Bible  Acts 28:1-31 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Спасшись же, бы́вшие с Павлом узна́ли, что остров называ́ется Мелит.
zheh BIV-shee-ee (s)- ooz-NAH-lee shtoh nah-zih-VAH-eet-syah
1 [But, Same, Then] Former [And, From, In, Of, With] [Found Out, Known, Learned] [What, That, Why] Called .
2 Иноплеменники оказали нам немалое человеколюбие, и́бо они́, по причи́не
nahm EE-bah ah-NEE pah pree-CHEE-nee
2 [To Us, Us] [For, Because] [They, They Are] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Cause, Reason]
бы́вшего дождя́ и холода, разложи́ли ого́нь и при́няли всех нас.
BIV-shee-vah dahj-DYAH ee rahz-lah-JEE-lee aw-GON ee PREE-nee-lee vsehh nahs
[Former, Future] Rain And (Spread Out) [Fire, Flame] And [Accepted, Received] [All, Everyone] [Us, We.]
3 Когда́ же Павел набрал мно́жество хвороста и клал на
kah-g'DAH zheh MNAW-jeest-vah ee klahl nuh
3 When [But, Same, Then] [Lots Of, Many] And [Lay, Put] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon]
ого́нь, тогда́ ехидна, вы́йдя от жара, повисла на руке́ его́.
aw-GON tahg-DAH VIY-dyah ot nuh roo-KEH yeh-VOAH
[Fire, Flame] Then [Came Out, Coming Out, Going Out] From [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Arm, Hand] [His, Him, It.]
4 Иноплеменники, когда́ уви́дели висящую на руке́ его́ змею, говори́ли друг дру́гу: ве́рно
kah-g'DAH oo-VEE-dee-lee nuh roo-KEH yeh-VOAH ZMEH-yoo
gah-vah-REE-lee drook DROO-goo VER-nah
4 When [Saw, They Saw, You Saw] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Arm, Hand] [His, Him, It] [A Snake, Snake] [They Said, We Talked] Friend Friend [Correctly, Right]
э́тот челове́к убийца, когда́ его́, спасшегося от моря, суд Бо́жий не оставля́ет жить.
EH-taht cheh-lah-VEK kah-g'DAH yeh-VOAH ot MAW-ryah
soot BAW-jiy nyeh ahs-tahv-LYAH-eet jeet
This [Man, Human, Person] When [His, Him, It] From [Sea, Seas] [Court, Judgment, Tribunal] [God, God's] [Never, Not] Leaves Live.
5 Но он, стряхнув змею в ого́нь, не потерпел никако́го вреда́.
noh ohn ZMEH-yoo
(v)- aw-GON nyeh nee-kah-KAW-vah vree-DAH
5 [But, Yet] He [A Snake, Snake] [At, In, Of, On] [Fire, Flame] [Never, Not] None [Damage, Harm, Injury.]
6 Они́ ожида́ли бы́ло, что у него́ бу́дет воспаление, и́ли он внеза́пно упадёт мёртвым; но, ожида́я
ah-NEE ah-jee-DAH-lee BIH-lah shtoh oo nyeh-VOH BOO-deet EE-lee ohn vnee-ZAHP-nah oo-pah-DYOT MYORT-vim noh ah-jee-DAH-yah
6 [They, They Are] Expected [It Was, Was] [What, That, Why] [At, By, With, Of] Him [Will Be, Would Be] Or He [Suddenly, Unexpectedly] [Fall, Will Fall] Dead [But, Yet] [Anticipating, Expecting, Waiting]
до́лго и ви́дя, что не случи́лось с ним никако́й беды, переменили мы́сли и говори́ли, что он Бог.
DOL-gah ee VEE-dyah shtoh nyeh sloo-CHEE-lahs (s)- neem nee-kah-KOY BEH-dih
MIS-lee ee gah-vah-REE-lee shtoh ohn bohh
[For A Long Time, Long, Time] And [Saw, Seeing] [What, That, Why] [Never, Not] [It Happened, Happened] [And, From, In, Of, With] Him [No, Not Any Kind Of, There Is No] Troubles [Think, Thoughts] And [They Said, We Talked] [What, That, Why] He God.
