. Служа́нки ( Maids , Maidservants , Servant Girl )

 Noun - Feminine
(RUSV: 6 + NRT: 9) = 15
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 24:61 NRT
61 Реве́кка и её служа́нки собра́лись,
61 Rebekah and her [maids, maidservants, servant girl] [gathered, together],
се́ли на верблю́дов и отпра́вились за тем челове́ком.
[sat, sat down] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] camels and [departed, set off, we went] [after, around, at, behind, over] [by that, that] [a man, human, man].
Так слуга́ взял Реве́кку и отпра́вился в путь.
So servant took [Rebecca, Rebekah] and [departed, set off, went] [at, in, of, on] [path, the way, way].
Then Rebekah and her young women arose and rode on the camels and followed the man.
Thus the servant took Rebekah and went his way.
Genesis 24:61 ESV

And Rebekah arose,
and her damsels,
and they rode upon the camels,
and followed the man:
and the servant took Rebekah,
and went his way.
Genesis 24:61 KJV
 Genesis 24:61 RUSV
61 И вста́ла Реве́кка и служа́нки её,
61 And [arose, got up] Rebekah and [maids, maidservants, servant girl] her,
и се́ли на верблю́дов,
and [sat, sat down] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] camels,
и поехали за тем челове́ком.
and поехали [after, around, at, behind, over] [by that, that] [a man, human, man].
И раб взял Реве́кку и пошёл.
And [a slave, servant, slave] took [Rebecca, Rebekah] and [gone, went].
Then Rebekah and her young women arose and rode on the camels and followed the man.
Thus the servant took Rebekah and went his way.
Genesis 24:61 ESV

And Rebekah arose,
and her damsels,
and they rode upon the camels,
and followed the man:
and the servant took Rebekah,
and went his way.
Genesis 24:61 KJV
 Genesis 29:24 NRT
24 Лаван дал в служа́нки до́чери свою́ служа́нку Зелфу.
24 Laban gave [at, in, of, on] [maids, maidservants, servant girl] daughters [its, my, thy, your] [maid, the maid] Zilpah.
(Laban gave his female servant Zilpah to his daughter Leah to be her servant.)
Genesis 29:24 ESV

And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah Zilpah his maid for an handmaid.
Genesis 29:24 KJV
 Genesis 29:24 RUSV
24 И дал Лаван служа́нку свою́ Зелфу в служа́нки до́чери свое́й Ли́и.
24 And gave Laban [maid, the maid] [its, my, thy, your] Zilpah [at, in, of, on] [maids, maidservants, servant girl] daughters [his, mine] Leah.
(Laban gave his female servant Zilpah to his daughter Leah to be her servant.)
Genesis 29:24 ESV

And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah Zilpah his maid for an handmaid.
Genesis 29:24 KJV
 Genesis 29:29 NRT
29 Лаван дал в служа́нки Рахили свою́ служа́нку Валлу.
29 Laban gave [at, in, of, on] [maids, maidservants, servant girl] Rachel [its, my, thy, your] [maid, the maid] Bilhah.
(Laban gave his female servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her servant.)
Genesis 29:29 ESV

And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
Genesis 29:29 KJV
 Genesis 29:29 RUSV
29 И дал Лаван служа́нку свою́ Валлу в служа́нки до́чери свое́й Рахили.
29 And gave Laban [maid, the maid] [its, my, thy, your] Bilhah [at, in, of, on] [maids, maidservants, servant girl] daughters [his, mine] Rachel.
(Laban gave his female servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her servant.)
Genesis 29:29 ESV

And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
Genesis 29:29 KJV
 Genesis 30:43 NRT
43 Иа́ков на́чал богате́ть,
43 [Jacob, James] [began, start] (get rich),
у него́ тепе́рь бы́ли большие стада,
[at, by, with, of] him now [been, has been, were] [big, large, huge] [herds, flocks],
а та́кже служа́нки,
[while, and, but] also [maids, maidservants, servant girl],
[servant, servants],
верблю́ды и ослы́.
camels and donkeys.
Thus the man increased greatly and had large flocks,
female servants and male servants,
and camels and donkeys.
Genesis 30:43 ESV

