Bible  Genesis 21:1-34 New Russian Translation (NRT)
 (Но́вый Ру́сский Перево́д)

1 Госпо́дь, как Он и сказа́л, был ми́лостив к Са́рре и выполнил Своё обеща́ние:
gahs-POT kahk ohn ee skuh-ZAHL bihl MEE-lahs-teef k SAHR-ree ee svah-YAW ah-bee-SHHAH-nee-ee
1 Lord [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] He And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Gracious, Merciful] [To, For, By] Sarah And (Its Own) [Pledge, Promise, Vow]
2 Са́рра забере́менела и родила Авраа́му сы́на, когда́ тот
SAHR-rah zah-bee-REH-mee-nee-lah ee rah-DEE-lah
ahv-rah-AH-moo SIH-nah kah-g'DAH tot
2 Sarah [Conceived, Got Pregnant, Pregnant] And [Bore, Gave Birth] (To Abraham) [A Son, My Son, Son] When That
уже́ состарился, в то са́мое вре́мя, как обеща́л ему́ Бог.
oo-JEH (v)- taw SAH-mah-ee VREH-myah kahk ah-bee-SHHAHL yee-MOO bohh
Already [At, In, Of, On] That [Most, The Most] [Hour, Time] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Promised [Him, It, To Him] God.
3 Авраа́м дал новорожденному сы́ну, кото́рого родила ему́ Са́рра, и́мя Исаа́к.
ahv-rah-AHM dahl SIH-noo kah-TAW-rah-vah rah-DEE-lah
yee-MOO SAHR-rah EE-myah ee-sah-AHK
3 Abraham Gave [Son, To My Son] [Which, Which One, Whom] [Bore, Gave Birth] [Him, It, To Him] Sarah Name Isaac.
4 Когда́ его́ сы́ну Исаа́ку испо́лнилось во́семь
kah-g'DAH yeh-VOAH SIH-noo ee-sah-AH-koo ees-POL-nee-lahs VAU-sem
4 When [His, Him, It] [Son, To My Son] Isaac [Turned, Fulfilled] Eight
дней, Авраа́м обрезал его́, как веле́л ему́ Бог.
dnay ahv-rah-AHM yeh-VOAH kahk vee-LEL yee-MOO bohh
Days Abraham [His, Him, It] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [He Told Me To, Ordered, Told] [Him, It, To Him] God.
5 Авраа́му бы́ло сто лет, когда́ у него́ роди́лся сын Исаа́к.
ahv-rah-AH-moo BIH-lah staw let kah-g'DAH oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah sin ee-sah-AHK
5 (To Abraham) [It Was, Was] [Hundred, One Hundred] Years When [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] Son Isaac.
6 Са́рра сказа́ла: Бог заставил меня́ смея́ться; ка́ждый,
SAHR-rah skuh-ZAH-luh bohh mee-NYAH
smee-YAHT-syah KAHJ-diy
6 Sarah ((she) Said) God [I, Me, Self] [Laugh, Laughed, Mock] [Each, Every]
кто услы́шит об э́том, рассмеется вме́сте со мной.
ktoh oos-LIH-sheet op EH-tahm VMES-tee saw mnoy
Who (Will Hear) About This Together [After, With] Me.
7 И добавила: Кто бы сказа́л Авраа́му, что Са́рра бу́дет
ee ktoh bih skuh-ZAHL ahv-rah-AH-moo shtoh SAHR-rah BOO-deet
7 And Who Would [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] (To Abraham) [What, That, Why] Sarah [Will Be, Would Be]
корми́ть гру́дью? Но я родила ему́ сы́на в его́ ста́рости.
kahr-MEET GROOD-yoo noh yah rah-DEE-lah
yee-MOO SIH-nah (v)- yeh-VOAH STAH-rahs-tee
[Feed, Nourish] [Bosom, Breast, Chest?] [But, Yet] I [Bore, Gave Birth] [Him, It, To Him] [A Son, My Son, Son] [At, In, Of, On] [His, Him, It] (Old Age.)
