1 | По́сле | э́того | Иису́с | ходи́л | из | города | в | го́род | и | из |
POS-lee | EH-tah-vah | e-SOOS | khah-DEEL | ees |
GAW-rah-dah gah-rah-DAH |
(v)- | GAW-raht | ee | ees | |
1 | [After, Beyond] | This | Jesus | [Walked, Went] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Cities, City, Town, Towns] | [At, In, Of, On] | [City, Town] | And | [From, In, Of, Out] |
селе́ния | в | селе́ние, | провозглаша́я | Ра́достную | Весть | о | Бо́жьем | Ца́рстве. | Его́ | сопровожда́ли | двена́дцать, |
see-LEH-nee-yah | (v)- | see-LEH-nee-ee | prah-vahzg-lah-SHAH-yah | RAH-dahs-noo-yoo | vest | oah | BOJ-yeem | TSAHRST-vee | yeh-VOAH | sahp-rah-vahj-DAH-lee | dvee-NAHD-tsaht |
[Village, Villages] | [At, In, Of, On] | Village | [Cried Out, Proclaiming] | [Glad, Good, Happy, Joyful] | [News, Tidings] | About | [God, God's] | [Kingdom, The Kingdom.] | [His, Him, It] | [Accompanied, Accompanied By] | Twelve |
2 | а | та́кже | не́сколько | же́нщин, | кото́рые | бы́ли | исцелены́ | от | злых |
ah | TAHK-jee | NES-kahl-kah | JEN-shheen | kah-TAW-rih-ee | BIH-lee | ees-tsee-lee-NIH | ot | zlihh | |
2 | [While, And, But] | Also | [A Few, Not Many, Several, Some, Somewhat] | Women | [Which, Who] | [Been, Has Been, Were] | [Cured, Healed] | From | [Angry, Evil] |
духов | и | боле́зней: | Мари́я, | про́званная | Магдали́ной, | из | кото́рой | вы́шли | семь | де́монов, |
DOO-hhahf doo-HHOF |
ee | bah-LEZ-niy | mah-REE-yah | PROZ-vahn-nah-yah | mahg-dah-LEE-nigh | ees | kah-TAW-rye | VISH-lee | sem | DEH-mah-nahf |
Spirits | And | [Diseases, Illness, Infirmities, Sickness] | [Maria, Mary] | Nicknamed | Magdalene | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Which, Which One] | [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] | Seven | [Demons, Devils] |
3 | Иоа́нна, | жена́ | Хузы, | управля́ющего | до́мом | И́рода, | Суса́нна | и | мно́гие |
ee-ah-AHN-nah | jeh-NAH | hhoo-zih | oop-rahv-LYAH-yoo-shhee-vah | DAW-mahm | EE-rah-dah | soo-SAHN-nah | ee | MNAW-ghee-ee | |
3 | John | Wife | Chuza, | [Manager, Steward, The Manager] | Home | Herod | Susanna | And | Many |
други́е. | Э́ти | же́нщины | помога́ли | Иису́су | и | Его́ | ученика́м | из | свои́х | средств. |
droo-GHEE-ee | EH-tee | JEN-shhee-nih | pah-mah-GAH-lee | ee-ee-SOO-soo | ee | yeh-VOAH | oo-chee-nee-KAHM | ees | svah-EEHH | sredstf |
[Other, Others.] | These | Women | [Helped, Ministered, Provided, They Helped] | Jesus | And | [His, Him, It] | [For Students, Disciples] | [From, In, Of, Out] | Their | [Facilities, Funds.] |
4 | К | Иису́су | продолжа́ли | приходи́ть | лю́ди | из | ра́зных | городо́в, |
k | ee-ee-SOO-soo | prah-dahl-JAH-lee | pree-hhah-DEET | LEW-dee | ees | RAHZ-nihh | gah-rah-DOF | |
4 | [To, For, By] | Jesus | Continued | [Arrive, Come, To Come] | People | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Different, Diverse, Various] | [Cities, City] |
и | когда́ | собрала́сь | большая | толпа́, | Он | рассказа́л | им | при́тчу: |
ee | kah-g'DAH | sahb-rah-LAHS |
BOL-shee-yah bahl-SHAH-yah |
tahl-PAH | ohn | rahss-kah-ZAHL | eem | PREET-choo |
And | When | [Arose, Assembled, Gathered, Gathering] | [Big, Large] | [Crowd, Multitude] | He | [He Told Me, Told] | [It, Them] | [A Parable, Parable] |
5 | –Се́ятель | вы́шел | се́ять | семёна. | И | когда́ | он | разбра́сывал | их, | то | не́которые |
SEH-ee-teel | VIH-sheel | SEH-eet | see-MYAW-nah | ee | kah-g'DAH | ohn | rahzb-RAH-sih-vahl | eehh | taw | NEH-kah-tah-rih-ee | |
5 | Sower | [Came, Came Out] | Sow | Seeds. | And | When | He | Scattered | [Them, Their] | That | Some |
из | семя́н | упа́ли | у | самой | дороги | и | бы́ли | зато́птаны | и | склёваны | пти́цами | небе́сными. |
ees | see-MYAHN | oo-PAH-lee | oo |
SAH-my sah-MOY |
DAW-raw-ghee dah-RAW-ghee |
ee | BIH-lee | zah-TOP-tah-nih | ee | SKLYAW-vah-nih | PTEE-tsah-mee | nee-BES-nih-mee |
[From, In, Of, Out] | [Seed, Seeds] | (Have Fallen) | [At, By, With, Of] | [By Myself, Most, Myself] | [Path, Paths, Roads, Way] | And | [Been, Has Been, Were] | [Trampled, Trampled Down, Trodden] | And | Pecked | Birds | Heavenly. |
6 | Други́е | упа́ли | на | камени́стую | по́чву, | и, |
droo-GHEE-ee | oo-PAH-lee | nuh | kah-mee-NEES-too-yoo | POCH-voo | ee | |
6 | [Other, Others] | (Have Fallen) | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Rocky, Stony] | [Land, Soil] | And |
едва́ | взойдя́, | ростки́ | засо́хли | от | недоста́тка | вла́ги. |
yeed-VAH | vzi-DYAH | rahst-KEE | zah-SOHH-lee | ot | nee-dahs-TAHT-kah | VLAH-ghee |
[Barely, Hardly, Scarcely] | [Ascending, Having Ascended] | [Seedling, Sprouts] | [Dried Up, Withered] | From | [Disadvantage, Lack Of] | [Damp, Humidity, Moisture.] |
7 | Тре́тьи | упа́ли | в | терно́вник, | и | когда́ | тот | разро́сся, | то | заглуши́л | их. |
TRET-yee | oo-PAH-lee | (v)- | teer-NOV-neek | ee | kah-g'DAH | tot | rahz-ROS-syah | taw | zahg-loo-SHEEL | eehh | |
7 | Third | (Have Fallen) | [At, In, Of, On] | [Blackthorn, Thorn Bush, Thorns] | And | When | That | [Grew, Grown, Has Grown, It Has Grown] | That | [Choked, Drowned Out, Silenced] | [Them, Their.] |
8 | Про́чие | же | упа́ли | на | хоро́шую | по́чву. | Они́ | взошли́ | и | принесли́ | урожа́й | во | сто | раз | бо́льше | того́, |
PRAW-chee-ee | zheh | oo-PAH-lee | nuh | hhah-RAW-shoo-yoo | POCH-voo | ah-NEE | vzahsh-LEE | ee | pree-nees-LEE | oo-rah-JI | voh | staw | rahs | BOL-shee | tah-VOH | |
