Ма́терь ( Mother )

 Noun - Nominative - Feminine - Singular - Animate - Person
RUSV Only: 30
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Matthew 2:13 RUSV
13 Когда́ же они́ отошли́,
13 When [but, same, then] [they, they are] [departed, move away, went away],
--[this, that, all],
А́нгел Госпо́день явля́ется во сне Ио́сифу и говори́т:
Angel [Jehovah, Lord's] [is, be] in [dream, sleep] Joseph and [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
[get up, rise, rise up, stand, stand up],
возьми́ Младе́нца и Ма́терь Его́ и беги́ в Еги́пет,
[get, take] [Babe, Baby, Child] and Mother [His, Him, It] and run [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
и будь там,
and be there,
доко́ле не скажу́ тебе́,
[before, how long, until] [never, not] [i will say, say, tell] [thee, you],
и́бо И́род хо́чет иска́ть Младе́нца,
[for, because] Herod wants [looking, search, searching, seeking, sought] [Babe, Baby, Child],
что́бы погуби́ть Его́.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [destroy, ruin, to destroy] [His, Him, It].
Now when they had departed,
an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,
take the child and his mother,
and flee to Egypt,
and remain there until I tell you,
for Herod is about to search for the child,
to destroy him.”
Matthew 2:13 ESV

And when they were departed,
the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream,
and take the young child and his mother,
and flee into Egypt,
and be thou there until I bring thee word:
for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Matthew 2:13 KJV
 Matthew 2:14 RUSV
14 Он встал,
14 He [get up, got up],
взял Младе́нца и Ма́терь Его́ но́чью и пошёл в Еги́пет,
took [Babe, Baby, Child] and Mother [His, Him, It] [at night, by night, night] and [gone, went] [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt Matthew 2:14 ESV

When he arose,
he took the young child and his mother by night,
and departed into Egypt:
Matthew 2:14 KJV
 Matthew 2:20 RUSV
20 и говори́т:
20 and [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
[get up, rise, rise up, stand, stand up],
возьми́ Младе́нца и Ма́терь Его́ и иди́ в зе́млю Изра́илеву,
[get, take] [Babe, Baby, Child] and Mother [His, Him, It] and go [at, in, of, on] [earth, land] [Israel, To Israel],
и́бо у́мерли искавшие души Младе́нца.
[for, because] died искавшие [lives, souls] [Babe, Baby, Child].
take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel,
for those who sought the child's life are dead.”
Matthew 2:20 ESV

and take the young child and his mother,
and go into the land of Israel:
for they are dead which sought the young child's life.
Matthew 2:20 KJV
 Matthew 2:21 RUSV
21 Он встал,
21 He [get up, got up],
взял Младе́нца и Ма́терь Его́ и пришёл в зе́млю Изра́илеву.
took [Babe, Baby, Child] and Mother [His, Him, It] and [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] [earth, land] [Israel, To Israel].
And he rose and took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel.
Matthew 2:21 ESV

And he arose,
and took the young child and his mother,
and came into the land of Israel.
Matthew 2:21 KJV
 Matthew 12:46 RUSV
46 Когда́ же Он ещё говори́л к наро́ду,
46 When [but, same, then] He [again, also, another, even, further, more] spoke [to, for, by] [to the people, nation],
Ма́терь и бра́тья Его́ стоя́ли вне [дома],
Mother and brothers [His, Him, It] [standing, stood, they were standing] outside [houses],
жела́я говори́ть с Ним.
wishing [to speak, to talk] [and, from, in, of, with] Him.
While he was still speaking to the people,
his mother and his brothers stood outside,
asking to speak to him.
Matthew 12:46 ESV

While he yet talked to the people,
his mother and his brethren stood without,
desiring to speak with him.
Matthew 12:46 KJV
 Matthew 12:47 RUSV
47 И не́кто сказа́л Ему́:
47 And someone [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Him, It, To Him]:
вот Ма́терь Твоя́ и бра́тья Твои́ стоят вне,
[behold, here, there] Mother Yours and brothers [Thy, Your] [are standing, stand, standing] outside,
жела́я говори́ть с Тобо́ю.
wishing [to speak, to talk] [and, from, in, of, with] [By You, Thee, You].

