1 | Когда́ | же | мы, | расставшись | с | ни́ми, | отплы́ли, | то | пря́мо | пришли́ |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | mih | (s)- | NEE-mee | ahtp-LIH-lee | taw | PRYAH-mah | preesh-LEE | ||
1 | When | [But, Same, Then] | [We, We Are] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Them | [Sailed Away, Set Sail] | That | [Directly, Immediately, Specifically, Clearly, Plainly] | Came |
в | Кос, | на | друго́й | день | в | Родос | и | отту́да | в | Патару, |
(v)- | nuh |
droo-GOY droh-GOY |
den | (v)- | ee | aht-TOO-dah | (v)- | |||
[At, In, Of, On] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Another | Day | [At, In, Of, On] | And | (From There) | [At, In, Of, On] |
2 | И, | найдя́ | корабль, | иду́щий | в | Финикию, | взошли́ | на | него́ | и | отплы́ли. |
ee | nigh-DYAH | ee-DOO-shhiy | (v)- | vzahsh-LEE | nuh | nyeh-VOH | ee | ahtp-LIH-lee | |||
2 | And | [Discover, Finding, Found, Locate] | [Coming, Going] | [At, In, Of, On] | Ascended | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Him | And | [Sailed Away, Set Sail.] |
3 | Быв | в | ви́ду | Кипра | и | оста́вив | его́ | слева, | мы | плы́ли | в |
bif | (v)- | VEE-doo | ee | ahs-TAH-veef | yeh-VOAH | mih | PLIH-lee | (v)- | |||
3 | [Be, Exist] | [At, In, Of, On] | [I Think, Kind Of, Mind, Think] | And | Leaving | [His, Him, It] | [We, We Are] | Sailed | [At, In, Of, On] |
Сирию | и | приста́ли | в | Тире́, | и́бо | тут | надлежа́ло | сложи́ть | груз | с | корабля. |
ee | prees-TAH-lee | (v)- | tee-REH | EE-bah | toot | nahd-lee-JAH-lah | slah-JEET | groos | (s)- | ||
And | Landed | [At, In, Of, On] | [Dash, Hyphen] | [For, Because] | Here | [It Should Have Been, Should Have] | (To Fold) | Cargo | [And, From, In, Of, With] | . |
4 | И, | найдя́ | ученико́в, | пробы́ли | там | семь | дней. | Они́, | по |
ee | nigh-DYAH | oo-chee-nee-KOF | praw-bih-lee | tahm | sem | dnay | ah-NEE | pah | |
4 | And | [Discover, Finding, Found, Locate] | Disciples | [Abode, Stayed, Tarry] | There | Seven | Days. | [They, They Are] | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] |
внушению | Ду́ха, | говори́ли | Павлу, | что́бы | он | не | ходи́л | в | Иерусали́м. |
DOO-hhah | gah-vah-REE-lee | SHTOH-bih | ohn | nyeh | khah-DEEL | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEEM | ||
Spirit | [They Said, We Talked] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | He | [Never, Not] | [Walked, Went] | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem. |
5 | Проведя | э́ти | дни, | мы | вы́шли | и | пошли́, | и | нас | провожали | все |
EH-tee | dnee | mih | VISH-lee | ee | pahsh-LEE | ee | nahs |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
5 | These | Days | [We, We Are] | [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] | And | [Gone Away, Let Us Go, Went] | And | [Us, We] | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] |
с | жёнами | и | детьми́ | да́же | за | го́род; | а | на | берегу, | преклони́в | коле́ни, | помолились. |
(s)- | JAW-nah-mee | ee | deet-MEE | DAH-zheh | zah | GAW-raht | ah | nuh |
BEH-ree-goo bee-ree-GOO |
preek-lah-NEEF | kah-LEH-nee | |
[And, From, In, Of, With] | Wives | And | Children | Even | [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] | [City, Town] | [While, And, But] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | [Coast, Shore] | [Bowed Down, Kneeled, Kneeling, Knelt] | [Kneeling, Knees] | . |