8 | Other | [But, Same, Then] | (Have Fallen) | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [A Good One, Good] | [Land, Soil.] | [They, They Are] | Ascended | And | [Brought, They Brought It] | Harvest | In | [Hundred, One Hundred] | [Once, Time] | [Again, Great, More] | That |
что | бы́ло | посе́яно. | Рассказа́в | э́ту | при́тчу, | Иису́с | гро́мко | сказа́л: | –У | кого́ | есть | у́ши, | что́бы | слы́шать, | пусть | слы́шит! |
shtoh | BIH-lah | pah-SEH-ee-nah | rahss-kah-ZAHF | EH-too | PREET-choo | e-SOOS | GROM-kah | skuh-ZAHL | oo | kah-VAU | yest | OO-shee | SHTOH-bih | SLIH-sheet | poost | SLIH-sheet |
[What, That, Why] | [It Was, Was] | Sown. | [By Telling, Having Told, Telling, Told] | This | [A Parable, Parable] | Jesus | [Loud, Loudly] | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [At, By, With, Of] | [That, Who, Whom] | [There Are, There Is] | Ears | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [Hear, To Hear] | Let | [Hear, Hears] |
9 | И | когда́ | ученики́ | спроси́ли, | что | означа́ет | э́та | при́тча. |
ee | kah-g'DAH | oo-chee-nee-KEE | sprah-SEE-lee | shtoh | ahz-nah-CHAH-eet | EH-tah | PREET-chah | |
9 | And | When | [Students, Disciples] | [Asked, They Asked] | [What, That, Why] | [Indicates, Interpreted, Means] | [That, These, This] | [Parable, Proverb.] |
10 | Иису́с | отве́тил: | –Вам | дано́ | знать | та́йны | Бо́жьего | Ца́рства, | други́м | же | все |
e-SOOS | aht-VEH-teel | vahm | dah-NAW | znaht | TIE-nih | BOJ-yee-vah | TSAHRST-vah | droo-GHEEM | zheh |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
10 | Jesus | Answered | [To You, Ye, You] | Given | [Knew, Know, Knoweth, To Know] | [Mysteries, Secrets] | [God, God's] | Kingdoms | Other | [But, Same, Then] | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] |
остаётся | в | при́тчах, | что́бы | «они́, | смотря́, | не | ви́дели | и, | слу́шая, | не | понима́ли». |
ahs-tah-YOT-syah | (v)- | PREET-cheehh | SHTOH-bih | ah-NEE | smaht-RYAH | nyeh | VEE-dee-lee | ee | SLOO-shee-yah | nyeh | pah-nee-MAH-lee |
[It Remains, Remains, Stay] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Parables, Proverbs] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [They, They Are] | [Looking, Watching] | [Never, Not] | [Have You Seen, Seen] | And | Listening | [Never, Not] | [Understood, Realize.] |
11 | Вот | значе́ние | э́той | при́тчи: | се́мя | –– | э́то | Бо́жье | сло́во. |
vot | znah-CHEH-nee-ee | EH-tie | PREET-chee | SEH-myah | EH-tuh | BOJ-yee | SLOH-vah | ||
11 | [Behold, Here, There] | [Meaning, Significance] | This | [Parable, Parables] | [Offspring, Seed] | – | [That, This, It] | [God, God's] | [Saying, The Word, Word.] |
12 | Семёна, | упа́вшие | у | дороги, | –э́то | те, | кто | слы́шит | сло́во, | но | пото́м | прихо́дит | дья́вол |
see-MYAW-nah | oo-PAHV-shee-ee | oo |
DAW-raw-ghee dah-RAW-ghee |
EH-tuh | teh | ktoh | SLIH-sheet | SLOH-vah | noh | pah-TOM | pree-HHAW-deet | DYAH-vahl | |
12 | Seeds | Fallen | [At, By, With, Of] | [Path, Paths, Roads, Way] | [That, This, It] | Those | Who | [Hear, Hears] | [Saying, The Word, Word] | [But, Yet] | [Then, Later] | [Came, Comes, Cometh] | Devil |
и | похища́ет | сло́во | из | их | серде́ц, | что́бы | они́ | не | пове́рили | и | не | бы́ли | бы | спасены́. |
ee | pah-hhee-SHHAH-eet | SLOH-vah | ees | eehh | seer-DETS | SHTOH-bih | ah-NEE | nyeh |
pah-VEHR-eh-lyeh (?) |
ee | nyeh | BIH-lee | bih | spah-see-NIH |
And | [Kidnaps, Takes Away] | [Saying, The Word, Word] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Them, Their] | Hearts | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [They, They Are] | [Never, Not] | Believed | And | [Never, Not] | [Been, Has Been, Were] | Would | [Rescued, Saved.] |
13 | Семёна, | упа́вшие | на | ка́мень, | –э́то | те, | кто | с | ра́достью | принима́ет | сло́во, | когда́ | слы́шит | его́. |
see-MYAW-nah | oo-PAHV-shee-ee | nuh | KAH-meen | EH-tuh | teh | ktoh | (s)- | RAH-dahst-yoo | pree-nee-MAH-eet | SLOH-vah | kah-g'DAH | SLIH-sheet | yeh-VOAH | |
13 | Seeds | Fallen | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Rock, Stone] | [That, This, It] | Those | Who | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Joy | Accepts | [Saying, The Word, Word] | When | [Hear, Hears] | [His, Him, It.] |
Но | у | них | нет | ко́рня, | снача́ла | они́ | ве́рят, | но | когда́ | прихо́дят | времена́ | испыта́ний, | они́ | отступа́ются. |
noh | oo | neekh | net | KOR-nyah | snah-CHAH-lah | ah-NEE | VEH-reet | noh | kah-g'DAH | pree-HHAW-deet | vree-mee-NAH | ees-pih-TAH-niy | ah-NEE | ahts-too-PAH-yoot-syah |
[But, Yet] | [At, By, With, Of] | [Them, They] | [No, Not] | [Origin, Root] | First | [They, They Are] | [Believe, They Believe] | [But, Yet] | When | [They Are Coming, They Come] | [Days, Time, Times] | [Tests, Trial] | [They, They Are] | [Retreat, They Retreat.] |
14 | Семёна, | упа́вшие | в | терно́вник, | –э́то | те | лю́ди, | кото́рые | слы́шат | сло́во, | но | со |
see-MYAW-nah | oo-PAHV-shee-ee | (v)- | teer-NOV-neek | EH-tuh | teh | LEW-dee | kah-TAW-rih-ee | SLIH-sheet | SLOH-vah | noh | saw | |
14 | Seeds | Fallen | [At, In, Of, On] | [Blackthorn, Thorn Bush, Thorns] | [That, This, It] | Those | People | [Which, Who] | [Hear, Understand] | [Saying, The Word, Word] | [But, Yet] | [After, With] |
вре́менем | повседне́вные | забо́ты, | бога́тство | и | удово́льствия | заглуша́ют | их, | и | плод | их | не | дозрева́ет. |
