Писа́ния ( Scripture , Scriptures )

 Noun - Neuter
(RUSV: 7 + NRT: 9) = 16
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Matthew 26:54 RUSV
54 как же сбу́дутся Писа́ния,
54 [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [but, same, then] [they will come true, will come true] [Scripture, Scriptures],
что так должно́ быть?
[what, that, why] so [must, should] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become]?
But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled,
that it must be so?”
Matthew 26:54 ESV

But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled,
that thus it must be?
Matthew 26:54 KJV
 Matthew 26:56 NRT
56 Но все произошло́ и́менно так,
56 [But, Yet] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] happened exactly so,
что́бы испо́лнились писа́ния проро́ков.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [fulfill, fulfilled] [scripture, scriptures] prophets.
Тогда́ все ученики́ оста́вили Его́ и убежа́ли.
Then [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [students, disciples] left [His, Him, It] and [fled, ran, they ran away].
But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.”
Then all the disciples left him and fled.
Matthew 26:56 ESV

But all this was done,
that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.
Then all the disciples forsook him,
and fled.
Matthew 26:56 KJV
 Matthew 26:56 RUSV
56 Сие́ же все бы́ло,
56 This [but, same, then] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [it was, was],
да сбу́дутся писа́ния проро́ков.
yes [they will come true, will come true] [scripture, scriptures] prophets.
Тогда́ все ученики́,
Then [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [students, disciples],
оста́вив Его́,
leaving [His, Him, It],
[escape, fled, ran, running, they fled].
But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.”
Then all the disciples left him and fled.
Matthew 26:56 ESV

But all this was done,
that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.
Then all the disciples forsook him,
and fled.
Matthew 26:56 KJV
 Mark 14:49 NRT
49 –Ка́ждый день Я был с ва́ми в хра́ме и учи́л,
49 –[Each, Every] day I [be, to be, was, were] [and, from, in, of, with] you [at, in, of, on] temple and [learned, taught, teaching],
и вы не аресто́вывали Меня́.
and [ye, you] [never, not] [arrested, they were arrested] [I, Me, Self].
Но пусть испо́лнятся Писа́ния.
[But, Yet] let [will be fulfilled, will come true] [Scripture, Scriptures].
Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching,
and you did not seize me.
But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.”
Mark 14:49 ESV

I was daily with you in the temple teaching,
and ye took me not:
but the scriptures must be fulfilled.
Mark 14:49 KJV
 Mark 14:49 RUSV
49 Ка́ждый день быва́л Я с ва́ми в хра́ме и учи́л,
49 [Each, Every] day [been there, i have been] I [and, from, in, of, with] you [at, in, of, on] temple and [learned, taught, teaching],
и вы не бра́ли Меня́.
and [ye, you] [never, not] [they took, they took it, took] [I, Me, Self].
Но да сбу́дутся Писа́ния.
[But, Yet] yes [they will come true, will come true] [Scripture, Scriptures].
Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching,
and you did not seize me.
But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.”
Mark 14:49 ESV

I was daily with you in the temple teaching,
and ye took me not:
but the scriptures must be fulfilled.
Mark 14:49 KJV
 Mark 15:28 RUSV
28 И сбылось сло́во Писа́ния:
28 And [came true, it came true] [saying, the word, word] [Scripture, Scriptures]:
и к злоде́ям причтён.
and [to, for, by] [to the villains, villains] credited.

And the scripture was fulfilled,
which saith,
And he was numbered with the transgressors.
Mark 15:28 KJV
 Luke 4:21 NRT
21 Он на́чал говори́ть:
21 He [began, start] [to speak, to talk]:
когда́ вы слу́шали,
when [ye, you] [hear, hearing, listen, listened. heard],
испо́лнились э́ти слова Писа́ния.
[fulfill, fulfilled] these [speech, the words, word, words] [Scripture, Scriptures].
And he began to say to them,
“Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
Luke 4:21 ESV

And he began to say unto them,
This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
Luke 4:21 KJV
 Luke 20:17 NRT
17 Но Иису́с,
17 [But, Yet] Jesus,
взгляну́в на них,
[beheld, glancing, having looked, looked] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [them, they],
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Что означа́ют слова Писа́ния:
[What, That, Why] [mean, they mean] [speech, the words, word, words] [Scripture, Scriptures]:
«[Rock, Stone],
Кото́рый отве́ргли строи́тели,
[Which, Which The, Who] rejected builders,
стал краеуго́льным»?
became [cornerstone, the cornerstone]»?
But he looked directly at them and said,
“What then is this that is written:
“‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’?
Luke 20:17 ESV

And he beheld them,
and said,
What is this then that is written,
The stone which the builders rejected,
the same is become the head of the corner?
Luke 20:17 KJV
 Luke 24:32 NRT
32 Они́ ста́ли говори́ть друг дру́гу:
32 [They, They Are] [be, become, get] [to speak, to talk] friend friend:
Ра́зве не горе́ло в нас се́рдце,
[Is, Perhaps, Really] [never, not] [burn, burned, burning, it was burning] [at, in, of, on] [us, we] [heart, hearts],
когда́ Он говори́л с на́ми по доро́ге и объясня́л нам Писа́ния?!
when He spoke [and, from, in, of, with] [us, we] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [path, road] and explained [to us, us] [Scripture, Scriptures]?!
They said to each other,
“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road,
while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
Luke 24:32 ESV