6 | И, | простившись | друг | с | другом, | мы | вошли́ | в | корабль, | а | они́ | возврати́лись | домо́й. |
ee | drook | (s)- |
DROO-gahm droo-GOM |
mih | vahsh-LEE | (v)- | ah | ah-NEE | vahzv-rah-TEE-lees | dah-MOY | |||
6 | And | Friend | [And, From, In, Of, With] | [A Friend, Friend] | [We, We Are] | [Entered, They Entered] | [At, In, Of, On] | [While, And, But] | [They, They Are] | [Came Back, Returned] | [Home, House.] |
7 | Мы | же, | соверши́в | пла́вание, | при́были | из | Ти́ра | в |
mih | zheh | sah-veer-SHEEF | PLAH-vah-nee-yeh | PREE-bih-lee | ees | TEE-rah | (v)- | |
7 | [We, We Are] | [But, Same, Then] | (Having Made) | Swimming | [Arrived, Profits] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Shooting Gallery, Shooting Range, Tyre] | [At, In, Of, On] |
Птолемаиду, | где, | приветствовав | бра́тьев, | пробы́ли | у | них | оди́н | день. |
gdeh | BRAHT-yeef | praw-bih-lee | oo | neekh | ah-DEEN | den | ||
[Somewhere, Where, Wherever] | [Brethren, Brothers] | [Abode, Stayed, Tarry] | [At, By, With, Of] | [Them, They] | [Alone, One] | Day. |
8 | А | на | друго́й | день | Павел | и | мы, | бы́вшие | с | ним, | вы́йдя, | пришли́ | в |
ah | nuh |
droo-GOY droh-GOY |
den | ee | mih | BIV-shee-ee | (s)- | neem | VIY-dyah | preesh-LEE | (v)- | ||
8 | [While, And, But] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Another | Day | And | [We, We Are] | Former | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Him | [Came Out, Coming Out, Going Out] | Came | [At, In, Of, On] |
Кесарию | и, | войдя́ | в | дом | Фили́ппа | благовестника, | одного́ | из | семи | диаконов, | оста́лись | у | него́. |
ee | vi-DYAH | (v)- | dom | fee-LEEP-pah | ahd-nah-VAU | ees | ahs-TAH-lees | oo | nyeh-VOH | ||||
And | Entering | [At, In, Of, On] | [Dwelling, Home, House] | Philip | One | [From, In, Of, Out] | Seven | Stayed | [At, By, With, Of] | Him. |
9 | У | него́ | бы́ли | четы́ре | до́чери | деви́цы, | пророчествующие. |
oo | nyeh-VOH | BIH-lee | cheh-TIH-reh | DAW-chee-ree | dee-VEE-tsih | ||
9 | [At, By, With, Of] | Him | [Been, Has Been, Were] | Four | Daughters | [Girls, Maidens] | . |
10 | Ме́жду | тем | как | мы | пребыва́ли | у | них |
MEJ-doo | tem | kahk | mih | pree-bih-VAH-lee | oo | neekh | |
10 | [Among, Between, Meanwhile] | [By That, That] | [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] | [We, We Are] | Stayed | [At, By, With, Of] | [Them, They] |
мно́гие | дни, | пришёл | из | Иуде́и | не́кто | проро́к, | и́менем | Агав, |
MNAW-ghee-ee | dnee | pree-SHOL | ees | ee-oo-DEH-ee | NEK-tah | prah-ROK | EE-mee-neem | |
Many | Days | [Arrive, Came, Come] | [From, In, Of, Out] | Jews | Someone | [Prophet, The Prophet] | [By Name, Name] |
11 | И, | войдя́ | к | нам, | взял | по́яс | Павлов | и, | связав | себе́ | руки | и | ноги, | сказа́л: | так |
ee | vi-DYAH | k | nahm | vzyahl | PAW-ees | ee | see-BEH |
ROO-kee roo-KEE |
ee |
NAW-ghee nah-GHEE |
skuh-ZAHL | tahk | |||
11 | And | Entering | [To, For, By] | [To Us, Us] | Took | [Belt, Girdle] | And | [Bind, By Linking, Linking] | [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] | [Arms, Hand, Hands] | And | [Legs, Feet] | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | So |
говори́т | Дух | Святый: | му́жа, | чей | э́тот | по́яс, | так | свяжут | в | Иерусали́ме | Иуде́и | и | предаду́т | в | руки | язы́чников. |