VREH-mee-neem | pahv-seed-NEV-nih-ee | zah-BAW-tih | bah-GAHTST-vah | ee | oo-dah-VOLST-vee-yah | zahg-loo-SHAH-yoot | eehh | ee | plot | eehh | nyeh | dahz-ree-VAH-eet |
[By Time, Time] | Everyday | [Care, Cares, Concerns] | [Riches, Treasure, Wealth] | And | Pleasures | [Drown Out, Muffle, Suppress] | [Them, Their] | And | Fruit | [Them, Their] | [Never, Not] | [Ripens, Maturing.] |
15 | Семёна | же, | упа́вшие | на | хоро́шую | по́чву, | –э́то | лю́ди, | кото́рые, | слы́ша | сло́во, |
see-MYAW-nah | zheh | oo-PAHV-shee-ee | nuh | hhah-RAW-shoo-yoo | POCH-voo | EH-tuh | LEW-dee | kah-TAW-rih-ee | SLIH-shah | SLOH-vah | |
15 | Seeds | [But, Same, Then] | Fallen | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [A Good One, Good] | [Land, Soil] | [That, This, It] | People | [Which, Who] | Hearing | [Saying, The Word, Word] |
храня́т | его́ | в | добром | и | че́стном | се́рдце | и | прино́сят | плод | благодаря́ | свое́й | сто́йкости. |
hhrah-NYAHT | yeh-VOAH | (v)- |
DOB-rahm dahb-ROM |
ee | CHES-nahm | SER-tseh | ee | pree-NAW-seet | plot | bluh-gah-DAH-ryah | svah-YAY | STOY-kahs-tee |
Stored | [His, Him, It] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Good, Kind] | And | [Honest, Truthful] | [Heart, Hearts] | And | [Bring, They Bring] | Fruit | [Because Of, Thanks To] | [His, Mine] | [Durability, Fortitude, Patience.] |
16 | Никто́, | зажёгши | свети́льник, | не | ста́вит | его́ | под | сосу́д | и́ли |
neek-TAW | zah-JOG-shee | svee-TEEL-neek | nyeh | STAH-veet | yeh-VOAH | pot | sah-SOOT | EE-lee | |
16 | [No One, Nobody] | [Ignite, Kindle, Lighted, Lighting, Lit Up] | Lamp | [Never, Not] | [Puts, Sets] | [His, Him, It] | [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] | [Box, Flask, Jar, Jars, Vessel] | Or |
под | крова́ть, | наоборо́т, | его́ | ста́вят | на | подста́вку, | что́бы | входя́щие | ви́дели | свет. |
pot | kraw-VAHT | nah-ah-bah-ROT | yeh-VOAH | STAH-veet | nuh | pahds-TAHV-koo | SHTOH-bih | vhhah-DYAH-shhee-ee | VEE-dee-lee | sveht |
[Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] | Bed | (Vice Versa) | [His, Him, It] | [Put, They Put] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Stand, The Stand] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [Inbox, Incoming] | [Have You Seen, Seen] | Light. |
17 | Нет | ничего́ | та́йного, | что | не | ста́ло | бы | я́вным, | и | нет |
net | nee-cheh-VAU | TIE-nah-vah | shtoh | nyeh | STAH-lah | bih | YAHV-nim | ee | net | |
17 | [No, Not] | [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] | Secret | [What, That, Why] | [Never, Not] | [Became, It Became] | Would | Explicit | And | [No, Not] |
ничего́ | сокры́того, | что | не | ста́ло | бы | изве́стным | и | не | вы́шло | на | свет. |
nee-cheh-VAU | sahk-RIH-tah-vah | shtoh | nyeh | STAH-lah | bih | eez-VES-nim | ee | nyeh | VISH-lah | nuh | sveht |
[Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] | Hidden | [What, That, Why] | [Never, Not] | [Became, It Became] | Would | [Famous, Known] | And | [Never, Not] | [It Is Out, Went Out] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | Light. |
18 | Ита́к, | будьте | внима́тельны | к | тому́, | как | вы | слу́шаете, | потому́ | что | у | кого́ | есть, | тому́ | бу́дет |
ee-TAHK | bood-teh | vnee-MAH-teel-nih | k | tah-MOO | kahk | vih | SLOO-shee-ee-tee | pah-tah-MOO | shtoh | oo | kah-VAU | yest | tah-MOO | BOO-deet | |
18 | So | [Abide, Be, Exist] | [Attentive, Be Careful, Care, Careful] | [To, For, By] | [One, The One] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [Ye, You] | [Are You Listening, Hear, Listen, Listening] | [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | [At, By, With, Of] | [That, Who, Whom] | [There Are, There Is] | [One, The One] | [Will Be, Would Be] |
дано́ | ещё, | и | у | кого́ | нет, | бу́дет | отнято | и | то, | что, | как | ему́ | ка́жется, | он | име́ет. |
dah-NAW | yee-SHHAW | ee | oo | kah-VAU | net | BOO-deet |
OT-nee-tah aht-NYAH-tah |
ee | taw | shtoh | kahk | yee-MOO | KAH-jeet-syah | ohn | ee-MEH-eet |
Given | [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] | And | [At, By, With, Of] | [That, Who, Whom] | [No, Not] | [Will Be, Would Be] | [Taken Away, Weaned] | And | That | [What, That, Why] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [Him, It, To Him] | [Appear, It Seems, Seems] | He | [Has, It Has.] |
19 | К | Иису́су | пришли́ | Его́ | мать | и | бра́тья, | но | и́з-за | толпы | не | могли́ | подойти́ | к | Нему́. |
k | ee-ee-SOO-soo | preesh-LEE | yeh-VOAH | maht | ee | BRAHT-yah | noh |
ees zah |
TOL-pih | nyeh | mahg-LEE | pah-die-TEE | k | nee-MOO | |
19 | [To, For, By] | Jesus | Came | [His, Him, It] | Mother | And | Brothers | [But, Yet] | (Because Of) | [Crowd, Crowds, Multitude] | [Never, Not] | Could | (Come Up) | [To, For, By] | [Him, His.] |
20 | Кто-то | Ему́ | переда́л: | –Твои́ | мать | и | бра́тья | стоят | снару́жи | и | хотя́т | Тебя́ | ви́деть. |
ktaw taw |
yee-MOO | pee-ree-DAHL | tvah-EE | maht | ee | BRAHT-yah |
STAW-eet stah-YAHT |
snah-ROO-jee | ee | hhah-TYAHT | tee-BYAH | VEE-deet | |
20 | [Anyone, Somebody, Someone] | [Him, It, To Him] | [Delivered, Gave, Handed Over, Passed] | [Thy, Your] | Mother | And | Brothers | [Are Standing, Stand, Standing] | [Outside, Without] | And | [They Want, Want, Want To] | You | [Behold, Find, See, To See, Watch, Witness.] |
21 | Иису́с | отве́тил | им: | –Мои́ | мать | и | бра́тья | –– |
