Не́когда ( Once )

(RUSV: 2 + NRT: 3) = 5
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 13:3 NRT
3 Из Негева он продолжил путь,
3 [From, In, Of, Out] Негева he продолжил [path, the way, way],
пока́ не пришёл в Вефиль,
[bye, while] [never, not] [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] Bethel,
к тому́ ме́сту,
[to, for, by] [one, the one] place,
где не́когда стоя́л его́ шатёр,
[somewhere, where, wherever] once [i was standing, standing, stood] [his, him, it] [tent, the tent],
ме́жду Вефилем и Гаем,
[among, between, meanwhile] Вефилем and Гаем,
And he journeyed on from the Negeb as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning,
between Bethel and Ai,
Genesis 13:3 ESV

And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel,
unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning,
between Bethel and Hai;
Genesis 13:3 KJV
 Mark 3:20 NRT
20 Одна́жды,
20 [Once, One Day],
когда́ Иису́с вошёл в дом,
when Jesus [entered, has entered] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house],
опя́ть собрала́сь толпа́,
again [arose, assembled, gathered, gathering] [crowd, multitude],
так что Ему́ и Его́ ученика́м да́же пое́сть бы́ло не́когда.
so [what, that, why] [Him, It, To Him] and [His, Him, It] [for students, disciples] even eat [it was, was] once.
Then he went home,
and the crowd gathered again,
so that they could not even eat.
Mark 3:20 ESV

And the multitude cometh together again,
so that they could not so much as eat bread.
Mark 3:20 KJV
 Mark 6:31 RUSV
31 Он сказа́л им:
31 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
пойди́те вы одни́ в пусты́нное ме́сто и отдохни́те немно́го,
[come, go] [ye, you] alone [at, in, of, on] [desert, desolate] place and [take a break, take a rest] [a little, little],
--и́бо мно́го бы́ло приходящих и отходящих,
--[for, because] [a lot of, many] [it was, was] приходящих and отходящих,
так что и есть им бы́ло не́когда.
so [what, that, why] and [there are, there is] [it, them] [it was, was] once.
And he said to them,
“Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”
For many were coming and going,
and they had no leisure even to eat.
Mark 6:31 ESV

And he said unto them,
Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place,
and rest a while:
for there were many coming and going,
and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
Mark 6:31 KJV
 Luke 22:32 RUSV
32 но Я моли́лся о тебе́,
32 [but, yet] I [pray, prayed, praying] about [thee, you],
что́бы не оскуде́ла ве́ра твоя́;
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [never, not] [decreased, impoverished] [belief, faith] yours;
и ты не́когда,
and you once,
[by contacting, turned, turning],
утверди́ бра́тьев твои́х.
approve [brethren, brothers] [your, yours].
but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.
And when you have turned again,
strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:32 ESV

But I have prayed for thee,
that thy faith fail not:
and when thou art converted,
strengthen thy brethren.
Luke 22:32 KJV
 John 4:5 NRT
5 и Он пришёл в самарийский го́род Сихарь,
5 and He [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] samaritan [city, town] [Sychar, Sihar],
располо́женный недалеко́ от уча́стка земли,
located near from [plot, site] earth,
кото́рый Иа́ков не́когда дал своему́ сы́ну Ио́сифу.
[which, which the, who] [Jacob, James] once gave [to his, your own] [son, to my son] Joseph.
So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar,
near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph.
John 4:5 ESV

Then cometh he to a city of Samaria,
which is called Sychar,
near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
John 4:5 KJV
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