gah-vah-REET | doohh | svyah-tiy | MOO-jah | chay | EH-taht | PAW-ees | tahk | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEE-mee | ee-oo-DEH-ee | ee | pree-dah-DOOT | (v)- |
ROO-kee roo-KEE |
yee-ZICH-nee-kahf | |
[He Speaks, Say, Speaks, Talk, To Talk] | Spirit | Holy | [Husband, Man, Men] | Whose | This | [Belt, Girdle] | So | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem | Jews | And | [Betrayed, They Will Betray You] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Arms, Hand, Hands] | [Gentiles, Pagans.] |
12 | Когда́ | же | мы | услы́шали | э́то, | то | и | мы |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | mih | oos-LIH-shee-lee | EH-tuh | taw | ee | mih | |
12 | When | [But, Same, Then] | [We, We Are] | Heard | [That, This, It] | That | And | [We, We Are] |
и | тамошние | проси́ли, | что́бы | он | не | ходи́л | в | Иерусали́м. |
ee | prah-SEE-lee | SHTOH-bih | ohn | nyeh | khah-DEEL | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEEM | |
And | [Appealed, Asked, Begged, Besought, Pleaded, They Asked] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | He | [Never, Not] | [Walked, Went] | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem. |
13 | Но | Павел | в | отве́т | сказа́л: | что | вы | де́лаете? | что | пла́чете | и | сокрушаете | се́рдце | моё? |
noh | (v)- | aht-VET | skuh-ZAHL | shtoh | vih | DEH-lah-ee-tee | shtoh | PLAH-chee-tee | ee | SER-tseh | mah-YAW | |||
13 | [But, Yet] | [At, In, Of, On] | Answer | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [What, That, Why] | [Ye, You] | Doing? | [What, That, Why] | [Are You Crying, Crying, Weeping] | And | [Heart, Hearts] | My? |
я | не | то́лько | хочу́ | быть | узником, | но | готов | умере́ть | в | Иерусали́ме | за | и́мя | Господа | Иису́са. |
yah | nyeh | TOL-kah | hhah-CHOO | bit | noh |
GAW-tahf gah-TOF |
oo-mee-RET | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEE-mee | zah | EE-myah |
GOS-pah-dah gahs-pah-DAH |
ee-ee-SOO-sah | |
I | [Never, Not] | [Alone, Only, Just] | [I Want, Want] | [Be, Become, Been, Has Been, To Be, To Become] | [But, Yet] | [Ready, Prepared] | Die | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem | [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] | Name | Lord | Jesus. |
14 | Когда́ | же | мы | не | могли́ | уговори́ть |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | mih | nyeh | mahg-LEE | oo-gah-vah-REET | |
14 | When | [But, Same, Then] | [We, We Are] | [Never, Not] | Could | [Convince, Persuade] |
его́, | то | успокоились, | сказа́в: | да | бу́дет | во́ля | Госпо́дня! |
yeh-VOAH | taw | skah-ZAHF | dah | BOO-deet | VAU-lyah | gahs-POD-nyah | |
[His, Him, It] | That | [Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] | Yes | [Will Be, Would Be] | [Volition, Will] | Lord's |
15 | По́сле | сих | дней, | приготовившись, | пошли́ | мы | в | Иерусали́м. |
POS-lee | seehh | dnay | pahsh-LEE | mih | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEEM | ||
15 | [After, Beyond] | [Now, These, Those] | Days | [Gone Away, Let Us Go, Went] | [We, We Are] | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem. |
16 | С | на́ми | шли | и | не́которые | ученики́ | из | Кесарии, | провожая | нас | к |
(s)- | NAH-mee | shlee | ee | NEH-kah-tah-rih-ee | oo-chee-nee-KEE | ees | keh-sah-ree-ee | nahs | k | ||
16 | [And, From, In, Of, With] | [Us, We] | Walked | And | Some | [Students, Disciples] | [From, In, Of, Out] | Caesarea | [Us, We] | [To, For, By] |
