Bible  Genesis 39:1-23 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Ио́сиф же отведен был в Еги́пет, и купи́л его́ из
ee-AW-seef zheh bihl (v)- yee-GHEE-peet ee koo-PEEL yeh-VOAH ees
1 Joseph [But, Same, Then] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [At, In, Of, On] Egypt And [Bought, I Bought] [His, Him, It] [From, In, Of, Out]
рук Измаильтя́н, приведших его́ туда́, Египтянин Потифар, царедво́рец фарао́нов, нача́льник телохрани́телей.
rook eez-mah-eel-TYAHN yeh-VOAH too-DAH tsah-reed-VAU-reets fah-rah-AW-nahf nah-CHAHL-neek tee-lahh-rah-NEE-tee-liy
[Arm, Hand] Ishmaelites [His, Him, It] There Nobleman [Pharaohs, The Pharaohs] [Boss, Supervisor] [Bodyguards, Guard.]
2 И был Госпо́дь с Ио́сифом: он был успешен
ee bihl gahs-POT (s)- ee-AW-see-fahm ohn bihl
2 And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Lord [And, From, In, Of, With] Joseph He [Be, To Be, Was, Were]
в дела́х и жил в до́ме господи́на своего́, Египтя́нина.
(v)- dee-LAHH ee jeel (v)- DAW-mee gahs-pah-DEE-nah svah-ee-VAU yee-gheep-TYAH-nee-nah
[At, In, Of, On] [Affair, Business, Cases] And Lived [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Yours] [Egyptian, The Egyptian.]
3 И уви́дел господи́н его́, что Госпо́дь с ним и
ee oo-VEE-deel gahs-pah-DEEN yeh-VOAH shtoh gahs-POT (s)- neem ee
3 And [Had Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen, Seeth] [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Him, It] [What, That, Why] Lord [And, From, In, Of, With] Him And
что всему́, что он де́лает, Госпо́дь в рука́х его́ даёт успех.
shtoh vsee-MOO shtoh ohn DEH-lah-eet gahs-POT (v)- roo-KAHH yeh-VOAH dah-YOT
[What, That, Why] [All, Everything] [What, That, Why] He Does Lord [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands] [His, Him, It] [Give, Gives, Giveth] .
4 И снискал Ио́сиф благоволе́ние в оча́х его́ и служи́л ему́. И он
ee ee-AW-seef blah-gah-vah-LEH-nee-ee (v)- ah-CHAHH yeh-VOAH ee sloo-JEEL yee-MOO ee ohn
4 And Joseph [Benevolence, Favor, Goodwill, Grace, Kindness] [At, In, Of, On] Eyes [His, Him, It] And [Served, Serving] [Him, It, To Him.] And He
поста́вил его́ над до́мом свои́м, и все, что име́л, отда́л на руки его́.
pahs-TAH-veel yeh-VOAH naht DAW-mahm svah-EEM ee (v)syeh
shtoh ee-MEL aht-DAHL nuh ROO-kee
[Put, Set] [His, Him, It] Above Home [His, Mine, Your] And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [What, That, Why] Had Gave [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Arms, Hand, Hands] [His, Him, It.]
5 И с того́ вре́мени, как он поста́вил его́ над до́мом свои́м и над всем, что име́л, Госпо́дь
ee (s)- tah-VOH VREH-mee-nee kahk ohn pahs-TAH-veel yeh-VOAH naht DAW-mahm svah-EEM ee naht vsem shtoh ee-MEL gahs-POT
5 And [And, From, In, Of, With] That Time [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] He [Put, Set] [His, Him, It] Above Home [His, Mine, Your] And Above [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] Had Lord
благослови́л дом Египтя́нина ра́ди Ио́сифа, и бы́ло благослове́ние Госпо́дне на всем, что име́л он в до́ме и в по́ле.
blah-gahs-lah-VEEL dom yee-gheep-TYAH-nee-nah RAH-dee ee-AW-see-fah ee BIH-lah blah-gahs-lah-VEH-nyeh gahs-POD-nee nuh vsem shtoh ee-MEL ohn (v)- DAW-mee ee (v)- PAW-lee
Blessed [Dwelling, Home, House] [Egyptian, The Egyptian] (For The Sake Of) Joseph And [It Was, Was] Blessing Lord's [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] Had He [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] And [At, In, Of, On] Field.