e-SOOS | aht-VEH-teel | eem | mah-EE | maht | ee | BRAHT-yah | ||
21 | Jesus | Answered | [It, Them] | My | Mother | And | Brothers | – |
э́то | те, | кто | слу́шает | сло́во | Бо́жье | и | исполня́ет | его́. |
EH-tuh | teh | ktoh | SLOO-shee-eet | SLOH-vah | BOJ-yee | ee | ees-pahl-NYAH-eet | yeh-VOAH |
[That, This, It] | Those | Who | [Hear, Listens] | [Saying, The Word, Word] | [God, God's] | And | [Performs, Fulfills] | [His, Him, It.] |
22 | Одна́жды | Иису́с | сказа́л | Свои́м | ученика́м: | –Перепра́вимся | на |
ahd-NAHJ-dih | e-SOOS | skuh-ZAHL | svah-EEM | oo-chee-nee-KAHM | pee-reep-RAH-veem-syah | nuh | |
22 | [Once, One Day] | Jesus | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [His, Mine, Your] | [For Students, Disciples] | [Let Us Cross, Let Us Cross Over] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] |
другу́ю | сто́рону | озёра. | Они́ | се́ли | в | ло́дку | и | отпра́вились. |
droo-GOO-yoo | STAW-rah-noo | ah-ZYAW-rah | ah-NEE | SEH-lee | (v)- | LOD-koo | ee | ahtp-RAH-vee-lees |
[Another, Other] | Side | Lakes. | [They, They Are] | (Sat Down) | [At, In, Of, On] | [Boat, Boats, Ships] | And | [Departed, Set Off, We Went.] |
23 | Пока́ | они́ | плы́ли, | Иису́с | засну́л. | Внеза́пно | на | о́зере | на́чался |
pah-KAH | ah-NEE | PLIH-lee | e-SOOS | zahs-NOOL | vnee-ZAHP-nah | nuh | AW-zee-ree | NAH-cheel-syah | |
23 | [Bye, While] | [They, They Are] | Sailed | Jesus | [Asleep, I Fell Asleep.] | [Suddenly, Unexpectedly] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Lake, Pond] | (Has Begun) |
шторм, | и | ло́дку | ста́ло | залива́ть, | так | что | они́ | оказа́лись | в | опа́сности. |
shtorm | ee | LOD-koo | STAH-lah | zah-lee-VAHT | tahk | shtoh | ah-NEE | ah-kah-ZAH-lees | (v)- | ah-PAHS-nahs-tee |
[Storm, Windstorm] | And | [Boat, Boats, Ships] | [Became, It Became] | [Fill In, Flood, Wash] | So | [What, That, Why] | [They, They Are] | (Turned Out To Be) | [At, In, Of, On] | Dangers. |
24 | Ученики́, | подойдя́, | разбуди́ли | Иису́са, | говоря́: | –Наста́вник, | Наста́вник, | мы | ги́бнем! | Просну́вшись, |
oo-chee-nee-KEE | pah-die-DYAH | rahz-boo-DEE-lee | ee-ee-SOO-sah | gah-vah-RYAH | nahs-TAHV-neek | nahs-TAHV-neek | mih | GHEEB-neem | prahs-NOOV-shees | |
24 | [Students, Disciples] | [Approaching, Coming Up] | [Awoke, They Woke Me Up, Woke, Woke Up] | Jesus | [Saying, Talking] | [Master, Mentor] | [Master, Mentor] | [We, We Are] | [Perish, We Are Dying] | (Waking Up) |
Он | запрети́л | ветру | и | бушу́ющим | волна́м. | Они́ | ути́хли, | и | наступи́л | штиль. |
ohn | zahp-ree-TEEL |
VET-roo veet-ROO |
ee | boo-SHOO-yoo-shheem | vahl-NAHM | ah-NEE | oo-TEEHH-lee | ee | nahs-too-PEEL | shteel |
He | Banned | (The Wind) | And | [Raging, Storming] | Waves. | [They, They Are] | [Have Calmed Down, Subsided] | And | [Come, Has Come, It Has Come] | Calm. |
25 | –Где | же | ва́ша | ве́ра? | –сказа́л | Иису́с | ученика́м. | Они́ | же, | испу́ганные | и | удивлённые, | лишь |
gdeh | zheh | VAH-shah | VEH-rah | skuh-ZAHL | e-SOOS | oo-chee-nee-KAHM | ah-NEE | zheh | ees-POO-gahn-nih-ee | ee | oo-deev-LYON-nih-ee | leesh | |
25 | [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] | [But, Same, Then] | Your | [Belief, Faith?] | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | Jesus | [For Students, Disciples.] | [They, They Are] | [But, Same, Then] | [Afraid, Frightened, Scared] | And | Surprised | Only |
спра́шивали | друг | дру́га: | –Кто | Он, | что | да́же | ветра́м | и | воде́ | прика́зывает, | и | они́ | повину́ются | Ему́. |
SPRAH-shee-vah-lee | drook | DROO-gah | ktoh | ohn | shtoh | DAH-zheh | veet-RAHM | ee | vah-DEH | pree-KAH-zih-vah-eet | ee | ah-NEE | pah-vee-NOO-yoot-syah | yee-MOO |
[Asked, Question] | Friend | Friend | Who | He | [What, That, Why] | Even | Winds | And | Water | Orders | And | [They, They Are] | Obey | [Him, It, To Him.] |
26 | Они́ | приплы́ли | в | о́бласть | герасинцев, | что | напро́тив | Галиле́и. |
ah-NEE | preep-LIH-lee | (v)- | OB-lahst | ghe-rah-seen-tsef | shtoh | nahp-RAW-teef | gah-lee-LEH-ee | |
26 | [They, They Are] | [Come, Sailed] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Area, Region] | [Gadarenes, Gerasenes] | [What, That, Why] | [Against, In Front Of] | Galilee. |
27 | Когда́ | Иису́с | сошел | на | берег, | Ему́ | навстре́чу | вы́шел | челове́к | из | города, | одержи́мый | де́монами. | На |
kah-g'DAH | e-SOOS | saw-shel | nuh |
BEH-reek bee-RYOK |
yee-MOO | nahvst-REH-choo | VIH-sheel | cheh-lah-VEK | ees |
GAW-rah-dah gah-rah-DAH |
ah-deer-JEE-miy | DEH-mah-nah-mee | nuh | |
27 | When | Jesus | [Came Down, Descended, Got Off] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Beach, Coast, Seashore, Shore] | [Him, It, To Him] | Towards | [Came, Came Out] | [Man, Human, Person] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Cities, City, Town, Towns] | Possessed | [Demons, Devils.] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] |
нем | уже́ | давно́ | не | бы́ло | оде́жды, | и | жил | он | не | в | до́ме, | а | в | гробни́цах. |
nyom | oo-JEH | dahv-NAW | nyeh | BIH-lah | ah-DEJ-dih | ee | jeel | ohn | nyeh | (v)- | DAW-mee | ah | (v)- | grahb-NEE-tsahh |
[Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] | Already | [For A Long Time, Long Ago] | [Never, Not] | [It Was, Was] | [Clothes, Coats, Tunics] | And | Lived | He | [Never, Not] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Home, House] | [While, And, But] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Graves, Tombs.] |
