. Корзи́ны ( Baskets )

 Noun - Feminine - Plural - Thing
(RUSV: 3 + NRT: 1) = 4
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 40:16 RUSV
16 Гла́вный хлебода́р уви́дел,
16 [Main, Major, Primary] [baker, bread maker] [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth],
что истолкова́л он хорошо́,
[what, that, why] [interpret, interpretation, interpreted] he [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well],
и сказа́л Ио́сифу:
and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Joseph:
мне та́кже сни́лось:
[me, to me] also [dream, dreamed, i dreamed]:
вот на го́лове у меня́ три корзи́ны решетчатых;
[behold, here, there] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [brain, head, mind] [at, by, with, of] [i, me, self] three baskets решетчатых;
When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was favorable,
he said to Joseph,
“I also had a dream:
there were three cake baskets on my head,
Genesis 40:16 ESV

When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good,
he said unto Joseph,
I also was in my dream,
I had three white baskets on my head:
Genesis 40:16 KJV
 Genesis 40:17 RUSV
17 в ве́рхней корзине вся́кая пища фарао́нова,
17 [at, in, of, on] upper корзине [all, any, each, every] [food, meat] [pharaoh, pharaoh's],
изде́лие пекаря,
[product, the product] пекаря,
и пти́цы клевали её из корзи́ны на го́лове мое́й.
and [bird, birds, fowls] клевали her [from, in, of, out] baskets [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [brain, head, mind] my.
and in the uppermost basket there were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh,
but the birds were eating it out of the basket on my head.&#;
Genesis 40:17 ESV

And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh;
and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head.
Genesis 40:17 KJV
 Genesis 40:18 RUSV
18 И отвеча́л Ио́сиф и сказа́л:
18 And answered Joseph and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
вот истолкование его́:
[behold, here, there] истолкование [his, him, it]:
три корзины-это три дня;
three корзины--это three [days, of the day];
And Joseph answered and said,
“This is its interpretation:
the three baskets are three days.
Genesis 40:18 ESV

And Joseph answered and said,
This is the interpretation thereof:
The three baskets are three days:
Genesis 40:18 KJV
 Matthew 13:48 NRT
48 Когда́ сеть напо́лнилась,
48 When [net, nets] [filled, filled up],
рыбаки вы́тащили её на берег.
рыбаки (pulled out) her [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [beach, coast, seashore, shore].
Пото́м они́ се́ли и отобрали хоро́шую ры́бу в корзи́ны,
[Then, Later] [they, they are] [sat, sat down] and отобрали [a good one, good] fish [at, in, of, on] baskets,
а плохую вы́бросили.
[while, and, but] плохую [disposed, thrown away, thrown out].
When it was full,
men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad.
Matthew 13:48 ESV

when it was full,
they drew to shore,
and sat down,
and gathered the good into vessels,
but cast the bad away.
Matthew 13:48 KJV
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