У́ши ( Ears )

 Noun - Neuter - Plural
(RUSV: 19 + NRT: 11) = 30
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 20:8 RUSV
8 И встал Авимелех у́тром ра́но,
8 And [get up, got up] Abimelech [in the morning, morning] early,
и призва́л всех рабо́в свои́х,
and [called, urged] [all, everyone] [servant, servants, slaves] their,
и пересказал все слова сии́ в у́ши их;
and пересказал [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [speech, the words, word, words] [these, those] [at, in, of, on] ears [them, their];
и лю́ди сии́ весьма́ испуга́лись.
and people [these, those] [exceeding, exceedingly, quite, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled].
So Abimelech rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told them all these things.
And the men were very much afraid.
Genesis 20:8 ESV

Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning,
and called all his servants,
and told all these things in their ears:
and the men were sore afraid.
Genesis 20:8 KJV
 Genesis 44:18 RUSV
18 И подошёл Иу́да к нему́ и сказа́л:
18 And (came up) Judas [to, for, by] [him, his] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
господи́н мой,
[lord, master, mister] [mine, my],
позво́ль рабу́ твоему́ сказа́ть сло́во в у́ши господи́на моего́,
[allow me, enable, let] [servant, slave] yours [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell] [saying, the word, word] [at, in, of, on] ears [lord, master, mister] my,
и не прогневайся на раба́ твоего́,
and [never, not] прогневайся [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [handmaid, servant, slave] [thy, your],
и́бо ты то же,
[for, because] you that [but, same, then],
что фарао́н.
[what, that, why] [pharaoh, the pharaoh].
Then Judah went up to him and said,
my lord,
please let your servant speak a word in my lord&#;s ears,
and let not your anger burn against your servant,
for you are like Pharaoh himself.
Genesis 44:18 ESV

Then Judah came near unto him,
and said,
Oh my lord,
let thy servant,
I pray thee,
speak a word in my lord&#;s ears,
and let not thine anger burn against thy servant:
for thou art even as Pharaoh.
Genesis 44:18 KJV
 Matthew 11:15 NRT
15 У кого́ есть у́ши,
15 [At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 ESV

He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 KJV
 Matthew 11:15 RUSV
15 Кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
15 Who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 ESV

He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 KJV
 Matthew 13:9 NRT
9 У кого́ есть у́ши,
9 [At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
He who has ears,
let him hear.&#;
Matthew 13:9 ESV

Who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:9 KJV
 Matthew 13:9 RUSV
9 Кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
9 Who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
He who has ears,
let him hear.&#;
Matthew 13:9 ESV

Who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:9 KJV
 Matthew 13:16 NRT
16 Блаже́нны ва́ши глаза,
16 [Blessed, Blessed Are, Happy] [your, yours] eyes,
потому́ что они́ ви́дят,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [they, they are] [see, they see],
и ва́ши у́ши,
and [your, yours] ears,
потому́ что они́ слы́шат.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [they, they are] [hear, understand].
But blessed are your eyes,
for they see,
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 ESV

But blessed are your eyes,
for they see:
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 KJV
 Matthew 13:16 RUSV
16 Ва́ши же блаже́нны о́чи,
16 [Your, Yours] [but, same, then] [blessed, blessed are, happy] eyes,
что ви́дят,
[what, that, why] [see, they see],
и у́ши ва́ши,
and ears [your, yours],
что слы́шат,
[what, that, why] [hear, understand],
But blessed are your eyes,
for they see,
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 ESV

But blessed are your eyes,
for they see:
and your ears,
for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 KJV
 Matthew 13:43 NRT
43 А пра́ведники тогда́ бу́дут сия́ть,
43 [While, And, But] [righteous, the righteous] then [will, be] [shine, glow],
как со́лнце,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [sun, sun's, the sun],
в Ца́рстве их Отца́.
[at, in, of, on] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [them, their] [Father, The Father].
У кого́ есть у́ши,
[At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
пусть слы́шит.
let [hear, hears].
Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
He who has ears,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:43 ESV

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:43 KJV
 Matthew 13:43 RUSV
43 тогда́ пра́ведники воссияют,
43 then [righteous, the righteous] воссияют,
как со́лнце,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [sun, sun's, the sun],
в Ца́рстве Отца́ их.
[at, in, of, on] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [Father, The Father] [them, their].
Кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
Who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
He who has ears,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:43 ESV

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Matthew 13:43 KJV
 Matthew 19:24 RUSV
24 и ещё говорю́ вам:
24 and [again, also, another, even, further, more] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
удо́бнее верблю́ду пройти́ сквозь иго́льные у́ши,
[convenient, more convenient] [camel, to the camel] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] through [needle, needle's, needles] ears,
не́жели бога́тому войти́ в Ца́рство Божие.
(rather than) [rich, wealthy] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's].
Again I tell you,
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.&#;
Matthew 19:24 ESV

