall see my face no more.
Genesis 44:23 KJV
Then you said to your servants,
‘Unless your youngest brother comes down with you,
you shall not see my face again.’ Genesis 44:23 ESV
And we said,
We cannot go down:
if our youngest brother be with us,
then will we go down:
for we may not see the man's face,
except our youngest brother be with us.
Genesis 44:26 KJV
we said,
‘We cannot go down.
If our youngest brother goes with us,
then we will go down.
For we cannot see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us.’ Genesis 44:26 ESV
For how shall I go up to my father,
and the lad be not with me?
lest peradventure I see the evil that shall come on my father.
Genesis 44:34 KJV
For how can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me?
I fear to see the evil that would find my father.”
Genesis 44:34 ESV
your eyes see,
and the eyes of my brother Benjamin,
that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you.
Genesis 45:12 KJV
And now your eyes see,
and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see,
that it is my mouth that speaks to you.
Genesis 45:12 ESV
And Israel said,
It is enough;
Joseph my son is yet alive:
I will go and see him before I die.
Genesis 45:28 KJV
And Israel said,
“It is enough;
Joseph my son is still alive.
I will go and see him before I die.”
Genesis 45:28 ESV
Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age,
so that he could not see.
And he brought them near unto him;
and he kissed them,
and embraced them.
Genesis 48:10 KJV
Now the eyes of Israel were dim with age,
so that he could not see.
So Joseph brought them near him,
and he kissed them and embraced them.
Genesis 48:10 ESV
And Israel said unto Joseph,
I had not thought to see thy face:
God hath showed me also thy seed.
Genesis 48:11 KJV
And Israel said to Joseph,
“I never expected to see your face;
and behold,
God has let me see your offspring also.”
Genesis 48:11 ESV
Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8 KJV
“Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8 ESV
Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 KJV
In the same way,
let your light shine before others,
so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 ESV
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Matthew 7:3 KJV
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye,
but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3 ESV
Thou hypocrite,
first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Matthew 7:5 KJV
You hypocrite,
first take the log out of your own eye,
and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:5 ESV
And Jesus saith unto him,
See thou tell no man;
but go thy way,
shew thyself to the priest,
and offer the gift that Moses commanded,
for a testimony unto them.
Matthew 8:4 KJV
And Jesus said to him,
"See that you say nothing to anyone,
but go,
show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded,
for a proof to them.”
Matthew 8:4 ESV
And their eyes were opened;
and Jesus straitly charged them,
See that no man know it.
Matthew 9:30 KJV
And their eyes were opened.
And Jesus sternly warned them,
"See that no one knows about it.”
Matthew 9:30 ESV
Jesus answered and said unto them,
Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:
Matthew 11:4 KJV
And Jesus answered them,
“Go and tell John what you hear and see:
Matthew 11:4 ESV
And as they departed,
Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John,
What went ye out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken with the wind?
Matthew 11:7 KJV
As they went away,
Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John:
“What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken by the wind?
Matthew 11:7 ESV
But what went ye out for to see?
A man clothed in soft raiment?
they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.
Matthew 11:8 KJV
What then did you go out to see?
A man dressed in soft clothing?
those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.
Matthew 11:8 ESV
But what went ye out for to see?
A prophet?
I say unto you,
and more than a prophet.
Matthew 11:9 KJV
What then did you go out to see?
A prophet?
I tell you,
and more than a prophet.
Matthew 11:9 ESV
Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered,
we would see a sign from thee.
Matthew 12:38 KJV
Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him,
we wish to see a sign from you.”
Matthew 12:38 ESV
Therefore speak I to them in parables:
because they seeing see not;
and hearing they hear not,
neither do they understand.
Matthew 13:13 KJV
This is why I speak to them in parables,
because seeing they do not see,
and hearing they do not hear,
nor do they understand.
Matthew 13:13 ESV
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias,
which saith,
By hearing ye shall hear,
and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see,
and shall not perceive:
Matthew 13:14 KJV
in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
“‘“You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
Matthew 13:14 ESV
For this people's heart is waxed gross,
and their ears are dull of hearing,
and their eyes they have closed;
lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
and should understand with their heart,
and should be converted,
and I should heal them.
Matthew 13:15 KJV
For this people's heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn,
and I would heal them.’ Matthew 13:15 ESV
But blessed are your eyes,
for they see:
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 KJV
But blessed are your eyes,
for they see,
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 ESV
For verily I say unto you,
That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see,
and have not seen them;
and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.
