(RUSV: 1 + NRT: 1) = 2
 Genesis 3:14 RUSV
14 И сказа́л Госпо́дь Бог змею:
14 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Lord God [a snake, snake]:
за то,
[after, around, at, behind, over] that,
что ты сде́лал э́то,
[what, that, why] you did [that, this, it],
про́клят ты пред все́ми скотами и пред все́ми зверя́ми полевыми;
[damned, cursed] you [before, front] (by all) скотами and [before, front] (by all) animals полевыми;
ты бу́дешь ходи́ть на чре́ве твоём,
you [will you be, you will] [to walk, walk, walked] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [the womb, womb] yours,
и бу́дешь есть прах во все дни жи́зни твое́й;
and [will you be, you will] [there are, there is] [ashes, dust] in [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] days life yours;
The Lord God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.
Genesis 3:14 ESV

And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
Because thou hast done this,
thou art cursed above all cattle,
and above every beast of the field;
upon thy belly shalt thou go,
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Genesis 3:14 KJV
 Genesis 3:18 NRT
18 Она́ произрастит тебе́ колючки и сорняки́,
18 [She, She Is] произрастит [thee, you] колючки and [tares, weeds],
ты бу́дешь пита́ться полевыми злаками.
you [will you be, you will] [eat, feed] полевыми злаками.
thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;
and you shall eat the plants of the field.
Genesis 3:18 ESV

Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Genesis 3:18 KJV
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