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Bible Verse Examples
And Noah begat three sons,
and Japheth.
Genesis 6:10 KJV
And Noah had three sons,
and Japheth.
Genesis 6:10 ESV
In the selfsame day entered Noah,
and Shem,
and Ham,
and Japheth,
the sons of Noah,
and Noah's wife,
and the three wives of his sons with them,
into the ark;
Genesis 7:13 KJV
On the very same day Noah and his sons,
Shem and Ham and Japheth,
and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them entered the ark,
Genesis 7:13 ESV
These are the three sons of Noah:
and of them was the whole earth overspread.
Genesis 9:19 KJV
These three were the sons of Noah,
and from these the people of the whole earth were dispersed.
Genesis 9:19 ESV
And he said unto him,
Take me an heifer of three years old,
and a she goat of three years old,
and a ram of three years old,
and a turtledove,
and a young pigeon.
Genesis 15:9 KJV
He said to him,
“Bring me a heifer three years old,
a female goat three years old,
a ram three years old,
a turtledove,
and a young pigeon.”
Genesis 15:9 ESV
And he lift up his eyes and looked,
three men stood by him:
and when he saw them,
he ran to meet them from the tent door,
and bowed himself toward the ground,
Genesis 18:2 KJV
He lifted up his eyes and looked,
and behold,
three men were standing in front of him.
When he saw them,
he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth Genesis 18:2 ESV
And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah,
and said,
Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal,
knead it,
and make cakes upon the hearth.
Genesis 18:6 KJV
And Abraham went quickly into the tent to Sarah and said,
Three seahs of fine flour!
Knead it,
and make cakes.”
Genesis 18:6 ESV
And he looked,
and behold a well in the field,
there were three flocks of sheep lying by it;
for out of that well they watered the flocks:
and a great stone was upon the well's mouth.
Genesis 29:2 KJV
As he looked,
he saw a well in the field,
and behold,
three flocks of sheep lying beside it,
for out of that well the flocks were watered.
The stone on the well's mouth was large,
Genesis 29:2 ESV
And she conceived again,
and bare a son;
and said,
Now this time will my husband be joined unto me,
because I have born him three sons:
therefore was his name called Levi.
Genesis 29:34 KJV
Again she conceived and bore a son,
and said,
“Now this time my husband will be attached to me,
because I have borne him three sons.”
Therefore his name was called Levi.
Genesis 29:34 ESV
And he set three days' journey betwixt himself and Jacob:
and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks.
Genesis 30:36 KJV
And he set a distance of three days' journey between himself and Jacob,
and Jacob pastured the rest of Laban's flock.
Genesis 30:36 ESV
And it came to pass about three months after,
that it was told Judah,
Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot;
and also,
she is with child by whoredom.
And Judah said,
Bring her forth,
and let her be burnt.
Genesis 38:24 KJV
About three months later Judah was told,
“Tamar your daughter-in-law has been immoral.
she is pregnant by immorality.”
And Judah said,
“Bring her out,
and let her be burned.”
Genesis 38:24 ESV
And in the vine were three branches:
and it was as though it budded,
and her blossoms shot forth;
and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes:
Genesis 40:10 KJV
and on the vine there were three branches.
As soon as it budded,
its blossoms shot forth,
and the clusters ripened into grapes.
Genesis 40:10 ESV
And Joseph said unto him,
This is the interpretation of it:
The three branches are three days:
Genesis 40:12 KJV
Then Joseph said to him,
“This is its interpretation:
the three branches are three days.
Genesis 40:12 ESV
Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head,
and restore thee unto thy place:
and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand,
after the former manner when thou wast his butler.
Genesis 40:13 KJV
In three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office,
and you shall place Pharaoh's cup in his hand as formerly,
when you were his cupbearer.
Genesis 40:13 ESV
When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good,
he said unto Joseph,
I also was in my dream,
I had three white baskets on my head:
Genesis 40:16 KJV
When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was favorable,
he said to Joseph,
“I also had a dream:
there were three cake baskets on my head,
Genesis 40:16 ESV
And Joseph answered and said,
This is the interpretation thereof:
The three baskets are three days:
Genesis 40:18 KJV
And Joseph answered and said,
“This is its interpretation:
the three baskets are three days.
Genesis 40:18 ESV
Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee,
and shall hang thee on a tree;
and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.
Genesis 40:19 KJV
In three days Pharaoh will lift up your head—from you!—and hang you on a tree.
And the birds will eat the flesh from you.”