Matthew 13:17 KJV
For truly,
I say to you,
many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see,
and did not see it,
and to hear what you hear,
and did not hear it.
Matthew 13:17 ESV
Do not ye yet understand,
that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly,
and is cast out into the draught?
Matthew 15:17 KJV
Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled?
Matthew 15:17 ESV
Verily I say unto you,
There be some standing here,
which shall not taste of death,
till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
Matthew 16:28 KJV
I say to you,
there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
Matthew 16:28 ESV
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones;
for I say unto you,
That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 18:10 KJV
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones.
For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 18:10 ESV
Then answered Peter and said unto him,
we have forsaken all,
and followed thee;
what shall we have therefore?
Matthew 19:27 KJV
Then Peter said in reply,
we have left everything and followed you.
What then will we have?”
Matthew 19:27 ESV
we go up to Jerusalem;
and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes,
and they shall condemn him to death,
Matthew 20:18 KJV
we are going up to Jerusalem.
And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes,
and they will condemn him to death Matthew 20:18 ESV
he sent forth other servants,
Tell them which are bidden,
I have prepared my dinner:
my oxen and my fatlings are killed,
and all things are ready:
come unto the marriage.
Matthew 22:4 KJV
Again he sent other servants,
‘Tell those who are invited,
I have prepared my dinner,
my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered,
and everything is ready.
Come to the wedding feast.”’ Matthew 22:4 ESV
your house is left unto you desolate.
Matthew 23:38 KJV
your house is left to you desolate.
Matthew 23:38 ESV
For I say unto you,
Ye shall not see me henceforth,
till ye shall say,
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Matthew 23:39 KJV
For I tell you,
you will not see me again,
until you say,
‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”
Matthew 23:39 ESV
And Jesus said unto them,
See ye not all these things?
verily I say unto you,
There shall not be left here one stone upon another,
that shall not be thrown down.
Matthew 24:2 KJV
But he answered them,
“You see all these,
do you not?
I say to you,
there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Matthew 24:2 ESV
And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
Matthew 24:4 KJV
And Jesus answered them,
"See that no one leads you astray.
Matthew 24:4 ESV
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:6 KJV
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
See that you are not alarmed,
for this must take place,
but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:6 ESV
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
stand in the holy place,
(whoso readeth,
let him understand:)
Matthew 24:15 KJV
“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel,
standing in the holy place (let the reader understand),
Matthew 24:15 ESV
I have told you before.
Matthew 24:25 KJV
I have told you beforehand.
Matthew 24:25 ESV
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,
and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30 KJV
Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man,
and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30 ESV
So likewise ye,
when ye shall see all these things,
know that it is near,
even at the doors.
Matthew 24:33 KJV
So also,
when you see all these things,
you know that he is near,
at the very gates.
Matthew 24:33 ESV
Then shall the righteous answer him,
when saw we thee an hungred,
and fed thee?
or thirsty,
and gave thee drink?
Matthew 25:37 KJV
Then the righteous will answer him,
when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you drink?
Matthew 25:37 ESV
When saw we thee a stranger,
and took thee in?
or naked,
and clothed thee?
Matthew 25:38 KJV
And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
Matthew 25:38 ESV
Or when saw we thee sick,
or in prison,
and came unto thee?
Matthew 25:39 KJV
And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ Matthew 25:39 ESV
Then shall they also answer him,
when saw we thee an hungred,
or athirst,
or a stranger,
or naked,
or sick,
or in prison,
and did not minister unto thee?
Matthew 25:44 KJV
Then they also will answer,
when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison,
and did not minister to you?’ Matthew 25:44 ESV
Then cometh he to his disciples,
and saith unto them,
Sleep on now,
and take your rest:
the hour is at hand,
and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Matthew 26:45 KJV
Then he came to the disciples and said to them,
“Sleep and take your rest later on.
the hour is at hand,
and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Matthew 26:45 ESV
let us be going:
he is at hand that doth betray me.
Matthew 26:46 KJV
let us be going;
my betrayer is at hand.”
Matthew 26:46 ESV
But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace,
and went in,
and sat with the servants,
to see the end.
Matthew 26:58 KJV
And Peter was following him at a distance,
as far as the courtyard of the high priest,
and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end.
