Bible  Genesis 3:1-24 New Russian Translation (NRT)
 (Но́вый Ру́сский Перево́д)

1 Из всех диких звере́й, кото́рых созда́л Госпо́дь Бог, са́мым хитрым был змей. Он
ees vsehh zvee-RAY kah-TAW-rihh sahz-DAHL gahs-POT bohh SAH-mim bihl zmay ohn
1 [From, In, Of, Out] [All, Everyone] [Animals, Beast] Which Created Lord God (By The Most) [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Serpent. He
спроси́л же́нщину: Пра́вда ли Бог сказа́л: «Не ешьте ни с како́го де́рева в саду»?
sprah-SEEL JEN-shhee-noo PRAHV-dah lee bohh skuh-ZAHL nyeh yesh-teh nee (s)- kah-KAW-vah DEH-ree-vah (v)- SAH-doo
Asked Woman Truth Whether God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Never, Not] [Eat, Eat Up, Eating] Neither [And, From, In, Of, With] [What, Which] Tree [At, In, Of, On] Garden?
2 Же́нщина отве́тила змею: Мы мо́жем есть плоды́ с дере́вьев сада,
JEN-shhee-nah aht-VEH-tee-lah ZMEH-yoo
mih MAW-jeem yest plah-DIH (s)- dee-REV-yeef
2 Woman [Answered, I Answered] [A Snake, Snake] [We, We Are] [Can, Be Able To] [There Are, There Is] [Fruit, Fruits] [And, From, In, Of, With] [Timber, Trees, Wood]
3 но Бог сказа́л: «Не ешьте плодо́в с де́рева,
noh bohh skuh-ZAHL nyeh yesh-teh plah-DOF (s)- DEH-ree-vah
3 [But, Yet] God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Never, Not] [Eat, Eat Up, Eating] [Fruit, Fruits] [And, From, In, Of, With] Tree
кото́рое посереди́не сада, и не трогайте их, ина́че вы умрёте».
kah-TAW-rah-ee pah-see-ree-DEE-nee ee nyeh eehh ee-NAH-chee vih oom-RYAW-tee
Which [Between, In The Middle, Midst] And [Never, Not] [Them, Their] Otherwise [Ye, You] Die.
4 Нет, вы не умрёте, сказа́л змей же́нщине.
net vih nyeh oom-RYAW-tee skuh-ZAHL zmay JEN-shhee-nee
4 [No, Not] [Ye, You] [Never, Not] Die [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Serpent Woman.
5 Просто Бог зна́ет, что когда́ вы съедите их, ва́ши
bohh ZNAH-eet shtoh kah-g'DAH vih eehh VAH-shee
5 God Knows [What, That, Why] When [Ye, You] [Them, Their] [Your, Yours]
глаза откро́ются, и вы ста́нете как Бог, познав добро́ и зло.
ahtk-RAW-yoot-syah ee vih STAH-nee-tee kahk bohh dahb-RAW ee zlaw
Eyes [They Will Open, Will Open] And [Ye, You] (You Will Become) [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] God [Good, Goodness, Kindness] And [Evil, Evils, Wicked.]
6 Тогда́ же́нщина уви́дела, что плод де́рева был хоро́ш в пищу и приятен на вид, и что де́рево бы́ло желанно, как исто́чник
tahg-DAH JEN-shhee-nah oo-VEE-dee-lah shtoh plot DEH-ree-vah bihl hhah-ROSH (v)- PEE-shhoo
ee nuh veet ee shtoh DEH-reh-vau BIH-lah kahk ees-TOCH-neek
6 Then Woman Saw [What, That, Why] Fruit Tree [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Good [At, In, Of, On] [Beep, Food, Squeak] And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Appearance, Countenance, Face, View] And [What, That, Why] [Timber, Tree] [It Was, Was] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [A Source, Origin, Resource, Source, Spring]
му́дрости; и она́ взяла́ оди́н из плодо́в и съела. Она́ дала́ плод и му́жу, кото́рый был с ней, и он ел его́.
MOOD-rahs-tee ee ah-NAH vzee-LAH ah-DEEN ees plah-DOF ee ah-NAH dah-LAH plot ee MOO-joo kah-TAW-riy bihl (s)- nay ee ohn yel yeh-VOAH
Wisdom And [She, She Is] [Taken, Took] [Alone, One] [From, In, Of, Out] [Fruit, Fruits] And . [She, She Is] [Gave, I Gave It To You] Fruit And Husband [Which, Which The, Who] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [And, From, In, Of, With] Her And He Ate [His, Him, It.]
