. Люблю́ ( I Love, Love )

 Verb - Present Tense - Internal - Continuous - Positive
(RUSV: 5 + NRT: 4) = 9
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 27:4 RUSV
4 и пригото́вь мне ку́шанье,
4 and [prepare, prepare it] [me, to me] [dish, food, the dish],
како́е я люблю́,
which i [i love, love],
и принеси́ мне есть,
and [bring, bring it, get] [me, to me] [there are, there is],
что́бы благослови́ла тебя́ душа моя́,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [bless, blessed] you soul my,
пре́жде не́жели я умру́.
before (rather than) i [die, i am going to die, i will die].
and prepare for me delicious food,
such as I love,
and bring it to me so that I may eat,
that my soul may bless you before I die.”
Genesis 27:4 ESV

And make me savory meat,
such as I love,
and bring it to me,
that I may eat;
that my soul may bless thee before I die.
Genesis 27:4 KJV
 John 14:31 NRT
31 но мир до́лжен узна́ть,
31 [but, yet] [peace, the world, world] [must, ought, should] [know, to know],
что Я люблю́ Отца́ и что Я де́лаю то,
[what, that, why] I [i love, love] [Father, The Father] and [what, that, why] I [do, i do] that,
что Оте́ц Мне повеле́л.
[what, that, why] Father [Me, To Me] [commanded, commandment].
[Get Up, Rise, Stand Up],
пойдём отсю́да.
[let us go to, let's go to] (from here).
but I do as the Father has commanded me,
so that the world may know that I love the Father.
let us go from here.
John 14:31 ESV

But that the world may know that I love the Father;
and as the Father gave me commandment,
even so I do.
let us go hence.
John 14:31 KJV
 John 14:31 RUSV
31 Но что́бы мир знал,
31 [But, Yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] [peace, the world, world] [knew, know],
что Я люблю́ Отца́ и,
[what, that, why] I [i love, love] [Father, The Father] and,
как запове́дал Мне Оте́ц,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] commanded [Me, To Me] Father,
так и творю́:
so and [create, i create]:
(stand up),
пойдём отсю́да.
[let us go to, let's go to] (from here).
but I do as the Father has commanded me,
so that the world may know that I love the Father.
let us go from here.
John 14:31 ESV

But that the world may know that I love the Father;
and as the Father gave me commandment,
even so I do.
let us go hence.
John 14:31 KJV
 John 21:15 NRT
15 Когда́ они́ зако́нчили есть,
15 When [they, they are] finished [there are, there is],
Иису́с сказа́л Симону Петру́:
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Simon, Simon's] Peter:
сын Иоа́нна,
son John,
ты действи́тельно лю́бишь Меня́ бо́льше,
you [really, truly, indeed] [do you love, love, lovest] [I, Me, Self] [again, great, more],
чём они́?
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] [they, they are]?
[Lord, God],
отве́тил тот,
answered that,
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
Иису́с сказа́л:
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Тогда́ паси́ Мои́х ягня́т.
Then [feed, graze, pass it] [Mine, My, Of Mine] lambs.
When they had finished breakfast,
Jesus said to Simon Peter,
son of John,
do you love me more than these?”
He said to him,
you know that I love you.”
He said to him,
“Feed my lambs.”
John 21:15 ESV

So when they had dined,
Jesus saith to Simon Peter,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me more than these?
He saith unto him,
thou knowest that I love thee.
He saith unto him,
Feed my lambs.
John 21:15 KJV
 John 21:15 RUSV
15 Когда́ же они́ обе́дали,
15 When [but, same, then] [they, they are] [had dinner, had dined],
Иису́с говори́т Симону Петру́:
Jesus [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [Simon, Simon's] Peter:
Симон Ионин!
Simon [John, Jona]!
лю́бишь ли ты Меня́ бо́льше,
[do you love, love, lovest] whether you [I, Me, Self] [again, great, more],
не́жели они́?
(rather than) [they, they are]?
[Пётр] говори́т Ему́:
[Peter] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [Him, It, To Him]:
[Lord, God]!
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
[Иису́с] говори́т ему́:
[Jesus] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [him, it, to him]:
паси́ а́гнцев Мои́х.
[feed, graze, pass it] lambs [Mine, My, Of Mine].
When they had finished breakfast,
Jesus said to Simon Peter,
son of John,
do you love me more than these?”
He said to him,
you know that I love you.”
He said to him,
“Feed my lambs.”
John 21:15 ESV

