Оста́вила ( I Left It, Left )

(RUSV: 8 + NRT: 4) = 12
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 21:15 NRT
15 Когда́ вода́ в бурдюке кончилась,
15 When water [at, in, of, on] бурдюке кончилась,
она́ оста́вила ма́льчика под кусто́м
[she, she is] [i left it, left] boy [below, beneath, under, underneath] [bush, shrub]
When the water in the skin was gone,
she put the child under one of the bushes.
Genesis 21:15 ESV

And the water was spent in the bottle,
and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.
Genesis 21:15 KJV
 Genesis 21:15 RUSV
15 и не ста́ло воды в мехе,
15 and [never, not] [became, it became] [lake, water, waters] [at, in, of, on] мехе,
и она́ оста́вила о́трока под одни́м кусто́м
and [she, she is] [i left it, left] [boy, child, the boy] [below, beneath, under, underneath] one [bush, shrub]
When the water in the skin was gone,
she put the child under one of the bushes.
Genesis 21:15 ESV

And the water was spent in the bottle,
and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.
Genesis 21:15 KJV
 Genesis 39:16 RUSV
16 И оста́вила оде́жду его́ у себя́ до прихода господи́на его́ в дом свой.
16 And [i left it, left] clothes [his, him, it] [at, by, with, of] [itself, myself, yourself] [before, until] прихода [lord, master, mister] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [mine, my own].
Then she laid up his garment by her until his master came home,
Genesis 39:16 ESV

And she laid up his garment by her,
until his lord came home.
Genesis 39:16 KJV
 Matthew 8:15 RUSV
15 и косну́лся руки её,
15 and touched [arms, hand, hands] her,
и горя́чка оста́вила её;
and fever [i left it, left] her;
и она́ вста́ла и служи́ла им.
and [she, she is] [arose, got up] and [serve, served] [it, them].
He touched her hand,
and the fever left her,
and she rose and began to serve him.
Matthew 8:15 ESV

And he touched her hand,
and the fever left her:
and she arose,
and ministered unto them.
Matthew 8:15 KJV
 Mark 1:31 RUSV
31 Подойдя́,
31 [Approaching, Coming Up],
Он подня́л её,
He [lifted, lifting, raised] her,
взяв её за ру́ку;
[by taking, taking, took] her [after, around, at, behind, over] hand;
и горя́чка тотчас оста́вила её,
and fever immediately [i left it, left] her,
и она́ ста́ла служи́ть им.
and [she, she is] became [serve, serving] [it, them].
And he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up,
and the fever left her,
and she began to serve them.
Mark 1:31 ESV

And he came and took her by the hand,
and lifted her up;
and immediately the fever left her,
and she ministered unto them.
Mark 1:31 KJV
 Luke 4:39 NRT
39 Наклони́вшись над ней,
39 (Leaning Over) above her,
Иису́с приказа́л горя́чке поки́нуть же́нщину,
Jesus ordered [fever, feverish, the fever] [abandon, depart, leave] woman,
и та оста́вила её.
and that [i left it, left] her.
Она́ сра́зу же вста́ла и начала накрыва́ть им на стол.
[She, She Is] [at once, immediately, straightaway] [but, same, then] [arose, got up] and [beginning, beginnings] cover [it, them] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] table.
And he stood over her and rebuked the fever,
and it left her,
and immediately she rose and began to serve them.
Luke 4:39 ESV

And he stood over her,
and rebuked the fever;
and it left her:
and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.
Luke 4:39 KJV
 Luke 4:39 RUSV
39 Подойдя́ к ней,
39 [Approaching, Coming Up] [to, for, by] her,
Он запрети́л горя́чке;
He banned [fever, feverish, the fever];
и оста́вила её.
and [i left it, left] her.
Она́ тотчас вста́ла и служи́ла им.
[She, She Is] immediately [arose, got up] and [serve, served] [it, them].
And he stood over her and rebuked the fever,
and it left her,
and immediately she rose and began to serve them.
Luke 4:39 ESV

And he stood over her,
and rebuked the fever;
and it left her:
and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.
Luke 4:39 KJV
 Luke 10:40 NRT
40 Ма́рфа же была́ занята́ приготовле́нием обе́да.
40 Martha [but, same, then] was [busy, occupied] cooking [banquet, lunch, lunchtime, noon, supper].
Она́ подошла́ к Иису́су и сказа́ла:
[She, She Is] (came up) [to, for, by] Jesus and ((she) said):
[Lord, God],
Тебе́ нет дела до того́,
[Thee, You] [no, not] [affairs, business, deeds, works] [before, until] that,
что моя́ сестра́ оста́вила всю рабо́ту на меня́ одну́?
[what, that, why] my sister [i left it, left] [all, whole] work [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [i, me, self] [alone, one]?
Скажи́ ей,
[Say, Tell] her,
что́бы она́ помогла́ мне!
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [she, she is] helped [me, to me]!
But Martha was distracted with much serving.
And she went up to him and said,
do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?
Tell her then to help me.”
Luke 10:40 ESV

But Martha was cumbered about much serving,
and came to him,
and said,
dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
bid her therefore that she help me.
Luke 10:40 KJV
 Luke 10:40 RUSV
40 Ма́рфа же забо́тилась о большо́м угоще́нии и,
40 Martha [but, same, then] [cared, took care] about big treats and,
[approaching, coming up],
((she) said):
[Lord, God]!
и́ли Тебе́ нужды нет,
or [Thee, You] needs [no, not],
что сестра́ моя́ одну́ меня́ оста́вила служи́ть?
[what, that, why] sister my [alone, one] [i, me, self] [i left it, left] [serve, serving]?
скажи́ ей,
[say, tell] her,
что́бы помогла́ мне.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] helped [me, to me].
But Martha was distracted with much serving.
And she went up to him and said,
do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?
Tell her then to help me.”
Luke 10:40 ESV

But Martha was cumbered about much serving,
and came to him,
and said,
dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
bid her therefore that she help me.
Luke 10:40 KJV
 John 4:28 NRT
28 Же́нщина оста́вила свой кувши́н для воды,
28 Woman [i left it, left] [mine, my own] [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] for [lake, water, waters],
верну́лась в го́род и сказа́ла лю́дям:
[returned, she is back] [at, in, of, on] [city, town] and ((she) said) people:
So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,
John 4:28 ESV

The woman then left her waterpot,
and went her way into the city,
and saith to the men,
John 4:28 KJV
 John 4:28 RUSV
28 Тогда́ же́нщина оста́вила водоно́с свой и пошла́ в го́род,
28 Then woman [i left it, left] [water carrier, water jar, waterpot] [mine, my own] and went [at, in, of, on] [city, town],
и говори́т лю́дям:
and [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] people:
So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,
John 4:28 ESV

The woman then left her waterpot,
and went her way into the city,
and saith to the men,
John 4:28 KJV
 John 4:52 RUSV
52 Он спроси́л у них:
52 He asked [at, by, with, of] [them, they]:
в ко́тором ча́су ста́ло ему́ ле́гче?
[at, in, of, on] [that, which] hour [became, it became] [him, it, to him] easier?
Ему́ сказа́ли:
[Him, It, To Him] [said, say, tell, they said]:
вчера́ в седьмо́м ча́су горя́чка оста́вила его́.
yesterday [at, in, of, on] [seventh, the seventh] hour fever [i left it, left] [his, him, it].
So he asked them the hour when he began to get better,
and they said to him,
“Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.”
John 4:52 ESV

Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend.
And they said unto him,
Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
John 4:52 KJV
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