Возвёл ( Erected , Raise , Elevate )

RUSV Only: 9
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 13:10 RUSV
10 Лот возвёл о́чи свои́ и уви́дел всю окре́стность Иорданскую,
10 Lot [erected, raise, elevate] eyes their and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [all, whole] [neighborhood, region, the neighborhood] Иорданскую,
что она́,
[what, that, why] [she, she is],
пре́жде не́жели истреби́л Госпо́дь Содо́м и Гоморру,
before (rather than) [destroyed, exterminated] Lord Sodom and Гоморру,
вся до Сигора орошалась водо́ю,
[all, whole] [before, until] Сигора орошалась water,
как сад Госпо́день,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] garden [Jehovah, Lord's],
как земля́ Еги́петская;
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [earth, ground, land] [Egypt, Egyptian];
And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the garden of the Lord,
like the land of Egypt,
in the direction of Zoar.
(This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)
Genesis 13:10 ESV

And Lot lifted up his eyes,
and beheld all the plain of Jordan,
that it was well watered every where,
before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,
even as the garden of the LORD,
like the land of Egypt,
as thou comest unto Zoar.
Genesis 13:10 KJV
 Genesis 18:2 RUSV
2 Он возвёл о́чи свои́ и взгляну́л,
2 He [erected, raise, elevate] eyes their and [looked, took a look],
и вот,
and [behold, here, there],
три му́жа стоят про́тив него́.
three [husband, man, men] [are standing, stand, standing] against him.
[Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen],
он побежа́л навстре́чу им от вхо́да в шатёр и поклони́лся до земли,
he ran towards [it, them] from [entrance, input, login] [at, in, of, on] [tent, the tent] and [bowed, he bowed, worshiped, worshipped] [before, until] earth,
He lifted up his eyes and looked,
and behold,
three men were standing in front of him.
When he saw them,
he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth Genesis 18:2 ESV

And he lift up his eyes and looked,
three men stood by him:
and when he saw them,
he ran to meet them from the tent door,
and bowed himself toward the ground,
Genesis 18:2 KJV
 Genesis 22:4 RUSV
4 На тре́тий день Авраа́м возвёл о́чи свои́,
4 [On The, It, At, To, In, By] third day Abraham [erected, raise, elevate] eyes their,
и уви́дел то ме́сто издалека́.
and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] that place [far, from afar].
On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar.
Genesis 22:4 ESV

Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes,
and saw the place afar off.
Genesis 22:4 KJV
 Genesis 22:13 RUSV
13 И возвёл Авраа́м о́чи свои́ и уви́дел:
13 And [erected, raise, elevate] Abraham eyes their and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth]:
и вот,
and [behold, here, there],
позади́ овен,
behind овен,
запутавшийся в чаще рогами свои́ми.
запутавшийся [at, in, of, on] чаще рогами (with their own).
Авраа́м пошёл,
Abraham [gone, went],
взял овна и принёс его́ во всесожже́ние вме́сто сы́на своего́.
took овна and brought [his, him, it] in (burnt offering) (instead of) [a son, my son, son] [his, yours].
And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked,
and behold,
behind him was a ram,
caught in a thicket by his horns.
And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son.
Genesis 22:13 ESV

And Abraham lifted up his eyes,
and looked,
and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns:
and Abraham went and took the ram,
and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.
Genesis 22:13 KJV
 Genesis 24:63 RUSV
63 При наступлении вечера Исаа́к вы́шел в по́ле поразмыслить,
63 [At, In] наступлении [evenings, tonight] Isaac [came, came out] [at, in, of, on] field ponder,
и возвёл о́чи свои́,
and [erected, raise, elevate] eyes their,
и уви́дел:
and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth]:
[behold, here, there],
иду́т верблю́ды.
[are going, come, coming, go, going] camels.
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening.
And he lifted up his eyes and saw,
and behold,
there were camels coming.
Genesis 24:63 ESV

And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide:
and he lifted up his eyes,
and saw,
the camels were coming.
Genesis 24:63 KJV
 Matthew 17:1 RUSV
1 По проше́ствии дней шести́,
1 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [after the, procession, the procession] days six,
взял Иису́с Петра́,
took Jesus Peter,
Иа́кова и Иоа́нна,
[Jacob, James] and John,
бра́та его́,
brother [his, him, it],
и возвёл их на го́ру высо́кую одни́х,
and [erected, raise, elevate] [them, their] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] mountain high [alone, some],
And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James,
and John his brother,
and led them up a high mountain by themselves.
Matthew 17:1 ESV

And after six days Jesus taketh Peter,
and John his brother,
and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,
Matthew 17:1 KJV
 Mark 9:2 RUSV
2 И,
2 And,
по проше́ствии дней шести́,
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [after the, procession, the procession] days six,
взял Иису́с Петра́,
took Jesus Peter,
Иа́кова и Иоа́нна,
[Jacob, James] and John,
и возвёл на го́ру высо́кую осо́бо их одни́х,
and [erected, raise, elevate] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] mountain high [especially, specifically, particularly] [them, their] [alone, some],
и преобразился пе́ред ни́ми.
and преобразился before them.
And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John,
and led them up a high mountain by themselves.
And he was transfigured before them,
Mark 9:2 ESV

And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter,
and James,
and John,
and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves:
and he was transfigured before them.
Mark 9:2 KJV
 John 11:41 RUSV
41 Ита́к отня́ли ка́мень [от пещеры],
41 So [taken away, took away] [rock, stone] [from caves],
где лежа́л уме́рший.
[somewhere, where, wherever] [lay, lying] dead.
Иису́с же возвёл о́чи к не́бу и сказа́л:
Jesus [but, same, then] [erected, raise, elevate] eyes [to, for, by] [sky, the sky] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
благодарю́ Тебя́,
[thanks to, thank you] You,
что Ты услы́шал Меня́.
[what, that, why] You heard [I, Me, Self].
So they took away the stone.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said,
I thank you that you have heard me.
John 11:41 ESV

Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes,
and said,
I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
John 11:41 KJV
 John 17:1 RUSV
1 По́сле сих слов Иису́с возвёл о́чи Свои́ на не́бо и сказа́л:
1 [After, Beyond] [now, these, those] words Jesus [erected, raise, elevate] eyes Their [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [heaven, heavens, sky] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
пришёл час,
[arrive, came, come] hour,
просла́вь Сы́на Твоего́,
glorify [A Son, My Son, Son] [Thy, Your],
да и Сын Твой просла́вит Тебя́,
yes and Son Your glorify You,
When Jesus had spoken these words,
he lifted up his eyes to heaven,
and said,
the hour has come;
glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you,
John 17:1 ESV

These words spake Jesus,
and lifted up his eyes to heaven,
and said,
the hour is come;
glorify thy Son,
that thy Son also may glorify thee:
John 17:1 KJV
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