Ходи́ть ( To Walk, Walk , Walked )

 Verb - Present Tense - Infinitive
(RUSV: 8 + NRT: 2) = 10
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 3:14 RUSV
14 И сказа́л Госпо́дь Бог змею:
14 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Lord God [a snake, snake]:
за то,
[after, around, at, behind, over] that,
что ты сде́лал э́то,
[what, that, why] you did [that, this, it],
про́клят ты пред все́ми скотами и пред все́ми зверя́ми полевыми;
[damned, cursed] you [before, front] (by all) скотами and [before, front] (by all) animals полевыми;
ты бу́дешь ходи́ть на чре́ве твоём,
you [will you be, you will] [to walk, walk, walked] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [the womb, womb] yours,
и бу́дешь есть прах во все дни жи́зни твое́й;
and [will you be, you will] [there are, there is] [ashes, dust] in [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] days life yours;
The Lord God said to the serpent,
&#;Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.
Genesis 3:14 ESV

And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
Because thou hast done this,
thou art cursed above all cattle,
and above every beast of the field;
upon thy belly shalt thou go,
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Genesis 3:14 KJV
 Genesis 18:19 RUSV
19 и́бо Я избра́л его́ для того́,
19 [for, because] I [choose, chose, chosen, elected, i chose] [his, him, it] for that,
что́бы он запове́дал сынам свои́м и до́му своему́ по́сле себя́,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he commanded [sons, to the sons] [his, mine, your] and [home, house] [to his, your own] [after, beyond] [itself, myself, yourself],
ходи́ть путём Госпо́дним,
[to walk, walk, walked] way [Lord's, The Lord 's],
творя пра́вду и суд;
творя [the truth, truth] and [court, judgment, tribunal];
и испо́лнит Госпо́дь над Авраа́мом,
and [execute, fulfill, will execute, will fulfill] Lord above [Abraham, By Abraham],
что сказа́л о нем.
[what, that, why] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] about [dumb, him, mute, speechless].
For I have chosen him,
that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice,
so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.&#;
Genesis 18:19 ESV

For I know him,
that he will command his children and his household after him,
and they shall keep the way of the LORD,
to do justice and judgment;
that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Genesis 18:19 KJV
 Mark 5:42 NRT
42 Де́вочка сра́зу вста́ла и начала ходи́ть (ей бы́ло лет двена́дцать).
42 Girl [at once, immediately, straightaway] [arose, got up] and [beginning, beginnings] [to walk, walk, walked] (her [it was, was] years twelve).
Все бы́ли си́льно удивлены́.
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [been, has been, were] [exceeding, strongly] surprised.
And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age),
and they were immediately overcome with amazement.
Mark 5:42 ESV

And straightway the damsel arose,
and walked;
for she was of the age of twelve years.
And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
Mark 5:42 KJV
 Mark 5:42 RUSV
42 И деви́ца тотчас вста́ла и начала ходи́ть,
42 And [damsel, girl, the girl] immediately [arose, got up] and [beginning, beginnings] [to walk, walk, walked],
и́бо была́ лет двена́дцати.
[for, because] was years twelve.
[Ви́девшие] пришли́ в вели́кое изумле́ние.
[[Those Who Saw, Who Have Seen]] came [at, in, of, on] [great, the great] [amazement, astonishment, wonder].
And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age),
and they were immediately overcome with amazement.
Mark 5:42 ESV

And straightway the damsel arose,
and walked;
for she was of the age of twelve years.
And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
Mark 5:42 KJV
 Mark 12:38 RUSV
38 И говори́л им в уче́нии Своём:
38 And spoke [it, them] [at, in, of, on] [doctrine, learning, teaching, teachings] His:
остерега́йтесь кни́жников,
beware scribes,
лю́бящих ходи́ть в дли́нных оде́ждах и [принима́ть] приве́тствия в наро́дных собра́ниях,
loving [to walk, walk, walked] [at, in, of, on] long clothes and [[accept, take, to take]] [greeting, greetings, salutation] [at, in, of, on] people's meetings,
And in his teaching he said,
&#;Beware of the scribes,
who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces Mark 12:38 ESV