And again I say unto you,
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24 KJV
 Matthew 25:30 RUSV
30 а него́дного раба́ выбросьте во тьму вне́шнюю:
30 [while, and, but] [unfit, unprofitable, worthless] [handmaid, servant, slave] [cast, throw, throw it away] in darkness [external, outer]:
там бу́дет плач и скре́жет зу́бов.
there [will be, would be] [cry, crying, mourning, weeping] and [gnashing, grinding, the screeching] [teeth, tooth].
Сказа́в сие́,
[Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] this,
[cried out, exclaimed, proclaimed]:
кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness.
In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.&#;
Matthew 25:30 ESV

And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness:
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 25:30 KJV
 Mark 4:9 NRT
9 Пото́м Иису́с доба́вил:
9 [Then, Later] Jesus added:
У кого́ есть у́ши,
[At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
And he said,
&#;He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Mark 4:9 ESV

And he said unto them,
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 4:9 KJV
 Mark 4:9 RUSV
9 И сказа́л им:
9 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
And he said,
&#;He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Mark 4:9 ESV

And he said unto them,
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 4:9 KJV
 Mark 4:23 NRT
23 Е́сли у кого́ есть у́ши,
23 [If, A, When, Unless] [at, by, with, of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит.
let [hear, hears].
If anyone has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Mark 4:23 ESV

If any man have ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 4:23 KJV
 Mark 4:23 RUSV
23 Е́сли кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
23 [If, A, When, Unless] who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
If anyone has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Mark 4:23 ESV

If any man have ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 4:23 KJV
 Mark 7:16 NRT
16 Е́сли у кого́ есть у́ши,
16 [If, A, When, Unless] [at, by, with, of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит.
let [hear, hears].

If any man have ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 7:16 KJV
 Mark 7:16 RUSV
16 Е́сли кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
16 [If, A, When, Unless] who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!

If any man have ears to hear,
let him hear.
Mark 7:16 KJV
 Mark 7:33 NRT
33 Иису́с отвёл его́ в сто́рону,
33 Jesus [taking, took, took it away] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] side,
вложи́л Свои́ па́льцы ему́ в у́ши,
invested Their fingers [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] ears,
зате́м сплюнул Себе́ на па́льцы и прикосну́лся к языку челове́ка.
then сплюнул [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] fingers and touched [to, for, by] языку human.
And taking him aside from the crowd privately,
he put his fingers into his ears,
and after spitting touched his tongue.
Mark 7:33 ESV

And he took him aside from the multitude,
and put his fingers into his ears,
and he spit,
and touched his tongue;
Mark 7:33 KJV
 Mark 7:33 RUSV
33 [Иису́с],
33 [Jesus],
отведя́ его́ в сто́рону от наро́да,
[taking, taking away] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] side from [people, the people],
вложи́л персты Свои́ в у́ши ему́ и,
invested персты Their [at, in, of, on] ears [him, it, to him] and,
[spit, spitting],
косну́лся языка́ его́;
touched language [his, him, it];
And taking him aside from the crowd privately,
he put his fingers into his ears,
and after spitting touched his tongue.
Mark 7:33 ESV

And he took him aside from the multitude,
and put his fingers into his ears,
and he spit,
and touched his tongue;
Mark 7:33 KJV
 Mark 8:18 NRT
18 У вас есть глаза,
18 [At, By, With, Of] you [there are, there is] eyes,
и вы не ви́дите?
and [ye, you] [never, not] see?
Есть у́ши,
[There Are, There Is] ears,
и вы не слы́шите?
and [ye, you] [never, not] hear?
Неуже́ли вы не помните?
[Greater, Indeed, Really, Surely] [ye, you] [never, not] remember?
Having eyes do you not see,
and having ears do you not hear?
And do you not remember?
Mark 8:18 ESV

Having eyes,
see ye not?
and having ears,
hear ye not?
and do ye not remember?
Mark 8:18 KJV
 Mark 8:18 RUSV
18 Име́я о́чи,
18 Having eyes,
не ви́дите?
[never, not] see?
име́я у́ши,
having ears,
не слы́шите?
[never, not] hear?
и не помните?
and [never, not] remember?
Having eyes do you not see,
and having ears do you not hear?
And do you not remember?
Mark 8:18 ESV

Having eyes,
see ye not?
and having ears,
hear ye not?
and do ye not remember?
Mark 8:18 KJV
 Mark 10:25 RUSV
25 Удо́бнее верблю́ду пройти́ сквозь иго́льные у́ши,
25 [Convenient, More Convenient] [camel, to the camel] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] through [needle, needle's, needles] ears,
не́жели бога́тому войти́ в Ца́рствие Божие.
(rather than) [rich, wealthy] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's].
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.&#;
Mark 10:25 ESV