некоему | давнему | ученику́, | Мнасону | Кипрянину, | у | кото́рого | мо́жно | бы́ло | бы | нам | жить. |
oo-chee-nee-KOO | oo | kah-TAW-rah-vah | MOJ-nah | BIH-lah | bih | nahm | jeet | ||||
[To The Apprentice, Disciple] | [At, By, With, Of] | [Which, Which One, Whom] | [Can, May] | [It Was, Was] | Would | [To Us, Us] | Live. |
17 | По | прибытии | на́шем | в | Иерусали́м | братия | раду́шно | при́няли | нас. |
pah | NAH-sheem | (v)- | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEEM | rah-DOOSH-nah | PREE-nee-lee | nahs | |||
17 | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | [Our, Ours] | [At, In, Of, On] | Jerusalem | [Cordially, Welcome, Welcomed] | [Accepted, Received] | [Us, We.] |
18 | На | друго́й | день | Павел | пришёл | с | на́ми | к | Иа́кову; | пришли́ | и | все | пресвитеры. |
nuh |
droo-GOY droh-GOY |
den | pree-SHOL | (s)- | NAH-mee | k | ee-AH-kah-voo | preesh-LEE | ee |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
18 | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Another | Day | [Arrive, Came, Come] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | [Us, We] | [To, For, By] | [Jacob, James, To Jacob] | Came | And | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | . |
19 | Приветствовав | их, | Павел | расска́зывал | подро́бно, |
eehh | rahss-KAH-zih-vahl | pahd-ROB-nah | |||
19 | [Them, Their] | [He Told, Told] | [In Detail, At Length] |
что | сотвори́л | Бог | у | язы́чников | служением | его́. |
shtoh | saht-vah-REEL | bohh | oo | yee-ZICH-nee-kahf | yeh-VOAH | |
[What, That, Why] | Created | God | [At, By, With, Of] | [Gentiles, Pagans] | [His, Him, It.] |
20 | Они́ | же, | вы́слушав, | прославили | Бо́га | и | сказа́ли | ему́: | ви́дишь, |
ah-NEE | zheh | VIS-loo-sheef | BAW-gah | ee | skah-ZAH-lee | yee-MOO | VEE-deesh | ||
20 | [They, They Are] | [But, Same, Then] | (After Listening) | God | And | [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] | [Him, It, To Him] | (You See) |
брат, | ско́лько | ты́сяч | уве́ровавших | Иуде́ев, | и | все | они́ | ревнители | зако́на. |
braht | SKOL-kah | TIH-seech | oo-VEH-rah-vahv-sheehh | ee-oo-DEH-eef | ee |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
ah-NEE | zah-KAW-nah | |
Brother | [How, How Many, How Much] | [Thousand, Thousands] | Believers | Jews | And | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | [They, They Are] | Law. |
21 | А | о | тебе́ | наслышались | они́, | что | ты | всех | Иуде́ев, | живу́щих | ме́жду | язы́чниками, | у́чишь |
ah | oah | tee-BEH | ah-NEE | shtoh | tih | vsehh | ee-oo-DEH-eef | jee-VOO-shheehh | MEJ-doo | yee-ZICH-nee-kah-mee | OO-cheesh | ||
21 | [While, And, But] | About | [Thee, You] | [They, They Are] | [What, That, Why] | You | [All, Everyone] | Jews | Living | [Among, Between, Meanwhile] | [Gentiles, Pagans] | [Instruct, Learn, Teach, Teachest, You Teach] |
отступлению | от | Моисе́я, | говоря́, | что́бы | они́ | не | обрезывали | дете́й | свои́х | и | не | поступа́ли | по | обычаям. |
ot | mah-ee-SEH-yah | gah-vah-RYAH | SHTOH-bih | ah-NEE | nyeh | dee-TAY | svah-EEHH | ee | nyeh | pahs-too-PAH-lee | pah | |||
From | Moses | [Saying, Talking] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [They, They Are] | [Never, Not] | [Child, Children] | Their | And | [Never, Not] | Received | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | . |
22 | Ита́к | что | же? | Ве́рно | соберется | наро́д; | и́бо | услы́шат, | что | ты | пришёл. |