7 Их глаза откры́лись, и они́ по́няли, что
eehh GLAH-zah
ahtk-RIH-lees ee ah-NEE PAW-nee-lee shtoh
7 [Them, Their] Eyes Opened And [They, They Are] [Understand, Understood] [What, That, Why]
на́ги; тогда́ они́ сшили себе́ повязки из ли́стьев инжира.
NAH-ghee tahg-DAH ah-NEE see-BEH ees LEEST-yeef
Then [They, They Are] [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [From, In, Of, Out] Leaves .
8 Поду́л ветерок, и они́ услы́шали, как Госпо́дь Бог хо́дит по
pah-DOOL ee ah-NEE oos-LIH-shee-lee kahk gahs-POT bohh HHAW-deet pah
8 Blew And [They, They Are] Heard [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Lord God [Goes, Walketh, Walks] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
саду. Адам и его́ жена́ спрятались от Господа Бо́га среди́ дере́вьев сада,
ee yeh-VOAH jeh-NAH ot GOS-pah-dah
BAW-gah sree-DEE dee-REV-yeef
Garden. Adam And [His, Him, It] Wife From Lord God Among [Timber, Trees, Wood]
9 но Госпо́дь Бог воззва́л к Ада́му: Где ты?
noh gahs-POT bohh vahzz-VAHL k ah-DAH-moo gdeh tih
9 [But, Yet] Lord God [Called, Called Out, Cried, Cried Out] [To, For, By] Adam [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] You?
10 Адам отве́тил: Я услы́шал Тебя́ в саду и
aht-VEH-teel yah oos-LIH-sheel tee-BYAH (v)- SAH-doo
10 Adam Answered I Heard You [At, In, Of, On] Garden And
испуга́лся, потому́ что я наг, вот я и спрятался.
ees-poo-GAHL-syah pah-tah-MOO shtoh yah nahk vot yah ee
Scared [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] I Naked [Behold, Here, There] I And .
11 Он спроси́л: Кто сказа́л тебе́, что ты наг?
ohn sprah-SEEL ktoh skuh-ZAHL tee-BEH shtoh tih nahk
11 He Asked Who [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Thee, You] [What, That, Why] You Naked?
Ты ел плоды́ де́рева, с кото́рого Я запрети́л тебе́ есть?
tih yel plah-DIH DEH-ree-vah (s)- kah-TAW-rah-vah yah zahp-ree-TEEL tee-BEH yest
You Ate [Fruit, Fruits] Tree [And, From, In, Of, With] [Which, Which One, Whom] I Banned [Thee, You] [There Are, There Is?]
12 Адам отве́тил: Же́нщина, кото́рую Ты дал мне, что́бы она́ была́ со
aht-VEH-teel JEN-shhee-nah kah-TAW-roo-yoo tih dahl mneh SHTOH-bih ah-NAH bih-LAH saw
12 Adam Answered Woman [Which, Which One] You Gave [Me, To Me] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [She, She Is] Was [After, With]
мной, э́то она́ дала́ мне плод с того́ де́рева, и я съел его́.
mnoy EH-tuh ah-NAH dah-LAH mneh plot (s)- tah-VOH DEH-ree-vah ee yah syel yeh-VOAH
Me [That, This, It] [She, She Is] [Gave, I Gave It To You] [Me, To Me] Fruit [And, From, In, Of, With] That Tree And I [Ate, Devoured, I Ate It] [His, Him, It.]
13 Тогда́ Госпо́дь Бог сказа́л же́нщине: Что же ты
tahg-DAH gahs-POT bohh skuh-ZAHL JEN-shhee-nee shtoh zheh tih
13 Then Lord God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Woman [What, That, Why] [But, Same, Then] You
сде́лала? Же́нщина отве́тила: Змей обману́л меня́, вот я и е́ла.
SDEH-lah-lah JEN-shhee-nah aht-VEH-tee-lah zmay ahb-mah-NOOL mee-NYAH
vot yah ee YEH-lah
Did? Woman [Answered, I Answered] Serpent Deceived [I, Me, Self] [Behold, Here, There] I And [Ate, I Ate.]