28 | Когда́ | он | уви́дел | Иису́са, | он | бро́сился | к | Его́ | нога́м | и | закрича́л | во | весь |
kah-g'DAH | ohn | oo-VEE-deel | ee-ee-SOO-sah | ohn | BRAW-seel-syah | k | yeh-VOAH | nah-GAHM | ee | zahk-ree-CHAHL | voh | ves | |
28 | When | He | [Had Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen, Seeth] | Jesus | He | Rushed | [To, For, By] | [His, Him, It] | [Feet, Knees] | And | [Cry Out, He Screamed, Shouted] | In | [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] |
го́лос: | –Что | Ты | от | меня́ | хо́чешь, | Иису́с, | Сын | Всевы́шнего | Бо́га? | Умоля́ю | Тебя́, | не | мучь | меня́– |
GAW-lahs | shtoh | tih | ot |
mee-NYAH mehn-YAH MEE-nyah |
HHAW-cheesh | e-SOOS | sin | vsee-VISH-nee-vah | BAW-gah | oo-mah-LYAH-yoo | tee-BYAH | nyeh | mooch |
mee-NYAH mehn-YAH MEE-nyah |
Voice | [What, That, Why] | You | From | [I, Me, Self] | [Do You Want, Want, You Want To] | Jesus | Son | [Highest, Most High, The Almighty] | God? | [Beg, I Beg, I Beg You, Plead] | You | [Never, Not] | [Torment, Torture] | [I, Me, Self] |
29 | потому́ | что | Иису́с | приказа́л | нечи́стому | ду́ху | вы́йти | из | э́того | челове́ка. | (Де́мон | ча́сто | овладева́л | э́тим | челове́ком, | и | тогда́, | да́же |
pah-tah-MOO | shtoh | e-SOOS | pree-kah-ZAHL | nee-CHEES-tah-moo | DOO-hhoo | VIY-tee | ees | EH-tah-vah | chee-lah-VEH-kah | DEH-mahn | CHAHS-tah | ahv-lah-dee-VAHL | EH-teem | chee-lah-VEH-kahm | ee | tahg-DAH | DAH-zheh | |
29 | [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | Jesus | Ordered | Unclean | Spirit | [Come Out, Go Out, Exit, Leave] | [From, In, Of, Out] | This | Human. | [Demon, Devil] | [Frequently, Often, Ofttimes, Usually] | [Mastered, Took Possession] | This | [A Man, Human, Man] | And | Then | Even |
е́сли | его́ | ско́вывали | цепя́ми | по | рука́м | и | нога́м | и | стерегли́, | он | разрыва́л | це́пи, | и | де́мон | гнал | его́ | в | безлю́дные | места). |
YES-lee | yeh-VOAH | SKAW-vih-vah-lee | tsee-PYAH-mee | pah | roo-KAHM | ee | nah-GAHM | ee | stee-reeg-LEE | ohn | rahz-rih-VAHL | TSEH-pee | ee | DEH-mahn | gnahl | yeh-VOAH | (v)- | beez-LEWD-nih-ee |
MES-tah mees-TAH |
[If, A, When, Unless] | [His, Him, It] | Shackled | Chains | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | [Arm, Hands] | And | [Feet, Knees] | And | Guarded | He | [I Tore It Up, Torn] | Chains | And | [Demon, Devil] | [Drove, Pursued] | [His, Him, It] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Deserted, Desolate] | Places. |
30 | Иису́с | спроси́л | его́: | –Как | тебя́ | зову́т? | –Легио́н, |
e-SOOS | sprah-SEEL | yeh-VOAH | kahk | tee-BYAH | zah-VOOT | lee-ghee-ON | |
30 | Jesus | Asked | [His, Him, It] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | You | [Name, Name Is?] | Legion |
–отве́тил | тот, | потому́ | что | в | него́ | вошло́ | мно́го | де́монов. |
aht-VEH-teel | tot | pah-tah-MOO | shtoh | (v)- | nyeh-VOH | vahsh-LAW | MNAW-gah | DEH-mah-nahf |
Answered | That | [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | [At, In, Of, On] | Him | [Come In, Entered, Walk In] | [A Lot Of, Many] | [Demons, Devils.] |
31 | И | они́ | ста́ли | умоля́ть | Иису́са | не | отсыла́ть | их | в | бе́здну. |
ee | ah-NEE | STAH-lee | oo-mah-LYAHT | ee-ee-SOO-sah | nyeh | aht-sih-LAHT | eehh | (v)- | BEZ-noo | |
31 | And | [They, They Are] | [Be, Become, Get] | [Beg, Plead] | Jesus | [Never, Not] | Send | [Them, Their] | [At, In, Of, On] | Abyss. |
32 | Неподалёку | на | скло́не | горы | в | э́то | вре́мя | пасло́сь | большо́е | ста́до |
nee-pah-dah-LYAW-koo | nuh | SKLAW-nee | GAW-rih | (v)- | EH-tuh | VREH-myah | pahs-LOS | bahl-SHAW-ee | STAH-dah | |
32 | Nearby | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | Slope | [Mountains, The Mountains] | [At, In, Of, On] | [That, This, It] | [Hour, Time] | Grazing | [Big, Large, Many] | [Herd, Flock] |
свине́й, | и | де́моны | попроси́ли | Иису́са | позво́лить | им | войти́ | в | них. | Он | позво́лил. |
svee-NAY | ee | DEH-mah-nih | pahp-rah-SEE-lee | ee-ee-SOO-sah | pahz-VAU-leet | eem | vi-TEE | (v)- | neekh | ohn | pahz-VAU-leel |
[Pigs, Swine] | And | [Demons, Devils] | [Asked, They Asked] | Jesus | [Allow, Enable] | [It, Them] | [Enter, To Come In, To Enter] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Them, They.] | He | [Allowed, Permited.] |
33 | Когда́ | де́моны | вы́шли | из | э́того | челове́ка | и | вошли́ | в |
kah-g'DAH | DEH-mah-nih | VISH-lee | ees | EH-tah-vah | chee-lah-VEH-kah | ee | vahsh-LEE | (v)- | |
33 | When | [Demons, Devils] | [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] | [From, In, Of, Out] | This | Human | And | [Entered, They Entered] | [At, In, Of, On] |
свине́й, | все | ста́до | бро́силось | с | обры́ва | в | о́зеро | и | утону́ло. |
svee-NAY |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
STAH-dah | BRAW-see-lahs | (s)- | ahb-RIH-vah | (v)- | AW-zee-rah | ee | oo-tah-NOO-lah |
[Pigs, Swine] | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | [Herd, Flock] | [Hurry, Rushed] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Cliff | [At, In, Of, On] | [Lake, Pond] | And | Drowned. |
34 | Свинопа́сы, | уви́дев, | что | произошло́, | побежа́ли | и |
svee-nah-PAH-sih | oo-VEE-deef | shtoh | prah-ee-zahsh-LAW | pah-bee-JAH-lee | ee | |