ee-TAHK | shtoh | zheh | VER-nah | nah-ROT | EE-bah | oos-LIH-sheet | shtoh | tih | pree-SHOL | ||
22 | So | [What, That, Why] | [But, Same, Then?] | [Correctly, Right] | [Crowd, Nation, People] | [For, Because] | [Hear, Will Hear] | [What, That, Why] | You | [Arrive, Came, Come.] |
23 | Сде́лай | же, | что | мы | ска́жем | тебе́: | есть |
SDEH-lie | zheh | shtoh | mih | SKAH-jeem | tee-BEH | yest | |
23 | (Do It) | [But, Same, Then] | [What, That, Why] | [We, We Are] | [Let Us Say, Say] | [Thee, You] | [There Are, There Is] |
у | нас | четы́ре | челове́ка, | име́ющие | на | себе́ | обе́т. |
oo | nahs | cheh-TIH-reh | chee-lie-VYEH-kuh | ee-MEH-yoo-shhee-ee | nuh | see-BEH | ah-BET |
[At, By, With, Of] | [Us, We] | Four | Human | Having | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] | [The Vow, Vow.] |
24 | Взяв | их, | очи́стись | с | ни́ми | и | возьми́ | на | себя́ | изде́ржки | на | же́ртву | за | них, | что́бы | остригли | себе́ |
vzyahf | eehh | ah-CHEES-tees | (s)- | NEE-mee | ee | vahz-MEE | nuh | see-BYAH | eez-DERJ-kee | nuh | JERT-voo | zah | neekh | SHTOH-bih | see-BEH | ||
24 | [By Taking, Taking, Took] | [Them, Their] | [Clean, Cleanse Yourself, Get Clean] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Them | And | [Get, Take] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | [Itself, Myself, Yourself] | Costs | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | [Offering, Sacrifice, The Victim] | [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] | [Them, They] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] |
го́лову, | и | узнают | все, | что | слы́шанное | и́ми | о | тебе́ | несправедли́во, | но | что | и | сам | ты | продолжаешь | соблюда́ть | зако́н. |
GAW-lah-voo | ee | ooz-NAH-yoot |
(v)syeh vseh vsyaw |
shtoh | SLIH-sheen-nah-ee | EE-mee | oah | tee-BEH | neesp-rah-veed-LEE-vah | noh | shtoh | ee | sahm | tih | sahb-lew-DAHT | zah-KON | |
Head | And | [Recognize, They Will Find Out] | [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] | [What, That, Why] | [Heard, Hearing] | [By Them, Them, They] | About | [Thee, You] | [Not Fair, Unfairly] | [But, Yet] | [What, That, Why] | And | [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] | You | [Observe, Keep] | Law. |
25 | А | об | уве́ровавших | язычниках | мы | писа́ли, | положи́в, | что́бы | они́ | ничего́ | тако́го | не |
ah | op | oo-VEH-rah-vahv-sheehh | mih | pee-SAH-lee | pah-lah-JEEF | SHTOH-bih | ah-NEE | nee-cheh-VAU | tah-KAW-vah | nyeh | ||
25 | [While, And, But] | About | Believers | [We, We Are] | [They Wrote, Wrote] | [By Putting, Having Put] | [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] | [They, They Are] | [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] | [Such, This] | [Never, Not] |
наблюда́ли, | а | то́лько | хранили | себя́ | от | идоложертвенного, | от | крови, | от | удавленины | и | от | блуда. |
nahb-lew-DAH-lee | ah | TOL-kah | see-BYAH | ot | ot |
KRAW-vee krah-VEE |
ot | ee | ot | ||||
[Observed, Watched] | [While, And, But] | [Alone, Only, Just] | [Itself, Myself, Yourself] | From | From | [Blood, Bleed] | From | And | From | . |
26 | Тогда́ | Павел, | взяв | тех | муже́й | и | очистившись | с | ни́ми, | в | сле́дующий | день | вошёл | в |
tahg-DAH | vzyahf | tehh | moo-JAY | ee | (s)- | NEE-mee | (v)- | SLEH-doo-yoo-shhiy | den | vah-SHOL | (v)- | |||