Genesis 40:19 ESV
And he put them all together into ward three days.
Genesis 42:17 KJV
And he put them all together in custody for three days.
Genesis 42:17 ESV
To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment;
but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver,
and five changes of raiment.
Genesis 45:22 KJV
To each and all of them he gave a change of clothes,
but to Benjamin he gave three hundred shekels of silver and five changes of clothes.
Genesis 45:22 ESV
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly;
so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Matthew 12:40 KJV
For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish,
so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Matthew 12:40 ESV
Another parable spake he unto them;
The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,
which a woman took,
and hid in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened.
Matthew 13:33 KJV
He told them another parable.
“The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour,
till it was all leavened.”
Matthew 13:33 ESV
Then Jesus called his disciples unto him,
and said,
I have compassion on the multitude,
because they continue with me now three days,
and have nothing to eat:
and I will not send them away fasting,
lest they faint in the way.
Matthew 15:32 KJV
Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said,
“I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat.
And I am unwilling to send them away hungry,
lest they faint on the way.”
Matthew 15:32 ESV
Then answered Peter,
and said unto Jesus,
it is good for us to be here:
if thou wilt,
let us make here three tabernacles;
one for thee,
and one for Moses,
and one for Elias.
Matthew 17:4 KJV
And Peter said to Jesus,
it is good that we are here.
If you wish,
I will make three tents here,
one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
Matthew 17:4 ESV
But if he will not hear thee,
then take with thee one or two more,
that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
Matthew 18:16 KJV
But if he does not listen,
take one or two others along with you,
that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Matthew 18:16 ESV
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20 KJV
For where two or three are gathered in my name,
there am I among them.”
Matthew 18:20 ESV
Jesus said unto him,
Verily I say unto thee,
That this night,
before the cock crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
Matthew 26:34 KJV
Jesus said to him,
I tell you,
this very night,
before the rooster crows,
you will deny me three times.”
Matthew 26:34 ESV
And said,
This fellow said,
I am able to destroy the temple of God,
and to build it in three days.
Matthew 26:61 KJV
and said,
“This man said,
‘I am able to destroy the temple of God,
and to rebuild it in three days.’”
Matthew 26:61 ESV
And Peter remembered the word of Jesus,
which said unto him,
Before the cock crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
And he went out,
and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:75 KJV
And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus,
“Before the rooster crows,
you will deny me three times.”
And he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:75 ESV
And saying,
Thou that destroyest the temple,
and buildest it in three days,
save thyself.
If thou be the Son of God,
come down from the cross.
Matthew 27:40 KJV
and saying,
“You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days,
save yourself!
If you are the Son of God,
come down from the cross.”
Matthew 27:40 ESV
we remember that that deceiver said,
while he was yet alive,
After three days I will rise again.
Matthew 27:63 KJV
and said,
we remember how that impostor said,
while he was still alive,
‘After three days I will rise.’ Matthew 27:63 ESV
I have compassion on the multitude,
because they have now been with me three days,
and have nothing to eat:
Mark 8:2 KJV
“I have compassion on the crowd,
because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat.
Mark 8:2 ESV
And he began to teach them,
that the Son of man must suffer many things,
and be rejected of the elders,
and of the chief priests,
and scribes,
and be killed,
and after three days rise again.
Mark 8:31 KJV
And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed,
and after three days rise again.
Mark 8:31 ESV
And Peter answered and said to Jesus,
it is good for us to be here:
and let us make three tabernacles;
one for thee,
and one for Moses,
and one for Elias.
Mark 9:5 KJV
And Peter said to Jesus,
it is good that we are here.
Let us make three tents,
one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
Mark 9:5 ESV
For he taught his disciples,
and said unto them,
The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men,
and they shall kill him;
and after that he is killed,
he shall rise the third day.
Mark 9:31 KJV
for he was teaching his disciples,
saying to them,
“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men,
and they will kill him.
And when he is killed,
after three days he will rise.”
Mark 9:31 ESV
And they shall mock him,
and shall scourge him,
and shall spit upon him,
and shall kill him:
and the third day he shall rise again.
Mark 10:34 KJV
And they will mock him and spit on him,
and flog him and kill him.
And after three days he will rise.”
Mark 10:34 ESV
For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence,
and have been given to the poor.
And they murmured against her.
Mark 14:5 KJV
For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.”
And they scolded her.
Mark 14:5 ESV
And Jesus saith unto him,
Verily I say unto thee,
That this day,
even in this night,
before the cock crow twice,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
Mark 14:30 KJV
And Jesus said to him,
I tell you,
this very night,
before the rooster crows twice,
you will deny me three times.”
