Bible  Genesis 35:1-29 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Бог сказа́л Иа́кову: встань, пойди́ в Вефиль и живи́ там, и устрой
bohh skuh-ZAHL ee-AH-kah-voo vstahn pie-DEE (v)- veh-feel ee jee-VEE tahm ee
1 God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Jacob, James, To Jacob] [Get Up, Rise, Rise Up, Stand, Stand Up] Go [At, In, Of, On] Bethel And Live There And
там же́ртвенник Бо́гу, явившемуся тебе́, когда́ ты бежа́л от лица Иса́ва, бра́та твоего́.
tahm JERT-veen-neek BAW-goo tee-BEH kah-g'DAH tih bee-JAHL ot LEE-tsah
ee-SAH-vah BRAH-tah tvah-ee-VAU
There Altar God [Thee, You] When You [Escape, Fled, He Ran, Outrun] From Faces Esau Brother [Thy, Your.]
2 И сказа́л Иа́ков до́му своему́ и всем бы́вшим с ним:
ee skuh-ZAHL ee-AH-kahf DAW-moo svah-ee-MOO ee vsem BIV-sheem (s)- neem
2 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Jacob, James] [Home, House] [To His, Your Own] And [Everyone, To Everyone] Former [And, From, In, Of, With] Him
бро́сьте богов чужи́х, находя́щихся у вас, и очиститесь, и перемените оде́жды ва́ши;
BROS-tee BAW-gahf
choo-JEEHH nah-hhah-DYAH-shheehh-syah oo vahs ee ee ah-DEJ-dih VAH-shee
[Come On, Give It Up] Gods [Aliens, Foreigners, Strangers] Located [At, By, With, Of] You And And [Clothes, Coats, Tunics] [Your, Yours]
3 вста́нем и пойдём в Вефиль; там устрою я же́ртвенник Бо́гу, Кото́рый услы́шал
VSTAH-neem ee pie-DYOM (v)- veh-feel tahm yah JERT-veen-neek BAW-goo kah-TAW-riy oos-LIH-sheel
3 (Let Us Get Up) And [Let Us Go To, Let's Go To] [At, In, Of, On] Bethel There I Altar God [Which, Which The, Who] Heard
меня́ в день бе́дствия моего́ и был со мно́ю в пути́, кото́рым я ходи́л.
(v)- den BEDST-vee-yah mah-ee-VAU ee bihl saw MNAW-yoo (v)- poo-TEE kah-TAW-rim yah khah-DEEL
[I, Me, Self] [At, In, Of, On] Day [Affliction, Disasters, Distress, Tribulation] My And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [After, With] Me [At, In, Of, On] [Ways, Path, Road] Which I [Walked, Went.]
4 И отдали Иа́кову всех богов чужи́х, бы́вших в рука́х их, и серьги,
ee aht-DAH-lee
ee-AH-kah-voo vsehh BAW-gahf
choo-JEEHH BIV-sheehh (v)- roo-KAHH eehh ee
4 And [Gave Away, Give Away, Given] [Jacob, James, To Jacob] [All, Everyone] Gods [Aliens, Foreigners, Strangers] Former [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands] [Them, Their] And
бы́вшие в ушах у них, и закопа́л их Иа́ков под ду́бом, кото́рый близ Сихема.
BIV-shee-ee (v)- oo neekh ee zah-kah-PAHL eehh ee-AH-kahf pot DOO-bahm kah-TAW-riy blees see-hheh-mah
Former [At, In, Of, On] [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] And [Buried, Buried It] [Them, Their] [Jacob, James] [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [An Oak Tree, Oak] [Which, Which The, Who] Near Sichem.
5 И отпра́вились они́. И был у́жас Бо́жий
ee ahtp-RAH-vee-lees ah-NEE ee bihl OO-jahs BAW-jiy
5 And [Departed, Set Off, We Went] [They, They Are.] And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Fear, Horror] [God, God's]
на окрестных города́х, и не пресле́довали сыно́в Иаковлевых.
nuh gah-rah-DAHH ee nyeh prees-LEH-dah-vah-lee sih-NOF ee-ah-kov-leh-vihh
[At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Cities, Towns] And [Never, Not] Pursued [Children, Sons] [Jacob, Jacob's.]