7 О́коло того́ места бы́ли поместья нача́льника остро́ва, и́менем
AW-kah-lah tah-VOH MES-tah
BIH-lee nah-CHAHL-nee-kah ahst-RAW-vah EE-mee-neem
7 [Near, Nearby] That Places [Been, Has Been, Were] [Chief, The Boss] Islands [By Name, Name]
Публия; он при́нял нас и три дня дружелюбно угощал.
ohn PREE-neel nahs ee tree dnyah
He Accepted [Us, We] And Three [Days, Of The Day] .
8 Оте́ц Публия лежа́л, страдая горя́чкою и болью в животе; Павел
ah-TYETS lee-JAHL gah-RYAHCH-kah-yoo ee (v)-
8 Father [Lay, Lying] [Fever, Hot, With Fever] And [At, In, Of, On]
вошёл к нему́, помоли́лся и, возложи́в на него́ руки свои́, исцели́л его́.
vah-SHOL k nee-MOO pah-mah-LEEL-syah ee vahz-lah-JEEF nuh nyeh-VOH ROO-kee
svah-EE ees-tsee-LEEL yeh-VOAH
[Entered, Has Entered] [To, For, By] [Him, His] [I Prayed, Pray, Prayed] And [By Placing, Laid, Placing] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Him [Arms, Hand, Hands] Their Healed [His, Him, It.]
9 По́сле сего́ собы́тия и про́чие на
POS-lee see-VAU sah-BIH-tee-yah ee PRAW-chee-ee nuh
9 [After, Beyond] (With His) Events And Other [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon]
острове, име́вшие боле́зни, приходи́ли и бы́ли исцеляемы,
ee-MEV-shee-ee baw-LEZ-nee pree-hhah-DEE-lee ee BIH-lee
[Those Who Had, Who Had] [Disability, Disease, Diseases, Infirmity] [Came, Come] And [Been, Has Been, Were]
10 и оказывали нам мно́го почести и при отъезде снабдили нужным.
ee nahm MNAW-gah ee pree
10 And [To Us, Us] [A Lot Of, Many] And [At, In] .
11 Че́рез три ме́сяца мы отплы́ли на
CHEH-res tree MEH-see-tsah mih ahtp-LIH-lee nuh
11 [Across, By Way Of, Through] Three Months [We, We Are] [Sailed Away, Set Sail] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon]
Александрийском корабле, называ́емом Диоскуры, зимовавшем на том острове,
nah-zih-VAH-ee-mahm nuh tom
Called [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [That, Volume]
12 И, приплыв в Сиракузы, пробы́ли там три дня.
ee (v)- praw-bih-lee tahm tree dnyah
12 And [At, In, Of, On] [Abode, Stayed, Tarry] There Three [Days, Of The Day.]
13 Отту́да отплыв, при́были в Ригию; и как че́рез
aht-TOO-dah PREE-bih-lee (v)- ee kahk CHEH-res
13 (From There) [Arrived, Profits] [At, In, Of, On] And [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Across, By Way Of, Through]
день поду́л ю́жный ве́тер, при́были на второ́й день в Путеол,
den pah-DOOL YOOJ-niy VEH-teer PREE-bih-lee nuh vtah-ROY den (v)-
Day Blew [South, Southern] Wind [Arrived, Profits] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Second Day [At, In, Of, On]
14 Где нашли́ бра́тьев, и бы́ли упрошены пробыть
gdeh nahsh-LEE BRAHT-yeef ee BIH-lee praw-bit
14 [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] Found [Brethren, Brothers] And [Been, Has Been, Were] Stay
у них семь дней, а пото́м пошли́ в Рим.
oo neekh sem dnay ah pah-TOM pahsh-LEE (v)-
[At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] Seven Days [While, And, But] [Then, Later] [Gone Away, Let Us Go, Went] [At, In, Of, On] .
