Поги́бели ( Doom , Perdition , Destruction )

(RUSV: 1 + NRT: 1) = 2
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Matthew 7:13 NRT
13 Входите че́рез узкие ворота.
13 [Come In, Enter] [across, by way of, through] узкие [gates, door].
[Path, The Way, Way],
веду́щий к поги́бели,
[leader, leading] [to, for, by] [doom, perdition, destruction],
ворота просторны,
[gates, door] просторны,
и мно́гие иду́т по э́тому пути́.
and many [are going, come, coming, go, going] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] this [ways, path, road].
“Enter by the narrow gate.
For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction,
and those who enter by it are many.
Matthew 7:13 ESV

Enter ye in at the strait gate:
for wide is the gate,
and broad is the way,
that leadeth to destruction,
and many there be which go in thereat:
Matthew 7:13 KJV
 John 17:12 RUSV
12 Когда́ Я был с ни́ми в ми́ре,
12 When I [be, to be, was, were] [and, from, in, of, with] them [at, in, of, on] [peace, the world, world],
Я соблюда́л их во и́мя Твоё;
I [observed, obey, kept, uphold] [them, their] in name [Thy, Your];
кото́рых Ты дал Мне,
which You gave [Me, To Me],
Я сохрани́л,
I saved,
и никто́ из них не поги́б,
and [no one, nobody] [from, in, of, out] [them, they] [never, not] [perish, perished],
кро́ме сы́на поги́бели,
[but, except, besides] [a son, my son, son] [doom, perdition, destruction],
да сбу́дется Писа́ние.
yes [be fulfilled, fulfilled, it will become true] [Scripture, Scriptures].
While I was with them,
I kept them in your name,
which you have given me.
I have guarded them,
and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction,
that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
John 17:12 ESV

While I was with them in the world,
I kept them in thy name:
those that thou gavest me I have kept,
and none of them is lost,
but the son of perdition;
that the scripture might be fulfilled.
John 17:12 KJV
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