Мно́гое ( Many , Many Things, Much )

 Noun - Nominative - Neuter
(RUSV: 8 + NRT: 3) = 11
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Mark 6:20 RUSV
20 И́бо И́род боя́лся Иоа́нна,
20 [For, Because] Herod [fear, feared, i was afraid] John,
[knew, knowing],
что он муж пра́ведный и свято́й,
[what, that, why] he husband [righteous, holy] and holy,
и берег его́;
and [beach, coast, seashore, shore] [his, him, it];
мно́гое де́лал,
[many, many things, much] did,
слушаясь его́,
слушаясь [his, him, it],
и с удовольствием слу́шал его́.
and [and, from, in, of, with] удовольствием [heard, hearing, listened, listened to, listening] [his, him, it].
for Herod feared John,
knowing that he was a righteous and holy man,
and he kept him safe.
When he heard him,
he was greatly perplexed,
and yet he heard him gladly.
Mark 6:20 ESV

For Herod feared John,
knowing that he was a just man and an holy,
and observed him;
and when he heard him,
he did many things,
and heard him gladly.
Mark 6:20 KJV
 Mark 7:4 RUSV
4 и,
4 and,
[придя] с торга,
[[came, coming]] [and, from, in, of, with] торга,
не едя́т не омывшись.
[never, not] [are eating, eating] [never, not] омывшись.
Есть и мно́гое друго́е,
[There Are, There Is] and [many, many things, much] other,
чего́ они́ при́няли держа́ться:
what [they, they are] [accepted, received] (hold on):
наблюда́ть омове́ние чаш,
observe [ablution, washing] bowls,
[mug, mugs],
котлов и скамей.
котлов and скамей.
and when they come from the marketplace,
they do not eat unless they wash.
And there are many other traditions that they observe,
such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels and dining couches.
) Mark 7:4 ESV

And when they come from the market,
except they wash,
they eat not.
And many other things there be,
which they have received to hold,
as the washing of cups,
and pots,
brasen vessels,
and of tables.
Mark 7:4 KJV
 Mark 7:8 RUSV
8 И́бо вы,
8 [For, Because] [ye, you],
оста́вив за́поведь Божию,
leaving [charge, commandment] [God, God's],
держитесь преда́ния челове́ческого,
[hold, hold on, keep] [legends, tradition, traditions] [human, man, man's],
омове́ния кру́жек и чаш,
[ablutions, washings] [mug, mugs] and bowls,
и де́лаете мно́гое друго́е,
and doing [many, many things, much] other,
сёму подо́бное.
this similar.
You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”
Mark 7:8 ESV

For laying aside the commandment of God,
ye hold the tradition of men,
as the washing of pots and cups:
and many other such like things ye do.
Mark 7:8 KJV
 Mark 7:13 NRT
13 Вы отменя́ете Бо́жье сло́во собственным преда́нием,
13 [Ye, You] cancel [God, God's] [saying, the word, word] собственным [by tradition, tradition],
кото́рое вы установи́ли,
which [ye, you] installed,
и мно́гое,
and [many, many things, much],
подо́бное э́тому,
similar this,
вы де́лаете.
[ye, you] doing.
thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down.
And many such things you do.”
Mark 7:13 ESV

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition,
which ye have delivered:
and many such like things do ye.
Mark 7:13 KJV
 Mark 7:13 RUSV
13 устраняя сло́во Божие преда́нием ва́шим,
13 устраняя [saying, the word, word] [God, God's] [by tradition, tradition] [your, yours],
кото́рое вы установи́ли;
which [ye, you] installed;
и де́лаете мно́гое сёму подо́бное.
and doing [many, many things, much] this similar.
thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down.
And many such things you do.”
Mark 7:13 ESV

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition,
which ye have delivered:
and many such like things do ye.
Mark 7:13 KJV
 Luke 3:18 RUSV
18 Мно́гое и друго́е благовествова́л он наро́ду,
18 [Many, Many Things, Much] and other [evangelized, preached] he [to the people, nation],
поуча́я его́.
[preaching, teaching] [his, him, it].
So with many other exhortations he preached good news to the people.
Luke 3:18 ESV

And many other things in his exhortation preached he unto the people.
Luke 3:18 KJV
 Luke 11:53 RUSV
53 Когда́ Он говори́л им э́то,
53 When He spoke [it, them] [that, this, it],
кни́жники и фарисе́и на́чали си́льно приступа́ть к Нему́,
scribes and pharisees started [exceeding, strongly] [get started, getting started, started] [to, for, by] [Him, His],
вынужда́я у Него́ отве́ты на мно́гое,
forcing [at, by, with, of] Him answers [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [many, many things, much],
As he went away from there,
the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him hard and to provoke him to speak about many things,
Luke 11:53 ESV

And as he said these things unto them,
the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently,
and to provoke him to speak of many things:
Luke 11:53 KJV
 John 16:12 NRT
12 Мно́гое Мне ещё хоте́лось бы вам сказа́ть,
12 [Many, Many Things, Much] [Me, To Me] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [wanted, wish] would [to you, ye, you] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell],
но сейча́с вам не под си́лу э́то восприня́ть.
[but, yet] now [to you, ye, you] [never, not] [below, beneath, under, underneath] strength [that, this, it] perceive.
“I still have many things to say to you,
but you cannot bear them now.
John 16:12 ESV

I have yet many things to say unto you,
but ye cannot bear them now.
John 16:12 KJV
 John 16:12 RUSV
12 Ещё мно́гое име́ю сказа́ть вам;
12 [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [many, many things, much] [i have, keep] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell] [to you, ye, you];
но вы тепе́рь не мо́жете вмести́ть.
[but, yet] [ye, you] now [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] [accommodate, contain, to accommodate].
“I still have many things to say to you,
but you cannot bear them now.
John 16:12 ESV

I have yet many things to say unto you,
but ye cannot bear them now.
John 16:12 KJV
 John 21:25 NRT
25 Иису́с сде́лал ещё и мно́гое друго́е,
25 Jesus did [again, also, another, even, further, more] and [many, many things, much] other,
и е́сли бы все э́то описать,
and [if, a, when, unless] would [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [that, this, it] [describe, portray],
я ду́маю,
i think,
и всему́ ми́ру не вмести́ть напи́санных книг.
and [all, everything] [the world, to the world] [never, not] [accommodate, contain, to accommodate] written books.
Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.
Were every one of them to be written,
I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:25 ESV

And there are also many other things which Jesus did,
the which,
if they should be written every one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
John 21:25 KJV
 John 21:25 RUSV
25 Мно́гое и друго́е сотвори́л Иису́с;
25 [Many, Many Things, Much] and other created Jesus;
[but, yet],
е́сли бы писать о том подро́бно,
[if, a, when, unless] would [write, wrote] about [that, volume] [in detail, at length],
и самому ми́ру не вмести́ть бы напи́санных книг.
and [himself, by myself, yourself] [the world, to the world] [never, not] [accommodate, contain, to accommodate] would written books.
Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.
Were every one of them to be written,
I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:25 ESV

And there are also many other things which Jesus did,
the which,
if they should be written every one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
John 21:25 KJV
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