14 Тогда́ Госпо́дь Бог сказа́л змею: За то, что ты сде́лал э́то, про́клят ты бо́льше любого скота́
tahg-DAH gahs-POT bohh skuh-ZAHL ZMEH-yoo
zah taw shtoh tih SDEH-lahl EH-tuh PROK-leet tih BOL-shee skah-TAH
14 Then Lord God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [A Snake, Snake] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] That [What, That, Why] You Did [That, This, It] [Damned, Cursed] You [Again, Great, More] [Cattle, Livestock]
и всех диких звере́й! Ты бу́дешь по́лзать на брюхе, ты бу́дешь есть прах во все дни твое́й жи́зни.
ee vsehh zvee-RAY tih BOO-deesh POL-zaht nuh tih BOO-deesh yest prahh voh (v)syeh
dnee tvah-YAY JEEZ-nee
And [All, Everyone] [Animals, Beast] You [Will You Be, You Will] Crawl [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] You [Will You Be, You Will] [There Are, There Is] [Ashes, Dust] In [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] Days Yours Life.
15 Я положу́ вражду ме́жду тобо́й и же́нщиной и ме́жду твои́м пото́мком и её
yah pah-lah-JOO MEJ-doo tah-BOY ee JEN-shhee-nigh ee MEJ-doo tvah-EEM pah-TOM-kahm ee yee-YAW
15 I (I Will Put It Down) [Among, Between, Meanwhile] You And Woman And [Among, Between, Meanwhile] Yours [A Descendant, Descendant] And Her
пото́мком :: он бу́дет поражать тебя́ в го́лову, а ты бу́дешь жалить его́ в пяту́.
pah-TOM-kahm ohn BOO-deet tee-BYAH (v)- GAW-lah-voo ah tih BOO-deesh yeh-VOAH (v)- pee-TOO
[A Descendant, Descendant] : He [Will Be, Would Be] Hit You [At, In, Of, On] Head [While, And, But] You [Will You Be, You Will] [His, Him, It] [At, In, Of, On] [Heel, The Fifth.]
16 А же́нщине Он сказа́л: Я мучительной сде́лаю бере́менность твою́: в страдании ты
ah JEN-shhee-nee ohn skuh-ZAHL yah SDEH-lah-yoo bee-REH-meen-nahst tvah-YOO (v)- tih
16 [While, And, But] Woman He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] I [I Will Do, I Will Make] Pregnancy Yours [At, In, Of, On] You
бу́дешь рожать дете́й. Ты бу́дешь жела́ть му́жа, и он бу́дет властвовать над тобо́ю.
BOO-deesh dee-TAY tih BOO-deesh jee-LAHT MOO-jah ee ohn BOO-deet naht tah-BAW-yoo
[Will You Be, You Will] [Child, Children.] You [Will You Be, You Will] [Desire, Want, Wish] [Husband, Man, Men] And He [Will Be, Would Be] Above [By You, Thee, You.]
17 Ада́му же Он сказа́л: Так как ты послу́шался жены и съел плод с де́рева, о ко́тором Я веле́л тебе́:
ah-DAH-moo zheh ohn skuh-ZAHL tahk kahk tih pahs-LOO-sheel-syah jeh-NIH
ee syel plot (s)- DEH-ree-vah oah KAW-tah-rahm yah vee-LEL tee-BEH
17 Adam [But, Same, Then] He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] So [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] You [I Listened, I Obeyed, Listened, Obeyed] [Wife, Wives] And [Ate, Devoured, I Ate It] Fruit [And, From, In, Of, With] Tree About [That, Which] I [He Told Me To, Ordered, Told] [Thee, You]
«Не ешь от него́», проклята и́з-за тебя́ земля́: в тяжком труде ты бу́дешь пита́ться от неё во все дни твое́й жи́зни.
nyeh yesh ot nyeh-VOH ees
tee-BYAH zem-LYAH (v)- tih BOO-deesh pee-TAHT-syah ot nee-YAW voh (v)syeh
dnee tvah-YAY JEEZ-nee
[Never, Not] Eat From Him (Because Of) You [Earth, Ground, Land] [At, In, Of, On] You [Will You Be, You Will] [Eat, Feed] From Her In [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] Days Yours Life.
18 Она́ произрастит тебе́ колючки и сорняки́, ты бу́дешь пита́ться полевыми злаками.
ah-NAH tee-BEH ee sahr-nee-KEE tih BOO-deesh pee-TAHT-syah
18 [She, She Is] [Thee, You] And [Tares, Weeds] You [Will You Be, You Will] [Eat, Feed] .