34 | [Herdsmen, Swineherds] | [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] | [What, That, Why] | Happened | [Fled, Let Us Run, Ran, Run, They Ran] | And |
рассказа́ли | обо́ | всем | в | го́роде | и | в | окре́стностях. |
rahss-kah-ZAH-lee | ah-BAW | vsem | (v)- | GAW-rah-dee | ee | (v)- | ahk-RES-nahs-teehh |
[They Told Me, Told] | About | [Everyone, To Everyone] | [At, In, Of, On] | [City, Town] | And | [At, In, Of, On] | [Surroundings, The Surrounding Area.] |
35 | Сошли́сь | лю́ди, | что́бы | посмотре́ть, | что | же | случи́лось. | Подойдя́ | к | Иису́су, | они́ | обнару́жили, | что | челове́к, | из |
sahsh-LEES | LEW-dee | SHTOH-bih | pahs-maht-RET | shtoh | zheh | sloo-CHEE-lahs | pah-die-DYAH | k | ee-ee-SOO-soo | ah-NEE | ahb-nah-ROO-jee-lee | shtoh | cheh-lah-VEK | ees | |
35 | [Agreed, Got Together] | People | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [Look, View] | [What, That, Why] | [But, Same, Then] | [It Happened, Happened.] | [Approaching, Coming Up] | [To, For, By] | Jesus | [They, They Are] | [Discovered, Saw] | [What, That, Why] | [Man, Human, Person] | [From, In, Of, Out] |
кото́рого | бы́ли | и́згнаны | де́моны, | сиди́т | у | ног | Иису́са | оде́тый | и | в | здра́вом | уме́, | и | их | охвати́л | страх. |
kah-TAW-rah-vah | BIH-lee | EEZG-nah-nih | DEH-mah-nih | see-DEET | oo | nok | ee-ee-SOO-sah | ah-DEH-tiy | ee | (v)- | ZDRAH-vahm | oo-MEH | ee | eehh | ahh-vah-TEEL | strahh |
[Which, Which One, Whom] | [Been, Has Been, Were] | [Expelled, Exiled] | [Demons, Devils] | [Is Sitting, Sits, Sitting] | [At, By, With, Of] | [Feet, Foot, Leg] | Jesus | Dressed | And | [At, In, Of, On] | [Hello, Reasonable, Sensible, Sound] | [Brain, Intellect, Intelligence, Mind] | And | [Them, Their] | [Covered, Seized] | [Fear, Horror, Terror.] |
36 | Очеви́дцы | рассказа́ли | им | о | том, | как | был | исцелён | одержи́мый. |
ah-chee-VEED-tsih | rahss-kah-ZAH-lee | eem | oah | tom | kahk | bihl | ees-tsee-LYON | ah-deer-JEE-miy | |
36 | Eyewitnesses | [They Told Me, Told] | [It, Them] | About | [That, Volume] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [Be, To Be, Was, Were] | [Cured, Healed] | Possessed. |
37 | Тогда́ | все | жи́тели | страны | Герасинской | ста́ли | упра́шивать | Иису́са | поки́нуть | их | края, |
tahg-DAH |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
JEE-teh-lee | STRAH-nih | ghe-rah-seen-skoy | STAH-lee | oop-RAH-shee-vaht | ee-ee-SOO-sah | pah-KEE-noot | eehh |
KRAH-yah krah-YAH |
37 | Then | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | [Citizens, Multitude, People, Residents, Village] | [Countries, Country] | [Gadarenes, Gerasenes] | [Be, Become, Get] | Begging | Jesus | [Abandon, Depart, Leave] | [Them, Their] | [Coasts, Corners, Edges, Sides, The Edges] |
потому́ | что | си́льно | испуга́лись. | Иису́с | сел | в | ло́дку | и | возврати́лся | туда́, | отку́да | приплы́л. |
pah-tah-MOO | shtoh | SEEL-nah | ees-poo-GAH-lees | e-SOOS | sel | (v)- | LOD-koo | ee | vahzv-rah-TEEL-syah | too-DAH | aht-KOO-dah | preep-LIL |
[Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | [Exceeding, Strongly] | [Afraid, Fearful, Scared, They Were Scared, Troubled.] | Jesus | [Sat, Sat Down] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Boat, Boats, Ships] | And | [Came Again, Come Back, Departed, Returned, Turn Again, Went Down] | There | [Whence, Where, Where From] | Sailed. |
38 | Челове́к, | из | кото́рого | вы́шли | де́моны, | проси́л | взять |
cheh-lah-VEK | ees | kah-TAW-rah-vah | VISH-lee | DEH-mah-nih | prah-SEEL | vzyaht | |
38 | [Man, Human, Person] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Which, Which One, Whom] | [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] | [Demons, Devils] | [Asked, Begged, Requested] | [Take, To Take] |
его́ | с | Собо́й, | но | Иису́с | отосла́л | его́, | сказа́в: |
yeh-VOAH | (s)- | sah-BOY | noh | e-SOOS | ah-tahs-LAHL | yeh-VOAH | skah-ZAHF |
[His, Him, It] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | [By Himself, Himself] | [But, Yet] | Jesus | [Sent, Sent It Away] | [His, Him, It] | [Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] |
39 | –Возвраща́йся | домо́й | и | расскажи́, | что | сде́лал | для | тебя́ | Бог. | Тот |
vahzv-rah-SHHY-syah | dah-MOY | ee | rahss-kah-JEE | shtoh | SDEH-lahl | dlyah | tee-BYAH | bohh | tot | |
39 | (Come Back) | [Home, House] | And | [Declare, Tell] | [What, That, Why] | Did | For | You | God. | That |
пошёл, | расска́зывая | по | всему́ | го́роду | о | том, | что | сде́лал | для | него́ | Иису́с. |
pah-SHOL | rahss-KAH-zih-vah-yah | pah | vsee-MOO | GAW-rah-doo | oah | tom | shtoh | SDEH-lahl | dlyah | nyeh-VOH | e-SOOS |
[Gone, Went] | Telling | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | [All, Everything] | [City, Town] | About | [That, Volume] | [What, That, Why] | Did | For | Him | Jesus. |
40 | Когда́ | Иису́с | возврати́лся, | Его́ | приве́тствовала |
kah-g'DAH | e-SOOS | vahzv-rah-TEEL-syah | yeh-VOAH | pree-VETST-vah-vah-lah | |
40 | When | Jesus | [Came Again, Come Back, Departed, Returned, Turn Again, Went Down] | [His, Him, It] | [Greeted, Welcomed] |
большая | толпа́, | потому́ | что | все | жда́ли | Его́. |
BOL-shee-yah bahl-SHAH-yah |
tahl-PAH | pah-tah-MOO | shtoh |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
JDAH-lee | yeh-VOAH |
[Big, Large] | [Crowd, Multitude] | [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | [Waited, Waiting] | [His, Him, It.] |