6 И оста́вил он все, что име́л, в рука́х Ио́сифа и не знал при
ee ahs-TAH-veel ohn (v)syeh
shtoh ee-MEL (v)- roo-KAHH ee-AW-see-fah ee nyeh znahl pree
6 And [Departed, Left] He [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [What, That, Why] Had [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands] Joseph And [Never, Not] [Knew, Know] [At, In]
нем ничего́, кро́ме хлеба, кото́рый он ел. Ио́сиф же был красив станом и красив лицем.
nyom nee-cheh-VAU KRAW-mee HHLEH-bah kah-TAW-riy ohn yel ee-AW-seef zheh bihl ee lee-tsem
[Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] [But, Except, Besides] [Bread, Of Bread] [Which, Which The, Who] He Ate. Joseph [But, Same, Then] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] And [Face, Hypocrite.]
7 И обратила взоры на Ио́сифа жена́ господи́на его́ и сказа́ла: спи со мно́ю.
ee nuh ee-AW-see-fah jeh-NAH gahs-pah-DEE-nah yeh-VOAH ee skuh-ZAH-luh saw MNAW-yoo
7 And [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Joseph Wife [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Him, It] And ((she) Said) [After, With] Me.
8 Но он отказался и сказа́л же́не господи́на своего́: вот, господи́н мой не
noh ohn ee skuh-ZAHL JEH-nee gahs-pah-DEE-nah svah-ee-VAU vot gahs-pah-DEEN moy nyeh
8 [But, Yet] He And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Wife [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Yours] [Behold, Here, There] [Lord, Master, Mister] [Mine, My] [Never, Not]
зна́ет при мне ничего́ в до́ме, и все, что име́ет, отда́л в мои́ руки;
ZNAH-eet pree mneh nee-cheh-VAU (v)- DAW-mee ee (v)syeh
shtoh ee-MEH-eet aht-DAHL (v)- mah-EE ROO-kee
Knows [At, In] [Me, To Me] [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [What, That, Why] [Has, It Has] Gave [At, In, Of, On] My [Arms, Hand, Hands]
9 нет бо́льше меня́ в до́ме сём; и он не запрети́л мне ничего́, кро́ме тебя́,
net BOL-shee mee-NYAH
(v)- DAW-mee syom ee ohn nyeh zahp-ree-TEEL mneh nee-cheh-VAU KRAW-mee tee-BYAH
9 [No, Not] [Again, Great, More] [I, Me, Self] [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] [This, Same] And He [Never, Not] Banned [Me, To Me] [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] [But, Except, Besides] You
потому́ что ты жена́ ему́; как же сде́лаю я сие́ вели́кое зло и согрешу пред Бо́гом?
pah-tah-MOO shtoh tih jeh-NAH yee-MOO kahk zheh SDEH-lah-yoo yah see-YEH vee-LEE-kah-ee zlaw ee pret BOH-gahm
[Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] You Wife [Him, It, To Him] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [But, Same, Then] [I Will Do, I Will Make] I This [Great, The Great] [Evil, Evils, Wicked] And [Before, Front] [By God, God?]
10 Когда́ так она́ ежедневно говори́ла Ио́сифу, а он не
kah-g'DAH tahk ah-NAH gah-vah-REE-lah ee-AW-see-foo ah ohn nyeh
10 When So [She, She Is] [Spoke, Said] Joseph [While, And, But] He [Never, Not]
слушался её, что́бы спать с не́ю и быть с не́ю,
yee-YAW SHTOH-bih spaht (s)- NEH-yoo ee bit (s)- NEH-yoo
Her [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] Sleep [And, From, In, Of, With] [Her, She] And [Be, Become, Been, Has Been, To Be, To Become] [And, From, In, Of, With] [Her, She]
11 случи́лось в оди́н день, что он вошёл в дом де́лать
sloo-CHEE-lahs (v)- ah-DEEN den shtoh ohn vah-SHOL (v)- dom DEH-laht
11 [It Happened, Happened] [At, In, Of, On] [Alone, One] Day [What, That, Why] He [Entered, Has Entered] [At, In, Of, On] [Dwelling, Home, House] [To Do, To Make]
де́ло своё, а никого́ из дома́шних тут в до́ме не бы́ло;
DEH-law svah-YAW ah nee-kah-VAU ees dah-MAHSH-neehh toot (v)- DAW-mee nyeh BIH-lah
[Affair, Business] (Its Own) [While, And, But] [No One, Nobody, None] [From, In, Of, Out] [At Home, Homemade] Here [At, In, Of, On] [Home, House] [Never, Not] [It Was, Was]
12 она́ схватила его́ за оде́жду его́ и сказа́ла: ложись со мной.
ah-NAH yeh-VOAH zah ah-DEJ-doo yeh-VOAH ee skuh-ZAH-luh saw mnoy
12 [She, She Is] [His, Him, It] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] Clothes [His, Him, It] And ((she) Said) [After, With] Me.