6 И пришёл Иа́ков в Луз, что в земле́ Ханаа́нской,
ee pree-SHOL ee-AH-kahf (v)- loos shtoh (v)- zeem-LEH hhah-nah-AHN-ski
6 And [Arrive, Came, Come] [Jacob, James] [At, In, Of, On] Luz [What, That, Why] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [Canaan, Canaanite]
то есть в Вефиль, сам и все лю́ди, бы́вшие с ним,
taw yest (v)- veh-feel sahm ee (v)syeh
LEW-dee BIV-shee-ee (s)- neem
That [There Are, There Is] [At, In, Of, On] Bethel [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] People Former [And, From, In, Of, With] Him
7 и устро́ил там же́ртвенник, и назва́л сие́ ме́сто: Эл-Вефиль, и́бо
ee oost-RAW-eel tahm JERT-veen-neek ee nahz-VAHL see-YEH MES-tah EE-bah
7 And [Arranged, Organized] There Altar And [Called, Named, Identify] This Place [For, Because]
тут яви́лся ему́ Бог, когда́ он бежа́л от лица бра́та своего́.
toot yee-VEEL-syah yee-MOO bohh kah-g'DAH ohn bee-JAHL ot LEE-tsah
BRAH-tah svah-ee-VAU
Here [Appeared, He Appeared] [Him, It, To Him] God When He [Escape, Fled, He Ran, Outrun] From Faces Brother [His, Yours.]
8 И умерла́ Девора, кормилица Ревеккина, и погребена ниже
ee oo-meer-LAH ee
8 And Died And
Вефиля под ду́бом, кото́рый и назва́л [Иа́ков] ду́бом пла́ча.
veh-fee-lyah pot DOO-bahm kah-TAW-riy ee nahz-VAHL ee-AH-kahf DOO-bahm PLAH-chah
Bethel [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [An Oak Tree, Oak] [Which, Which The, Who] And [Called, Named, Identify] [Jacob, James] [An Oak Tree, Oak] Crying.
9 И яви́лся Бог Иа́кову по возвращении его́ из Месопота́мии, и благослови́л его́,
ee yee-VEEL-syah bohh ee-AH-kah-voo pah vahzv-rah-SHHEH-nee-ee yeh-VOAH ees mee-sah-pah-TAH-mee-ee ee blah-gahs-lah-VEEL yeh-VOAH
9 And [Appeared, He Appeared] God [Jacob, James, To Jacob] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Coming Back, Getting Back, Return] [His, Him, It] [From, In, Of, Out] Mesopotamia And Blessed [His, Him, It]
10 и сказа́л ему́ Бог: и́мя твоё Иа́ков; отны́не ты не бу́дешь
ee skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO bohh EE-myah tvah-YAW ee-AH-kahf aht-NIH-nee tih nyeh BOO-deesh
10 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] God Name [Thy, Your] [Jacob, James] [From Now On, Henceforth, Now] You [Never, Not] [Will You Be, You Will]
называ́ться Иа́ковом, но бу́дет и́мя тебе́: Изра́иль. И наре́к ему́ и́мя: Изра́иль.
nah-zih-VAHT-syah ee-AH-kah-vahm noh BOO-deet EE-myah tee-BEH eez-RAH-eel ee nah-REK yee-MOO EE-myah eez-RAH-eel
[Be Called, Called] Jacob [But, Yet] [Will Be, Would Be] Name [Thee, You] Israel. And Name [Him, It, To Him] Name Israel.
11 И сказа́л ему́ Бог: Я Бог Всемогу́щий; плодись и умножайся; наро́д
ee skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO bohh yah bohh vsee-mah-GOO-shhiy ee nah-ROT
11 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] God I God [Omnipotent, The Almighty] And [Crowd, Nation, People]
и мно́жество наро́дов бу́дет от тебя́, и цари́ произойду́т из чресл твои́х;
ee MNAW-jeest-vah nah-RAW-dahf BOO-deet ot tee-BYAH ee tsah-REE prah-ee-zi-DOOT ees chresl tvah-EEHH
And [Lots Of, Many] Peoples [Will Be, Would Be] From You And Kings [Happen, Will Happen] [From, In, Of, Out] [Bowels, Loins] [Your, Yours]
12 зе́млю, кото́рую Я дал Авраа́му и Исаа́ку, Я
ZEM-lew kah-TAW-roo-yoo yah dahl ahv-rah-AH-moo ee ee-sah-AH-koo yah
12 [Earth, Land] [Which, Which One] I Gave (To Abraham) And Isaac I
дам тебе́, и пото́мству твоему́ по тебе́ дам зе́млю сию́.
dahm tee-BEH ee pah-TOMST-voo tvah-ee-MOO pah tee-BEH dahm ZEM-lew see-YOO
[Ladies, I Will Give] [Thee, You] And Posterity Yours [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Thee, You] [Ladies, I Will Give] [Earth, Land] This.
13 И восшел от него́ Бог с места, на ко́тором говори́л ему́.
ee vos-shel ot nyeh-VOH bohh (s)- MES-tah
nuh KAW-tah-rahm gah-vah-REEL yee-MOO
13 And Ascended From Him God [And, From, In, Of, With] Places [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [That, Which] Spoke [Him, It, To Him.]
