Bible  Genesis 13:1-18 New Russian Translation (NRT)
 (Но́вый Ру́сский Перево́д)

1 Авра́м с жено́й и всем иму́ществом отпра́вился
ahv-RAHM (s)- jee-NOY ee vsem ee-MOO-shheest-vahm ahtp-RAH-veel-syah
1 Abram [And, From, In, Of, With] Wife And [Everyone, To Everyone] Property [Departed, Set Off, Went]
из Еги́пта в Негев, и Лот пошёл с ним.
ees yee-GHEEP-tah (v)- ee lot pah-SHOL (s)- neem
[From, In, Of, Out] Egypt [At, In, Of, On] And Lot [Gone, Went] [And, From, In, Of, With] Him.
2 У Авра́ма тепе́рь бы́ло мно́го скота́, серебра́ и зо́лота.
oo ahv-RAH-mah tee-PER BIH-lah MNAW-gah skah-TAH see-reeb-RAH ee ZAW-lah-tah
2 [At, By, With, Of] Abram Now [It Was, Was] [A Lot Of, Many] [Cattle, Livestock] Silver And Gold.
3 Из Негева он продолжил путь, пока́ не пришёл в Вефиль,
ees ohn poot pah-KAH nyeh pree-SHOL (v)- veh-feel
3 [From, In, Of, Out] He [Path, The Way, Way] [Bye, While] [Never, Not] [Arrive, Came, Come] [At, In, Of, On] Bethel
к тому́ ме́сту, где не́когда стоя́л его́ шатёр, ме́жду Вефилем и Гаем,
k tah-MOO MES-too gdeh NEH-kahg-dah stah-YAHL yeh-VOAH shee-TYOR MEJ-doo ee
[To, For, By] [One, The One] Place [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] Once [I Was Standing, Standing, Stood] [His, Him, It] [Tent, The Tent] [Among, Between, Meanwhile] And
4 к тому́ ме́сту, где он пре́жде
k tah-MOO MES-too gdeh ohn PREJ-dee
4 [To, For, By] [One, The One] Place [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] He Before
постро́ил же́ртвенник. Там Авра́м призва́л и́мя Господа.
pahst-RAW-eel JERT-veen-neek tahm ahv-RAHM preez-VAHL EE-myah GOS-pah-dah
Built Altar. There Abram [Called, Urged] Name Lord.
5 У Ло́та, кото́рый кочевал с Авра́мом, то́же
oo LAW-tah kah-TAW-riy (s)- ahv-RAH-mahm TAW-jee
5 [At, By, With, Of] Lot [Which, Which The, Who] [And, From, In, Of, With] Abram [Too, Also]
бы́ли стада ме́лкого и кру́пного скота́ и шатры,
BIH-lee STAH-dah MEL-kah-vah ee KROOP-nah-vah skah-TAH ee
[Been, Has Been, Were] [Herds, Flocks] Small And [A Large One, Large] [Cattle, Livestock] And
6 и земля́ не могла́ прокормить их обо́их: у них
ee zem-LYAH nyeh mahg-LAH eehh ah-BAW-eehh oo neekh
6 And [Earth, Ground, Land] [Never, Not] Could [Them, Their] [Both, Both Of Them] [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They]
бы́ло так мно́го всего́, что они́ не могли́ селиться вме́сте.
BIH-lah tahk MNAW-gah vsee-VAU shtoh ah-NEE nyeh mahg-LEE VMES-tee
[It Was, Was] So [A Lot Of, Many] [Total, Only, Altogether] [What, That, Why] [They, They Are] [Never, Not] Could Together.