8 Ребёнок вы́рос и был отнят от груди. В тот
ree-BYAW-nahk VIH-rahs ee bihl ot GROO-dee
(v)- tot
8 [Baby, Child] [Grow Up, Increased] And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] From [Breasts, Bosom.] [At, In, Of, On] That
день, когда́ Исаа́к был отнят от груди, Авраа́м устро́ил большо́й пир.
den kah-g'DAH ee-sah-AHK bihl ot GROO-dee
ahv-rah-AHM oost-RAW-eel bahl-SHOY peer
Day When Isaac [Be, To Be, Was, Were] From [Breasts, Bosom] Abraham [Arranged, Organized] [Big, Large] [Feast, Banquet.]
9 Са́рра уви́дела, что сын, кото́рого
SAHR-rah oo-VEE-dee-lah shtoh sin kah-TAW-rah-vah
9 Sarah Saw [What, That, Why] Son [Which, Which One, Whom]
египтя́нка Ага́рь родила Авраа́му, насмехается над Исаа́ком,
yee-gheep-TYAHN-kah ah-GAHR rah-DEE-lah
ahv-rah-AH-moo naht ee-sah-AH-kahm
[Egyptian, The Egyptian Woman] Hagar [Bore, Gave Birth] (To Abraham) Above Isaac
10 и сказа́ла Авраа́му: Прогони э́ту рабыню и её сы́на, потому́
ee skuh-ZAH-luh ahv-rah-AH-moo EH-too ee yee-YAW SIH-nah pah-tah-MOO
10 And ((she) Said) (To Abraham) This And Her [A Son, My Son, Son] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore]
что сын э́той рабы́ни не разде́лит насле́дства с мои́м сы́ном Исаа́ком.
shtoh sin EH-tie rah-BIH-nee nyeh rahz-DEH-leet nahs-LEDST-vah (s)- mah-EEM SIH-nahm ee-sah-AH-kahm
[What, That, Why] Son This Slaves [Never, Not] [Divide, Split, To Share] [Inheritance, Legacies] [And, From, In, Of, With] My Son Isaac.
11 Авраа́м был си́льно огорчен, потому́ что э́то был его́ сын.
ahv-rah-AHM bihl SEEL-nah pah-tah-MOO shtoh EH-tuh bihl yeh-VOAH sin
11 Abraham [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Exceeding, Strongly] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [That, This, It] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [His, Him, It] Son.
12 Но Бог сказа́л ему́: Не огорчайся и́з-за ма́льчика и рабы́ни. Послу́шайся Са́рры и сде́лай
noh bohh skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO nyeh ees
MAHL-chee-kah ee rah-BIH-nee pahs-LOO-shiy-syah SAHR-rih ee SDEH-lie
12 [But, Yet] God [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] [Never, Not] (Because Of) Boy And Slaves. [Listen, Listen To Me, Obey] Sarah And (Do It)
все, как она́ говори́т, потому́ что че́рез Исаа́ка ты бу́дешь име́ть се́мя, кото́рое Я тебе́ обеща́л.
kahk ah-NAH gah-vah-REET pah-tah-MOO shtoh CHEH-res ee-sah-AH-kah tih BOO-deesh ee-MET SEH-myah kah-TAW-rah-ee yah tee-BEH ah-bee-SHHAHL
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [She, She Is] [He Speaks, Say, Speaks, Talk, To Talk] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [Across, By Way Of, Through] Isaac You [Will You Be, You Will] [Have, To Have] [Offspring, Seed] Which I [Thee, You] Promised.
13 Но Я произведу́ наро́д и от сы́на рабы́ни, потому́ что и он твой пото́мок.
noh yah prah-eez-vee-DOO nah-ROT ee ot SIH-nah rah-BIH-nee pah-tah-MOO shtoh ee ohn tvoy pah-TAW-mahk
13 [But, Yet] I [I Will Produce, Make] [Crowd, Nation, People] And From [A Son, My Son, Son] Slaves [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] And He Your [Descendant, Offspring.]