And they said one to another,
Did not our heart burn within us,
while he talked with us by the way,
and while he opened to us the scriptures?
Luke 24:32 KJV
 John 5:39 NRT
39 Вы стара́тельно иссле́дуете Писа́ния,
39 [Ye, You] [diligent, diligently] [explore, investigate] [Scripture, Scriptures],
наде́ясь че́рез них получи́ть жизнь ве́чную.
hoping [across, by way of, through] [them, they] [get, obtain, receive, to get] [life, living] [eternal, everlasting].
А ведь э́ти Писа́ния свиде́тельствуют обо́ Мне.
[While, And, But] [because, after all, indeed] these [Scripture, Scriptures] [testify, they testify] about [Me, To Me].
You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life;
and it is they that bear witness about me,
John 5:39 ESV

Search the scriptures;
for in them ye think ye have eternal life:
and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39 KJV
 John 5:39 RUSV
39 Иссле́дуйте Писа́ния,
39 [Explore, Investigate] [Scripture, Scriptures],
и́бо вы ду́маете чрез них име́ть жизнь ве́чную;
[for, because] [ye, you] (do you think) through [them, they] [have, to have] [life, living] [eternal, everlasting];
а они́ свиде́тельствуют о Мне.
[while, and, but] [they, they are] [testify, they testify] about [Me, To Me].
You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life;
and it is they that bear witness about me,
John 5:39 ESV

Search the scriptures;
for in them ye think ye have eternal life:
and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39 KJV
 John 7:15 RUSV
15 И диви́лись Иуде́и,
15 And [amazed, astonished, marveled, marveling, marvelled, they were amazed, wondered] Jews,
[saying, talking]:
как Он зна́ет Писа́ния,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] He knows [Scripture, Scriptures],
не учившись?
[never, not] [learned, learning, teaching]?
The Jews therefore marveled,
“How is it that this man has learning,
when he has never studied?”
John 7:15 ESV

And the Jews marvelled,
How knoweth this man letters,
having never learned?
John 7:15 KJV
 John 13:18 NRT
18 Я не говорю́ о всех вас.
18 I [never, not] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] about [all, everyone] you.
кого́ Я избра́л,
[that, who, whom] I [choose, chose, chosen, elected, i chose],
Я зна́ю,
I [i know, know],
но слова Писа́ния:
[but, yet] [speech, the words, word, words] [Scripture, Scriptures]:
кто ест Мой хлеб,
who [eating, eats] [Mine, My] [bread, loaves, shewbread],
подня́л свою́ пяту́ про́тив Меня́» – должны́ испо́лниться.
[lifted, lifting, raised] [its, my, thy, your] [heel, the fifth] against [I, Me, Self]» – [must, should] [accomplished, be fulfilled, fulfilled, it will be fulfilled].
I am not speaking of all of you;
I know whom I have chosen.
But the Scripture will be fulfilled,
‘He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’ John 13:18 ESV

I speak not of you all:
I know whom I have chosen:
but that the scripture may be fulfilled,
He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
John 13:18 KJV
 John 19:36 NRT
36 Все э́то произошло́,
36 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [that, this, it] happened,
что́бы испо́лнились слова Писа́ния:
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [fulfill, fulfilled] [speech, the words, word, words] [Scripture, Scriptures]:
«Ни одна́ из Его́ ко́стей не бу́дет перело́млена».
«Neither one [from, in, of, out] [His, Him, It] bones [never, not] [will be, would be] broken».
For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled:
“Not one of his bones will be broken.”
John 19:36 ESV

For these things were done,
that the scripture should be fulfilled,
A bone of him shall not be broken.
John 19:36 KJV
 John 19:37 NRT
37 И в другом ме́сте Писа́ния говори́тся:
37 And [at, in, of, on] [a friend, friend] location [Scripture, Scriptures] (it says):
«Они́ бу́дут смотре́ть на Того́,
«[They, They Are] [will, be] [behold, look, see, to look, view, watch] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] That,
Кото́рого пронзи́ли».
[Which, Which One, Whom] pierced».
And again another Scripture says,
“They will look on him whom they have pierced.”
John 19:37 ESV

And again another scripture saith,
They shall look on him whom they pierced.
John 19:37 KJV
 John 20:9 RUSV
9 И́бо они́ ещё не зна́ли из Писа́ния,
9 [For, Because] [they, they are] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] knew [from, in, of, out] [Scripture, Scriptures],
что Ему́ надлежа́ло воскре́снуть из мёртвых.
[what, that, why] [Him, It, To Him] [it should have been, should have] [resurrect, resurrected, to be resurrected] [from, in, of, out] [dead, the dead].
for as yet they did not understand the Scripture,
that he must rise from the dead.
John 20:9 ESV

For as yet they knew not the scripture,
that he must rise again from the dead.
John 20:9 KJV
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