7 Ме́жду пастуха́ми Авра́ма и пастуха́ми Ло́та случи́лся
MEJ-doo pahs-too-HHAH-mee ahv-RAH-mah ee pahs-too-HHAH-mee LAW-tah sloo-CHEEL-syah
7 [Among, Between, Meanwhile] Shepherds Abram And Shepherds Lot [Happened, It Happened]
раздо́р. Хананеи и ферезеи жи́ли тогда́ в той земле́.
rahz-DOR hhah-nah-neh-ee ee JEE-lee tahg-DAH (v)- toy zeem-LEH
[Conflict, Discord, Strife.] [Canaanite, Canaanites, The Canaanites] And Lived Then [At, In, Of, On] That [Earth, Ground, Land, World.]
8 Тогда́ Авра́м сказа́л Ло́ту: Пусть не бу́дет раздора ни ме́жду тобо́й
tahg-DAH ahv-RAHM skuh-ZAHL LAW-too poost nyeh BOO-deet nee MEJ-doo tah-BOY
8 Then Abram [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Lot Let [Never, Not] [Will Be, Would Be] Neither [Among, Between, Meanwhile] You
и мной, ни ме́жду твои́ми пастуха́ми и мои́ми, потому́ что мы ро́дственники.
ee mnoy nee MEJ-doo tvah-EE-mee pahs-too-HHAH-mee ee mah-EE-mee pah-tah-MOO shtoh mih RODST-veen-nee-kee
And Me Neither [Among, Between, Meanwhile] Your Shepherds And [Mine, My] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [We, We Are] [Cousins, Relatives.]
9 Не вся ли земля́ пе́ред тобо́ю? Дава́й разделимся: е́сли ты пойдёшь нале́во,
nyeh vsyah lee zem-LYAH PEH-reet tah-BAW-yoo dah-VI YES-lee tih pie-DYOSH nah-LEH-vah
9 [Never, Not] [All, Whole] Whether [Earth, Ground, Land] Before [By You, Thee, You?] [Come On, Let Us] [If, A, When, Unless] You (You Will Go) [Left, To The Left]
то я поверну напра́во, а е́сли ты пойдёшь напра́во, то я поверну нале́во.
taw yah nahp-RAH-vah ah YES-lee tih pie-DYOSH nahp-RAH-vah taw yah nah-LEH-vah
That I [Right, To The Right] [While, And, But] [If, A, When, Unless] You (You Will Go) [Right, To The Right] That I [Left, To The Left.]
10 Лот посмотре́л и уви́дел, что вся иорда́нская доли́на до самого Цоара хорошо́ орошается, как
lot pahs-maht-REL ee oo-VEE-deel shtoh vsyah ee-ahr-DAHNS-kah-yah dah-LEE-nah daw SAH-mah-vah
hhah-rah-SHAW kahk
10 Lot Looked And [Had Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen, Seeth] [What, That, Why] [All, Whole] [Jordan, Jordanian] [Lowland, Valley] [Before, Until] [Himself, Myself] [Fine, Good, Nice, Pleasant, Well] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)]
сад Господа, как земля́ еги́петская. Э́то бы́ло ещё до того́, как Госпо́дь разрушил Содо́м и Гомо́рру.
sahd GOS-pah-dah
kahk zem-LYAH yee-GHEE-peets-kah-yah EH-tuh BIH-lah yee-SHHAW daw tah-VOH kahk gahs-POT sah-DOM ee gah-MOR-roo
Garden Lord [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Earth, Ground, Land] [Egypt, Egyptian.] [That, This, It] [It Was, Was] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [Before, Until] That [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Lord Sodom And Gomorrah.
11 Лот вы́брал себе́ всю долину Иорда́на и отпра́вился на восто́к. Они́ раздели́лись:
lot VIB-rahl see-BEH vsew ee-ahr-DAH-nah ee ahtp-RAH-veel-syah nuh vahs-TOK ah-NEE rahz-dee-LEE-lees
11 Lot Chose [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [All, Whole] Jordan And [Departed, Set Off, Went] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] East. [They, They Are] Divided
12 Авра́м жил в земле́ Ханаа́нской, а Лот
ahv-RAHM jeel (v)- zeem-LEH hhah-nah-AHN-ski ah lot
12 Abram Lived [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [Canaan, Canaanite] [While, And, But] Lot
жил среди́ городо́в доли́ны, поста́вив шатры невдалеке́ от Содо́ма.
jeel sree-DEE gah-rah-DOF dah-LEE-nih pahs-TAH-veef neev-dah-lee-KEH ot sah-DAW-mah
Lived Among [Cities, City] Valleys (By Putting) (Not Far Away) From Sodom.
