Bible  Genesis 20:1-18 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Авраа́м подня́лся отту́да к ю́гу и посели́лся ме́жду
ahv-rah-AHM pahd-NYAHL-syah aht-TOO-dah k YOO-goo ee pah-see-LEEL-syah MEJ-doo
1 Abraham [Got Up, Rose Up, Went, Went Up] (From There) [To, For, By] South And [Dwelt, Lived, Settled, Settled In] [Among, Between, Meanwhile]
Кадесом и ме́жду Суром; и был на вре́мя в Гераре.
kah-deh-som ee MEJ-doo ee bihl nuh VREH-myah (v)- ghe-rah-reh
Kadesh And [Among, Between, Meanwhile] And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Hour, Time] [At, In, Of, On] Gerar.
2 И сказа́л Авраа́м о Са́рре, же́не свое́й: она́
ee skuh-ZAHL ahv-rah-AHM oah SAHR-ree JEH-nee svah-YAY ah-NAH
2 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Abraham About Sarah Wife [His, Mine] [She, She Is]
сестра́ моя́. И посла́л Авимелех, царь Герарский, и взял Са́рру.
seest-RAH mah-YAH ee pahs-LAHL ah-vee-meh-lehh tsahr ee vzyahl SAHR-roo
Sister My. And Sent Abimelech King And Took Sarah.
3 И пришёл Бог к Авимелеху но́чью во сне и сказа́л ему́:
ee pree-SHOL bohh k NOCH-yoo voh sneh ee skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO
3 And [Arrive, Came, Come] God [To, For, By] Abimelech [At Night, By Night, Night] In [Dream, Sleep] And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him]
вот, ты умрёшь за же́нщину, кото́рую ты взял, и́бо она́ име́ет му́жа.
vot tih oom-RYOSH zah JEN-shhee-noo kah-TAW-roo-yoo tih vzyahl EE-bah ah-NAH ee-MEH-eet MOO-jah
[Behold, Here, There] You [Die, You Are Going To Die, You Will Die] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] Woman [Which, Which One] You Took [For, Because] [She, She Is] [Has, It Has] [Husband, Man, Men.]
4 Авимелех же не прикаса́лся к ней и
ah-vee-meh-lehh zheh nyeh pree-kah-SAHL-syah k nay ee
4 Abimelech [But, Same, Then] [Never, Not] Touched [To, For, By] Her And
сказа́л: Влады́ка! неуже́ли ты погу́бишь и неви́нный наро́д?
skuh-ZAHL vlah-DIH-kah nee-oo-JEH-lee tih pah-GOO-beesh ee nee-VEEN-niy nah-ROT
[He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] (The Lord) [Greater, Indeed, Really, Surely] You [Destroy, Ruin, You Will Ruin] And Innocent [Crowd, Nation, People?]
5 Не сам ли он сказа́л мне: она́ сестра́ моя́? И она́ сама́ сказа́ла:
nyeh sahm lee ohn skuh-ZAHL mneh ah-NAH seest-RAH mah-YAH ee ah-NAH sah-MAH skuh-ZAH-luh
5 [Never, Not] [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] Whether He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Me, To Me] [She, She Is] Sister My? And [She, She Is] Herself ((she) Said)
он брат мой. Я сде́лал э́то в простоте сердца моего́ и в чистоте рук мои́х.
ohn braht moy yah SDEH-lahl EH-tuh (v)- SER-tsah mah-ee-VAU ee (v)- rook mah-EEHH
He Brother [Mine, My.] I Did [That, This, It] [At, In, Of, On] [Heart, Hearts, Very Heart] My And [At, In, Of, On] [Arm, Hand] [Mine, My, Of Mine.]
6 И сказа́л ему́ Бог во сне: и Я зна́ю, что ты сде́лал сие́ в простоте
ee skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO bohh voh sneh ee yah ZNAH-yoo shtoh tih SDEH-lahl see-YEH (v)-
6 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] God In [Dream, Sleep] And I [I Know, Know] [What, That, Why] You Did This [At, In, Of, On]
сердца твоего́, и удержал тебя́ от греха́ предо Мно́ю, потому́ и не допусти́л тебя́ прикосну́ться к ней;
SER-tsah tvah-ee-VAU ee tee-BYAH ot gree-HHAH PREH-dah
MNAW-yoo pah-tah-MOO ee nyeh dah-poos-TEEL tee-BYAH pree-kahs-NOOT-syah k nay
[Heart, Hearts, Very Heart] [Thy, Your] And You From [Of Sin, Offences, Sin] [Before, Prior To] Me [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] And [Never, Not] [Admitted, Allowed] You [To Touch, Touch] [To, For, By] Her
7 тепе́рь же возврати́ жену́ му́жу, и́бо он проро́к и помолится о тебе́, и ты
tee-PER zheh vahzv-rah-TEE jee-NOO MOO-joo EE-bah ohn prah-ROK ee oah tee-BEH ee tih
7 Now [But, Same, Then] [Refund, Return] [My Wife, Wife] Husband [For, Because] He [Prophet, The Prophet] And About [Thee, You] And You
бу́дешь жив; а е́сли не возвратишь, то знай, что непреме́нно умрёшь ты и все твои́.