So when they had dined,
Jesus saith to Simon Peter,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me more than these?
He saith unto him,
thou knowest that I love thee.
He saith unto him,
Feed my lambs.
John 21:15 KJV
 John 21:16 NRT
16 И во второ́й раз Иису́с спроси́л его́:
16 And in second [once, time] Jesus asked [his, him, it]:
сын Иоа́нна,
son John,
лю́бишь ли ты Меня́?
[do you love, love, lovest] whether you [I, Me, Self]?
Пётр отве́тил:
Peter answered:
[Lord, God],
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
Иису́с сказа́л:
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Забо́ться о Мои́х о́вцах.
(Take Care) about [Mine, My, Of Mine] sheep.
He said to him a second time,
son of John,
do you love me?”
He said to him,
you know that I love you.”
He said to him,
“Tend my sheep.”
John 21:16 ESV

He saith to him again the second time,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me?
He saith unto him,
thou knowest that I love thee.
He saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.
John 21:16 KJV
 John 21:16 RUSV
16 Ещё говори́т ему́ в друго́й раз:
16 [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] another [once, time]:
Симон Ионин!
Simon [John, Jona]!
лю́бишь ли ты Меня́?
[do you love, love, lovest] whether you [I, Me, Self]?
[Пётр] говори́т Ему́:
[Peter] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [Him, It, To Him]:
[Lord, God]!
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
[Иису́с] говори́т ему́:
[Jesus] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [him, it, to him]:
паси́ ове́ц Мои́х.
[feed, graze, pass it] sheep [Mine, My, Of Mine].
He said to him a second time,
son of John,
do you love me?”
He said to him,
you know that I love you.”
He said to him,
“Tend my sheep.”
John 21:16 ESV

He saith to him again the second time,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me?
He saith unto him,
thou knowest that I love thee.
He saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.
John 21:16 KJV
 John 21:17 NRT
17 Пото́м Иису́с в тре́тий раз спроси́л Петра́:
17 [Then, Later] Jesus [at, in, of, on] third [once, time] asked Peter:
сын Иоа́нна,
son John,
ты лю́бишь Меня́?
you [do you love, love, lovest] [I, Me, Self]?
Пётр опеча́лился,
Peter [grieved, saddened],
что Иису́с спроси́л его́ в тре́тий раз:
[what, that, why] Jesus asked [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] third [once, time]:
«Лю́бишь ли ты Меня́
«[Do You Love, Love, Lovest] whether you [I, Me, Self]
и отве́тил:
and answered:
[Lord, God],
Ты зна́ешь все,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
Иису́с сказа́л ему́:
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
Паси́ Мои́х ове́ц.
[Feed, Graze, Pass It] [Mine, My, Of Mine] sheep.
He said to him the third time,
son of John,
do you love me?”
Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time,
“Do you love me?”
and he said to him,
you know everything;
you know that I love you.”
Jesus said to him,
“Feed my sheep.
John 21:17 ESV

He saith unto him the third time,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me?
Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time,
Lovest thou me?
And he said unto him,
thou knowest all things;
thou knowest that I love thee.
Jesus saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.
John 21:17 KJV
 John 21:17 RUSV
17 Говори́т ему́ в тре́тий раз:
17 [He Speaks, Say, Speaks, Talk, To Talk] [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] third [once, time]:
Симон Ионин!
Simon [John, Jona]!
лю́бишь ли ты Меня́?
[do you love, love, lovest] whether you [I, Me, Self]?
Пётр опеча́лился,
Peter [grieved, saddened],
что в тре́тий раз спроси́л его́:
[what, that, why] [at, in, of, on] third [once, time] asked [his, him, it]:
лю́бишь ли Меня́?
[do you love, love, lovest] whether [I, Me, Self]?
и сказа́л Ему́:
and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Him, It, To Him]:
[Lord, God]!
Ты все зна́ешь;
You [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [know, knowest, understand, you know];
Ты зна́ешь,
You [know, knowest, understand, you know],
что я люблю́ Тебя́.
[what, that, why] i [i love, love] You.
Иису́с говори́т ему́:
Jesus [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [him, it, to him]:
паси́ ове́ц Мои́х.
[feed, graze, pass it] sheep [Mine, My, Of Mine].
He said to him the third time,
son of John,
do you love me?”
Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time,
“Do you love me?”
and he said to him,
you know everything;
you know that I love you.”
Jesus said to him,
“Feed my sheep.
John 21:17 ESV

He saith unto him the third time,
son of Jonas,
lovest thou me?
Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time,
Lovest thou me?
And he said unto him,
thou knowest all things;
thou knowest that I love thee.
Jesus saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.
John 21:17 KJV
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