15 Тамошние бра́тья, услы́шав о нас, вы́шли нам навстре́чу до Аппиевой
BRAHT-yah oos-LIH-sheef oah nahs VISH-lee nahm nahvst-REH-choo daw
15 Brothers [Having Heard, Heard, Hearing] About [Us, We] [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [To Us, Us] Towards [Before, Until]
пло́щади и трёх гостиниц. Уви́дев их, Павел возблагодарил Бо́га и ободрился.
PLAW-shhee-dee ee tryohh oo-VEE-deef eehh BAW-gah ee
Squares And Three . [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] [Them, Their] God And .
16 Когда́ же пришли́ мы в Рим, то со́тник переда́л
kah-g'DAH zheh preesh-LEE mih (v)- taw SOT-neek pee-ree-DAHL
16 When [But, Same, Then] Came [We, We Are] [At, In, Of, On] That Centurion [Delivered, Gave, Handed Over, Passed]
узников военачальнику, а Павлу позво́лено жить осо́бо с воином, стерегущим его́.
ah pahz-VAU-lee-nah jeet ah-SAW-bah (s)- yeh-VOAH
[While, And, But] [Allowed, Lawful] Live [Especially, Specifically, Particularly] [And, From, In, Of, With] [His, Him, It.]
17 Че́рез три дня Павел созва́л знатнейших из Иуде́ев и, когда́ они́ сошли́сь, говори́л им: мужи братия!
CHEH-res tree dnyah sahz-VAHL ees ee-oo-DEH-eef ee kah-g'DAH ah-NEE sahsh-LEES gah-vah-REEL eem MOO-jee
17 [Across, By Way Of, Through] Three [Days, Of The Day] [Assembling, Convened, Gathered] [From, In, Of, Out] Jews And When [They, They Are] [Agreed, Got Together] Spoke [It, Them] [Husbands, Men]
не сде́лав ничего́ про́тив наро́да и́ли отеческих обычаев, я в узах из Иерусали́ма пре́дан в руки Римлян.
nyeh SDEH-lahf nee-cheh-VAU PRAW-teef nah-RAW-dah EE-lee yah (v)- ees ee-ee-roo-sah-LEE-mah PREH-dahn (v)- ROO-kee
[Never, Not] (Having Done) [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] Against [People, The People] Or I [At, In, Of, On] [From, In, Of, Out] Jerusalem [Betrayed, Delivered] [At, In, Of, On] [Arms, Hand, Hands] .
18 Они́, судив меня́, хоте́ли освободи́ть, потому́
ah-NEE mee-NYAH
hhah-TEH-lee ahs-vah-bah-DEET pah-tah-MOO
18 [They, They Are] [I, Me, Self] [They Wanted, Wanted] [Liberty, Release] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore]
что нет во мне никако́й вины́, достойной сме́рти;
shtoh net voh mneh nee-kah-KOY vee-NIH SMER-tee
[What, That, Why] [No, Not] [In, On] [Me, To Me] [No, Not Any Kind Of, There Is No] [Fault, Guilt] [Death, Of Death]
19 Но так как Иуде́и противоречили, то я принужден был потре́бовать суда́
noh tahk kahk ee-oo-DEH-ee taw yah bihl paht-REH-bah-vaht soo-DAH
19 [But, Yet] So [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Jews That I [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Demand [Ships, Judgment]
у кесаря, впро́чем не с тем, что́бы обвини́ть в чем-ли́бо мой наро́д.
oo KEH-sah-ryah
VPRAW-cheem nyeh (s)- tem SHTOH-bih ahb-vee-NEET (v)- chem
moy nah-ROT
[At, By, With, Of] Caesar [However, Nevertheless] [Never, Not] [And, From, In, Of, With] [By That, That] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [Blame, Accuse] [At, In, Of, On] Anything [Mine, My] [Crowd, Nation, People.]
20 По э́той причи́не я и призва́л вас, что́бы увидеться и
pah EH-tie pree-CHEE-nee yah ee preez-VAHL vahs SHTOH-bih ee
20 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] This [Cause, Reason] I And [Called, Urged] You [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] And
поговори́ть с ва́ми, и́бо за надежду Изра́илеву обложен я э́тими у́зами.
pah-gah-vah-REET (s)- VAH-mee EE-bah zah eez-RAH-ee-lee-voo yah EH-tee-mee OO-zah-mee
[Talk, To Talk] [And, From, In, Of, With] You [For, Because] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] [Israel, To Israel] I These [Bonds, Shackles.]