Matthew 26:58 ESV
Jesus saith unto him,
Thou hast said:
nevertheless I say unto you,
Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power,
and coming in the clouds of heaven.
Matthew 26:64 KJV
Jesus said to him,
“You have said so.
But I tell you,
from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Matthew 26:64 ESV
I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.
And they said,
What is that to us?
see thou to that.
Matthew 27:4 KJV
“I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”
They said,
“What is that to us?
See to it yourself.”
Matthew 27:4 ESV
When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing,
but that rather a tumult was made,
he took water,
and washed his hands before the multitude,
I am innocent of the blood of this just person:
see ye to it.
Matthew 27:24 KJV
So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing,
but rather that a riot was beginning,
he took water and washed his hands before the crowd,
“I am innocent of this man's blood;
see to it yourselves.”
Matthew 27:24 ESV
The rest said,
Let be,
let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
Matthew 27:49 KJV
But the others said,
let us see whether Elijah will come to save him.”
Matthew 27:49 ESV
In the end of the sabbath,
as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week,
came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
Matthew 28:1 KJV
Now after the Sabbath,
toward the dawn of the first day of the week,
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.
Matthew 28:1 ESV
He is not here:
for he is risen,
as he said.
see the place where the Lord lay.
Matthew 28:6 KJV
He is not here,
for he has risen,
as he said.
see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6 ESV
And go quickly,
and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead;
he goeth before you into Galilee;
there shall ye see him:
I have told you.
Matthew 28:7 KJV
Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead,
and behold,
he is going before you to Galilee;
there you will see him.
I have told you.”
Matthew 28:7 ESV
Then said Jesus unto them,
Be not afraid:
go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee,
and there shall they see me.
Matthew 28:10 KJV
Then Jesus said to them,
“Do not be afraid;
go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee,
and there they will see me.”
Matthew 28:10 ESV
And saith unto him,
See thou say nothing to any man:
but go thy way,
shew thyself to the priest,
and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded,
for a testimony unto them.
Mark 1:44 KJV
and said to him,
"See that you say nothing to anyone,
but go,
show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded,
for a proof to them.”
Mark 1:44 ESV
And they watched him,
whether he would heal him on the sabbath day;
that they might accuse him.
Mark 3:2 KJV
And they watched Jesus,
to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath,
so that they might accuse him.
Mark 3:2 ESV
That seeing they may see,
and not perceive;
and hearing they may hear,
and not understand;
lest at any time they should be converted,
and their sins should be forgiven them.
Mark 4:12 KJV
so that “‘they may indeed see but not perceive,
and may indeed hear but not understand,
lest they should turn and be forgiven.’”
Mark 4:12 ESV
And they that fed the swine fled,
and told it in the city,
and in the country.
And they went out to see what it was that was done.
Mark 5:14 KJV
The herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country.
And people came to see what it was that had happened.
Mark 5:14 ESV
And his disciples said unto him,
Thou seest the multitude thronging thee,
and sayest thou,
Who touched me?
Mark 5:31 KJV
And his disciples said to him,
“You see the crowd pressing around you,
and yet you say,
‘Who touched me?’”
Mark 5:31 ESV
And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
Mark 5:32 KJV
And he looked around to see who had done it.
Mark 5:32 ESV
He saith unto them,
How many loaves have ye?
go and see.
And when they knew,
they say,
and two fishes.
Mark 6:38 KJV
And he said to them,
“How many loaves do you have?
Go and see."
And when they had found out,
they said,
and two fish.”
Mark 6:38 ESV
And he saith unto them,
Are ye so without understanding also?
Do ye not perceive,
that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man,
it cannot defile him;
Mark 7:18 KJV
And he said to them,
“Then are you also without understanding?
Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him,
Mark 7:18 ESV
Having eyes,
see ye not?
and having ears,
hear ye not?
and do ye not remember?
Mark 8:18 KJV
Having eyes do you not see,
and having ears do you not hear?
And do you not remember?
Mark 8:18 ESV
And he took the blind man by the hand,
and led him out of the town;
and when he had spit on his eyes,
and put his hands upon him,
he asked him if he saw ought.
Mark 8:23 KJV
And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village,
and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him,
he asked him,
“Do you see anything?”