13 Жи́тели Содо́ма бы́ли нечестивы и тя́жко грешили про́тив Господа.
JEE-teh-lee sah-DAW-mah BIH-lee ee TYAHJ-kah PRAW-teef GOS-pah-dah
13 [Citizens, Multitude, People, Residents, Village] Sodom [Been, Has Been, Were] And (It Is Hard) Against Lord.
14 Госпо́дь сказа́л Авра́му по́сле того́, как Лот отделился от него́: Оглянись вокру́г с того́
gahs-POT skuh-ZAHL ahv-RAH-moo POS-lee tah-VOH kahk lot ot nyeh-VOH vahk-ROOK (s)- tah-VOH
14 Lord [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Abram [After, Beyond] That [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Lot From Him Around [And, From, In, Of, With] That
места, где ты сейча́с. Посмотри́ на севе́р и на юг, на восто́к и на за́пад.
gdeh tih siy-CHAHS pahs-maht-REE nuh see-VER ee nuh yook nuh vahs-TOK ee nuh ZAH-paht
Places [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] You Now. Look [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] North And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] South [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] East And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] West.
15 Всю зе́млю, кото́рую ты ви́дишь, Я дам тебе́ и твоему́ семени наве́ки.
vsew ZEM-lew kah-TAW-roo-yoo tih VEE-deesh yah dahm tee-BEH ee tvah-ee-MOO SEH-mee-nee
15 [All, Whole] [Earth, Land] [Which, Which One] You (You See) I [Ladies, I Will Give] [Thee, You] And Yours Seed Forever.
16 Я сде́лаю твоё пото́мство многочисленным, как земную пыль, так что
yah SDEH-lah-yoo tvah-YAW pah-TOMST-vah kahk pil tahk shtoh
16 I [I Will Do, I Will Make] [Thy, Your] Offspring [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Dirt, Dust] So [What, That, Why]
е́сли кто смо́жет пересчитать пылинки, то и твоё пото́мство бу́дет пересчитано.
YES-lee ktoh SMAW-jeet taw ee tvah-YAW pah-TOMST-vah BOO-deet
[If, A, When, Unless] Who [Able, Will Be Able] That And [Thy, Your] Offspring [Will Be, Would Be] .
17 Иди́, пройди́ по э́той земле́ вдоль и поперек, потому́ что Я дам её тебе́.
ee-DEE pri-DEE pah EH-tie zeem-LEH vdol ee pah-tah-MOO shtoh yah dahm yee-YAW tee-BEH
17 Go [Come Through, Go Through] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] This [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Along And [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] I [Ladies, I Will Give] Her [Thee, You.]
18 Авра́м сверну́л шатры и напра́вился жить невдалеке́ от
ahv-RAHM sveer-NOOL ee nahp-RAH-veel-syah jeet neev-dah-lee-KEH ot
18 Abram [Collapsed, Rolled Up, Turned Off] And Headed Live (Not Far Away) From
дубра́вы Мамре в Хевроне. Он постро́ил там же́ртвенник Го́споду.
doob-RAH-vih mahm-reh (v)- ohn pahst-RAW-eel tahm JERT-veen-neek GOS-pah-doo
[Oak Forests, Plain, Plains] Mamre [At, In, Of, On] . He Built There Altar [Lord, To The Lord.]
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 Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Но́вый Перево́д на Ру́сский Язы́к)
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