Then one said unto him,
thy mother and thy brethren stand without,
desiring to speak with thee.
Matthew 12:47 KJV
 Matthew 12:48 RUSV
48 Он же сказа́л в отве́т говорившему:
48 He [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [at, in, of, on] answer говорившему:
кто Ма́терь Моя́?
who Mother My?
и кто бра́тья Мои́?
and who brothers My?
But he replied to the man who told him,
“Who is my mother,
and who are my brothers?”
Matthew 12:48 ESV

But he answered and said unto him that told him,
Who is my mother?
and who are my brethren?
Matthew 12:48 KJV
 Matthew 12:49 RUSV
49 И,
49 And,
указав руко́ю Свое́ю на ученико́в Свои́х,
указав [by hand, hand, with my hand] His [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] disciples Their,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
вот ма́терь Моя́ и бра́тья Мои́;
[behold, here, there] mother My and brothers My;
And stretching out his hand toward his disciples,
he said,
“Here are my mother and my brothers!
Matthew 12:49 ESV

And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples,
and said,
Behold my mother and my brethren!
Matthew 12:49 KJV
 Matthew 12:50 RUSV
50 и́бо,
50 [for, because],
кто бу́дет исполня́ть во́лю Отца́ Моего́ Небе́сного,
who [will be, would be] [execute, perform] will [Father, The Father] My [Heaven, Heavenly],
тот Мне брат,
that [Me, To Me] brother,
и сестра́,
and sister,
и ма́терь.
and mother.
For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:50 ESV

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven,
the same is my brother,
and sister,
and mother.
Matthew 12:50 KJV
 Mark 3:31 RUSV
31 И пришли́ Ма́терь и бра́тья Его́ и,
31 And came Mother and brothers [His, Him, It] and,
сто́я [вне] дома,
[standing, stood] [outside] houses,
посла́ли к Нему́ звать Его́.
[sent, they sent it] [to, for, by] [Him, His] [call for, summon] [His, Him, It].
And his mother and his brothers came,
and standing outside they sent to him and called him.
Mark 3:31 ESV

There came then his brethren and his mother,
standing without,
sent unto him,
calling him.
Mark 3:31 KJV
 Mark 3:32 RUSV
32 О́коло Него́ сиде́л наро́д.
32 [Near, Nearby] Him [sat, sat down, sit] [crowd, nation, people].
И сказа́ли Ему́:
And [said, say, tell, they said] [Him, It, To Him]:
[behold, here, there],
Ма́терь Твоя́ и бра́тья Твои́ и сестры Твои́,
Mother Yours and brothers [Thy, Your] and sisters [Thy, Your],
[вне] дома,
[outside] houses,
спра́шивают Тебя́.
[ask, asked, seek, seeking, they ask] You.
And a crowd was sitting around him,
and they said to him,
“Your mother and your brothers are outside,
seeking you.”
Mark 3:32 ESV

And the multitude sat about him,
and they said unto him,
thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
Mark 3:32 KJV
 Mark 3:33 RUSV
33 И отвеча́л им:
33 And answered [it, them]:
кто ма́терь Моя́ и бра́тья Мои́?
who mother My and brothers My?
And he answered them,
“Who are my mother and my brothers?”
Mark 3:33 ESV

And he answered them,
Who is my mother,
or my brethren?
Mark 3:33 KJV
 Mark 3:34 RUSV
34 И обозрев сидя́щих вокру́г Себя́,
34 And обозрев [seated, sitting] around [Itself, Myself, Yourself],
[he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
вот ма́терь Моя́ и бра́тья Мои́;
[behold, here, there] mother My and brothers My;
And looking about at those who sat around him,
he said,
“Here are my mother and my brothers!
Mark 3:34 ESV

And he looked round about on them which sat about him,
and said,
Behold my mother and my brethren!
Mark 3:34 KJV
 Mark 3:35 RUSV
35 и́бо кто бу́дет исполня́ть во́лю Божию,
35 [for, because] who [will be, would be] [execute, perform] will [God, God's],
тот Мне брат,
that [Me, To Me] brother,
и сестра́,
and sister,
и ма́терь.
and mother.
For whoever does the will of God,
he is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 3:35 ESV

For whosoever shall do the will of God,
the same is my brother,
and my sister,
and mother.
Mark 3:35 KJV
 Luke 1:43 RUSV
43 И отку́да э́то мне,
43 And [whence, where, where from] [that, this, it] [me, to me],
что пришла́ Ма́терь Господа моего́ ко мне?
[what, that, why] came Mother Lord my to [me, to me]?
And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:43 ESV

And whence is this to me,
that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:43 KJV
 Luke 2:33 RUSV
33 Ио́сиф же и Ма́терь Его́ диви́лись ска́занному о Нем.
33 Joseph [but, same, then] and Mother [His, Him, It] [amazed, astonished, marveled, marveling, marvelled, they were amazed, wondered] [said, spoken, to what has been said, what was said] about [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless].
And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him.
Luke 2:33 ESV