Mark 8:23 ESV
And he looked up,
and said,
I see men as trees,
Mark 8:24 KJV
And he looked up and said,
“I see people,
but they look like trees,
Mark 8:24 ESV
And he said unto them,
Verily I say unto you,
That there be some of them that stand here,
which shall not taste of death,
till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
Mark 9:1 KJV
And he said to them,
I say to you,
there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”
Mark 9:1 ESV
Then Peter began to say unto him,
we have left all,
and have followed thee.
Mark 10:28 KJV
Peter began to say to him,
we have left everything and followed you.”
Mark 10:28 ESV
we go up to Jerusalem;
and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests,
and unto the scribes;
and they shall condemn him to death,
and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:
Mark 10:33 KJV
we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes,
and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles.
Mark 10:33 ESV
And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves,
he came,
if haply he might find any thing thereon:
and when he came to it,
he found nothing but leaves;
for the time of figs was not yet.
Mark 11:13 KJV
And seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf,
he went to see if he could find anything on it.
When he came to it,
he found nothing but leaves,
for it was not the season for figs.
Mark 11:13 ESV
And Jesus answering said unto him,
Seest thou these great buildings?
there shall not be left one stone upon another,
that shall not be thrown down.
Mark 13:2 KJV
And Jesus said to him,
“Do you see these great buildings?
There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Mark 13:2 ESV
And Jesus answering them began to say,
Take heed lest any man deceive you:
Mark 13:5 KJV
And Jesus began to say to them,
"See that no one leads you astray.
Mark 13:5 ESV
But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
standing where it ought not,
(let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
Mark 13:14 KJV
“But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand),
then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Mark 13:14 ESV
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:26 KJV
And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:26 ESV
So ye in like manner,
when ye shall see these things come to pass,
know that it is nigh,
even at the doors.
Mark 13:29 KJV
So also,
when you see these things taking place,
you know that he is near,
at the very gates.
Mark 13:29 ESV
Rise up,
let us go;
he that betrayeth me is at hand.
Mark 14:42 KJV
let us be going;
my betrayer is at hand.”
Mark 14:42 ESV
And Jesus said,
I am:
and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power,
and coming in the clouds of heaven.
Mark 14:62 KJV
And Jesus said,
“I am,
and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power,
and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
Mark 14:62 ESV
And Pilate asked him again,
Answerest thou nothing?
behold how many things they witness against thee.
Mark 15:4 KJV
And Pilate again asked him,
“Have you no answer to make?
See how many charges they bring against you.”
Mark 15:4 ESV
Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross,
that we may see and believe.
And they that were crucified with him reviled him.
Mark 15:32 KJV
Let the Christ,
the King of Israel,
come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.”
Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.
Mark 15:32 ESV
And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar,
and put it on a reed,
and gave him to drink,
Let alone;
let us see whether Elias will come to take him down.
Mark 15:36 KJV
And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine,
put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink,
let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down.”
Mark 15:36 ESV
And he saith unto them,
Be not affrighted:
Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth,
which was crucified:
he is risen;
he is not here:
behold the place where they laid him.
Mark 16:6 KJV
And he said to them,
“Do not be alarmed.
You seek Jesus of Nazareth,
who was crucified.
He has risen;
he is not here.
See the place where they laid him.
Mark 16:6 ESV
But go your way,
tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee:
there shall ye see him,
as he said unto you.
Mark 16:7 KJV
But go,
tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee.
There you will see him,
just as he told you.”
Mark 16:7 ESV
And it came to pass,
as the angels were gone away from them into heaven,
the shepherds said one to another,
Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,
and see this thing which is come to pass,
which the Lord hath made known unto us.
Luke 2:15 KJV
When the angels went away from them into heaven,
the shepherds said to one another,
“Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened,
which the Lord has made known to us.”
Luke 2:15 ESV
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost,
that he should not see death,
before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
Luke 2:26 KJV
And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
Luke 2:26 ESV
And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
Luke 3:6 KJV
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’”
Luke 3:6 ESV
And the scribes and Pharisees watched him,
whether he would heal on the sabbath day;
that they might find an accusation against him.
Luke 6:7 KJV
And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him,
to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath,
so that they might find a reason to accuse him.
Luke 6:7 ESV
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,
but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Luke 6:41 KJV
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye,
but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Luke 6:41 ESV
Either how canst thou say to thy brother,
let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye,
when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite,
cast out first the beam out of thine own eye,
and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Luke 6:42 KJV
How can you say to your brother,
let me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye?
