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 Matthew 27:46 NRT
46 О́коло девя́того ча́са Иису́с гро́мко кри́кнул:
46 [Near, Nearby] [ninth, the ninth] [hour, hours] Jesus [loud, loudly] [cry out, shouted]:
– Эли,
лема савахтани?
[lama, lema] sabachthani?
(что зна́чит:
([what, that, why] [interpreted, means]:
«Бо́же Мой,
«God [Mine, My],
Бо́же Мой,
God [Mine, My],
почему́ Ты Меня́ оста́вил
why You [I, Me, Self] [departed, left]
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, &#;Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?&#; that is, &#;My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?&#; Matthew 27:46 ESV

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27:46 KJV
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