Ды́шит ( Bloweth , Blows , Breathes )

 Verb - Present Tense - Continuous
(RUSV: 1 + NRT: 3) = 4
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
Дыша́ть : Ды́шит (4)
 Genesis 1:30 NRT
30 И всем зверя́м земны́м,
30 And [everyone, to everyone] [animals, to the animals] earthly,
и всем пти́цам небе́сным,
and [everyone, to everyone] [birds, for the birds] [heaven, heavenly],
и всем пресмыкающимся всем,
and [everyone, to everyone] пресмыкающимся – [everyone, to everyone],
в ком ды́шит жизнь,
[at, in, of, on] whom [bloweth, blows, breathes] [life, living],
Я даю́ в пищу вся́кую зе́лень».
I [give, i give] [at, in, of, on] [beep, food, squeak] [any, every] [greenery, greens, plants]».
И ста́ло так.
And [became, it became] so.
And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth,
everything that has the breath of life,
I have given every green plant for food.”
And it was so.
Genesis 1:30 ESV

And to every beast of the earth,
and to every fowl of the air,
and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
wherein there is life,
I have given every green herb for meat:
and it was so.
Genesis 1:30 KJV
 Genesis 6:17 NRT
17 Я наведу́ на зе́млю воды пото́па,
17 I [guide, i will guide you, point it out] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, land] [lake, water, waters] [flood, the flood],
что́бы погуби́ть все,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [destroy, ruin, to destroy] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что живёт под не́бом,
[what, that, why] [dwell, lives, living] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [sky, heaven],
вся́кое существо́,
[anything, everyone, everything] creature,
в ко́тором ды́шит жизнь.
[at, in, of, on] [that, which] [bloweth, blows, breathes] [life, living].
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone],
что есть на земле́,
[what, that, why] [there are, there is] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world],
For behold,
I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven.
Everything that is on the earth shall die.
Genesis 6:17 ESV

even I,
do bring a flood of waters upon the earth,
to destroy all flesh,
wherein is the breath of life,
from under heaven;
and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
Genesis 6:17 KJV
 Genesis 7:15 NRT
15 Все,
15 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone],
в ком ды́шит жизнь,
[at, in, of, on] whom [bloweth, blows, breathes] [life, living],
пришли́ к Но́ю и вошли́ в ковчег парами,
came [to, for, by] Noah and [entered, they entered] [at, in, of, on] [ark, the ark] парами,
They went into the ark with Noah,
two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life.
Genesis 7:15 ESV

And they went in unto Noah into the ark,
two and two of all flesh,
wherein is the breath of life.
Genesis 7:15 KJV
 John 3:8 RUSV
8 Дух ды́шит,
8 Spirit [bloweth, blows, breathes],
где хо́чет,
[somewhere, where, wherever] wants,
и го́лос его́ слы́шишь,
and voice [his, him, it] [do you hear, hear, hearest],
а не зна́ешь,
[while, and, but] [never, not] [know, knowest, understand, you know],
отку́да прихо́дит и куда́ ухо́дит:
[whence, where, where from] [came, comes, cometh] and [to where, where to] leaving:
так быва́ет со вся́ким,
so [it happens, things happen] [after, with] everyone,
рождённым от Ду́ха.
born from Spirit.
The wind blows where it wishes,
and you hear its sound,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
John 3:8 ESV

The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8 KJV
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