You hypocrite,
first take the log out of your own eye,
and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.
Luke 6:42 ESV
And when the messengers of John were departed,
he began to speak unto the people concerning John,
What went ye out into the wilderness for to see?
A reed shaken with the wind?
Luke 7:24 KJV
When John's messengers had gone,
Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John:
“What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken by the wind?
Luke 7:24 ESV
But what went ye out for to see?
A man clothed in soft raiment?
they which are gorgeously apparelled,
and live delicately,
are in kings' courts.
Luke 7:25 KJV
What then did you go out to see?
A man dressed in soft clothing?
those who are dressed in splendid clothing and live in luxury are in kings' courts.
Luke 7:25 ESV
But what went ye out for to see?
A prophet?
I say unto you,
and much more than a prophet.
Luke 7:26 KJV
What then did you go out to see?
A prophet?
I tell you,
and more than a prophet.
Luke 7:26 ESV
And he turned to the woman,
and said unto Simon,
Seest thou this woman?
I entered into thine house,
thou gavest me no water for my feet:
but she hath washed my feet with tears,
and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Luke 7:44 KJV
Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon,
“Do you see this woman?
I entered your house;
you gave me no water for my feet,
but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
Luke 7:44 ESV
And he said,
Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God:
but to others in parables;
that seeing they might not see,
and hearing they might not understand.
Luke 8:10 KJV
he said,
“To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God,
but for others they are in parables,
so that ‘seeing they may not see,
and hearing they may not understand.’ Luke 8:10 ESV
No man,
when he hath lighted a candle,
covereth it with a vessel,
or putteth it under a bed;
but setteth it on a candlestick,
that they which enter in may see the light.
Luke 8:16 KJV
“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed,
but puts it on a stand,
so that those who enter may see the light.
Luke 8:16 ESV
And it was told him by certain which said,
Thy mother and thy brethren stand without,
desiring to see thee.
Luke 8:20 KJV
And he was told,
“Your mother and your brothers are standing outside,
desiring to see you.”
Luke 8:20 ESV
Then they went out to see what was done;
and came to Jesus,
and found the man,
out of whom the devils were departed,
sitting at the feet of Jesus,
and in his right mind:
and they were afraid.
Luke 8:35 KJV
Then people went out to see what had happened,
and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone,
sitting at the feet of Jesus,
clothed and in his right mind,
and they were afraid.
Luke 8:35 ESV
And Herod said,
John have I beheaded:
but who is this,
of whom I hear such things?
And he desired to see him.
Luke 9:9 KJV
Herod said,
“John I beheaded,
but who is this about whom I hear such things?”
And he sought to see him.
Luke 9:9 ESV
But I tell you of a truth,
there be some standing here,
which shall not taste of death,
till they see the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:27 KJV
But I tell you truly,
there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God.”
Luke 9:27 ESV
And he turned him unto his disciples,
and said privately,
Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:
Luke 10:23 KJV
Then turning to the disciples he said privately,
“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!
Luke 10:23 ESV
For I tell you,
that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see,
and have not seen them;
and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.
Luke 10:24 KJV
For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see,
and did not see it,
and to hear what you hear,
and did not hear it.”
Luke 10:24 ESV
No man,
when he hath lighted a candle,
putteth it in a secret place,
neither under a bushel,
but on a candlestick,
that they which come in may see the light.
Luke 11:33 KJV
“No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket,
but on a stand,
so that those who enter may see the light.
Luke 11:33 ESV
And when the Pharisee saw it,
he marvelled that he had not first washed before dinner.
Luke 11:38 KJV
The Pharisee was astonished to see that he did not first wash before dinner.
Luke 11:38 ESV
And he said also to the people,
When ye see a cloud rise out of the west,
straightway ye say,
There cometh a shower;
and so it is.
Luke 12:54 KJV
He also said to the crowds,
“When you see a cloud rising in the west,
you say at once,
‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens.
Luke 12:54 ESV
And when ye see the south wind blow,
ye say,
There will be heat;
and it cometh to pass.
Luke 12:55 KJV
And when you see the south wind blowing,
you say,
‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens.
Luke 12:55 ESV
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,
when ye shall see Abraham,
and Isaac,
and Jacob,
and all the prophets,
in the kingdom of God,
and you yourselves thrust out.