14 И поста́вил Иа́ков памятник на ме́сте, на ко́тором говори́л ему́ [Бог],
ee pahs-TAH-veel ee-AH-kahf nuh MES-tee nuh KAW-tah-rahm gah-vah-REEL yee-MOO bohh
14 And [Put, Set] [Jacob, James] Monument [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Location [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [That, Which] Spoke [Him, It, To Him] God
памятник ка́менный, и возли́л на него́ возлияние, и возли́л на него́ е́лей;
KAH-meen-niy ee vahz-LEEL nuh nyeh-VOH ee vahz-LEEL nuh nyeh-VOH YEH-liy
Monument [Stone, Rock] And [Anointedst, Poured] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Him And [Anointedst, Poured] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Him [Fir Trees, Oil]
15 и наре́к Иа́ков и́мя ме́сту, на ко́тором Бог говори́л ему́: Вефиль.
ee nah-REK ee-AH-kahf EE-myah MES-too nuh KAW-tah-rahm bohh gah-vah-REEL yee-MOO veh-feel
15 And Name [Jacob, James] Name Place [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [That, Which] God Spoke [Him, It, To Him] Bethel.
16 И отпра́вились из Вефиля. И когда́ ещё оставалось не́которое
ee ahtp-RAH-vee-lees ees veh-fee-lyah ee kah-g'DAH yee-SHHAW NEH-kah-tah-rah-ee
16 And [Departed, Set Off, We Went] [From, In, Of, Out] Bethel. And When [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Some
расстоя́ние земли до Ефрафы, Рахи́ль родила, и ро́ды её бы́ли трудны.
rahss-tah-YAH-nee-ee ZEM-lee
daw yef-rah-fih rah-HHEEL rah-DEE-lah
ee RAW-dih yee-YAW BIH-lee
[Distance, Interval, Spacing] Earth [Before, Until] Ephrath Rachel [Bore, Gave Birth] And [Birth, Childbirth] Her [Been, Has Been, Were] .
17 Когда́ же она́ страда́ла в ро́дах, повива́льная ба́бка
kah-g'DAH zheh ah-NAH strah-DAH-lah (v)- RAW-dahh pah-vee-VAHL-nah-yah BAHB-kah
17 When [But, Same, Then] [She, She Is] [I Suffered, Suffered] [At, In, Of, On] Childbirth Midwife Grandma
сказа́ла ей: не бо́йся, и́бо и э́то тебе́ сын.
skuh-ZAH-luh yay nyeh BOY-syah EE-bah ee EH-tuh tee-BEH sin
((she) Said) Her [Never, Not] [Afraid, Be Afraid, Fear] [For, Because] And [That, This, It] [Thee, You] Son.
18 И когда́ выходи́ла из неё душа, и́бо она́ умира́ла,
ee kah-g'DAH vih-hhah-DEE-lah ees nee-YAW DOO-shah
EE-bah ah-NAH oo-mee-RAH-lah
18 And When (Came Out) [From, In, Of, Out] Her Soul [For, Because] [She, She Is] [Dying, She Was Dying]
то нарекла́ ему́ и́мя: Бенони. Но оте́ц его́ назва́л его́ Вениамином.
taw nah-reek-LAH yee-MOO EE-myah noh ah-TYETS yeh-VOAH nahz-VAHL yeh-VOAH
That [Named, Named It] [Him, It, To Him] Name . [But, Yet] Father [His, Him, It] [Called, Named, Identify] [His, Him, It] .
19 И умерла́ Рахи́ль, и погребена на доро́ге в Ефрафу, то есть Вифлее́м.
ee oo-meer-LAH rah-HHEEL ee nuh dah-RAW-ghee (v)- taw yest veef-lee-YEM
19 And Died Rachel And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Path, Road] [At, In, Of, On] That [There Are, There Is] Bethlehem.
20 Иа́ков поста́вил над гробом её памятник.
ee-AH-kahf pahs-TAH-veel naht yee-YAW
20 [Jacob, James] [Put, Set] Above Her Monument.
Э́то надгро́бный памятник Рахили до сего́ дня.
EH-tuh nahdg-ROB-niy rah-HHEE-lee
daw see-VAU dnyah
[That, This, It] Tombstone Monument Rachel [Before, Until] (With His) [Days, Of The Day.]
21 И отпра́вился Изра́иль и раски́нул шатёр свой за башнею Гадер.
ee ahtp-RAH-veel-syah eez-RAH-eel ee rahs-KEE-nool shee-TYOR svoy zah
21 And [Departed, Set Off, Went] Israel And (Spread Out) [Tent, The Tent] [Mine, My Own] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] .
22 Во вре́мя пребыва́ния Изра́иля в той стране́, Руви́м пошёл и переспал с
voh VREH-myah pree-bih-VAH-nee-yah eez-RAH-ee-lyah (v)- toy strah-NEH roo-VEEM pah-SHOL ee (s)-
22 In [Hour, Time] [Stay, Stays] Israel [At, In, Of, On] That Country Reuben [Gone, Went] And [And, From, In, Of, With]
Валлою, наложницею отца́ своего́. И услы́шал Изра́иль. Сыно́в же у Иа́кова бы́ло двена́дцать.
aht-TSAH svah-ee-VAU ee oos-LIH-sheel eez-RAH-eel sih-NOF zheh oo ee-AH-kah-vah BIH-lah dvee-NAHD-tsaht
[Father, The Father] [His, Yours.] And Heard Israel. [Children, Sons] [But, Same, Then] [At, By, With, Of] [Jacob, James] [It Was, Was] Twelve.
23 Сыновья Ли́и: пе́рвенец Иа́кова Руви́м, [по
sih-NOV-yah LEE-ee PER-vee-neets ee-AH-kah-vah roo-VEEM pah
23 Sons Leah [Firstborn, The Firstborn] [Jacob, James] Reuben [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
нем] Симео́н, Леви́й, Иу́да, Иссаха́р и Завулон.
nyom see-mee-ON lee-VIY ee-OO-dah ees-sah-HHAHR ee zah-voo-lon
[Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] Simeon Levi Judas Issachar And Zebulun.
24 Сыновья Рахили: Ио́сиф и Вениами́н.
sih-NOV-yah rah-HHEE-lee
ee-AW-seef ee vee-nee-ah-MEEN
24 Sons Rachel Joseph And Benjamin.
25 Сыновья Валлы, служа́нки Рахилиной: Дан и Неффалим.
sih-NOV-yah vahl-lih sloo-JAHN-kee dahn ee nef-fah-leem
25 Sons Bilhah [Maids, Maidservants, Servant Girl] Given And Naphtali.
26 Сыновья Зелфы, служа́нки Лииной: Гад и
sih-NOV-yah zel-fih sloo-JAHN-kee gaht ee
26 Sons Zilpah [Maids, Maidservants, Servant Girl] [Bastard, Gad, Reptile] And
Аси́р. Сии́ сыновья Иа́кова, роди́вшиеся ему́ в Месопота́мии.
ah-SEER see-EE sih-NOV-yah ee-AH-kah-vah rah-DEEV-shee-ee-syah yee-MOO (v)- mee-sah-pah-TAH-mee-ee
[Aser, Asher, Asir.] [These, Those] Sons [Jacob, James] Born [Him, It, To Him] [At, In, Of, On] Mesopotamia.
27 И пришёл Иа́ков к Исаа́ку, отцу́ своему́, в Мамре,
ee pree-SHOL ee-AH-kahf k ee-sah-AH-koo aht-TSOO svah-ee-MOO (v)- mahm-reh
27 And [Arrive, Came, Come] [Jacob, James] [To, For, By] Isaac Father [To His, Your Own] [At, In, Of, On] Mamre
в Кириаф-Арбу, то есть Хевро́н где странствовал Авраа́м и Исаа́к.
(v)- taw yest hheev-RON gdeh ahv-rah-AHM ee ee-sah-AHK
[At, In, Of, On] That [There Are, There Is] Hebron [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] Abraham And Isaac.
28 И бы́ло дней [жи́зни] Исааковой сто во́семьдесят лет.
ee BIH-lah dnay JEEZ-nee staw VAU-seem-dee-seet let
28 And [It Was, Was] Days Life [Hundred, One Hundred] Eighty Years.
29 И испусти́л Исаа́к дух и у́мер, и приложи́лся к наро́ду своему́,
ee ees-poos-TEEL ee-sah-AHK doohh ee OO-meer ee pree-lah-JEEL-syah k nah-RAW-doo svah-ee-MOO
29 And [Give, Let Out] Isaac Spirit And Died And [Gathered, I Applied, Kissed] [To, For, By] [To The People, Nation] [To His, Your Own]
бу́дучи стар и насыщен жи́знью; и погребли́ его́ Иса́в и Иа́ков, сыновья его́.
BOO-doo-chee stahr ee JEEZN-yoo ee pahg-reeb-LEE yeh-VOAH ee-SAHF ee ee-AH-kahf sih-NOV-yah yeh-VOAH
Being Old And Life And Buried [His, Him, It] Esau And [Jacob, James] Sons [His, Him, It.]
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 Revision: 8/23/2024 10:36:13 PM
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