14 На друго́й день ра́но у́тром Авраа́м взял еды́ и бурдю́к с водо́й и дал Ага́ри: положи́л их
nuh droo-GOY
den RAH-nah OOT-rahm ahv-rah-AHM vzyahl yee-DIH ee boor-DEWK (s)- vah-DOY ee dahl ah-GAH-ree pah-lah-JEEL eehh
14 [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Another Day Early [In The Morning, Morning] Abraham Took Food And [Waterskin, Wineskin] [And, From, In, Of, With] Water And Gave Hagar Put [Them, Their]
ей на пле́чи и отосла́л её прочь вме́сте с ребёнком. Она́ отправилась в путь и блуждала в пусты́не Вирса́вии.
yay nuh PLEH-chee ee ah-tahs-LAHL yee-YAW proch VMES-tee (s)- ree-BYON-kahm ah-NAH (v)- poot ee (v)- poos-TIH-nee veer-SAH-vee-ee
Her [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Shoulders And [Sent, Sent It Away] Her [Away, Gone] Together [And, From, In, Of, With] [As A Child, Child.] [She, She Is] [At, In, Of, On] [Path, The Way, Way] And [At, In, Of, On] [Desert, Deserts, Wilderness] Beersheba.
15 Когда́ вода́ в бурдюке кончилась, она́ оста́вила ма́льчика под кусто́м
kah-g'DAH vau-DAH (v)- ah-NAH ahs-TAH-vee-lah MAHL-chee-kah pot koos-TOM
15 When Water [At, In, Of, On] [She, She Is] [I Left It, Left] Boy [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [Bush, Shrub]
16 и, отойдя́, села неподалёку, на расстоя́нии выстрела из лука́, потому́ что
ee ah-tie-DYAH seh-lah nee-pah-dah-LYAW-koo nuh rahss-tah-YAH-nee-ee ees loo-KAH pah-tah-MOO shtoh
16 And [Departed, Moving Away, Went Away] [Village, Villages] Nearby [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Distance [From, In, Of, Out] Luke [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why]
думала: «Не стану смотре́ть, как ма́льчик умира́ет». И си́дя там неподалёку, она́ разрыдалась.
nyeh smaht-RET kahk MAHL-cheek oo-mee-RAH-eet ee SEE-dyah tahm nee-pah-dah-LYAW-koo ah-NAH
[Never, Not] [Behold, Look, See, To Look, View, Watch] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Boy [Dead, Dies.] And Sitting There Nearby [She, She Is] .
17 Бог услы́шал плач ма́льчика, и А́нгел Бо́га обрати́лся к Ага́ри с небе́с и сказа́л
bohh oos-LIH-sheel plahch MAHL-chee-kah ee AHN-ghel BAW-gah ahb-rah-TEEL-syah k ah-GAH-ree (s)- nee-BES ee skuh-ZAHL
17 God Heard [Cry, Crying, Mourning, Weeping] Boy And Angel God [Applied, Contacted] [To, For, By] Hagar [And, From, In, Of, With] Heaven And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell]
ей: Что с тобо́й, Ага́рь? Не бо́йся, Бог услы́шал, как пла́чет ма́льчик там, где он лежи́т.
yay shtoh (s)- tah-BOY ah-GAHR nyeh BOY-syah bohh oos-LIH-sheel kahk PLAH-cheet MAHL-cheek tahm gdeh ohn lee-JEET
Her [What, That, Why] [And, From, In, Of, With] You Hagar? [Never, Not] [Afraid, Be Afraid, Fear] God Heard [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Crying, Weep, Weeping] Boy There [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] He [Lie, Lies, Lying.]
18 Встава́й, подними ма́льчика и возьми́ его́ за
vstah-VI MAHL-chee-kah ee vahz-MEE yeh-VOAH zah
18 (Get Up) Boy And [Get, Take] [His, Him, It] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over]
ру́ку, потому́ что Я произведу́ от него́ вели́кий наро́д.
ROO-koo pah-tah-MOO shtoh yah prah-eez-vee-DOO ot nyeh-VOH vee-LEE-kiy nah-ROT
Hand [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] I [I Will Produce, Make] From Him Great [Crowd, Nation, People.]
19 Тут Бог откры́л ей глаза, и она́ уви́дела коло́дец
toot bohh ahtk-RIL yay GLAH-zah
ee ah-NAH oo-VEE-dee-lah kah-LAW-deets
19 Here God Opened Her Eyes And [She, She Is] Saw Well
с водо́й. Она́ пошла́, напо́лнила бурдю́к водо́й и напои́ла ма́льчика.
