NRT Only: 4
 Genesis 4:22 NRT
22 У Циллы то́же был сын,
22 [At, By, With, Of] Циллы [too, also] [be, to be, was, were] son,
кото́рый ковал все ви́ды орудий из бронзы и железа.
[which, which the, who] ковал [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] kinds орудий [from, in, of, out] бронзы and железа.
Сестрой Тувал-Каина была́ Наама.
Сестрой Тувал-Каина was Наама.
Zillah also bore Tubal-cain;
he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron.
The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
Genesis 4:22 ESV

And Zillah,
she also bare Tubalcain,
an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:
and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
Genesis 4:22 KJV
 Genesis 30:8 NRT
8 Тогда́ Рахи́ль сказа́ла:
8 Then Rachel ((she) said):
«Вели́кой борьбой боро́лась я с мое́й сестрой и победила».
«[Big, Great, Mighty] борьбой [fought, i fought, wrestled] i [and, from, in, of, with] my сестрой and победила».
И она́ назвала его́ Неффалим.
And [she, she is] назвала [his, him, it] Naphtali.
Then Rachel said,
“With mighty wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister and have prevailed.”
So she called his name Naphtali.
Genesis 30:8 ESV

And Rachel said,
With great wrestlings have I wrestled with my sister,
and I have prevailed:
and she called his name Naphtali.
Genesis 30:8 KJV
 Genesis 34:31 NRT
31 Но они́ отве́тили:
31 [But, Yet] [they, they are] answered:
Ра́зве мо́жно поступа́ть с на́шей сестрой,
[Is, Perhaps, Really] [can, may] [act, arrive, come] [and, from, in, of, with] our сестрой,
как с блудницей?
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [and, from, in, of, with] блудницей?
But they said,
“Should he treat our sister like a prostitute?”
Genesis 34:31 ESV

And they said,
Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot?
Genesis 34:31 KJV
 Genesis 36:22 NRT
22 Сыновья Лотана:
22 Sons Лотана:
Хори и Гомам.
Хори and Гомам.
Сестрой Лотана была́ Тимна.
Сестрой Лотана was Тимна.
The sons of Lotan were Hori and Hemam;
and Lotan's sister was Timna.
Genesis 36:22 ESV

And the children of Lotan were Hori and Hemam;
and Lotan's sister was Timna.
Genesis 36:22 KJV
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