And he said unto them in his doctrine,
Beware of the scribes,
which love to go in long clothing,
and love salutations in the marketplaces,
Mark 12:38 KJV
 Luke 13:33 RUSV
33 а впро́чем,
33 [while, and, but] [however, nevertheless],
Мне должно́ ходи́ть сего́дня,
[Me, To Me] [must, should] [to walk, walk, walked] today,
за́втра и в после́дующий день,
[to morrow, tomorrow] and [at, in, of, on] [following, subsequent] day,
потому́ что не быва́ет,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [never, not] [it happens, things happen],
что́бы проро́к поги́б вне Иерусали́ма.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [prophet, the prophet] [perish, perished] outside Jerusalem.
I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following,
for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem.&#;
Luke 13:33 ESV

Nevertheless I must walk to day,
and to morrow,
and the day following:
for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.
Luke 13:33 KJV
 Luke 20:46 RUSV
46 остерега́йтесь кни́жников,
46 beware scribes,
кото́рые лю́бят ходи́ть в дли́нных оде́ждах и лю́бят приве́тствия в наро́дных собра́ниях,
[which, who] love [to walk, walk, walked] [at, in, of, on] long clothes and love [greeting, greetings, salutation] [at, in, of, on] people's meetings,
председания в синаго́гах и предвозлежа́ния на пи́ршествах,
[chairs, seat, seats, squats] [at, in, of, on] synagogues and [prepositions, prerequisites] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] feasts,
&#;Beware of the scribes,
who like to walk around in long robes,
and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts,
Luke 20:46 ESV

Beware of the scribes,
which desire to walk in long robes,
and love greetings in the markets,
and the highest seats in the synagogues,
and the chief rooms at feasts;
Luke 20:46 KJV
 John 7:1 RUSV
1 По́сле сего́ Иису́с ходи́л по Галиле́е,
1 [After, Beyond] (with his) Jesus [walked, went] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] Galilee,
и́бо по Иуде́е не хоте́л ходи́ть,
[for, because] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] Judea [never, not] [he wanted, wanted] [to walk, walk, walked],
потому́ что Иуде́и иска́ли уби́ть Его́.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] Jews [looking, looking for, search, seeking, sought] [destroy, kill, murder, slew, to kill] [His, Him, It].
After this Jesus went about in Galilee.
He would not go about in Judea,
because the Jews were seeking to kill him.
John 7:1 ESV

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee:
for he would not walk in Jewry,
because the Jews sought to kill him.
John 7:1 KJV
 John 8:12 NRT
12 Когда́ Иису́с вновь заговори́л с наро́дом,
12 When Jesus again [spake, spoke] [and, from, in, of, with] people,
Он сказа́л:
He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Я свет ми́ру.
I light [the world, to the world].
кто идёт за Мной,
who goes [after, around, at, behind, over] Me,
не бу́дет ходи́ть во тьме,
[never, not] [will be, would be] [to walk, walk, walked] in darkness,
но бу́дет име́ть свет жи́зни.
[but, yet] [will be, would be] [have, to have] light life.
Again Jesus spoke to them,
&#;I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.&#;
John 8:12 ESV

Then spake Jesus again unto them,
I am the light of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
John 8:12 KJV
 John 8:12 RUSV
12 Опя́ть говори́л Иису́с [к наро́ду] и сказа́л им:
12 Again spoke Jesus [[to, for, by] [to the people, nation]] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Я свет ми́ру;
I light [the world, to the world];
кто после́дует за Мно́ю,
who (will follow) [after, around, at, behind, over] Me,
тот не бу́дет ходи́ть во тьме,
that [never, not] [will be, would be] [to walk, walk, walked] in darkness,
но бу́дет име́ть свет жи́зни.
[but, yet] [will be, would be] [have, to have] light life.
Again Jesus spoke to them,
&#;I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.&#;
John 8:12 ESV

Then spake Jesus again unto them,
I am the light of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
John 8:12 KJV
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