(s)- vah-DOY ah-NAH pahsh-LAH nah-POL-nee-lah boor-DEWK vah-DOY ee nah-pah-EE-lah MAHL-chee-kah
[And, From, In, Of, With] Water. [She, She Is] Went [Filled, Filled It Up] [Waterskin, Wineskin] Water And [Drunk, Got Me Drunk] Boy.
20 Бог был с мальчиком. Измаи́л вы́рос,
bohh bihl (s)- eez-mah-EEL VIH-rahs
20 God [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [And, From, In, Of, With] . Ishmael [Grow Up, Increased]
посели́лся в пусты́не и стал стрелком из лука́.
pah-see-LEEL-syah (v)- poos-TIH-nee ee stahl ees loo-KAH
[Dwelt, Lived, Settled, Settled In] [At, In, Of, On] [Desert, Deserts, Wilderness] And Became [From, In, Of, Out] Luke.
21 Он жил в пусты́не Паран, и мать взяла́ для него́ жену́ из Еги́пта.
ohn jeel (v)- poos-TIH-nee ee maht vzee-LAH dlyah nyeh-VOH jee-NOO ees yee-GHEEP-tah
21 He Lived [At, In, Of, On] [Desert, Deserts, Wilderness] And Mother [Taken, Took] For Him [My Wife, Wife] [From, In, Of, Out] Egypt.
22 В то вре́мя Авимелех и Фихол, нача́льник его́ войска,
(v)- taw VREH-myah ah-vee-meh-lehh ee nah-CHAHL-neek yeh-VOAH
22 [At, In, Of, On] That [Hour, Time] Abimelech And [Boss, Supervisor] [His, Him, It]
сказа́ли Авраа́му: Бог с тобо́й во всем, что ты де́лаешь.
skah-ZAH-lee ahv-rah-AH-moo bohh (s)- tah-BOY voh vsem shtoh tih DEH-lah-eesh
[Said, Say, Tell, They Said] (To Abraham) God [And, From, In, Of, With] You In [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] You [Doing, You Do.]
23 Поклянись же мне здесь пе́ред Бо́гом, что ты не поступишь вероломно ни со мной, ни с мои́ми детьми́, ни
zheh mneh zdes PEH-reet BOH-gahm shtoh tih nyeh nee saw mnoy nee (s)- mah-EE-mee deet-MEE nee
23 [But, Same, Then] [Me, To Me] [Here, There] Before [By God, God] [What, That, Why] You [Never, Not] Neither [After, With] Me Neither [And, From, In, Of, With] [Mine, My] Children Neither
с мои́м потомством. Окажи мне и стране́, в кото́рой ты живёшь как прише́лец, ту же ми́лость, каку́ю я оказал тебе́.
(s)- mah-EEM mneh ee strah-NEH (v)- kah-TAW-rye tih jee-VYOSH kahk pree-SHEH-leets too zheh MEE-lahst kah-KOO-yoo yah tee-BEH
[And, From, In, Of, With] My . [Me, To Me] And Country [At, In, Of, On] [Which, Which One] You [Live, You Live] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Alien, The Alien] That [But, Same, Then] [Favor, Favored, Favour, Favoured, Grace, Mercy] [What, Which] I [Thee, You.]
24 Авраа́м сказа́л: Кляну́сь.
ahv-rah-AHM skuh-ZAHL klee-NOOS
24 Abraham [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [I Swear, Swear, Sworn, Vow.]
25 Пото́м Авраа́м упрекну́л Авимелеха за
pah-TOM ahv-rah-AHM oop-reek-NOOL ah-vee-meh-leh-hhah zah
25 [Then, Later] Abraham [Rebuked, Reproached, Reproved] Abimelech [After, Around, At, Behind, Over]
коло́дец с водо́й, кото́рый захватили слуги Авимелеха.
kah-LAW-deets (s)- vah-DOY kah-TAW-riy SLOO-ghee ah-vee-meh-leh-hhah
Well [And, From, In, Of, With] Water [Which, Which The, Who] [Servant, Servants] Abimelech.