BOO-deesh jeef ah YES-lee nyeh taw zni shtoh neep-ree-MEN-nah oom-RYOSH tih ee (v)syeh
[Will You Be, You Will] [Alive, Liveth, Living] [While, And, But] [If, A, When, Unless] [Never, Not] That Know [What, That, Why] [Certainly, By All Means] [Die, You Are Going To Die, You Will Die] You And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [Thy, Your.]
8 И встал Авимелех у́тром ра́но, и призва́л всех рабо́в свои́х, и
ee vstahl ah-vee-meh-lehh OOT-rahm RAH-nah ee preez-VAHL vsehh rah-BOF svah-EEHH ee
8 And [Get Up, Got Up] Abimelech [In The Morning, Morning] Early And [Called, Urged] [All, Everyone] [Servant, Servants, Slaves] Their And
пересказал все слова сии́ в у́ши их; и лю́ди сии́ весьма́ испуга́лись.
see-EE (v)- OO-shee eehh ee LEW-dee see-EE vees-MAH ees-poo-GAH-lees
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] [These, Those] [At, In, Of, On] Ears [Them, Their] And People [These, Those] [Exceeding, Exceedingly, Quite, Very] [Afraid, Fearful, Scared, They Were Scared, Troubled.]
9 И призва́л Авимелех Авраа́ма и сказа́л ему́: что ты с на́ми сде́лал? чём согреши́л я про́тив тебя́, что
ee preez-VAHL ah-vee-meh-lehh ahv-rah-AH-mah ee skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO shtoh tih (s)- NAH-mee SDEH-lahl chom sahg-ree-SHEEL yah PRAW-teef tee-BYAH shtoh
9 And [Called, Urged] Abimelech Abraham And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] [What, That, Why] You [And, From, In, Of, With] [Us, We] Did? [How, Than, What, Whence, Which, Why] Sinned I Against You [What, That, Why]
ты навёл бы́ло на меня́ и на ца́рство моё вели́кий грех? Ты сде́лал со мно́ю дела, каки́х не де́лают.
tih nah-VYOL BIH-lah nuh mee-NYAH
ee nuh TSAHRST-vah mah-YAW vee-LEE-kiy grehh tih SDEH-lahl saw MNAW-yoo DEH-lah
kah-KEEHH nyeh DEH-lah-yoot
You Guided [It Was, Was] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [I, Me, Self] And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] My Great [Offences, Sin?] You Did [After, With] Me [Affairs, Business, Deeds, Works] [What, Which] [Never, Not] [Are Doing, Do, Doing, Make.]
10 И сказа́л Авимелех Авраа́му: что ты име́л в ви́ду, когда́ де́лал э́то де́ло?
ee skuh-ZAHL ah-vee-meh-lehh ahv-rah-AH-moo shtoh tih ee-MEL (v)- VEE-doo kah-g'DAH DEH-lahl EH-tuh DEH-law
10 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Abimelech (To Abraham) [What, That, Why] You Had [At, In, Of, On] [I Think, Kind Of, Mind, Think] When Did [That, This, It] [Affair, Business?]
11 Авраа́м сказа́л: я поду́мал, что нет на ме́сте
ahv-rah-AHM skuh-ZAHL yah pah-DOO-mahl shtoh net nuh MES-tee
11 Abraham [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] I [I Thought, Thought] [What, That, Why] [No, Not] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Location
сём стра́ха Божия, и убью́т меня́ за жену́ мою;
syom STRAH-hhah baw-jee-yah ee oob-YOOT mee-NYAH
zah jee-NOO MAW-yoo
[This, Same] Fear [God, God's] And [Kill, Murder, They Will Kill You, Will Kill] [I, Me, Self] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] [My Wife, Wife] [My, Mine]
12 да она́ и по́длинно сестра́ мне: она́ дочь отца́
dah ah-NAH ee POD-leen-nah seest-RAH mneh ah-NAH doch aht-TSAH
12 Yes [She, She Is] And [Authentic, Genuinely, Really, Truly] Sister [Me, To Me] [She, She Is] Daughter [Father, The Father]
моего́, то́лько не дочь ма́тери мое́й; и сде́лалась мое́ю жено́ю;
mah-ee-VAU TOL-kah nyeh doch MAH-tee-ree mah-YAY ee SDEH-lah-lahs mah-YEH-yoo jee-NAW-yoo
My [Alone, Only, Just] [Never, Not] Daughter [Mother, Mother's, Mothers] My And [Done, She Became] My [My Wife, Wife]
13 когда́ Бог повёл меня́ странствовать из дома отца́ моего́, то я сказа́л ей: сде́лай со
kah-g'DAH bohh pah-VYOL mee-NYAH
ees DAW-mah
aht-TSAH mah-ee-VAU taw yah skuh-ZAHL yay SDEH-lie saw
13 When God Led [I, Me, Self] [From, In, Of, Out] Houses [Father, The Father] My That I [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Her (Do It) [After, With]
мно́ю сию́ ми́лость, в како́е ни придём мы ме́сто, везде говори́ обо́ мне: э́то брат мой.
