Пре́дан ( Betrayed , Delivered )

(RUSV: 9 + NRT: 9) = 18
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 26:11 NRT
11 Авимелех приказа́л всему́ наро́ду:
11 Abimelech ordered [all, everything] [to the people, nation]:
[Any, Every, Everyone, Whoever, Whosoever],
кто тронет э́того челове́ка и́ли его́ жену́,
who тронет this human or [his, him, it] [my wife, wife],
непреме́нно бу́дет пре́дан сме́рти.
[certainly, by all means] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [death, of death].
So Abimelech warned all the people,
“Whoever touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.”
Genesis 26:11 ESV

And Abimelech charged all his people,
He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.
Genesis 26:11 KJV
 Genesis 26:11 RUSV
11 И дал Авимелех повеле́ние всему́ наро́ду,
11 And gave Abimelech [command, decree, the command] [all, everything] [to the people, nation],
[having said, having said that, said, saying]:
кто прикоснется к сёму челове́ку и к же́не его́,
who прикоснется [to, for, by] this (to a person) and [to, for, by] wife [his, him, it],
тот пре́дан бу́дет сме́рти.
that [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] [death, of death].
So Abimelech warned all the people,
“Whoever touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.”
Genesis 26:11 ESV

And Abimelech charged all his people,
He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.
Genesis 26:11 KJV
 Matthew 6:24 NRT
24 Никто́ не мо́жет служи́ть двум господа́м.
24 [No One, Nobody] [never, not] [can, may, maybe] [serve, serving] [both, two] [gentlemen, masters].
Он и́ли одного́ бу́дет ненави́деть,
He or one [will be, would be] [dislike, hate, hates, to hate],
а друго́го люби́ть,
[while, and, but] [another, the other one] [be in love, love, to love],
и́ли же одному́ бу́дет пре́дан,
or [but, same, then] [alone, to one] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered],
а други́м ста́нет пренебрега́ть.
[while, and, but] other [become, it will become, will become] neglect.
Вы не мо́жете одновреме́нно служи́ть и Бо́гу,
[Ye, You] [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] [at the same time, concurrently, simultaneously] [serve, serving] and God,
и бога́тству.
and [mammon, money, riches, wealth].
“No one can serve two masters,
for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and money.
Matthew 6:24 ESV

No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one,
and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one,
and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 6:24 KJV
 Matthew 15:4 NRT
4 Ведь Бог сказа́л:
4 [Because, After All, Indeed] God [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
«Почита́й отца́ и мать»,
«[Honor, Read It] [father, the father] and mother»,
и «Кто злосло́вит отца́ и́ли мать,
and «Who [curseth, he slanders, reviles, slanders] [father, the father] or mother,
тот до́лжен быть пре́дан сме́рти».
that [must, ought, should] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] [betrayed, delivered] [death, of death]».
For God commanded,
‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and,
‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ Matthew 15:4 ESV

For God commanded,
Honour thy father and mother:
He that curseth father or mother,
let him die the death.
Matthew 15:4 KJV
 Matthew 17:22 NRT
22 Во вре́мя пребыва́ния в Галиле́е Иису́с сказа́л ученика́м:
22 In [hour, time] [stay, stays] [at, in, of, on] Galilee Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [for students, disciples]:
Сын Челове́ческий бу́дет пре́дан в руки люде́й,
Son [Human, Man] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, of people, people],
As they were gathering in Galilee,
Jesus said to them,
“The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men,
Matthew 17:22 ESV

And while they abode in Galilee,
Jesus said unto them,
The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men:
Matthew 17:22 KJV
 Matthew 17:22 RUSV
22 Во вре́мя пребыва́ния их в Галиле́е,
22 In [hour, time] [stay, stays] [them, their] [at, in, of, on] Galilee,
Иису́с сказа́л им:
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Сын Челове́ческий пре́дан бу́дет в руки челове́ческие,
Son [Human, Man] [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, men],
As they were gathering in Galilee,
Jesus said to them,
“The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men,
Matthew 17:22 ESV