26 Но Авимелех сказа́л: Я не зна́ю, кто э́то сде́лал. Ты
noh ah-vee-meh-lehh skuh-ZAHL yah nyeh ZNAH-yoo ktoh EH-tuh SDEH-lahl tih
26 [But, Yet] Abimelech [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] I [Never, Not] [I Know, Know] Who [That, This, It] Did. You
не говори́л мне, и до сего́ дня я не слы́шал об э́том.
nyeh gah-vah-REEL mneh ee daw see-VAU dnyah yah nyeh SLIH-sheel op EH-tahm
[Never, Not] Spoke [Me, To Me] And [Before, Until] (With His) [Days, Of The Day] I [Never, Not] Heard About This.
27 Авраа́м привёл ме́лкий и кру́пный скот и дал Авимелеху, и они́ заключи́ли сою́з.
ahv-rah-AHM pree-VYOL MEL-kiy ee KROOP-niy skot ee dahl ee ah-NEE zahk-lew-CHEE-lee sah-YOOS
27 Abraham [Brought, Took] Small And Large [Cattle, Livestock] And Gave Abimelech And [They, They Are] Concluded [Covenant, Union.]
28 Авраа́м отдели́л из стада семь молоды́х ове́ц,
ahv-rah-AHM aht-dee-LEEL ees STAH-dah sem mah-lah-DIHH ah-VETS
28 Abraham Separated [From, In, Of, Out] [Herds, Flocks] Seven [Young, Youth] Sheep
29 и Авимелех спроси́л Авраа́ма: Что означа́ют
ee ah-vee-meh-lehh sprah-SEEL ahv-rah-AH-mah shtoh ahz-nah-CHAH-yoot
29 And Abimelech Asked Abraham [What, That, Why] [Mean, They Mean]
э́ти семь молоды́х ове́ц, кото́рых ты отдели́л осо́бо?
EH-tee sem mah-lah-DIHH ah-VETS kah-TAW-rihh tih aht-dee-LEEL ah-SAW-bah
These Seven [Young, Youth] Sheep Which You Separated [Especially, Specifically, Particularly?]
30 Он отве́тил: Прими́ от меня́ семь э́тих молоды́х ове́ц
ohn aht-VEH-teel pree-MEE ot mee-NYAH
sem EH-teehh mah-lah-DIHH ah-VETS
30 He Answered [Accept, Assume] From [I, Me, Self] Seven These [Young, Youth] Sheep
как свиде́тельство того́, что я вы́копал э́тот коло́дец, и он мой.
kahk svee-DEH-teelst-vah tah-VOH shtoh yah VIH-kah-pahl EH-taht kah-LAW-deets ee ohn moy
[How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Certificate, Evidence, Testimony, Witness] That [What, That, Why] I [Dug Out, Dug Up, Excavate] This Well And He [Mine, My.]
31 Вот почему́ то ме́сто бы́ло названо Вирсавия :: ведь они́ о́ба дали там кля́тву.
vot pah-chee-MOO taw MES-tah BIH-lah vet ah-NEE AW-bah DAH-lee
tahm KLYAHT-voo
31 [Behold, Here, There] Why That Place [It Was, Was] : [Because, After All, Indeed] [They, They Are] Both [Gave, Given] There (The Oath.)
32 Заключи́в сою́з в Вирса́вии, Авимелех и
zahk-lew-CHEEF sah-YOOS (v)- veer-SAH-vee-ee ah-vee-meh-lehh ee
32 [Concluding, Having Concluded] [Covenant, Union] [At, In, Of, On] Beersheba Abimelech And
Фихол, нача́льник его́ войска, верну́лись в зе́млю филистимлян.
nah-CHAHL-neek yeh-VOAH veer-NOO-lees (v)- ZEM-lew
[Boss, Supervisor] [His, Him, It] [Back, Come Back, Returned] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Land] .
33 Авраа́м посади́л в Вирса́вии тамариск и призва́л там и́мя Господа, Бо́га Вечного.
ahv-rah-AHM pah-sah-DEEL (v)- veer-SAH-vee-ee ee preez-VAHL tahm EE-myah GOS-pah-dah
33 Abraham Planted [At, In, Of, On] Beersheba And [Called, Urged] There Name Lord God .
34 Авраа́м жил на земле́ филистимлян до́лгое вре́мя.
ahv-rah-AHM jeel nuh zeem-LEH DOL-gah-ee VREH-myah
34 Abraham Lived [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Long [Hour, Time.]
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 Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Но́вый Перево́д на Ру́сский Язы́к)
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