41 | К | Нему́ | подошёл | челове́к | по | и́мени | Иаир, | кото́рый | был | нача́льником | синаго́ги |
k | nee-MOO | pah-dah-SHOL | cheh-lah-VEK | pah | EE-meh-nee | ee-ah-eer | kah-TAW-riy | bihl | nah-CHAHL-nee-kahm | see-nah-GAW-ghee | |
41 | [To, For, By] | [Him, His] | (Came Up) | [Man, Human, Person] | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | Name | Jairus | [Which, Which The, Who] | [Be, To Be, Was, Were] | [Boss, Chief, The Boss] | Synagogues |
и, | па́вши | к | Его́ | нога́м, | стал | проси́ть | Иису́са | прийти́ | к | нему́ | домо́й: |
ee | PAHV-shee | k | yeh-VOAH | nah-GAHM | stahl | prah-SEET | ee-ee-SOO-sah | priy-TEE | k | nee-MOO | dah-MOY |
And | [Fallen, Falling, The Fallen] | [To, For, By] | [His, Him, It] | [Feet, Knees] | Became | Ask | Jesus | [Come, Go] | [To, For, By] | [Him, His] | [Home, House] |
42 | его́ | еди́нственная | дочь, | кото́рой | бы́ло | о́коло | двена́дцати |
yeh-VOAH | yee-DEENST-veen-nah-yah | doch | kah-TAW-rye | BIH-lah | AW-kah-lah | dvee-NAHD-tsah-tee | |
42 | [His, Him, It] | [Only, The Only] | Daughter | [Which, Which One] | [It Was, Was] | [Near, Nearby] | Twelve |
лет, | умира́ла. | Иису́с | отпра́вился | туда́ | в | окруже́нии | пло́тной | толпы. |
let | oo-mee-RAH-lah | e-SOOS | ahtp-RAH-veel-syah | too-DAH | (v)- | ahk-roo-JEH-nee-ee | PLOT-nigh | TOL-pih |
Years | [Dying, She Was Dying.] | Jesus | [Departed, Set Off, Went] | There | [At, In, Of, On] | [Environment, Surrounded, The Environment] | Dense | [Crowd, Crowds, Multitude.] |
43 | В | толпе́ | была́ | же́нщина, | двена́дцать | лет | страда́вшая | кровотече́нием; | она́ | истра́тила |
(v)- | tahl-PEH | bih-LAH | JEN-shhee-nah | dvee-NAHD-tsaht | let | strah-DAHV-shee-yah | krah-vah-tee-CHEH-nee-eem | ah-NAH | eest-RAH-tee-lah | |
43 | [At, In, Of, On] | [Crowd, Multitude] | Was | Woman | Twelve | Years | [Suffering, The Sufferer] | [Bleeding, Hemorrhage] | [She, She Is] | [Spent, Wasted] |
на | враче́й | все | свои́ | сре́дства, | но | никто́ | не | мог | её | вы́лечить. |
nuh | vrah-CHAY |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
svah-EE | SREDST-vah | noh | neek-TAW | nyeh | mok | yee-YAW | VIH-lee-cheet |
[On The, It, At, To, In, By] | Doctors | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | Their | [Facilities, Tools] | [But, Yet] | [No One, Nobody] | [Never, Not] | [Could, Be Able To] | Her | [Cure, Heal.] |
44 | Она́ | подошла́ | сза́ди | к | Иису́су | и | прикосну́лась | к |
ah-NAH | pah-dahsh-LAH | SZAH-dee | k | ee-ee-SOO-soo | ee | pree-kahs-NOO-lahs | k | |
44 | [She, She Is] | (Came Up) | [Behind, From Behind] | [To, For, By] | Jesus | And | Touched | [To, For, By] |
ки́сточке | на | краю | Его́ | оде́жды. | Кровотече́ние | сра́зу | же | останови́лось. |
KEES-tahch-kee | nuh |
KRAH-yoo krah-YOO |
yeh-VOAH | ah-DEJ-dih | krah-vah-tee-CHEH-nee-ee | SRAH-zoo | zheh | ahs-tah-nah-VEE-lahs |
[Brush, Tassel] | [On The, It, At, To, In, By] | [Corner, Edge, Side] | [His, Him, It] | [Clothes, Coats, Tunics.] | [Bleeding, Hemorrhage] | [At Once, Immediately, Straightaway] | [But, Same, Then] | [Ceased, It Stopped, Stopped.] |
45 | –Кто | ко | Мне | прикосну́лся? | –спроси́л | Иису́с. | Никто́ | не | признава́лся, | и |
ktoh | kaw | mneh | pree-kahs-NOOL-syah | sprah-SEEL | e-SOOS | neek-TAW | nyeh | preez-nah-VAHL-syah | ee | |
45 | Who | To | [Me, To Me] | Touched? | Asked | Jesus. | [No One, Nobody] | [Never, Not] | Confessed | And |
Пётр | сказа́л: | –Наста́вник, | вокру́г | Тебя́ | толпя́тся | лю́ди | и | напира́ют | со | всех | сторо́н! |
pyotr | skuh-ZAHL | nahs-TAHV-neek | vahk-ROOK | tee-BYAH | tahl-PYAHT-syah | LEW-dee | ee | nah-pee-RAH-yoot | saw | vsehh | stah-RON |
Peter | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [Master, Mentor] | Around | You | [Crowding, Crowds, They Are Crowding] | People | And | [Pushing, They Are Pushing] | [After, With] | [All, Everyone] | Parties |
46 | Но | Иису́с | сказа́л: | –Кто-то | ко | Мне |
noh | e-SOOS | skuh-ZAHL |
ktaw taw |
kaw | mneh | |
46 | [But, Yet] | Jesus | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [Anyone, Somebody, Someone] | To | [Me, To Me] |
прикосну́лся. | Я | почу́вствовал, | как | из | Меня́ | вы́шла | си́ла. |
pree-kahs-NOOL-syah | yah | pah-CHOOST-vah-vahl | kahk | ees |
mee-NYAH mehn-YAH MEE-nyah |
VISH-lah | SEE-lah |
Touched. | I | [Felt, Felt It, I Felt It] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [I, Me, Self] | [Came Out, Gone Out] | [Energy, Force, Power, Strength.] |
47 | Тогда́ | же́нщина, | ви́дя, | что | она́ | не | оста́лась | незаме́ченной, | подошла́, | дрожа́, | и | па́ла | пе́ред | Иису́сом. |
tahg-DAH | JEN-shhee-nah | VEE-dyah | shtoh | ah-NAH | nyeh | ahs-TAH-lahs | nee-zah-MEH-cheen-nigh | pah-dahsh-LAH | drah-JAH | ee | PAH-lah | PEH-reet | ee-ee-SOO-sahm | |
47 | Then | Woman | [Saw, Seeing] | [What, That, Why] | [She, She Is] | [Never, Not] | [Remained, She Stayed] | Unnoticed | (Came Up) | [Shivering, Trembling] | And | [Fall Down, Fallen, Falling, Fell, Fell Down] | Before | Jesus. |
Пе́ред | всем | наро́дом | она́ | рассказа́ла, | почему́ | она́ | к | Нему́ | прикосну́лась | и | как | сра́зу | же | была́ | исцелена́. |
PEH-reet | vsem | nah-RAW-dahm | ah-NAH | rahss-kah-ZAH-lah | pah-chee-MOO | ah-NAH | k | nee-MOO | pree-kahs-NOO-lahs | ee | kahk | SRAH-zoo | zheh | bih-LAH | ees-tsee-lee-NAH |