And the man increased exceedingly,
and had much cattle,
and maidservants,
and menservants,
and camels,
and asses.
Genesis 30:43 KJV
 Genesis 32:5 NRT
5 У меня́ есть быки́,
5 [At, By, With, Of] [i, me, self] [there are, there is] [bulls, oxen],
овцы и козы,
sheep and goats,
слуги и служа́нки.
[servant, servants] and [maids, maidservants, servant girl].
Я посыла́ю э́ту весть моему́ господи́ну,
I [i send, send] this [news, tidings] my [lord, master, mister],
что́бы найти́ ми́лость в твои́х глаза́х».
[to, so that, in order to, because of] find [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] [your, yours] eyes».
I have oxen,
male servants,
and female servants.
I have sent to tell my lord,
in order that I may find favor in your sight.’”
Genesis 32:5 ESV

And I have oxen,
and asses,
and menservants,
and womenservants:
and I have sent to tell my lord,
that I may find grace in thy sight.
Genesis 32:5 KJV
 Genesis 33:6 NRT
6 Подошли́ служа́нки со свои́ми детьми́ и поклони́лись.
6 (Came Up) [maids, maidservants, servant girl] [after, with] (with their own) children and [bowed, they bowed].
Then the servants drew near,
they and their children,
and bowed down.
Genesis 33:6 ESV

Then the handmaidens came near,
they and their children,
and they bowed themselves.
Genesis 33:6 KJV
 Genesis 33:6 RUSV
6 И подошли́ служа́нки и де́ти их и поклони́лись;
6 And (came up) [maids, maidservants, servant girl] and children [them, their] and [bowed, they bowed];
Then the servants drew near,
they and their children,
and bowed down.
Genesis 33:6 ESV

Then the handmaidens came near,
they and their children,
and they bowed themselves.
Genesis 33:6 KJV
 Genesis 35:25 NRT
25 От Рахилиной служа́нки Валлы:
25 From Рахилиной [maids, maidservants, servant girl] Bilhah:
Дан и Неффалим.
Given and Naphtali.
The sons of Bilhah,
Rachel's servant:
Dan and Naphtali.
Genesis 35:25 ESV

And the sons of Bilhah,
Rachel's handmaid;
and Naphtali:
Genesis 35:25 KJV
 Genesis 35:25 RUSV
25 Сыновья Валлы,
25 Sons Bilhah,
служа́нки Рахилиной:
[maids, maidservants, servant girl] Рахилиной:
Дан и Неффалим.
Given and Naphtali.
The sons of Bilhah,
Rachel's servant:
Dan and Naphtali.
Genesis 35:25 ESV

And the sons of Bilhah,
Rachel's handmaid;
and Naphtali:
Genesis 35:25 KJV
 Genesis 35:26 NRT
26 От Лииной служа́нки Зелфы:
26 From Лииной [maids, maidservants, servant girl] Zilpah:
Гад и Аси́р.
[Bastard, Gad, Reptile] and [Aser, Asher, Asir].
Вот сыновья Иа́кова,
[Behold, Here, There] sons [Jacob, James],
рожденные ему́ в Паддан-Араме.
рожденные [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] Паддан-Араме.
The sons of Zilpah,
Leah's servant:
Gad and Asher.
These were the sons of Jacob who were born to him in Paddan-aram.
Genesis 35:26 ESV

And the sons of Zilpah,
Leah's handmaid:
and Asher:
these are the sons of Jacob,
which were born to him in Padanaram.
Genesis 35:26 KJV
 Genesis 35:26 RUSV
26 Сыновья Зелфы,
26 Sons Zilpah,
служа́нки Лииной:
[maids, maidservants, servant girl] Лииной:
Гад и Аси́р.
[Bastard, Gad, Reptile] and [Aser, Asher, Asir].
Сии́ сыновья Иа́кова,
[These, Those] sons [Jacob, James],
роди́вшиеся ему́ в Месопота́мии.
born [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] Mesopotamia.
The sons of Zilpah,
Leah's servant:
Gad and Asher.
These were the sons of Jacob who were born to him in Paddan-aram.
Genesis 35:26 ESV

And the sons of Zilpah,
Leah's handmaid:
and Asher:
these are the sons of Jacob,
which were born to him in Padanaram.
Genesis 35:26 KJV
 Luke 1:48 NRT
48 потому́ что Он уви́дел смире́ние Свое́й служа́нки.
48 [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] He [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [humbleness, humility, meekness] [His, Mine] [maids, maidservants, servant girl].
Отны́не все поколе́ния бу́дут называ́ть меня́ благослове́нной,
[From Now On, Henceforth, Now] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [generation, generations] [will, be] [call, name, to call] [i, me, self] blessed,
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
For behold,
from now on all generations will call me blessed;
Luke 1:48 ESV

For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden:
from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Luke 1:48 KJV
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