And while they abode in Galilee,
Jesus said unto them,
The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men:
Matthew 17:22 KJV
 Matthew 20:18 RUSV
18 вот,
18 [behold, here, there],
мы восхо́дим в Иерусали́м,
[we, we are] ascending [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem,
и Сын Челове́ческий пре́дан бу́дет первосвяще́нникам и кни́жникам,
and Son [Human, Man] [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] (high priests) and [scribes, to the scribes],
и осу́дят Его́ на смерть;
and [condemn, condemned, they will condemn] [His, Him, It] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [death, dying];
we are going up to Jerusalem.
And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes,
and they will condemn him to death Matthew 20:18 ESV

we go up to Jerusalem;
and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes,
and they shall condemn him to death,
Matthew 20:18 KJV
 Matthew 26:2 RUSV
2 вы зна́ете,
2 [ye, you] [know, you know],
что че́рез два дня бу́дет Па́сха,
[what, that, why] [across, by way of, through] two [days, of the day] [will be, would be] [Easter, Passover],
и Сын Челове́ческий пре́дан бу́дет на распя́тие.
and Son [Human, Man] [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [crucifix, crucifixion].
“You know that after two days the Passover is coming,
and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified.”
Matthew 26:2 ESV

Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover,
and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
Matthew 26:2 KJV
 Mark 1:14 RUSV
14 По́сле же того́,
14 [After, Beyond] [but, same, then] that,
как пре́дан был Иоа́нн,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [betrayed, delivered] [be, to be, was, were] John,
пришёл Иису́с в Галиле́ю,
[arrive, came, come] Jesus [at, in, of, on] Galilee,
пропове́дуя Ева́нгелие Ца́рствия Божия
[preaching, proclaiming] [Gospel, The Gospel] [Kingdom, Kingdoms] [God, God's]
Now after John was arrested,
Jesus came into Galilee,
proclaiming the gospel of God,
Mark 1:14 ESV

Now after that John was put in prison,
Jesus came into Galilee,
preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
Mark 1:14 KJV
 Mark 7:10 NRT
10 Ведь Моисе́й сказа́л:
10 [Because, After All, Indeed] Moses [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
«Почита́й отца́ и мать» и «Кто злосло́вит отца́ и́ли мать,
«[Honor, Read It] [father, the father] and mother» and «Who [curseth, he slanders, reviles, slanders] [father, the father] or mother,
тот до́лжен быть пре́дан сме́рти».
that [must, ought, should] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] [betrayed, delivered] [death, of death]».
For Moses said,
‘Honor your father and your mother’;
‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ Mark 7:10 ESV

For Moses said,
Honour thy father and thy mother;
Whoso curseth father or mother,
let him die the death:
Mark 7:10 KJV
 Mark 9:31 NRT
31 потому́ что Он был занят наставлением Свои́х ученико́в.
31 [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] He [be, to be, was, were] занят наставлением Their disciples.
Он говори́л им:
He spoke [it, them]:
Сын Челове́ческий бу́дет пре́дан в руки люде́й,
Son [Human, Man] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, of people, people],
кото́рые убью́т Его́,
[which, who] [kill, murder, they will kill you, will kill] [His, Him, It],
но че́рез три дня Он воскре́снет.
[but, yet] [across, by way of, through] three [days, of the day] He (will rise again).
for he was teaching his disciples,
saying to them,
“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men,
and they will kill him.
And when he is killed,
after three days he will rise.”
Mark 9:31 ESV

For he taught his disciples,
and said unto them,
The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men,
and they shall kill him;
and after that he is killed,
he shall rise the third day.
Mark 9:31 KJV
 Mark 9:31 RUSV
31 И́бо учи́л Свои́х ученико́в и говори́л им,
31 [For, Because] [learned, taught, teaching] Their disciples and spoke [it, them],
что Сын Челове́ческий пре́дан бу́дет в руки челове́ческие и убью́т Его́,
[what, that, why] Son [Human, Man] [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, men] and [kill, murder, they will kill you, will kill] [His, Him, It],
по убие́нии,
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [killing, murder],
в тре́тий день воскре́снет.
[at, in, of, on] third day (will rise again).
for he was teaching his disciples,
saying to them,
“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men,
and they will kill him.
And when he is killed,
after three days he will rise.”
Mark 9:31 ESV