Before | [Everyone, To Everyone] | People | [She, She Is] | (She Told Me) | Why | [She, She Is] | [To, For, By] | [Him, His] | Touched | And | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [At Once, Immediately, Straightaway] | [But, Same, Then] | Was | [Cured, Healed.] |
48 | Тогда́ | Иису́с | сказа́л | ей: | –Дочь | Моя́, | твоя́ | ве́ра | исцели́ла | тебя́. | Иди́ | с | ми́ром. |
tahg-DAH | e-SOOS | skuh-ZAHL | yay | doch | mah-YAH | tvah-YAH | VEH-rah | ees-tsee-LEE-lah | tee-BYAH | ee-DEE | (s)- | MEE-rahm | |
48 | Then | Jesus | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | Her | Daughter | My | Yours | [Belief, Faith] | [Cured, Healed] | You. | Go | [And, From, In, Of, With] | [Peace, The World.] |
49 | Иису́с | ещё | не | договори́л, | как | пришёл | челове́к | из | дома |
e-SOOS | yee-SHHAW | nyeh | dah-gah-vah-REEL | kahk | pree-SHOL | cheh-lah-VEK | ees |
DAW-mah dah-MAH |
49 | Jesus | [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] | [Never, Not] | Finished | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [Arrive, Came, Come] | [Man, Human, Person] | [From, In, Of, Out] | Houses |
нача́льника | синаго́ги. | –Твоя́ | дочь | умерла́, | –сказа́л | он, | –не | беспоко́й | бо́льше | Учителя. |
nah-CHAHL-nee-kah | see-nah-GAW-ghee | tvah-YAH | doch | oo-meer-LAH | skuh-ZAHL | ohn | nyeh | bees-pah-KOY | BOL-shee |
oo-CHEE-tee-lyah oo-chee-tee-LYAH |
[Chief, The Boss] | Synagogues. | Yours | Daughter | Died | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | He | [Never, Not] | [Restless, Trouble Free] | [Again, Great, More] | Teachers. |
50 | Услы́шав | э́то, | Иису́с | сказа́л | Иаиру: | –Не |
oos-LIH-sheef | EH-tuh | e-SOOS | skuh-ZAHL | ee-ah-ee-roo | nyeh | |
50 | [Having Heard, Heard, Hearing] | [That, This, It] | Jesus | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | Jairus | [Never, Not] |
бо́йся, | то́лько | верь, | и | де́вочка | бу́дет | спасена́. |
BOY-syah | TOL-kah | ver | ee | DEH-vahch-kah | BOO-deet | spah-see-NAH |
[Afraid, Be Afraid, Fear] | [Alone, Only, Just] | Believe | And | Girl | [Will Be, Would Be] | Saved. |
51 | Когда́ | Он | вошёл | в | дом, | то | не | позво́лил | никому́ |
kah-g'DAH | ohn | vah-SHOL | (v)- | dom | taw | nyeh | pahz-VAU-leel | nee-kah-MOO | |
51 | When | He | [Entered, Has Entered] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Dwelling, Home, House] | That | [Never, Not] | [Allowed, Permited] | Nobody |
войти́ | с | Ним, | кро́ме | Петра́, | Иоа́нна, | Иа́кова | и | роди́телей | де́вочки. |
vi-TEE | (s)- | neem | KRAW-mee | peet-RAH | ee-ah-AHN-nah | ee-AH-kah-vah | ee | rah-DEE-tee-liy | DEH-vahch-kee |
[Enter, To Come In, To Enter] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Him | [But, Except, Besides] | Peter | John | [Jacob, James] | And | Parents | Girls. |
52 | Лю́ди | во | дворе́ | уже́ | пла́кали | и | рыда́ли | по | ней. |
LEW-dee | voh | dvah-REH | oo-JEH | PLAH-kah-lee | ee | rih-DAH-lee | pah | nay | |
52 | People | In | [Backyard, Courtyard, The Yard] | Already | [Cried, Crying] | And | [Sobbed, Sobbing, Weep] | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | Her. |
–Переста́ньте | пла́кать, | –сказа́л | Иису́с, | –ведь | она́ | не | умерла́, | а | спит. |
pee-rees-TAHN-tee | PLAH-kaht | skuh-ZAHL | e-SOOS | vet | ah-NAH | nyeh | oo-meer-LAH | ah | speet |
[Stop, Stop It] | [Cry, Weep] | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | Jesus | [Because, After All, Indeed] | [She, She Is] | [Never, Not] | Died | [While, And, But] | [Asleep, Sleep, Sleepeth, Sleeping.] |
53 | Они́ | ста́ли | смея́ться | над | Ним, | потому́ | что | зна́ли, | что | де́вочка | умерла́. |
ah-NEE | STAH-lee | smee-YAHT-syah | naht | neem | pah-tah-MOO | shtoh | ZNAH-lee | shtoh | DEH-vahch-kah | oo-meer-LAH | |
53 | [They, They Are] | [Be, Become, Get] | [Laugh, Laughed, Mock] | Above | Him | [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] | [What, That, Why] | Knew | [What, That, Why] | Girl | Died. |
54 | Иису́с | же | взял | её | за | ру́ку | и | сказа́л: | –Дитя́, | встань! |
e-SOOS | zheh | vzyahl | yee-YAW | zah | ROO-koo | ee | skuh-ZAHL | dee-TYAH | vstahn | |
54 | Jesus | [But, Same, Then] | Took | Her | [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] | Hand | And | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [Baby, Child, The Child] | [Get Up, Rise, Rise Up, Stand, Stand Up] |
55 | Дух | де́вочки | возврати́лся | к | ней, | и | она́ |
doohh | DEH-vahch-kee | vahzv-rah-TEEL-syah | k | nay | ee | ah-NAH | |
55 | Spirit | Girls | [Came Again, Come Back, Departed, Returned, Turn Again, Went Down] | [To, For, By] | Her | And | [She, She Is] |
сра́зу | же | вста́ла. | Иису́с | сказа́л, | что́бы | ей | дали | есть. |
SRAH-zoo | zheh | VSTAH-lah | e-SOOS | skuh-ZAHL | SHTOH-bih | yay |
DAH-lee dah-LEE |
yest |
[At Once, Immediately, Straightaway] | [But, Same, Then] | [Arose, Got Up.] | Jesus | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | Her | [Gave, Given] | [There Are, There Is.] |
56 | Роди́тели | бы́ли | поражены́, | но | Иису́с | наказа́л |
rah-DEE-tee-lee | BIH-lee | pah-rah-jee-NIH | noh | e-SOOS | nah-kah-ZAHL | |
56 | Parents | [Been, Has Been, Were] | Amazed | [But, Yet] | Jesus | Punished |
им | никому́ | не | расска́зывать | о | том, | что | произошло́. |
eem | nee-kah-MOO | nyeh | rahss-KAH-zih-vaht | oah | tom | shtoh | prah-ee-zahsh-LAW |
[It, Them] | Nobody | [Never, Not] | [Speak, Tell] | About | [That, Volume] | [What, That, Why] | Happened. |