And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.
Luke 2:33 KJV
 Luke 2:43 RUSV
43 Когда́ же,
43 When [but, same, then],
по оконча́нии дней [пра́здника],
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] (the end) days [[feast, holiday, the holiday]],
[returned, returning, they were returning],
оста́лся О́трок Иису́с в Иерусали́ме;
[remained, stay, stayed, tarried, tarry] [Boy, The Boy] Jesus [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem;
и не заме́тили того́ Ио́сиф и Ма́терь Его́,
and [never, not] noticed that Joseph and Mother [His, Him, It],
And when the feast was ended,
as they were returning,
the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem.
His parents did not know it,
Luke 2:43 ESV

And when they had fulfilled the days,
as they returned,
the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem;
and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
Luke 2:43 KJV
 Luke 2:48 RUSV
48 И,
48 And,
уви́дев Его́,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] [His, Him, It],
[amazed, astonished, marvelled, surprised, were you surprised, wondered];
и Ма́терь Его́ сказа́ла Ему́:
and Mother [His, Him, It] ((she) said) [Him, It, To Him]:
[Child, Offspring, Son]!
что Ты сде́лал с на́ми?
[what, that, why] You did [and, from, in, of, with] [us, we]?
[Behold, Here, There],
оте́ц Твой и Я с вели́кою ско́рбью иска́ли Тебя́.
father Your and I [and, from, in, of, with] [great, mighty] [grief, sorrow] [looking, looking for, search, seeking, sought] You.
And when his parents saw him,
they were astonished.
And his mother said to him,
why have you treated us so?
your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”
Luke 2:48 ESV

And when they saw him,
they were amazed:
and his mother said unto him,
why hast thou thus dealt with us?
thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
Luke 2:48 KJV
 Luke 2:51 RUSV
51 И Он пошёл с ни́ми и пришёл в Назаре́т;
51 And He [gone, went] [and, from, in, of, with] them and [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] Nazareth;
и был в повинове́нии у них.
and [be, to be, was, were] [at, in, of, on] obedience [at, by, with, of] [them, they].
И Ма́терь Его́ сохраня́ла все слова сии́ в се́рдце Своём.
And Mother [His, Him, It] saved [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [speech, the words, word, words] [these, those] [at, in, of, on] [heart, hearts] His.
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them.
And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
Luke 2:51 ESV

And he went down with them,
and came to Nazareth,
and was subject unto them:
but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
Luke 2:51 KJV
 Luke 8:19 RUSV
19 И пришли́ к Нему́ Ма́терь и бра́тья Его́,
19 And came [to, for, by] [Him, His] Mother and brothers [His, Him, It],
и не могли́ подойти́ к Нему́ по причи́не наро́да.
and [never, not] could (come up) [to, for, by] [Him, His] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [cause, reason] [people, the people].
Then his mother and his brothers came to him,
but they could not reach him because of the crowd.
Luke 8:19 ESV

Then came to him his mother and his brethren,
and could not come at him for the press.
Luke 8:19 KJV
 Luke 8:20 RUSV
20 И дали знать Ему́:
20 And [gave, given] [knew, know, knoweth, to know] [Him, It, To Him]:
Ма́терь и бра́тья Твои́ стоят вне,
Mother and brothers [Thy, Your] [are standing, stand, standing] outside,
жела́я ви́деть Тебя́.
wishing [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness] You.
And he was told,
“Your mother and your brothers are standing outside,
desiring to see you.”
Luke 8:20 ESV

And it was told him by certain which said,
Thy mother and thy brethren stand without,
desiring to see thee.
Luke 8:20 KJV
 Luke 8:21 RUSV
21 Он сказа́л им в отве́т:
21 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them] [at, in, of, on] answer:
ма́терь Моя́ и бра́тья Мои́ суть слу́шающие сло́во Божие и исполня́ющие его́.
mother My and brothers My [essence, point] [listeners, listening] [saying, the word, word] [God, God's] and [performers, performing] [his, him, it].
But he answered them,
“My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”
Luke 8:21 ESV

And he answered and said unto them,
My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God,
and do it.
Luke 8:21 KJV
 Luke 18:20 RUSV
20 зна́ешь за́поведи:
20 [know, knowest, understand, you know] commandments:
не прелюбоде́йствуй,
[never, not] [adultery, commit adultery, fornicate],
не убива́й,
[never, not] kill,
не кради́,
[never, not] steal,
не лжесвиде́тельствуй,
[never, not] (bear false witness),
почита́й отца́ твоего́ и ма́терь твою́.
[honor, read it] [father, the father] [thy, your] and mother yours.
You know the commandments:
‘Do not commit adultery,
Do not murder,
Do not steal,
Do not bear false witness,
Honor your father and mother.’”
Luke 18:20 ESV