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:25 KJV
 Luke 8:8 NRT
8 Про́чие же упа́ли на хоро́шую по́чву.
8 Other [but, same, then] (have fallen) [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [a good one, good] [land, soil].
Они́ взошли́ и принесли́ урожа́й во сто раз бо́льше того́,
[They, They Are] ascended and [brought, they brought it] harvest in [hundred, one hundred] [once, time] [again, great, more] that,
что бы́ло посе́яно.
[what, that, why] [it was, was] sown.
Рассказа́в э́ту при́тчу,
[By Telling, Having Told, Telling, Told] this [a parable, parable],
Иису́с гро́мко сказа́л:
Jesus [loud, loudly] [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
У кого́ есть у́ши,
[At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.&#;
As he said these things,
he called out,
&#;He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Luke 8:8 ESV

And other fell on good ground,
and sprang up,
and bare fruit an hundredfold.
And when he had said these things,
he cried,
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Luke 8:8 KJV
 Luke 8:8 RUSV
8 а ино́е упа́ло на добрую зе́млю и,
8 [while, and, but] [other, otherwise] [dropped, fell, it fell] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [good, kind] [earth, land] and,
[ascending, having ascended],
принесло́ плод сторичный.
[brought, it brought] fruit [hundredfold, metropolitan].
Сказа́в сие́,
[Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] this,
[cried out, exclaimed, proclaimed]:
кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.&#;
As he said these things,
he called out,
&#;He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Luke 8:8 ESV

And other fell on good ground,
and sprang up,
and bare fruit an hundredfold.
And when he had said these things,
he cried,
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Luke 8:8 KJV
 Luke 8:15 RUSV
15 а упа́вшее на добрую зе́млю,
15 [while, and, but] fallen [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [good, kind] [earth, land],
э́то те,
[that, this, it] those,
[which, who],
услы́шав сло́во,
[having heard, heard, hearing] [saying, the word, word],
храня́т его́ в добром и чи́стом се́рдце и прино́сят плод в терпе́нии.
stored [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [good, kind] and clean [heart, hearts] and [bring, they bring] fruit [at, in, of, on] patience.
Сказа́в э́то,
[Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] [that, this, it],
Он возгласи́л:
He [cried out, exclaimed, proclaimed]:
кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
As for that in the good soil,
they are those who,
hearing the word,
hold it fast in an honest and good heart,
and bear fruit with patience.
Luke 8:15 ESV

But that on the good ground are they,
which in an honest and good heart,
having heard the word,
keep it,
and bring forth fruit with patience.
Luke 8:15 KJV
 Luke 9:44 RUSV
44 вложите вы себе́ в у́ши слова сии́:
44 [attach, invest, put] [ye, you] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [at, in, of, on] ears [speech, the words, word, words] [these, those]:
Сын Челове́ческий бу́дет пре́дан в руки челове́ческие.
Son [Human, Man] [will be, would be] [betrayed, delivered] [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [human, men].
&#;Let these words sink into your ears:
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.&#;
Luke 9:44 ESV

Let these sayings sink down into your ears:
for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.
Luke 9:44 KJV
 Luke 14:35 NRT
35 Ни в зе́млю она́ уже́ не годи́тся,
35 Neither [at, in, of, on] [earth, land] [she, she is] already [never, not] [good, good enough, it will do],
ни в наво́зную ку́чу,
neither [at, in, of, on] [dung, manure] [bunch, heap, pile],
её остаётся лишь вы́бросить вон.
her [it remains, remains, stay] only [throw away, throw out] out.
У кого́ есть у́ши,
[At, By, With, Of] [that, who, whom] [there are, there is] ears,
что́бы слы́шать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [hear, to hear],
пусть слы́шит!
let [hear, hears]!
It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile.
It is thrown away.
He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Luke 14:35 ESV

It is neither fit for the land,
nor yet for the dunghill;
but men cast it out.
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Luke 14:35 KJV
 Luke 14:35 RUSV
35 ни в зе́млю,
35 neither [at, in, of, on] [earth, land],
ни в наво́з не годи́тся;
neither [at, in, of, on] [dung, manure] [never, not] [good, good enough, it will do];
вон выбра́сывают её.
out [they throw it away, throw away] her.
Кто име́ет у́ши слы́шать,
Who [has, it has] ears [hear, to hear],
да слы́шит!
yes [hear, hears]!
It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile.
It is thrown away.
He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.&#;
Luke 14:35 ESV

It is neither fit for the land,
nor yet for the dunghill;
but men cast it out.
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Luke 14:35 KJV
 Luke 18:25 RUSV
25 и́бо удо́бнее верблю́ду пройти́ сквозь иго́льные у́ши,
25 [for, because] [convenient, more convenient] [camel, to the camel] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] through [needle, needle's, needles] ears,
не́жели бога́тому войти́ в Ца́рствие Божие.
(rather than) [rich, wealthy] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's].
For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.&#;
Luke 18:25 ESV

For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle&#;s eye,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:25 KJV
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