Кры́шу ( Roof , The Roof )

NRT Only: 6
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 6:16 NRT
16 Сде́лай для него́ кры́шу и в верху сведи́ ковчег к одному́ ло́ктю.
16 (Do It) for him [roof, the roof] and [at, in, of, on] [to the top, top] (bring it together) [ark, the ark] [to, for, by] [alone, to one] [cubit, elbow].
Поста́вь сбо́ку дверь и сде́лай ни́жнюю,
[Put, Put It, Put It Down] [from the side, on the side, side] door and (do it) [lower, the lower one],
среднюю и ве́рхнюю палубы.
среднюю and [outer, top, upper] палубы.
Make a roof for the ark,
and finish it to a cubit above,
and set the door of the ark in its side.
Make it with lower,
and third decks.
Genesis 6:16 ESV

A window shalt thou make to the ark,
and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above;
and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof;
with lower,
and third stories shalt thou make it.
Genesis 6:16 KJV
 Genesis 8:13 NRT
13 К пе́рвому дню пе́рвого ме́сяца шестьсот пе́рвого года жи́зни Но́я земля́ высохла от воды.
13 [To, For, By] [first, the first] day [the first, original] months шестьсот [the first, original] [of the year, years] life Noah [earth, ground, land] высохла from [lake, water, waters].
Ной подня́л кры́шу ковче́га,
Noah [lifted, lifting, raised] [roof, the roof] [ark, the ark],
выглянул и уви́дел,
выглянул and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth],
что земля́ суха́я.
[what, that, why] [earth, ground, land] dry.
In the six hundred and first year,
in the first month,
the first day of the month,
the waters were dried from off the earth.
And Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked,
and behold,
the face of the ground was dry.
Genesis 8:13 ESV

And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year,
in the first month,
the first day of the month,
the waters were dried up from off the earth:
and Noah removed the covering of the ark,
and looked,
the face of the ground was dry.
Genesis 8:13 KJV
 Matthew 8:8 NRT
8 Со́тник возрази́л Иису́су:
8 Centurion objected Jesus:
[Lord, God],
я не досто́ин,
i [never, not] worthy,
что́бы Ты вошёл под кры́шу моего́ дома.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] You [entered, has entered] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [roof, the roof] my houses.
Скажи́ лишь сло́во,
[Say, Tell] only [saying, the word, word],
и мой слуга́ вы́здоровеет.
and [mine, my] servant (will recover).
But the centurion replied,
I am not worthy to have you come under my roof,
but only say the word,
and my servant will be healed.
Matthew 8:8 ESV

The centurion answered and said,
I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof:
but speak the word only,
and my servant shall be healed.
Matthew 8:8 KJV
 Mark 2:4 NRT
4 Ви́дя,
4 [Saw, Seeing],
что и́з-за толпы к Иису́су им не подойти́,
[what, that, why] (because of) [crowd, crowds, multitude] [to, for, by] Jesus [it, them] [never, not] (come up),
они́ подня́лись на кры́шу,
[they, they are] [got up, rose] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [roof, the roof],
разобрали её и спусти́ли све́рху цино́вку,
разобрали her and [lowered, they let me down] (from above) [a mat, bed, mat],
на кото́рой лежа́л больно́й.
[at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [which, which one] [lay, lying] sick.
And when they could not get near him because of the crowd,
they removed the roof above him,
and when they had made an opening,
they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.
Mark 2:4 ESV

And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press,
they uncovered the roof where he was:
and when they had broken it up,
they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.
Mark 2:4 KJV
 Luke 5:19 NRT
19 Но и́з-за толпы они́ не смогли́ э́того сде́лать,
19 [But, Yet] (because of) [crowd, crowds, multitude] [they, they are] [never, not] [could, they could] this (to do),
и тогда́ они́ подня́лись на кры́шу и,
and then [they, they are] [got up, rose] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [roof, the roof] and,
разобра́в черепи́цу,
(having disassembled) [roof tiles, tiles, tiling],
опусти́ли парализо́ванного на цино́вке в середи́ну толпы,
lowered paralyzed [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] mat [at, in, of, on] [middle, the middle] [crowd, crowds, multitude],
пря́мо пе́ред Иису́сом.
[directly, immediately, specifically, clearly, plainly] before Jesus.
but finding no way to bring him in,
because of the crowd,
they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus.
Luke 5:19 ESV

And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude,
they went upon the housetop,
and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus.
Luke 5:19 KJV
 Luke 7:6 NRT
6 Иису́с пошёл с ни́ми.
6 Jesus [gone, went] [and, from, in, of, with] them.
Он уже́ подходи́л к до́му,
He already [approached, fit] [to, for, by] [home, house],
когда́ со́тник посла́л к Нему́ друзе́й переда́ть:
when centurion sent [to, for, by] [Him, His] friends [hand over, transfer]:
[Lord, God],
не утружда́й Себя́,
[never, not] [bother, take the trouble, trouble] [Itself, Myself, Yourself],
так как я не досто́ин,
so [how, what, as, like (comparison)] i [never, not] worthy,
что́бы Ты вошёл под кры́шу моего́ дома.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] You [entered, has entered] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [roof, the roof] my houses.
And Jesus went with them.
When he was not far from the house,
the centurion sent friends,
saying to him,
do not trouble yourself,
for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof.
Luke 7:6 ESV

Then Jesus went with them.
And when he was now not far from the house,
the centurion sent friends to him,
saying unto him,
trouble not thyself:
for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof:
Luke 7:6 KJV
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