Thou knowest the commandments,
Do not commit adultery,
Do not kill,
Do not steal,
Do not bear false witness,
Honour thy father and thy mother.
Luke 18:20 KJV
 John 2:1 RUSV
1 На тре́тий день был брак в Кане Галиле́йской,
1 [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] third day [be, to be, was, were] [marriage, getting married] [at, in, of, on] Cana [Galilean, Galilee],
и Ма́терь Иису́са была́ там.
and Mother Jesus was there.
On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee,
and the mother of Jesus was there.
John 2:1 ESV

And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee;
and the mother of Jesus was there:
John 2:1 KJV
 John 2:3 RUSV
3 И как недостава́ло вина,
3 And [how, what, as, like (comparison)] lacked [fault, wine],
то Ма́терь Иису́са говори́т Ему́:
that Mother Jesus [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [Him, It, To Him]:
вина нет у них.
[fault, wine] [no, not] [at, by, with, of] [them, they].
When the wine ran out,
the mother of Jesus said to him,
“They have no wine.”
John 2:3 ESV

And when they wanted wine,
the mother of Jesus saith unto him,
They have no wine.
John 2:3 KJV
 John 2:5 RUSV
5 Ма́терь Его́ сказа́ла служи́телям:
5 Mother [His, Him, It] ((she) said) servants:
что ска́жет Он вам,
[what, that, why] [he will say, saith, say, will say] He [to you, ye, you],
то сде́лайте.
that [do, make].
His mother said to the servants,
“Do whatever he tells you.”
John 2:5 ESV

His mother saith unto the servants,
Whatsoever he saith unto you,
do it.
John 2:5 KJV
 John 2:12 RUSV
12 По́сле сего́ пришёл Он в Капернау́м,
12 [After, Beyond] (with his) [arrive, came, come] He [at, in, of, on] Capernaum,
Сам и Ма́терь Его́,
[Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] and Mother [His, Him, It],
и бра́тья его́,
and brothers [his, him, it],
и ученики́ Его́;
and [students, disciples] [His, Him, It];
и там пробы́ли немно́го дней.
and there [abode, stayed, tarry] [a little, little] days.
After this he went down to Capernaum,
with his mother and his brothers and his disciples,
and they stayed there for a few days.
John 2:12 ESV

After this he went down to Capernaum,
and his mother,
and his brethren,
and his disciples:
and they continued there not many days.
John 2:12 KJV
 John 19:25 RUSV
25 При кресте́ Иису́са стоя́ли Ма́терь Его́ и сестра́ Ма́тери Его́,
25 [At, In] cross Jesus [standing, stood, they were standing] Mother [His, Him, It] and sister [Mother, Mother's, Mothers] [His, Him, It],
Мари́я Клеопова,
[Maria, Mary] Cleophas,
и Мари́я Магдали́на.
and [Maria, Mary] Magdalene.
but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister,
Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene.
John 19:25 ESV

Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother,
and his mother's sister,
Mary the wife of Cleophas,
and Mary Magdalene.
John 19:25 KJV
 John 19:26 RUSV
26 Иису́с,
26 Jesus,
уви́дев Ма́терь и ученика́ тут стоящего,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] Mother and disciple here [stand, standing],
кото́рого люби́л,
[which, which one, whom] [i loved, loved],
говори́т Ма́тери Свое́й:
[he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [Mother, Mother's, Mothers] [His, Mine]:
[Same But, The Same But]!
[this, that, all],
сын Твой.
son Your.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby,
he said to his mother,
your son!”
John 19:26 ESV

When Jesus therefore saw his mother,
and the disciple standing by,
whom he loved,
he saith unto his mother,
behold thy son!
John 19:26 KJV
 John 19:27 RUSV
27 Пото́м говори́т ученику́:
27 [Then, Later] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [to the apprentice, disciple]:
[this, that, all],
Ма́терь твоя́!
Mother yours!
И с э́того вре́мени учени́к сей взял Её к себе́.
And [and, from, in, of, with] this time [disciple, student] this took Her [to, for, by] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself].
Then he said to the disciple,
your mother!”
And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.
John 19:27 ESV

Then saith he to the disciple,
Behold thy mother!
And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.
John 19:27 KJV
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