Mark 14:30 ESV
We heard him say,
I will destroy this temple that is made with hands,
and within three days I will build another made without hands.
Mark 14:58 KJV
“We heard him say,
‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands,
and in three days I will build another,
not made with hands.’”
Mark 14:58 ESV
And the second time the cock crew.
And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him,
Before the cock crow twice,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
And when he thought thereon,
he wept.
Mark 14:72 KJV
And immediately the rooster crowed a second time.
And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him,
“Before the rooster crows twice,
you will deny me three times.”
And he broke down and wept.
Mark 14:72 ESV
And they that passed by railed on him,
wagging their heads,
and saying,
thou that destroyest the temple,
and buildest it in three days,
Mark 15:29 KJV
And those who passed by derided him,
wagging their heads and saying,
You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days,
Mark 15:29 ESV
And Mary abode with her about three months,
and returned to her own house.
Luke 1:56 KJV
And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.
Luke 1:56 ESV
And it came to pass,
that after three days they found him in the temple,
sitting in the midst of the doctors,
both hearing them,
and asking them questions.
Luke 2:46 KJV
After three days they found him in the temple,
sitting among the teachers,
listening to them and asking them questions.
Luke 2:46 ESV
But I tell you of a truth,
many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias,
when the heaven was shut up three years and six months,
when great famine was throughout all the land;
Luke 4:25 KJV
But in truth,
I tell you,
there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah,
when the heavens were shut up three years and six months,
and a great famine came over all the land,
Luke 4:25 ESV
And it came to pass,
as they departed from him,
Peter said unto Jesus,
it is good for us to be here:
and let us make three tabernacles;
one for thee,
and one for Moses,
and one for Elias:
not knowing what he said.
Luke 9:33 KJV
And as the men were parting from him,
Peter said to Jesus,
it is good that we are here.
Let us make three tents,
one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah”—not knowing what he said.
Luke 9:33 ESV
Which now of these three,
thinkest thou,
was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
Luke 10:36 KJV
Which of these three,
do you think,
proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”
Luke 10:36 ESV
And he said unto them,
Which of you shall have a friend,
and shall go unto him at midnight,
and say unto him,
lend me three loaves;
Luke 11:5 KJV
And he said to them,
“Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him,
lend me three loaves,
Luke 11:5 ESV
For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided,
three against two,
and two against three.
Luke 12:52 KJV
For from now on in one house there will be five divided,
three against two and two against three.
Luke 12:52 ESV
Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard,
these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree,
and find none:
cut it down;
why cumbereth it the ground?
Luke 13:7 KJV
And he said to the vinedresser,
for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree,
and I find none.
Cut it down.
Why should it use up the ground?’ Luke 13:7 ESV
It is like leaven,
which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened.
Luke 13:21 KJV
It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour,
until it was all leavened.”
Luke 13:21 ESV
And he said,
I tell thee,
the cock shall not crow this day,
before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.
Luke 22:34 KJV
Jesus said,
“I tell you,
the rooster will not crow this day,
until you deny three times that you know me.”
Luke 22:34 ESV
And the Lord turned,
and looked upon Peter.
And Peter remembered the word of the Lord,
how he had said unto him,
Before the cock crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
Luke 22:61 KJV
And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.
And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord,
how he had said to him,
“Before the rooster crows today,
you will deny me three times.”
Luke 22:61 ESV
Jesus answered and said unto them,
Destroy this temple,
and in three days I will raise it up.
John 2:19 KJV
Jesus answered them,
“Destroy this temple,
and in three days I will raise it up.”
John 2:19 ESV
Then said the Jews,
Forty and six years was this temple in building,
and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
John 2:20 KJV
The Jews then said,
“It has taken forty-six years to build this temple,
and will you raise it up in three days?”
John 2:20 ESV
So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs,
they see Jesus walking on the sea,
and drawing nigh unto the ship:
and they were afraid.
John 6:19 KJV
When they had rowed about three or four miles,
they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat,
and they were frightened.
John 6:19 ESV
Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence,
and given to the poor?
John 12:5 KJV
“Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?”
John 12:5 ESV
Jesus answered him,
Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?
I say unto thee,
The cock shall not crow,
till thou hast denied me thrice.
John 13:38 KJV
Jesus answered,
“Will you lay down your life for me?
I say to you,
the rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times.
John 13:38 ESV
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