
 ( Throw Away, Throw Out )

(RUSV: 1 + NRT: 2) = 3
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Matthew 5:13 NRT
13 Вы соль земли.
13 [Ye, You] [salt, saline] [earth, land].
Е́сли соль потеря́ет свой вкус,
[If, A, When, Unless] [salt, saline] [lose, will lose] [mine, my own] [flavor, taste],
то что мо́жет опя́ть сде́лать её солёной?
that [what, that, why] [can, may, maybe] again (to do) her salty?
Она́ уже́ ни к чему́ не пригодна,
[She, She Is] already neither [to, for, by] [that, to what, what] [never, not] пригодна,
оста́нется лишь вы́бросить её вон,
[it will remain, remain, will remain] only [throw away, throw out] her out,
под ноги лю́дям.
[below, beneath, under, underneath] [legs, feet] people.
“You are the salt of the earth,
but if salt has lost its taste,
how shall its saltiness be restored?
It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
Matthew 5:13 ESV

Ye are the salt of the earth:
but if the salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be salted?
it is thenceforth good for nothing,
but to be cast out,
and to be trodden under foot of men.
Matthew 5:13 KJV
 Matthew 5:13 RUSV
13 Вы-Соль земли.
13 Вы--соль [earth, land].
Е́сли же соль потеря́ет си́лу,
[If, A, When, Unless] [but, same, then] [salt, saline] [lose, will lose] strength,
то чём сде́лаешь её соленою?
that [how, than, what, which] [will you do it, you will do it] her соленою?
Она́ уже́ ни к чему́ негодна,
[She, She Is] already neither [to, for, by] [that, to what, what] негодна,
как ра́зве вы́бросить её вон на попрание лю́дям.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [is, perhaps, really] [throw away, throw out] her out [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] попрание people.
“You are the salt of the earth,
but if salt has lost its taste,
how shall its saltiness be restored?
It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
Matthew 5:13 ESV

Ye are the salt of the earth:
but if the salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be salted?
it is thenceforth good for nothing,
but to be cast out,
and to be trodden under foot of men.
Matthew 5:13 KJV
 Luke 14:35 NRT
35 Ни в зе́млю она́ уже́ не годи́тся,
35 Neither [at, in, of, on] [earth, land] [she, she is] already [never, not] [good, good enough, it will do],
ни в наво́зную ку́чу,
neither [at, in, of, on] [dung, manure] [bunch, heap, pile],
её остаётся лишь вы́бросить вон.
her [it remains, remains, stay] only [throw away, throw out] out.
У кого́ есть у́ши,
[At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile.
It is thrown away.
He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.”
Luke 14:35 ESV

It is neither fit for the land,
nor yet for the dunghill;
but men cast it out.
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Luke 14:35 KJV
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