26 | Then | [By Taking, Taking, Took] | Those | Husbands | And | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Them | [At, In, Of, On] | [Following, Next, Subsequent] | Day | [Entered, Has Entered] | [At, In, Of, On] |
храм | и | объяви́л | окончание | дней | очище́ния, | когда́ | должно́ | быть | принесено | за | ка́ждого | из | них | приноше́ние. |
khrahm | ee | ahb-yee-VEEL | dnay | ah-chee-SHHEH-nee-yah | kah-g'DAH | dahlj-NAW | bit | zah | KAHJ-dah-vah | ees | neekh | pree-nah-SHEH-nee-ee | ||
Temple | And | [Announced, Confessed, Told] | Days | [Cleansing, Purification] | When | [Must, Should] | [Be, Become, Been, Has Been, To Be, To Become] | [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] | [Everyone, Whosoever] | [From, In, Of, Out] | [Them, They] | Offering. |
27 | Когда́ | же | семь | дней | оканчивались, | тогда́ | Асийские | Иуде́и, | уви́дев |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | sem | dnay | tahg-DAH | ee-oo-DEH-ee | oo-VEE-deef | |||
27 | When | [But, Same, Then] | Seven | Days | Then | Jews | [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] |
его́ | в | хра́ме, | возмутили | весь | наро́д | и | наложили | на | него́ | руки, |
yeh-VOAH | (v)- | HHRAH-mee | ves | nah-ROT | ee | nuh | nyeh-VOH |
ROO-kee roo-KEE |
[His, Him, It] | [At, In, Of, On] | Temple | [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] | [Crowd, Nation, People] | And | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Him | [Arms, Hand, Hands] |
28 | Крича: | мужи | Израильские, | помоги́те! | э́тот | челове́к | всех | повсю́ду | учит | про́тив | наро́да | и | зако́на |
MOO-jee moo-JEE |
pah-mah-GHEE-tee | EH-taht | cheh-lah-VEK | vsehh | pahv-SEW-doo | PRAW-teef | nah-RAW-dah | ee | zah-KAW-nah | ||||
28 | [Husbands, Men] | Help | This | [Man, Human, Person] | [All, Everyone] | [Everywhere, Throughout] | Against | [People, The People] | And | Law |
и | места | сего́; | прито́м | и | Еллинов | ввёл | в | храм | и | оскверни́л | свято́е | ме́сто | сие́. |
ee |
MES-tah mees-TAH |
see-VAU | pree-TOM | ee | yel-lee-nof | vvyol | (v)- | khrahm | ee | ahsk-veer-NEEL | svee-TAW-ee | MES-tah | see-YEH |
And | Places | (With His) | Moreover | And | [Greek, Gentiles] | [Introduced, Enter] | [At, In, Of, On] | Temple | And | [Defiled, Defiledst, Desecrated] | Holy | Place | This. |
29 | И́бо | пред | тем | они́ | ви́дели | с | ним | в | го́роде |
EE-bah | pret | tem | ah-NEE | VEE-dee-lee | (s)- | neem | (v)- | GAW-rah-dee | |
29 | [For, Because] | [Before, Front] | [By That, That] | [They, They Are] | [Have You Seen, Seen] | [And, From, In, Of, With] | Him | [At, In, Of, On] | [City, Town] |
Трофима | Ефесянина | и | ду́мали, | что | Павел | его́ | ввёл | в | храм. |
ee | DOO-mah-lee | shtoh | yeh-VOAH | vvyol | (v)- | khrahm | |||
And | [Supposing, Thought] | [What, That, Why] | [His, Him, It] | [Introduced, Enter] | [At, In, Of, On] | Temple. |
30 | Весь | го́род | пришёл | в | движе́ние, | и | сде́лалось | стечение | наро́да; | и, |
ves | GAW-raht | pree-SHOL | (v)- | dvee-JEH-nee-ee | ee | SDEH-lah-lahs | nah-RAW-dah | ee | ||
30 | [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] | [City, Town] | [Arrive, Came, Come] | [At, In, Of, On] | [Motion, Movement] | And | [Done, Happened, It Happened] | [People, The People] | And |
схвати́в | Павла, | повлекли | его́ | вон | из | хра́ма, | и | тотчас | за́перты | бы́ли | две́ри. |