21 Они́ же сказа́ли ему́: мы ни писем не получа́ли о тебе́ из Иуде́и,
ah-NEE zheh skah-ZAH-lee yee-MOO mih nee nyeh pah-loo-CHAH-lee oah tee-BEH ees ee-oo-DEH-ee
21 [They, They Are] [But, Same, Then] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] [Him, It, To Him] [We, We Are] Neither [Never, Not] [Received, They Received] About [Thee, You] [From, In, Of, Out] Jews
ни из приходящих бра́тьев никто́ не извести́л о тебе́ и не сказа́л чего́-ли́бо худо́го.
nee ees BRAHT-yeef neek-TAW nyeh eez-vees-TEEL oah tee-BEH ee nyeh skuh-ZAHL chee-VAU
Neither [From, In, Of, Out] [Brethren, Brothers] [No One, Nobody] [Never, Not] [Notified, Told] About [Thee, You] And [Never, Not] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Something, Anything] [Skinny, Thin.]
22 Впро́чем желательно нам слы́шать от тебя́, как ты
VPRAW-cheem nahm SLIH-sheet ot tee-BYAH kahk tih
22 [However, Nevertheless] [To Us, Us] [Hear, To Hear] From You [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] You
мыслишь; и́бо изве́стно нам, что об э́том уче́нии везде́ спорят.
EE-bah eez-VES-nah nahm shtoh op EH-tahm oo-CHEH-nee-ee veez-DEH
[For, Because] [Is Known, Known] [To Us, Us] [What, That, Why] About This [Doctrine, Learning, Teaching, Teachings] Everywhere .
23 И, назначив ему́ день, о́чень мно́гие пришли́ к нему́ в гости́ницу; и он от у́тра до вечера
ee yee-MOO den AW-cheen MNAW-ghee-ee preesh-LEE k nee-MOO (v)- gahs-TEE-nee-tsoo ee ohn ot OOT-rah daw VEH-chee-rah
23 And [Him, It, To Him] Day [Greatly, Highly, Very] Many Came [To, For, By] [Him, His] [At, In, Of, On] (The Hotel) And He From Morning [Before, Until] [Evenings, Tonight]
излагал им уче́ние о Ца́рствии Божием, приводя свиде́тельства и удостоверяя их о Иису́се из зако́на Моисеева и проро́ков.
eem oo-CHEH-nee-ee oah TSAHRST-vee-ee baw-jee-yem svee-DEH-teelst-vah ee eehh oah ee-ee-SOO-see ees zah-KAW-nah ee prah-RAW-kahf
[It, Them] [Doctrine, Teaching] About [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's, Gods] [Evidence, Testimony, Witness] And [Them, Their] About Jesus [From, In, Of, Out] Law And Prophets.
24 Одни́ убеждались слова́ми его́, а други́е не ве́рили.
ahd-NEE slah-VAH-mee yeh-VOAH ah droo-GHEE-ee nyeh VEH-ree-lee
24 Alone [In Words, Words] [His, Him, It] [While, And, But] [Other, Others] [Never, Not] Believed.
25 Бу́дучи же не согласны ме́жду собо́ю, они́ уходи́ли, когда́ Павел
BOO-doo-chee zheh nyeh MEJ-doo sah-BAW-yoo ah-NEE oo-hhah-DEE-lee kah-g'DAH
25 Being [But, Same, Then] [Never, Not] [Among, Between, Meanwhile] [By Myself, Yourself, Yourselves] [They, They Are] [They Left, They Were Leaving] When
сказа́л следующие слова: хорошо́ Дух Святый сказа́л отца́м на́шим чрез проро́ка Иса́ию:
skuh-ZAHL SLAW-vah
hhah-rah-SHAW doohh svyah-tiy skuh-ZAHL aht-TSAHM NAH-sheem chres prah-RAW-kah ee-SAH-ee-yoo
[He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] [Fine, Good, Nice, Pleasant, Well] Spirit Holy [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Fathers Our Through [Prophet, The Prophet] [Esaias, Isaiah]
26 «Пойди́ к наро́ду сёму и скажи́: слухом услы́шите,
pie-DEE k nah-RAW-doo SYAW-moo ee skah-JEE oos-LIH-shee-tee
26 Go [To, For, By] [To The People, Nation] This And [Say, Tell] [Will Hear, You Will Hear]
и не уразумеете, и оча́ми смотре́ть бу́дете, и не уви́дите.
