Стране́ ( Country )

 Noun - Feminine
(RUSV: 7 + NRT: 7) = 14
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 21:23 NRT
23 Поклянись же мне здесь пе́ред Бо́гом,
23 Поклянись [but, same, then] [me, to me] [here, there] before [By God, God],
что ты не поступишь вероломно ни со мной,
[what, that, why] you [never, not] поступишь вероломно neither [after, with] me,
ни с мои́ми детьми́,
neither [and, from, in, of, with] [mine, my] children,
ни с мои́м потомством.
neither [and, from, in, of, with] my потомством.
Окажи мне и стране́,
Окажи [me, to me] and country,
в кото́рой ты живёшь как прише́лец,
[at, in, of, on] [which, which one] you [live, you live] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [alien, the alien],
ту же ми́лость,
that [but, same, then] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
каку́ю я оказал тебе́.
[what, which] i оказал [thee, you].
Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity,
but as I have dealt kindly with you,
so you will deal with me and with the land where you have sojourned.”
Genesis 21:23 ESV

Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me,
nor with my son,
nor with my son's son:
but according to the kindness that I have done unto thee,
thou shalt do unto me,
and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned.
Genesis 21:23 KJV
 Genesis 35:22 RUSV
22 Во вре́мя пребыва́ния Изра́иля в той стране́,
22 In [hour, time] [stay, stays] Israel [at, in, of, on] that country,
Руви́м пошёл и переспал с Валлою,
Reuben [gone, went] and переспал [and, from, in, of, with] Валлою,
наложницею отца́ своего́.
наложницею [father, the father] [his, yours].
И услы́шал Изра́иль.
And heard Israel.
Сыно́в же у Иа́кова бы́ло двена́дцать.
[Children, Sons] [but, same, then] [at, by, with, of] [Jacob, James] [it was, was] twelve.
While Israel lived in that land,
Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine.
And Israel heard of it.
Now the sons of Jacob were twelve.
Genesis 35:22 ESV

And it came to pass,
when Israel dwelt in that land,
that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine:
and Israel heard it.
Now the sons of Jacob were twelve:
Genesis 35:22 KJV
 Genesis 41:34 NRT
34 Пусть фарао́н назначит чиновников по всей стране́,
34 Let [pharaoh, the pharaoh] назначит чиновников [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] country,
что́бы они́ собира́ли пя́тую часть урожа́я в Еги́пте в те семь лет изоби́лия.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [they, they are] [collected, gathered] [fifth, one-fifth, the fifth] [part, portion] harvest [at, in, of, on] Egypt [at, in, of, on] those seven years abundance.
Let Pharaoh proceed to appoint overseers over the land and take one-fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt during the seven plentiful years.
Genesis 41:34 ESV

Let Pharaoh do this,
and let him appoint officers over the land,
and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years.
Genesis 41:34 KJV
 Genesis 41:56 NRT
56 Когда́ го́лод распространи́лся по всей стране́,
56 When hunger [spread, distribute] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] country,
Ио́сиф откры́л склады и стал продава́ть зерно́ египтя́нам,
Joseph opened склады and became sell [corn, grain, seed, seeds] [egyptians, to the egyptians],
потому́ что го́лод в Еги́пте был жесто́кий.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] hunger [at, in, of, on] Egypt [be, to be, was, were] cruel.
So when the famine had spread over all the land,
Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold to the Egyptians,
for the famine was severe in the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:56 ESV

And the famine was over all the face of the earth:
and Joseph opened all the storehouses,
and sold unto the Egyptians;
and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:56 KJV
 Genesis 45:6 NRT
6 Уже́ два года,
6 Already two [of the year, years],
как в стране́ го́лод,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [at, in, of, on] country hunger,
и ещё пять лет не бу́дет ни пахоты,
and [again, also, another, even, further, more] five years [never, not] [will be, would be] neither пахоты,
ни жа́твы.
neither harvest.
For the famine has been in the land these two years,
and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest.
Genesis 45:6 ESV

For these two years hath the famine been in the land:
and yet there are five years,
in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest.
Genesis 45:6 KJV
 Matthew 4:16 NRT
16 Наро́д,
16 [Crowd, Nation, People],
живу́щий во тьме,
[lives, liveth, living] in darkness,
уви́дел вели́кий свет,
[had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] great light,
и на живу́щих в стране́ сме́ртной тени воссия́л свет».
and [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] living [at, in, of, on] country [death, mortal] shadows [he shone, shined, shone] light».
the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light,
and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death,
on them a light has dawned.”
Matthew 4:16 ESV