Но он, оста́вив оде́жду свою́ в рука́х её, побежа́л и вы́бежал вон.
noh ohn ahs-TAH-veef ah-DEJ-doo svah-YOO (v)- roo-KAHH yee-YAW pah-bee-JAHL ee VIH-bee-jahl von
[But, Yet] He Leaving Clothes [Its, My, Thy, Your] [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands] Her Ran And (Ran Out) Out.
13 Она́ же, уви́дев, что он оста́вил оде́жду свою́ в рука́х её и побежа́л вон,
ah-NAH zheh oo-VEE-deef shtoh ohn ahs-TAH-veel ah-DEJ-doo svah-YOO (v)- roo-KAHH yee-YAW ee pah-bee-JAHL von
13 [She, She Is] [But, Same, Then] [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] [What, That, Why] He [Departed, Left] Clothes [Its, My, Thy, Your] [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands] Her And Ran Out
14 кликнула дома́шних свои́х и сказа́ла им так: посмотрите, он привёл к нам Евре́я ругаться
dah-MAHSH-neehh svah-EEHH ee skuh-ZAH-luh eem tahk pahs-MOT-ree-tee
ohn pree-VYOL k nahm yeev-REH-yah
14 [At Home, Homemade] Their And ((she) Said) [It, Them] So [Look, See] He [Brought, Took] [To, For, By] [To Us, Us] [Jew, The Jew]
над на́ми. Он пришёл ко мне, что́бы лечь со мно́ю, но я закрича́ла гро́мким го́лосом,
naht NAH-mee ohn pree-SHOL kaw mneh SHTOH-bih lech saw MNAW-yoo noh yah zahk-ree-CHAH-lah GROM-keem GAW-lah-sahm
Above [Us, We.] He [Arrive, Came, Come] To [Me, To Me] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] (Lie Down) [After, With] Me [But, Yet] I [Cried, Screamed, She Screamed] Loud Voice
15 и он, услы́шав, что я подняла́ вопль и закрича́ла,
ee ohn oos-LIH-sheef shtoh yah pahd-nee-LAH vopl ee zahk-ree-CHAH-lah
15 And He [Having Heard, Heard, Hearing] [What, That, Why] I [I Picked It Up, Lift Up, Raised] [Cry, Scream, The Scream] And [Cried, Screamed, She Screamed]
оста́вил у меня́ оде́жду свою́, и побежа́л, и вы́бежал вон.
ahs-TAH-veel oo mee-NYAH
ah-DEJ-doo svah-YOO ee pah-bee-JAHL ee VIH-bee-jahl von
[Departed, Left] [At, By, With, Of] [I, Me, Self] Clothes [Its, My, Thy, Your] And Ran And (Ran Out) Out.
16 И оста́вила оде́жду его́ у себя́ до прихода господи́на его́ в дом свой.
ee ahs-TAH-vee-lah ah-DEJ-doo yeh-VOAH oo see-BYAH daw gahs-pah-DEE-nah yeh-VOAH (v)- dom svoy
16 And [I Left It, Left] Clothes [His, Him, It] [At, By, With, Of] [Itself, Myself, Yourself] [Before, Until] [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Him, It] [At, In, Of, On] [Dwelling, Home, House] [Mine, My Own.]
17 И пересказа́ла ему́ те же слова, говоря́: раб Евре́й,
ee pee-rees-kah-ZAH-lah yee-MOO teh zheh SLAW-vah
gah-vah-RYAH rahp yeev-RAY
17 And Retold [Him, It, To Him] Those [But, Same, Then] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] [Saying, Talking] [A Slave, Servant, Slave] [Hebrew, Jew]
кото́рого ты привёл к нам, приходи́л ко мне ругаться на́до мно́ю.
kah-TAW-rah-vah tih pree-VYOL k nahm pree-hhah-DEEL kaw mneh NAH-dah MNAW-yoo
[Which, Which One, Whom] You [Brought, Took] [To, For, By] [To Us, Us] Came To [Me, To Me] Necessary Me.
18 но, когда́ я подняла́ вопль и закрича́ла,
noh kah-g'DAH yah pahd-nee-LAH vopl ee zahk-ree-CHAH-lah
18 [But, Yet] When I [I Picked It Up, Lift Up, Raised] [Cry, Scream, The Scream] And [Cried, Screamed, She Screamed]
он оста́вил у меня́ оде́жду свою́ и убежа́л вон.
ohn ahs-TAH-veel oo mee-NYAH
ah-DEJ-doo svah-YOO ee oo-bee-JAHL von
He [Departed, Left] [At, By, With, Of] [I, Me, Self] Clothes [Its, My, Thy, Your] And (Ran Away) Out.
