. Мужи ( Husbands , Men )

 MOO-jee moo-JEE
 Noun - Masculine - Plural - Person
(RUSV: 6 + NRT: 3) = 9
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 18:16 NRT
16 Мужи подня́лись и пошли́ в сто́рону Содо́ма.
16 [Husbands, Men] [got up, rose] and [gone away, let us go, went] [at, in, of, on] side Sodom.
Авраа́м же пошёл с ни́ми,
Abraham [but, same, then] [gone, went] [and, from, in, of, with] them,
что́бы проводи́ть их.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] conduct [them, their].
Then the men set out from there,
and they looked down toward Sodom.
And Abraham went with them to set them on their way.
Genesis 18:16 ESV

And the men rose up from thence,
and looked toward Sodom:
and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
Genesis 18:16 KJV
 Genesis 18:16 RUSV
16 И вста́ли те мужи и отту́да отпра́вились к Содо́му;
16 And [got up, stand up] those [husbands, men] and (from there) [departed, set off, we went] [to, for, by] Sodom;
Авраа́м же пошёл с ни́ми,
Abraham [but, same, then] [gone, went] [and, from, in, of, with] them,
проводи́ть их.
conduct [them, their].
Then the men set out from there,
and they looked down toward Sodom.
And Abraham went with them to set them on their way.
Genesis 18:16 ESV

And the men rose up from thence,
and looked toward Sodom:
and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
Genesis 18:16 KJV
 Genesis 18:22 NRT
22 Мужи повернулись и пошли́ к Содо́му,
22 [Husbands, Men] повернулись and [gone away, let us go, went] [to, for, by] Sodom,
но Госпо́дь оста́лся стоя́ть пе́ред Авраа́мом.
[but, yet] Lord [remained, stay, stayed, tarried, tarry] [stand, to stand] before [Abraham, By Abraham].
So the men turned from there and went toward Sodom,
but Abraham still stood before the Lord.
Genesis 18:22 ESV

And the men turned their faces from thence,
and went toward Sodom:
but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
Genesis 18:22 KJV
 Genesis 18:22 RUSV
22 И обрати́лись мужи отту́да и пошли́ в Содо́м;
22 And [contacted, applied] [husbands, men] (from there) and [gone away, let us go, went] [at, in, of, on] Sodom;
Авраа́м же ещё стоя́л пред лицем Господа.
Abraham [but, same, then] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [i was standing, standing, stood] [before, front] [face, hypocrite] Lord.
So the men turned from there and went toward Sodom,
but Abraham still stood before the Lord.
Genesis 18:22 ESV

And the men turned their faces from thence,
and went toward Sodom:
but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
Genesis 18:22 KJV
 Genesis 19:10 NRT
10 Но мужи,
10 [But, Yet] [husbands, men],
кото́рые остава́лись внутри́,
[which, who] [remain, remained] [inside, within],
протянули руки,
протянули [arms, hand, hands],
втащили Ло́та в дом и заперли дверь.
втащили Lot [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] and заперли door.
But the men reached out their hands and brought Lot into the house with them and shut the door.
Genesis 19:10 ESV

But the men put forth their hand,
and pulled Lot into the house to them,
and shut to the door.
Genesis 19:10 KJV
 Genesis 19:10 RUSV
10 Тогда́ мужи те простерли руки свои́ и ввели́ Ло́та к себе́ в дом,
10 Then [husbands, men] those простерли [arms, hand, hands] their and [implemented, introduced] Lot [to, for, by] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house],
и дверь заперли;
and door заперли;
But the men reached out their hands and brought Lot into the house with them and shut the door.
Genesis 19:10 ESV

But the men put forth their hand,
and pulled Lot into the house to them,
and shut to the door.
Genesis 19:10 KJV
 Genesis 19:12 RUSV
12 Сказа́ли мужи те Ло́ту:
12 [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] [husbands, men] those Lot:
кто у тебя́ есть ещё здесь?
who [at, by, with, of] you [there are, there is] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [here, there]?
зять ли,
зять whether,
сыновья ли твои́,
sons whether [thy, your],
до́чери ли твои́,
daughters whether [thy, your],
и кто бы ни был у тебя́ в го́роде,
and who would neither [be, to be, was, were] [at, by, with, of] you [at, in, of, on] [city, town],
всех вы́веди из сего́ места,
[all, everyone] [bring forth, take it out, take me out] [from, in, of, out] (with his) places,
Then the men said to Lot,
“Have you anyone else here?
or anyone you have in the city,
bring them out of the place.
Genesis 19:12 ESV

And the men said unto Lot,
Hast thou here any besides?
son in law,
and thy sons,
and thy daughters,
and whatsoever thou hast in the city,
bring them out of this place:
Genesis 19:12 KJV
 Genesis 19:16 RUSV
16 И как он медлил,
16 And [how, what, as, like (comparison)] he медлил,
то мужи те,
that [husbands, men] those,
по ми́лости к нему́ Госпо́дней,
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [grace, graces, kindness, mercy] [to, for, by] [him, his] Lord's,
взя́ли за ру́ку его́ и жену́ его́,
[have taken, they took it, took] [after, around, at, behind, over] hand [his, him, it] and [my wife, wife] [his, him, it],
и двух дочере́й его́,
and two daughters [his, him, it],
и вы́вели его́ и поста́вили его́ вне города.
and [cast, they brought it out, they took me out, threw] [his, him, it] and [place, placing, put, set] [his, him, it] outside [cities, city, town, towns].
But he lingered.
So the men seized him and his wife and his two daughters by the hand,
the Lord being merciful to him,
and they brought him out and set him outside the city.
Genesis 19:16 ESV

And while he lingered,
the men laid hold upon his hand,
and upon the hand of his wife,
and upon the hand of his two daughters;
the LORD being merciful unto him:
and they brought him forth,
and set him without the city.
Genesis 19:16 KJV
 Genesis 34:7 RUSV
7 Сыновья же Иа́кова пришли́ с по́ля,
7 Sons [but, same, then] [Jacob, James] came [and, from, in, of, with] fields,
и когда́ услы́шали,
and when heard,
то огорчи́лись мужи те и воспылали гне́вом,
that [are you upset, upset, were upset] [husbands, men] those and воспылали anger,
потому́ что бесчестие сде́лал он Изра́илю,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] бесчестие did he Israel,
переспав с дочерью Иа́кова,
переспав [and, from, in, of, with] дочерью [Jacob, James],
а так не надлежа́ло де́лать.
[while, and, but] so [never, not] [it should have been, should have] [to do, to make].
The sons of Jacob had come in from the field as soon as they heard of it,
and the men were indignant and very angry,
because he had done an outrageous thing in Israel by lying with Jacob's daughter,
for such a thing must not be done.
Genesis 34:7 ESV

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it:
and the men were grieved,
and they were very wroth,
because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter:
which thing ought not to be done.
Genesis 34:7 KJV
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