Luke 13:28 KJV
In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,
when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God but you yourselves cast out.
Luke 13:28 ESV
your house is left unto you desolate:
and verily I say unto you,
Ye shall not see me,
until the time come when ye shall say,
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Luke 13:35 KJV
your house is forsaken.
And I tell you,
you will not see me until you say,
‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’”
Luke 13:35 ESV
And they all with one consent began to make excuse.
The first said unto him,
I have bought a piece of ground,
and I must needs go and see it:
I pray thee have me excused.
Luke 14:18 KJV
But they all alike began to make excuses.
The first said to him,
‘I have bought a field,
and I must go out and see it.
Please have me excused.’ Luke 14:18 ESV
Lest haply,
after he hath laid the foundation,
and is not able to finish it,
all that behold it begin to mock him,
Luke 14:29 KJV
when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish,
all who see it begin to mock him,
Luke 14:29 ESV
And he said unto the disciples,
The days will come,
when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man,
and ye shall not see it.
Luke 17:22 KJV
And he said to the disciples,
“The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man,
and you will not see it.
Luke 17:22 ESV
Then Peter said,
we have left all,
and followed thee.
Luke 18:28 KJV
And Peter said,
we have left our homes and followed you.”
Luke 18:28 ESV
Then he took unto him the twelve,
and said unto them,
we go up to Jerusalem,
and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.
Luke 18:31 KJV
And taking the twelve,
he said to them,
we are going up to Jerusalem,
and everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished.
Luke 18:31 ESV
And he sought to see Jesus who he was;
and could not for the press,
because he was little of stature.
Luke 19:3 KJV
And he was seeking to see who Jesus was,
but on account of the crowd he could not,
because he was small in stature.
Luke 19:3 ESV
And he ran before,
and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him:
for he was to pass that way.
Luke 19:4 KJV
So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him,
for he was about to pass that way.
Luke 19:4 ESV
As for these things which ye behold,
the days will come,
in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another,
that shall not be thrown down.
Luke 21:6 KJV
“As for these things that you see,
the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:6 ESV
And he said,
Take heed that ye be not deceived:
for many shall come in my name,
I am Christ;
and the time draweth near:
go ye not therefore after them.
Luke 21:8 KJV
And he said,
"See that you are not led astray.
For many will come in my name,
‘I am he!’ and,
‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.
Luke 21:8 ESV
And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies,
then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Luke 21:20 KJV
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies,
then know that its desolation has come near.
Luke 21:20 ESV
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Luke 21:27 KJV
And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Luke 21:27 ESV
When they now shoot forth,
ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
Luke 21:30 KJV
As soon as they come out in leaf,
you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near.
Luke 21:30 ESV
So likewise ye,
when ye see these things come to pass,
know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
Luke 21:31 KJV
So also,
when you see these things taking place,
you know that the kingdom of God is near.
Luke 21:31 ESV
And when Herod saw Jesus,
he was exceeding glad:
for he was desirous to see him of a long season,
because he had heard many things of him;
and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Luke 23:8 KJV
When Herod saw Jesus,
he was very glad,
for he had long desired to see him,
because he had heard about him,
and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.
Luke 23:8 ESV
And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre,
and found it even so as the women had said:
but him they saw not.
Luke 24:24 KJV
Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said,
but him they did not see."
Luke 24:24 ESV
Behold my hands and my feet,
that it is I myself:
handle me,
and see;
for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,
as ye see me have.
Luke 24:39 KJV
See my hands and my feet,
that it is I myself.
Touch me,
and see.
For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”
Luke 24:39 ESV
And I knew him not:
but he that sent me to baptize with water,
the same said unto me,
Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending,
and remaining on him,
the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.
John 1:33 KJV
I myself did not know him,
but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me,
‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain,
this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ John 1:33 ESV
He saith unto them,
Come and see.
They came and saw where he dwelt,
and abode with him that day:
for it was about the tenth hour.
John 1:39 KJV
He said to them,
“Come and you will see."
So they came and saw where he was staying,
and they stayed with him that day,
for it was about the tenth hour.
John 1:39 ESV
And Nathanael said unto him,
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
Philip saith unto him,
Come and see.
John 1:46 KJV
Nathanael said to him,
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
Philip said to him,
“Come and see."
John 1:46 ESV
Jesus answered and said unto him,
Because I said unto thee,
I saw thee under the fig tree,
believest thou?
thou shalt see greater things than these.