19 В поте лица своего́ ты бу́дешь есть свой хлеб, пока́ не вернешься в
(v)- LEE-tsah
svah-ee-VAU tih BOO-deesh yest svoy hhlep pah-KAH nyeh (v)-
19 [At, In, Of, On] Faces [His, Yours] You [Will You Be, You Will] [There Are, There Is] [Mine, My Own] [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [Bye, While] [Never, Not] [At, In, Of, On]
зе́млю, из кото́рой был взят; потому́ что ты прах, и в прах ты вернешься.
ZEM-lew ees kah-TAW-rye bihl vzyaht pah-tah-MOO shtoh tih prahh ee (v)- prahh tih
[Earth, Land] [From, In, Of, Out] [Which, Which One] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Taken, Undertaken] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] You [Ashes, Dust] And [At, In, Of, On] [Ashes, Dust] You .
20 Адам назва́л свою́ жену́ Ева, потому́ что она́ ста́ла ма́терью всех живу́щих.
nahz-VAHL svah-YOO jee-NOO pah-tah-MOO shtoh ah-NAH STAH-lah MAH-teer-yoo vsehh jee-VOO-shheehh
20 Adam [Called, Named, Identify] [Its, My, Thy, Your] [My Wife, Wife] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [She, She Is] Became Mother [All, Everyone] Living.
21 Госпо́дь Бог сде́лал оде́жды из кожи и оде́л в них Ада́ма и его́ жену́.
gahs-POT bohh SDEH-lahl ah-DEJ-dih ees ee ah-DEL (v)- neekh ah-DAH-mah ee yeh-VOAH jee-NOO
21 Lord God Did [Clothes, Coats, Tunics] [From, In, Of, Out] And [Clothed, Dressed] [At, In, Of, On] [Them, They] Adam And [His, Him, It] [My Wife, Wife.]
22 Пото́м Госпо́дь Бог сказа́л: Познав добро́ и зло, челове́к стал тепе́рь как оди́н из Нас. Нельзя́,
pah-TOM gahs-POT bohh skuh-ZAHL dahb-RAW ee zlaw cheh-lah-VEK stahl tee-PER kahk ah-DEEN ees nahs neel-ZYAH
22 [Then, Later] Lord God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Good, Goodness, Kindness] And [Evil, Evils, Wicked] [Man, Human, Person] Became Now [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Alone, One] [From, In, Of, Out] [Us, We.] [Forbidden, It Is Forbidden, Must Not]
что́бы он протяну́л ру́ку, и, сорвав плод та́кже и с де́рева жи́зни, съел его́ и стал жить ве́чно.
SHTOH-bih ohn prah-tee-NOOL ROO-koo ee plot TAHK-jee ee (s)- DEH-ree-vah JEEZ-nee syel yeh-VOAH ee stahl jeet VECH-nah
[To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] He [Held Out, Put Forth] Hand And Fruit Also And [And, From, In, Of, With] Tree Life [Ate, Devoured, I Ate It] [His, Him, It] And Became Live [For Ever, Forever.]
23 И Госпо́дь Бог изгна́л его́ из сада Эдем,
ee gahs-POT bohh eezg-NAHL yeh-VOAH ees
23 And Lord God [Banished, Expelled] [His, Him, It] [From, In, Of, Out]
что́бы он трудился на земле́, из кото́рой был взят.
SHTOH-bih ohn nuh zeem-LEH ees kah-TAW-rye bihl vzyaht
[To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] He [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [From, In, Of, Out] [Which, Which One] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Taken, Undertaken.]
24 Изгнав челове́ка, Он поста́вил на восто́ке от сада Эдем
chee-lie-VYEH-kuh ohn pahs-TAH-veel nuh vahs-TAW-kee ot
24 Human He [Put, Set] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [East, The East] From
херувимов и вращающийся пламенный меч, что́бы охраня́ть путь к де́реву жи́зни.
ee mech SHTOH-bih ahh-rah-NYAHT poot k DEH-ree-voo JEEZ-nee
And Sword [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [Guard, Protect, Keep] [Path, The Way, Way] [To, For, By] [The Tree, Tree, Wood] Life.
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 Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Но́вый Перево́д на Ру́сский Язы́к)
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