Перенести́ ( Postpone , Survive )

NRT Only: 1
 Mark 9:12 NRT
12 –Ве́рно,
12 –[Correctly, Right],
отве́тил Иису́с,
answered Jesus,
Илия́ действи́тельно до́лжен прийти́ пе́рвым и все пригото́вить.
[Or Me, Elijah] [really, truly, indeed] [must, ought, should] [come, go] first and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [cook, prepare].
Но почему́ же о Сы́не Челове́ческом в Писа́нии говори́тся,
[But, Yet] why [but, same, then] about Son Human [at, in, of, on] Scripture (it says),
что Ему́ придётся перенести́ мно́го страда́ний и унижений?
[what, that, why] [Him, It, To Him] (have to) [postpone, survive] [a lot of, many] [suffer, suffering] and унижений?
And he said to them,
“Elijah does come first to restore all things.
And how is it written of the Son of Man that he should suffer many things and be treated with contempt?
Mark 9:12 ESV

And he answered and told them,
Elias verily cometh first,
and restoreth all things;
and how it is written of the Son of man,
that he must suffer many things,
and be set at nought.
Mark 9:12 KJV
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