John 1:50 KJV
Jesus answered him,
“Because I said to you,
‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe?
You will see greater things than these.”
John 1:50 ESV
And he saith unto him,
I say unto you,
Hereafter ye shall see heaven open,
and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
John 1:51 KJV
And he said to him,
I say to you,
you will see heaven opened,
and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
John 1:51 ESV
Jesus answered and said unto him,
I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3 KJV
Jesus answered him,
I say to you,
unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
John 3:3 ESV
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:
and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life;
but the wrath of God abideth on him.
John 3:36 KJV
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life;
whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life,
but the wrath of God remains on him.
John 3:36 ESV
see a man,
which told me all things that ever I did:
is not this the Christ?
John 4:29 KJV
see a man who told me all that I ever did.
Can this be the Christ?”
John 4:29 ESV
Say not ye,
There are yet four months,
and then cometh harvest?
I say unto you,
Lift up your eyes,
and look on the fields;
for they are white already to harvest.
John 4:35 KJV
Do you not say,
‘There are yet four months,
then comes the harvest’?
I tell you,
lift up your eyes,
and see that the fields are white for harvest.
John 4:35 ESV
Then said Jesus unto him,
Except ye see signs and wonders,
ye will not believe.
John 4:48 KJV
So Jesus said to him,
“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”
John 4:48 ESV
Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple,
and said unto him,
thou art made whole:
sin no more,
lest a worse thing come unto thee.
John 5:14 KJV
Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,
you are well!
Sin no more,
that nothing worse may happen to you.”
John 5:14 ESV
They said therefore unto him,
What sign shewest thou then,
that we may see,
and believe thee?
what dost thou work?
John 6:30 KJV
So they said to him,
“Then what sign do you do,
that we may see and believe you?
What work do you perform?
John 6:30 ESV
What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?
John 6:62 KJV
Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?
John 6:62 ESV
His brethren therefore said unto him,
Depart hence,
and go into Judaea,
that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest.
John 7:3 KJV
So his brothers said to him,
“Leave here and go to Judea,
that your disciples also may see the works you are doing.
John 7:3 ESV
They answered and said unto him,
Art thou also of Galilee?
and look:
for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.
John 7:52 KJV
They replied,
“Are you from Galilee too?
Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.”
John 7:52 ESV
I say unto you,
If a man keep my saying,
he shall never see death.
John 8:51 KJV
I say to you,
if anyone keeps my word,
he will never see death.”
John 8:51 ESV
Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day:
and he saw it,
and was glad.
John 8:56 KJV
Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day.
He saw it and was glad.”
John 8:56 ESV
Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight.
He said unto them,
He put clay upon mine eyes,
and I washed,
and do see.
John 9:15 KJV
So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight.
And he said to them,
“He put mud on my eyes,
and I washed,
and I see."
John 9:15 ESV
And they asked them,
Is this your son,
who ye say was born blind?
how then doth he now see?
John 9:19 KJV
and asked them,
“Is this your son,
who you say was born blind?
How then does he now see?"
John 9:19 ESV
He answered and said,
Whether he be a sinner or no,
I know not:
one thing I know,
whereas I was blind,
now I see.
John 9:25 KJV
He answered,
“Whether he is a sinner I do not know.
One thing I do know,
that though I was blind,
now I see."
John 9:25 ESV
And Jesus said,
For judgment I am come into this world,
that they which see not might see;
and that they which see might be made blind.
John 9:39 KJV
Jesus said,
“For judgment I came into this world,
that those who do not see may see,
and those who see may become blind.”
John 9:39 ESV
And said,
Where have ye laid him?
They said unto him,
come and see.
John 11:34 KJV
And he said,
“Where have you laid him?”
They said to him,
come and see."
John 11:34 ESV
Then said the Jews,
Behold how he loved him!
John 11:36 KJV
So the Jews said,
"See how he loved him!”
John 11:36 ESV
Jesus saith unto her,
Said I not unto thee,
if thou wouldest believe,
thou shouldest see the glory of God?
John 11:40 KJV
Jesus said to her,
“Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”
John 11:40 ESV
Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there:
and they came not for Jesus' sake only,
but that they might see Lazarus also,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 KJV
When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there,
they came,
not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 ESV
The Pharisees therefore said among themselves,
Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing?
the world is gone after him.
