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Bible Verse Examples
And they said,
Stand back.
And they said again,
This one fellow came in to sojourn,
and he will needs be a judge:
now will we deal worse with thee,
than with them.
And they pressed sore upon the man,
even Lot,
and came near to break the door.
Genesis 19:9 KJV
But they said,
"Stand back!”
And they said,
“This fellow came to sojourn,
and he has become the judge!
Now we will deal worse with you than with them.”
Then they pressed hard against the man Lot,
and drew near to break the door down.
Genesis 19:9 ESV
And he said,
Come in,
thou blessed of the LORD;
wherefore standest thou without?
for I have prepared the house,
and room for the camels.
Genesis 24:31 KJV
He said,
“Come in,
O blessed of the Lord.
Why do you stand outside?
For I have prepared the house and a place for the camels.”
Genesis 24:31 ESV
Neither do men light a candle,
and put it under a bushel,
but on a candlestick;
and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Matthew 5:15 KJV
Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on a stand,
and it gives light to all in the house.
Matthew 5:15 ESV
And when thou prayest,
thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are:
for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets,
that they may be seen of men.
Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.
Matthew 6:5 KJV
“And when you pray,
you must not be like the hypocrites.
For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners,
that they may be seen by others.
I say to you,
they have received their reward.
Matthew 6:5 ESV
And Jesus knew their thoughts,
and said unto them,
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;
and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Matthew 12:25 KJV
Knowing their thoughts,
he said to them,
“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste,
and no city or house divided against itself will stand.
Matthew 12:25 ESV
And if Satan cast out Satan,
he is divided against himself;
how shall then his kingdom stand?
Matthew 12:26 KJV
And if Satan casts out Satan,
he is divided against himself.
How then will his kingdom stand?
Matthew 12:26 ESV
And about the eleventh hour he went out,
and found others standing idle,
and saith unto them,
Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Matthew 20:6 KJV
And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing.
And he said to them,
‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ Matthew 20:6 ESV
And if a kingdom be divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand.
Mark 3:24 KJV
If a kingdom is divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand.
Mark 3:24 ESV
And if a house be divided against itself,
that house cannot stand.
Mark 3:25 KJV
And if a house is divided against itself,
that house will not be able to stand.
Mark 3:25 ESV
And if Satan rise up against himself,
and be divided,
he cannot stand,
but hath an end.
Mark 3:26 KJV
And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided,
he cannot stand,
but is coming to an end.
Mark 3:26 ESV
And he said unto them,
Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel,
or under a bed?
and not to be set on a candlestick?
Mark 4:21 KJV
And he said to them,
“Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket,
or under a bed,
and not on a stand?
Mark 4:21 ESV
And when ye stand praying,
if ye have ought against any:
that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Mark 11:25 KJV
And whenever you stand praying,
if you have anything against anyone,
so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
Mark 11:25 ESV
But take heed to yourselves:
for they shall deliver you up to councils;
and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten:
and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake,
for a testimony against them.
Mark 13:9 KJV
“But be on your guard.
For they will deliver you over to councils,
and you will be beaten in synagogues,
and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake,
to bear witness before them.
Mark 13:9 ESV
And the angel answering said unto him,
I am Gabriel,
that stand in the presence of God;
and am sent to speak unto thee,
and to shew thee these glad tidings.
Luke 1:19 KJV
And the angel answered him,
“I am Gabriel.
I stand in the presence of God,
and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
Luke 1:19 ESV
But he knew their thoughts,
and said to the man which had the withered hand,
Rise up,
and stand forth in the midst.
And he arose and stood forth.
Luke 6:8 KJV
But he knew their thoughts,
and he said to the man with the withered hand,
“Come and stand here.”
And he rose and stood there.
Luke 6:8 ESV
No man,
when he hath lighted a candle,
covereth it with a vessel,
or putteth it under a bed;
but setteth it on a candlestick,
that they which enter in may see the light.
Luke 8:16 KJV
“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed,
but puts it on a stand,
so that those who enter may see the light.
Luke 8:16 ESV
If Satan also be divided against himself,
how shall his kingdom stand?
because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.
Luke 11:18 KJV
And if Satan also is divided against himself,
how will his kingdom stand?
For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.
Luke 11:18 ESV
No man,
when he hath lighted a candle,
putteth it in a secret place,
neither under a bushel,
but on a candlestick,
that they which come in may see the light.
Luke 11:33 KJV
“No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket,
but on a stand,
so that those who enter may see the light.
Luke 11:33 ESV
When once the master of the house is risen up,
and hath shut to the door,
and ye begin to stand without,
and to knock at the door,
open unto us;
and he shall answer and say unto you,
I know you not whence ye are:
Luke 13:25 KJV
When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door,
and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door,
open to us,’ then he will answer you,
‘I do not know where you come from.’ Luke 13:25 ESV
Watch ye therefore,
and pray always,
that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36 KJV
But stay awake at all times,
praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place,
and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Luke 21:36 ESV
Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar,
and the father of it.
John 8:44 KJV
You are of your father the devil,
and your will is to do your father's desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning,
and does not stand in the truth,
because there is no truth in him.
When he lies,
he speaks out of his own character,
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44 ESV
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