The people which sat in darkness saw great light;
and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
Matthew 4:16 KJV
 Matthew 4:16 RUSV
16 наро́д,
16 [crowd, nation, people],
сидя́щий во тьме,
sitting in darkness,
уви́дел свет вели́кий,
[had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] light great,
и сидя́щим в стране́ и тени сме́ртной воссия́л свет.
and [seated, sitting] [at, in, of, on] country and shadows [death, mortal] [he shone, shined, shone] light.
the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light,
and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death,
on them a light has dawned.”
Matthew 4:16 ESV

The people which sat in darkness saw great light;
and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
Matthew 4:16 KJV
 Luke 1:65 RUSV
65 И был страх на всех живу́щих вокру́г них;
65 And [be, to be, was, were] [fear, horror, terror] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [all, everyone] living around [them, they];
и расска́зывали обо́ всем э́том по всей наго́рной стране́ Иуде́йской.
and [they told, they told me] about [everyone, to everyone] this [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] mountain country Jewish.
And fear came on all their neighbors.
And all these things were talked about through all the hill country of Judea,
Luke 1:65 ESV

And fear came on all that dwelt round about them:
and all these sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of Judaea.
Luke 1:65 KJV
 Luke 2:8 RUSV
8 В той стране́ бы́ли на по́ле пастухи́,
8 [At, In, Of, On] that country [been, has been, were] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] field shepherds,
кото́рые содержа́ли ночну́ю стра́жу у стада своего́.
[which, who] contained [night, nighttime] [guard, watch] [at, by, with, of] [herds, flocks] [his, yours].
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8 ESV

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8 KJV
 Luke 3:3 RUSV
3 И он проходи́л по всей окре́стной стране́ Иорда́нской,
3 And he passed [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] [surrounding, the surrounding area] country Jordanian,
пропове́дуя креще́ние покая́ния для проще́ния гре́хов,
[preaching, proclaiming] [baptism, christening, epiphany] repentance for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins,
And he went into all the region around the Jordan,
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Luke 3:3 ESV

And he came into all the country about Jordan,
preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
Luke 3:3 KJV
 Luke 4:14 RUSV
14 И возврати́лся Иису́с в си́ле ду́ха в Галиле́ю;
14 And [came again, come back, departed, returned, turn again, went down] Jesus [at, in, of, on] [force, power, strength] spirit [at, in, of, on] Galilee;
и разнесла́сь молва́ о Нем по всей окре́стной стране́.
and [it spread, spread] [hearsay, rumor] about [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] [surrounding, the surrounding area] country.
And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee,
and a report about him went out through all the surrounding country.
Luke 4:14 ESV

And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee:
and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Luke 4:14 KJV
 Luke 4:25 NRT
25 Уверя́ю вас,
25 [Assure, I Assure You] you,
что во времена́ Илии,
[what, that, why] in [days, time, times] [Elias, Elijah],
когда́ три с полови́ной года не бы́ло дождя́ и по всей стране́ был ужа́сный го́лод,
when three [and, from, in, of, with] half [of the year, years] [never, not] [it was, was] rain and [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] country [be, to be, was, were] [awful, horrible, terrible] hunger,
в Изра́иле бы́ло мно́го вдов,
[at, in, of, on] Israel [it was, was] [a lot of, many] widows,
But in truth,
I tell you,
there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah,
when the heavens were shut up three years and six months,
and a great famine came over all the land,
Luke 4:25 ESV

But I tell you of a truth,
many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias,
when the heaven was shut up three years and six months,
when great famine was throughout all the land;
Luke 4:25 KJV
 Luke 15:14 NRT
14 Когда́ у него́ уже́ ничего́ не оста́лось,
14 When [at, by, with, of] him already [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] left,
в той стране́ на́чался си́льный го́лод,
[at, in, of, on] that country (has begun) [strong, powerful] hunger,
и он оказа́лся в нужде́.
and he [it turned out, turned out to be] [at, in, of, on] [necessity, need, want].
And when he had spent everything,
a severe famine arose in that country,
and he began to be in need.
Luke 15:14 ESV

And when he had spent all,
there arose a mighty famine in that land;
and he began to be in want.
Luke 15:14 KJV
 Luke 15:14 RUSV
14 Когда́ же он прожи́л все,
14 When [but, same, then] he lived [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
наста́л вели́кий го́лод в той стране́,
[come, has come, it is time] great hunger [at, in, of, on] that country,
и он на́чал нужда́ться;
and he [began, start] [need, require, to need, want];
And when he had spent everything,
a severe famine arose in that country,
and he began to be in need.
Luke 15:14 ESV

And when he had spent all,
there arose a mighty famine in that land;
and he began to be in want.
Luke 15:14 KJV
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