John 12:19 KJV
So the Pharisees said to one another,
“You see that you are gaining nothing.
the world has gone after him.”
John 12:19 ESV
The same came therefore to Philip,
which was of Bethsaida of Galilee,
and desired him,
we would see Jesus.
John 12:21 KJV
So these came to Philip,
who was from Bethsaida in Galilee,
and asked him,
we wish to see Jesus.”
John 12:21 ESV
He hath blinded their eyes,
and hardened their heart;
that they should not see with their eyes,
nor understand with their heart,
and be converted,
and I should heal them.
John 12:40 KJV
“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart,
lest they see with their eyes,
and understand with their heart,
and turn,
and I would heal them.”
John 12:40 ESV
Yet a little while,
and the world seeth me no more;
but ye see me:
because I live,
ye shall live also.
John 14:19 KJV
Yet a little while and the world will see me no more,
but you will see me.
Because I live,
you also will live.
John 14:19 ESV
Of righteousness,
because I go to my Father,
and ye see me no more;
John 16:10 KJV
concerning righteousness,
because I go to the Father,
and you will see me no longer;
John 16:10 ESV
A little while,
and ye shall not see me:
and again,
a little while,
and ye shall see me,
because I go to the Father.
John 16:16 KJV
“A little while,
and you will see me no longer;
and again a little while,
and you will see me.”
John 16:16 ESV
Then said some of his disciples among themselves,
What is this that he saith unto us,
A little while,
and ye shall not see me:
and again,
a little while,
and ye shall see me:
Because I go to the Father?
John 16:17 KJV
So some of his disciples said to one another,
“What is this that he says to us,
‘A little while,
and you will not see me,
and again a little while,
and you will see me’;
‘because I am going to the Father’?”
John 16:17 ESV
Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him,
and said unto them,
Do ye enquire among yourselves of that I said,
A little while,
and ye shall not see me:
and again,
a little while,
and ye shall see me?
John 16:19 KJV
Jesus knew that they wanted to ask him,
so he said to them,
“Is this what you are asking yourselves,
what I meant by saying,
‘A little while and you will not see me,
and again a little while and you will see me’?
John 16:19 ESV
And ye now therefore have sorrow:
but I will see you again,
and your heart shall rejoice,
and your joy no man taketh from you.
John 16:22 KJV
So also you have sorrow now,
but I will see you again,
and your hearts will rejoice,
and no one will take your joy from you.
John 16:22 ESV
I will that they also,
whom thou hast given me,
be with me where I am;
that they may behold my glory,
which thou hast given me:
for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
John 17:24 KJV
I desire that they also,
whom you have given me,
may be with me where I am,
to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
John 17:24 ESV
One of the servants of the high priest,
being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off,
Did not I see thee in the garden with him?
John 18:26 KJV
One of the servants of the high priest,
a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off,
“Did I not see you in the garden with him?”
John 18:26 ESV
Pilate therefore went forth again,
and saith unto them,
I bring him forth to you,
that ye may know that I find no fault in him.
John 19:4 KJV
Pilate went out again and said to them,
I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him.”
John 19:4 ESV
They said therefore among themselves,
Let us not rend it,
but cast lots for it,
whose it shall be:
that the scripture might be fulfilled,
which saith,
They parted my raiment among them,
and for my vesture they did cast lots.
These things therefore the soldiers did.
John 19:24 KJV
so they said to one another,
“Let us not tear it,
but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be.”
This was to fulfill the Scripture which says,
“They divided my garments among them,
and for my clothing they cast lots.”
So the soldiers did these things,
John 19:24 ESV
The other disciples therefore said unto him,
We have seen the LORD.
But he said unto them,
Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails,
and put my finger into the print of the nails,
and thrust my hand into his side,
I will not believe.
John 20:25 KJV
So the other disciples told him,
“We have seen the Lord.”
But he said to them,
“Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails,
and place my finger into the mark of the nails,
and place my hand into his side,
I will never believe.”
John 20:25 ESV
Then saith he to Thomas,
Reach hither thy finger,
and behold my hands;
and reach hither thy hand,
and thrust it into my side:
and be not faithless,
but believing.
John 20:27 KJV
Then he said to Thomas,
“Put your finger here,
and see my hands;
and put out your hand,
and place it in my side.
Do not disbelieve,
but believe.”
John 20:27 ESV
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