MNAW-yoo see-YOO MEE-lahst (v)- kah-KAW-ee nee pree-DYOM mih MES-tah gah-vah-REE ah-BAW mneh EH-tuh braht moy
Me This [Favor, Favored, Favour, Favoured, Grace, Mercy] [At, In, Of, On] Which Neither [Come, We Will Come] [We, We Are] Place Everywhere [Say, Speak, Tell] About [Me, To Me] [That, This, It] Brother [Mine, My.]
14 И взял Авимелех ме́лкого и кру́пного скота́, и рабо́в
ee vzyahl ah-vee-meh-lehh MEL-kah-vah ee KROOP-nah-vah skah-TAH ee rah-BOF
14 And Took Abimelech Small And [A Large One, Large] [Cattle, Livestock] And [Servant, Servants, Slaves]
и рабы́нь, и дал Авраа́му; и возврати́л ему́ Са́рру, жену́ его́.
ee rah-BIN ee dahl ahv-rah-AH-moo ee vahzv-rah-TEEL yee-MOO SAHR-roo jee-NOO yeh-VOAH
And [Maidservants, Servants, Slaves, Womenservants] And Gave (To Abraham) And Returned [Him, It, To Him] Sarah [My Wife, Wife] [His, Him, It.]
15 И сказа́л Авимелех: вот, земля́ моя́ пред тобо́ю; живи́, где тебе́ уго́дно.
ee skuh-ZAHL ah-vee-meh-lehh vot zem-LYAH mah-YAH pret tah-BAW-yoo jee-VEE gdeh tee-BEH oo-GOD-nah
15 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Abimelech [Behold, Here, There] [Earth, Ground, Land] My [Before, Front] [By You, Thee, You] Live [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] [Thee, You] Anything.
16 И Са́рре сказа́л: вот, я дал бра́ту твоему́ тысячу [си́клей] серебра́; вот, э́то
ee SAHR-ree skuh-ZAHL vot yah dahl BRAH-too tvah-ee-MOO SEEK-liy see-reeb-RAH vot EH-tuh
16 And Sarah [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Behold, Here, There] I Gave Brother Yours [Shekels, Sickle] Silver [Behold, Here, There] [That, This, It]
тебе́ покрыва́ло для очей пред все́ми, кото́рые с тобо́ю, и пред все́ми ты опра́вдана.
tee-BEH pahk-rih-VAH-lah dlyah pret VSEH-mee kah-TAW-rih-ee (s)- tah-BAW-yoo ee pret VSEH-mee tih ahp-RAHV-dah-nah
[Thee, You] Cover For [Before, Front] (By All) [Which, Who] [And, From, In, Of, With] [By You, Thee, You] And [Before, Front] (By All) You Justified.
17 И помоли́лся Авраа́м Бо́гу, и исцели́л Бог Авимелеха,
ee pah-mah-LEEL-syah ahv-rah-AHM BAW-goo ee ees-tsee-LEEL bohh ah-vee-meh-leh-hhah
17 And [I Prayed, Pray, Prayed] Abraham God And Healed God Abimelech
и жену́ его́, и рабы́нь его́, и они́ ста́ли рожда́ть;
ee jee-NOO yeh-VOAH ee rah-BIN yeh-VOAH ee ah-NEE STAH-lee rahj-DAHT
And [My Wife, Wife] [His, Him, It] And [Maidservants, Servants, Slaves, Womenservants] [His, Him, It] And [They, They Are] [Be, Become, Get] [Beget, To Give Birth]
18 и́бо заключи́л Госпо́дь вся́кое чре́во в до́ме Авимелеха за Са́рру, жену́ Авраа́мову.
EE-bah zahk-lew-CHEEL gahs-POT VSYAH-kah-ee CHREH-vah (v)- DAW-mee ah-vee-meh-leh-hhah zah SAHR-roo jee-NOO ahv-rah-AH-mah-voo
18 [For, Because] Concluded Lord [Anything, Everyone, Everything] (The Womb) [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] Abimelech [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] Sarah [My Wife, Wife] [Abraham, Abraham's.]
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