ee nyeh ee ah-CHAH-mee smaht-RET BOO-dee-tee ee nyeh oo-VEE-dee-tee
And [Never, Not] And [Eyes, Sight, With My Eyes] [Behold, Look, See, To Look, View, Watch] [Will, Will Be] And [Never, Not] [See, You Will See.]
27 И́бо огрубело се́рдце люде́й сих, и уша́ми с трудо́м слы́шат, и о́чи свои́ сомкнули, да не
EE-bah SER-tseh lew-DAY seehh ee oo-SHAH-mee (s)- troo-DOM SLIH-sheet ee AW-chee svah-EE dah nyeh
27 [For, Because] [Heart, Hearts] [Human, Of People, People] [Now, These, Those] And Ears [And, From, In, Of, With] [By Labor, Labor] [Hear, Understand] And Eyes Their Yes [Never, Not]
узрят оча́ми, и не услы́шат уша́ми, и не уразуме́ют се́рдцем, и не обратя́тся, что́бы Я исцели́л их».
ah-CHAH-mee ee nyeh oos-LIH-sheet oo-SHAH-mee ee nyeh oo-rah-zoo-MEH-yoot SER-tseem ee nyeh ahb-rah-TYAHT-syah SHTOH-bih yah ees-tsee-LEEL eehh
[Eyes, Sight, With My Eyes] And [Never, Not] [Hear, Will Hear] Ears And [Never, Not] [Comprehend, They Will Understand] (With My Heart) And [Never, Not] [Will Turn, They Will Apply, Ask] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] I Healed [Them, Their.]
28 Ита́к да бу́дет вам изве́стно, что
ee-TAHK dah BOO-deet vahm eez-VES-nah shtoh
28 So Yes [Will Be, Would Be] [To You, Ye, You] [Is Known, Known] [What, That, Why]
спасе́ние Божие послано язы́чникам: они́ и услы́шат.
spah-SEH-nee-ee baw-jee-yeh yee-ZICH-nee-kahm ah-NEE ee oos-LIH-sheet
[The Rescue, Salvation] [God, God's] [Gentiles, Pagans, To The Pagans] [They, They Are] And [Hear, Will Hear.]
29 Когда́ он сказа́л э́то, Иуде́и ушли́, мно́го споря ме́жду собо́ю.
kah-g'DAH ohn skuh-ZAHL EH-tuh ee-oo-DEH-ee oosh-LEE MNAW-gah MEJ-doo sah-BAW-yoo
29 When He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [That, This, It] Jews [Escaped, Gone, Went Away] [A Lot Of, Many] [Among, Between, Meanwhile] [By Myself, Yourself, Yourselves.]
30 И жил Павел целых два года на
ee jeel dvah GAW-dah
30 And Lived Two [Of The Year, Years] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon]
своём иждивении и принима́л всех, приходивших к нему́,
svah-YOM ee pree-nee-MAHL vsehh k nee-MOO
His And [Accepted, He Accepted, Took] [All, Everyone] [To, For, By] [Him, His]
31 Пропове́дуя Ца́рствие Божие и уча́ о
prah-pah-VEH-doo-yah TSAHRST-vee-ee baw-jee-yeh ee oo-CHAH oah
31 [Preaching, Proclaiming] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's] And [Learn, Taught, Teach, Teaching] About
Господе Иису́се Христе́ со вся́ким дерзновением невозбранно.
ee-ee-SOO-see hhrees-TEH saw VSYAH-keem
Jesus Christ [After, With] Everyone .
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 Revision: 11/25/2024 6:01:40 AM
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