19 Когда́ господи́н его́ услы́шал слова жены свое́й, кото́рые она́ сказа́ла
kah-g'DAH gahs-pah-DEEN yeh-VOAH oos-LIH-sheel SLAW-vah
svah-YAY kah-TAW-rih-ee ah-NAH skuh-ZAH-luh
19 When [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Him, It] Heard [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] [Wife, Wives] [His, Mine] [Which, Who] [She, She Is] ((she) Said)
ему́, говоря́: так поступи́л со мно́ю раб твой, то воспылал гне́вом;
yee-MOO gah-vah-RYAH tahk pahs-too-PEEL saw MNAW-yoo rahp tvoy taw GNEH-vahm
[Him, It, To Him] [Saying, Talking] So [Enrolled, Entered] [After, With] Me [A Slave, Servant, Slave] Your That Anger
20 и взял Ио́сифа господи́н его́ и отда́л его́ в
ee vzyahl ee-AW-see-fah gahs-pah-DEEN yeh-VOAH ee aht-DAHL yeh-VOAH (v)-
20 And Took Joseph [Lord, Master, Mister] [His, Him, It] And Gave [His, Him, It] [At, In, Of, On]
темни́цу, где заключены́ узники царя́. И был он там в темни́це.
teem-NEE-tsoo gdeh zahk-lew-chee-NIH tsah-RYAH ee bihl ohn tahm (v)- teem-NEE-tsee
[Dungeon, Prison] [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] Concluded King. And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] He There [At, In, Of, On] [Dungeon, Prison, The Dungeon.]
21 И Госпо́дь был с Ио́сифом, и простер к
ee gahs-POT bihl (s)- ee-AW-see-fahm ee prahs-TER
21 And Lord [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [And, From, In, Of, With] Joseph And [Extend, Stretch] [To, For, By]
нему́ ми́лость, и дарова́л ему́ благоволе́ние в оча́х нача́льника темни́цы.
nee-MOO MEE-lahst ee dah-rah-VAHL yee-MOO blah-gah-vah-LEH-nee-ee (v)- ah-CHAHH nah-CHAHL-nee-kah teem-NEE-tsih
[Him, His] [Favor, Favored, Favour, Favoured, Grace, Mercy] And [Bestowed, Granted] [Him, It, To Him] [Benevolence, Favor, Goodwill, Grace, Kindness] [At, In, Of, On] Eyes [Chief, The Boss] Dungeons.
22 И отда́л нача́льник темни́цы в руки Ио́сифу всех узников, находи́вшихся в
ee aht-DAHL nah-CHAHL-neek teem-NEE-tsih (v)- ROO-kee
ee-AW-see-foo vsehh nah-hhah-DEEV-sheehh-syah (v)-
22 And Gave [Boss, Supervisor] Dungeons [At, In, Of, On] [Arms, Hand, Hands] Joseph [All, Everyone] [Those Who Were Present, Who Were] [At, In, Of, On]
темни́це, и во всем, что они́ там ни де́лали, он был распорядителем.
teem-NEE-tsee ee voh vsem shtoh ah-NEE tahm nee DEH-lah-lee ohn bihl
[Dungeon, Prison, The Dungeon] And In [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] [They, They Are] There Neither Did He [Be, To Be, Was, Were] .
23 Нача́льник темни́цы и не смотре́л ни за чём, что бы́ло у него́ в рука́х,
nah-CHAHL-neek teem-NEE-tsih ee nyeh smaht-REL nee zah chom shtoh BIH-lah oo nyeh-VOH (v)- roo-KAHH
23 [Boss, Supervisor] Dungeons And [Never, Not] Watched Neither [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] [How, Than, What, Whence, Which, Why] [What, That, Why] [It Was, Was] [At, By, With, Of] Him [At, In, Of, On] [Hand, Hands]
потому́ что Госпо́дь был с [Ио́сифом], и во всем, что он де́лал, Госпо́дь дава́л успех.
pah-tah-MOO shtoh gahs-POT bihl (s)- ee-AW-see-fahm ee voh vsem shtoh ohn DEH-lahl gahs-POT dah-VAHL
[Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] Lord [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [And, From, In, Of, With] Joseph And In [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] He Did Lord [Gave, He Gave, Provided] .
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Russian Synodal Version (RUSV) - Public Domain
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 Revision: 8/23/2024 10:36:49 PM
 Copyright © 2024 by Ron G. Rooks and - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED