Поду́мал ( I Thought, Thought )

(RUSV: 1 + NRT: 8) = 9
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 17:17 NRT
17 Авраа́м пал ниц,
17 Abraham [fallen, fall down] [face downwards, nice, prostrate],
рассмеялся и поду́мал:
рассмеялся and [i thought, thought]:
«Роди́тся ли сын у челове́ка,
«[Born, Will Be Born] whether son [at, by, with, of] human,
кото́рому сто лет?
(to whom) [hundred, one hundred] years?
Роди́т ли ребёнка Са́рра,
(Will Give Birth) whether [baby, child] Sarah,
кото́рой уже́ девяно́сто
[which, which one] already ninety
Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself,
“Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old?
Shall Sarah,
who is ninety years old,
bear a child?”
Genesis 17:17 ESV

Then Abraham fell upon his face,
and laughed,
and said in his heart,
Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old?
and shall Sarah,
that is ninety years old,
Genesis 17:17 KJV
 Genesis 20:11 NRT
11 Авраа́м отве́тил:
11 Abraham answered:
Я поду́мал:
I [i thought, thought]:
«В э́том ме́сте,
«[At, In, Of, On] this location,
[of course, certainly],
нет стра́ха Бо́жьего,
[no, not] fear [God, God's],
и они́ убью́т меня́ за мою жену́».
and [they, they are] [kill, murder, they will kill you, will kill] [i, me, self] [after, around, at, behind, over] [my, mine] [my wife, wife]».
Abraham said,
“I did it because I thought,
‘There is no fear of God at all in this place,
and they will kill me because of my wife.’ Genesis 20:11 ESV

And Abraham said,
Because I thought,
Surely the fear of God is not in this place;
and they will slay me for my wife's sake.
Genesis 20:11 KJV
 Genesis 20:11 RUSV
11 Авраа́м сказа́л:
11 Abraham [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
я поду́мал,
i [i thought, thought],
что нет на ме́сте сём стра́ха Божия,
[what, that, why] [no, not] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] location [this, same] fear [God, God's],
и убью́т меня́ за жену́ мою;
and [kill, murder, they will kill you, will kill] [i, me, self] [after, around, at, behind, over] [my wife, wife] [my, mine];
Abraham said,
“I did it because I thought,
‘There is no fear of God at all in this place,
and they will kill me because of my wife.’ Genesis 20:11 ESV

And Abraham said,
Because I thought,
Surely the fear of God is not in this place;
and they will slay me for my wife's sake.
Genesis 20:11 KJV
 Genesis 28:16 NRT
16 Просну́вшись,
16 (Waking Up),
Иа́ков поду́мал:
[Jacob, James] [i thought, thought]:
«[Truly, Verily],
на э́том ме́сте Госпо́дь,
[at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] this location Lord,
а я и не знал».
[while, and, but] i and [never, not] [knew, know]».
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said,
“Surely the Lord is in this place,
and I did not know it.”
Genesis 28:16 ESV

And Jacob awaked out of his sleep,
and he said,
Surely the LORD is in this place;
and I knew it not.
Genesis 28:16 KJV
 Genesis 38:11 NRT
11 Тогда́ Иу́да сказа́л свое́й невестке Фамари:
11 Then Judas [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [his, mine] невестке Фамари:
Живи́ вдовой в до́ме у твоего́ отца́,
Live widow [at, in, of, on] [home, house] [at, by, with, of] [thy, your] [father, the father],
пока́ не вы́растет мой сын Шела,
[bye, while] [never, not] [grow, it will grow, will grow up] [mine, my] son Shelah,
потому́ что он поду́мал:
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] he [i thought, thought]:
«Как бы и Шела не у́мер вслед за бра́тьями».
«[How, What, As, Like (comparison)] would and Shelah [never, not] died [after, following] [after, around, at, behind, over] [brethren, brothers]».
И Фама́рь отправилась жить в дом отца́.
And Tamar отправилась live [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [father, the father].
Then Judah said to Tamar his daughter-in-law,
“Remain a widow in your father's house,
till Shelah my son grows up”—for he feared that he would die,
like his brothers.
So Tamar went and remained in her father's house.
Genesis 38:11 ESV

Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law,
Remain a widow at thy father's house,
till Shelah my son be grown:
for he said,
Lest peradventure he die also,
as his brethren did.
And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house.
Genesis 38:11 KJV
 Luke 7:39 NRT
39 Когда́ фарисе́й,
39 When (the pharisee),
пригласи́вший Иису́са,
[invited, inviter, the one who invited] Jesus,
уви́дел э́то,
[had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [that, this, it],
он поду́мал:
he [i thought, thought]:
«Е́сли бы Э́тот Челове́к действи́тельно был проро́ком,
«[If, A, When, Unless] would This [Man, Human, Person] [really, truly, indeed] [be, to be, was, were] [a prophet, prophet],
то Он бы знал,
that He would [knew, know],
что же́нщина,
[what, that, why] woman,
кото́рая к Нему́ прикаса́ется,
which [to, for, by] [Him, His] [touches, toucheth, touching],
Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this,
he said to himself,
“If this man were a prophet,
he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him,
for she is a sinner.”
Luke 7:39 ESV

Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it,
he spake within himself,
This man,
if he were a prophet,
would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him:
for she is a sinner.
Luke 7:39 KJV
 Luke 12:17 NRT
17 «Что мне де́лать?
17 «[What, That, Why] [me, to me] [to do, to make]?
Мне не́где храни́ть весь со́бранный урожа́й,
[Me, To Me] nowhere [keep, store, cherish] [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] assembled harvest,
поду́мал он.
[i thought, thought] he.
and he thought to himself,
‘What shall I do,
for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ Luke 12:17 ESV

And he thought within himself,
What shall I do,
because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
Luke 12:17 KJV
 Luke 16:3 NRT
3 Управля́ющий поду́мал:
3 Manager [i thought, thought]:
«Что же мне тепе́рь де́лать?
«[What, That, Why] [but, same, then] [me, to me] now [to do, to make]?
Хозя́ин увольня́ет меня́.
[Master, Owner, Landlord] [dismisses, fires] [i, me, self].
Идти́ копа́ть у меня́ нет сил,
[Go, To Go] [dig, excavate] [at, by, with, of] [i, me, self] [no, not] [force, forces],
проси́ть ми́лостыню стыдно …
ask alms стыдно …
And the manager said to himself,
‘What shall I do,
since my master is taking the management away from me?
I am not strong enough to dig,
and I am ashamed to beg.
Luke 16:3 ESV

Then the steward said within himself,
What shall I do?
for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship:
I cannot dig;
to beg I am ashamed.
Luke 16:3 KJV
 Luke 20:13 NRT
13 Тогда́ хозя́ин виногра́дника поду́мал:
13 Then [master, owner, landlord] vineyard [i thought, thought]:
«Что же мне де́лать?
«[What, That, Why] [but, same, then] [me, to me] [to do, to make]?
Пошлю́ своего́ люби́мого сы́на,
[I Will Send, Send, Send It] [his, yours] beloved [a son, my son, son],
[can, may, maybe],
хоть его́ они́ устыдя́тся».
[at least, though] [his, him, it] [they, they are] [ashamed, they will be ashamed]».
Then the owner of the vineyard said,
‘What shall I do?
I will send my beloved son;
perhaps they will respect him.’ Luke 20:13 ESV

Then said the lord of the vineyard,
What shall I do?
I will send my beloved son:
it may be they will reverence him when they see him.
Luke 20:13 KJV
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