For he taught his disciples,
and said unto them,
The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men,
and they shall kill him;
and after that he is killed,
he shall rise the third day.
Mark 9:31 KJV
 Mark 10:33 RUSV
33 вот,
33 [behold, here, there],
мы восхо́дим в Иерусали́м,
[we, we are] ascending [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem,
и Сын Челове́ческий пре́дан бу́дет первосвяще́нникам и кни́жникам,
and Son [Human, Man] [betrayed, delivered] [will be, would be] (high priests) and [scribes, to the scribes],
и осу́дят Его́ на смерть,
and [condemn, condemned, they will condemn] [His, Him, It] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [death, dying],
и предаду́т Его́ язы́чникам,
and [betrayed, they will betray you] [His, Him, It] [gentiles, pagans, to the pagans],
we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes,
and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles.
Mark 10:33 ESV

we go up to Jerusalem;
and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests,
and unto the scribes;
and they shall condemn him to death,
and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:
Mark 10:33 KJV
 Luke 9:44 NRT
44 –Слу́шайте внима́тельно,
44 –[Hear, Listen, Listen Up] [attentively, carefully, thoroughly],
что Я вам сейча́с скажу́:
[what, that, why] I [to you, ye, you] now [i will say, say, tell]:
Сын Челове́ческий бу́дет пре́дан в руки люде́й.
Son [Human, Man] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, of people, people].
“Let these words sink into your ears:
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.”
Luke 9:44 ESV

Let these sayings sink down into your ears:
for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.
Luke 9:44 KJV
 Luke 9:44 RUSV
44 вложите вы себе́ в у́ши слова сии́:
44 [attach, invest, put] [ye, you] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [at, in, of, on] ears [speech, the words, word, words] [these, those]:
Сын Челове́ческий бу́дет пре́дан в руки челове́ческие.
Son [Human, Man] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, men].
“Let these words sink into your ears:
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.”
Luke 9:44 ESV

Let these sayings sink down into your ears:
for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.
Luke 9:44 KJV
 Luke 16:13 NRT
13 Ни оди́н слуга́ не мо́жет служи́ть двум господа́м.
13 Neither [alone, one] servant [never, not] [can, may, maybe] [serve, serving] [both, two] [gentlemen, masters].
Он и́ли одного́ бу́дет ненави́деть,
He or one [will be, would be] [dislike, hate, hates, to hate],
а друго́го люби́ть,
[while, and, but] [another, the other one] [be in love, love, to love],
и́ли же одному́ бу́дет пре́дан,
or [but, same, then] [alone, to one] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered],
а други́м ста́нет пренебрега́ть.
[while, and, but] other [become, it will become, will become] neglect.
Вы не мо́жете одновреме́нно служи́ть и Бо́гу,
[Ye, You] [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] [at the same time, concurrently, simultaneously] [serve, serving] and God,
и бога́тству.
and [mammon, money, riches, wealth].
No servant can serve two masters,
for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and money.”
Luke 16:13 ESV

No servant can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one,
and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one,
and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Luke 16:13 KJV
 Luke 24:7 NRT
7 «Сын Челове́ческий до́лжен быть пре́дан в руки гре́шников,
7 «Son [Human, Man] [must, ought, should] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] sinners,
и на тре́тий день воскре́снуть».
and [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] third day [resurrect, resurrected, to be resurrected]».
that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”
Luke 24:7 ESV

The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,
and be crucified,
and the third day rise again.
Luke 24:7 KJV
 John 18:36 RUSV
36 Иису́с отвеча́л:
36 Jesus answered:
Ца́рство Моё не от ми́ра сего́;
[Kingdom, The Kingdom] My [never, not] from [of the world, peace, world] (with his);
е́сли бы от ми́ра сего́ бы́ло Ца́рство Моё,
[if, a, when, unless] would from [of the world, peace, world] (with his) [it was, was] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] My,
то служи́тели Мои́ подвиза́лись бы за Меня́,
that servants My [launched, struggled, move over] would [after, around, at, behind, over] [I, Me, Self],
что́бы Я не был пре́дан Иуде́ям;
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I [never, not] [be, to be, was, were] [betrayed, delivered] Jews;
но ны́не Ца́рство Моё не отсю́да.
[but, yet] [currently, now] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] My [never, not] (from here).
Jesus answered,
“My kingdom is not of this world.
If my kingdom were of this world,
my servants would have been fighting,
that I might not be delivered over to the Jews.
But my kingdom is not from the world.”
John 18:36 ESV

Jesus answered,
My kingdom is not of this world:
if my kingdom were of this world,
then would my servants fight,
that I should not be delivered to the Jews:
but now is my kingdom not from hence.
John 18:36 KJV
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