Ухожу́ ( Going , I Am Leaving, Leaving )

NRT Only: 7
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 John 8:21 NRT
21 Иису́с сказа́л им ещё раз:
21 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [once, time]:
Я ухожу́,
I [going, i am leaving, leaving],
и вы бу́дете иска́ть Меня́,
and [ye, you] [will, will be] [looking, search, searching, seeking, sought] [I, Me, Self],
и умрёте во грехе́ ва́шем.
and die in [sin, sins] [ye, you, your].
куда́ Я иду́,
[to where, where to] I [coming, going, i am coming, i am going],
вы не смо́жете прийти́.
[ye, you] [never, not] (you can) [come, go].
So he said to them again,
“I am going away,
and you will seek me,
and you will die in your sin.
Where I am going,
you cannot come.”
John 8:21 ESV

Then said Jesus again unto them,
I go my way,
and ye shall seek me,
and shall die in your sins:
whither I go,
ye cannot come.
John 8:21 KJV
 John 14:28 NRT
28 Вы слы́шали,
28 [Ye, You] [have you heard, heard],
что Я сказа́л вам:
[what, that, why] I [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
«Я ухожу́ от вас,
«I [going, i am leaving, leaving] from you,
но Я опя́ть возвращу́сь к вам».
[but, yet] I again [going, i will be back, i will return, return] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you]».
Е́сли бы вы люби́ли Меня́,
[If, A, When, Unless] would [ye, you] [love, loved] [I, Me, Self],
то ра́довались бы тому́,
that rejoiced would [one, the one],
что Я иду́ к Отцу́,
[what, that, why] I [coming, going, i am coming, i am going] [to, for, by] Father,
потому́ что Оте́ц бо́льше Меня́.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] Father [again, great, more] [I, Me, Self].
You heard me say to you,
‘I am going away,
and I will come to you.’ If you loved me,
you would have rejoiced,
because I am going to the Father,
for the Father is greater than I.
John 14:28 ESV

Ye have heard how I said unto you,
I go away,
and come again unto you.
If ye loved me,
ye would rejoice,
because I said,
I go unto the Father:
for my Father is greater than I.
John 14:28 KJV
 John 16:5 NRT
5 –А тепе́рь Я ухожу́ к Тому́,
5 –[While, And, But] now I [going, i am leaving, leaving] [to, for, by] [One, The One],
Кто посла́л Меня́,
Who sent [I, Me, Self],
но никто́ из вас уже́ и не спра́шивает:
[but, yet] [no one, nobody] [from, in, of, out] you already and [never, not] [asks, question]:
«Куда́ Ты ухо́дишь
«[To Where, Where To] You (you are leaving)
But now I am going to him who sent me,
and none of you asks me,
‘Where are you going?’ John 16:5 ESV

But now I go my way to him that sent me;
and none of you asketh me,
Whither goest thou?
John 16:5 KJV
 John 16:7 NRT
7 Но говорю́ вам и́стину:
7 [But, Yet] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
Я ухожу́ ра́ди ва́шего же бла́га.
I [going, i am leaving, leaving] (for the sake of) (your his) [but, same, then] [blessing, blessings].
Е́сли Я не уйду́,
[If, A, When, Unless] I [never, not] (i will leave),
то Засту́пник не придёт к вам,
that [Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, Protector] [never, not] [come, comes, cometh, coming, will come] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you],
но е́сли Я пойду́,
[but, yet] [if, a, when, unless] I (i will go),
то пошлю́ Его́ к вам.
that [i will send, send, send it] [His, Him, It] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you].
I tell you the truth:
it is to your advantage that I go away,
for if I do not go away,
the Helper will not come to you.
But if I go,
I will send him to you.
John 16:7 ESV

Nevertheless I tell you the truth;
It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away,
the Comforter will not come unto you;
but if I depart,
I will send him unto you.
John 16:7 KJV
 John 16:10 NRT
10 о пра́ведности,
10 about righteousness,
потому́ что Я ухожу́ к Моему́ Отцу́,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] I [going, i am leaving, leaving] [to, for, by] My Father,
и вы Меня́ уже́ не уви́дите,
and [ye, you] [I, Me, Self] already [never, not] [see, you will see],
concerning righteousness,
because I go to the Father,
and you will see me no longer;
John 16:10 ESV

Of righteousness,
because I go to my Father,
and ye see me no more;
John 16:10 KJV
 John 16:17 NRT
17 Не́которые из Его́ ученико́в ста́ли говори́ть друг дру́гу:
17 Some [from, in, of, out] [His, Him, It] disciples [be, become, get] [to speak, to talk] friend friend:
Что э́то Он име́ет в ви́ду,
[What, That, Why] [that, this, it] He [has, it has] [at, in, of, on] [i think, kind of, mind, think],
когда́ говори́т:
when [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
«Пройдёт немно́го вре́мени,
«(It Will Pass) [a little, little] time,
и вы Меня́ уже́ не уви́дите,
and [ye, you] [I, Me, Self] already [never, not] [see, you will see],
но пройдёт ещё немно́го вре́мени,
[but, yet] (it will pass) [again, also, another, even, further, more] [a little, little] time,
и вы опя́ть уви́дите Меня́» и «Я ухожу́ к Отцу́»?
and [ye, you] again [see, you will see] [I, Me, Self]» and «I [going, i am leaving, leaving] [to, for, by] Father»?
So some of his disciples said to one another,
“What is this that he says to us,
‘A little while,
and you will not see me,
and again a little while,
and you will see me’;
‘because I am going to the Father’?”
John 16:17 ESV

Then said some of his disciples among themselves,
What is this that he saith unto us,
A little while,
and ye shall not see me:
and again,
a little while,
and ye shall see me:
Because I go to the Father?
John 16:17 KJV
 John 16:28 NRT
28 Я пришёл в мир от Отца́,
28 I [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] [peace, the world, world] from [Father, The Father],
и сейча́с Я покида́ю э́тот мир и ухожу́ к Отцу́.
and now I leaving this [peace, the world, world] and [going, i am leaving, leaving] [to, for, by] Father.
I came from the Father and have come into the world,
and now I am leaving the world and going to the Father.”
John 16:28 ESV

I came forth from the Father,
and am come into the world:
I leave the world,
and go to the Father.
John 16:28 KJV
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