skhvah-TEEF | yeh-VOAH | von | ees | HHRAH-mah | ee | TOT-chees | ZAH-peer-tih | BIH-lee | DVEH-ree | ||
Grabbing | [His, Him, It] | Out | [From, In, Of, Out] | Temple | And | Immediately | (Locked Up) | [Been, Has Been, Were] | [Door, Doors.] |
31 | Когда́ | же | они́ | хоте́ли | уби́ть | его́, | до |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | ah-NEE | hhah-TEH-lee | oo-BEET | yeh-VOAH | daw | |
31 | When | [But, Same, Then] | [They, They Are] | [They Wanted, Wanted] | [Destroy, Kill, Murder, Slew, To Kill] | [His, Him, It] | [Before, Until] |
тысяченачальника | полка | дошла | весть, | что | весь | Иерусали́м | возмути́лся. |
POL-kah pahl-KAH |
vest | shtoh | ves | ee-ee-roo-sah-LEEM | vahz-moo-TEEL-syah | ||
[Shelf, Rack] | [News, Tidings] | [What, That, Why] | [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] | Jerusalem | [He Was Outraged, Outraged, Troubled.] |
32 | Он, | тотчас | взяв | во́инов | и | сотников, | устремился | на |
ohn | TOT-chees | vzyahf | VAU-ee-nahf | ee | nuh | |||
32 | He | Immediately | [By Taking, Taking, Took] | Warriors | And | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] |
них; | они́ | же, | уви́дев | тысяченачальника | и | во́инов, | переста́ли | бить | Павла. |
neekh | ah-NEE | zheh | oo-VEE-deef | ee | VAU-ee-nahf | pee-rees-TAH-lee | beet | ||
[Them, They] | [They, They Are] | [But, Same, Then] | [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] | And | Warriors | [Stopped, They Stopped] | [Beat, Flogged, Hit, Scourged] | . |
33 | Тогда́ | тысяченача́льник, | прибли́зившись, | взял | его́ | и | веле́л | сковать |
tahg-DAH | tih-see-chee-nah-CHAHL-neek | preeb-LEE-zeev-shees | vzyahl | yeh-VOAH | ee | vee-LEL | ||
33 | Then | [Chief Of The Thousand, The Thousand Commander] | [Approaching, Getting Closer] | Took | [His, Him, It] | And | [He Told Me To, Ordered, Told] |
двумя́ | цепя́ми, | и | спра́шивал: | кто | он, | и | что | сде́лал. |
dvoo-MYAH | tsee-PYAH-mee | ee | SPRAH-shee-vahl | ktoh | ohn | ee | shtoh | SDEH-lahl |
Two | Chains | And | [Asked, Inquired] | Who | He | And | [What, That, Why] | Did. |
34 | В | наро́де | одни́ | крича́ли | одно́, | а | други́е | друго́е. | Он | же, | не |
(v)- | nah-RAW-dee | ahd-NEE | kree-CHAH-lee | ahd-NAW | ah | droo-GHEE-ee | droo-GAW-ee | ohn | zheh | nyeh | |
34 | [At, In, Of, On] | [People, The People] | Alone | [Crying, Shouted, Yell] | One | [While, And, But] | [Other, Others] | Other. | He | [But, Same, Then] | [Never, Not] |
могши | по | причи́не | смяте́ния | узна́ть | ничего́ | верного, | повеле́л | вести | его́ | в | кре́пость. |
pah | pree-CHEE-nee | smee-TEH-nee-yah | ooz-NAHT | nee-cheh-VAU | pah-vee-LEL |
VES-tee vees-TEE |
yeh-VOAH | (v)- | KREH-pahst | ||
[Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | [Cause, Reason] | [Confusion, Turmoil] | [Know, To Know] | [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] | [Commanded, Commandment] | [Carry, News, Lead, Tidings] | [His, Him, It] | [At, In, Of, On] | Fortress. |
35 | Когда́ | же | он | был | на | лестнице, | то |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | ohn | bihl | nuh | taw | ||
35 | When | [But, Same, Then] | He | [Be, To Be, Was, Were] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | That |
воинам | пришлось | нести́ | его́ | по | причи́не | стеснения | от | наро́да, |
nees-TEE | yeh-VOAH | pah | pree-CHEE-nee | ot | nah-RAW-dah | |||
[Carry, Wear, Sustain, Take Up] | [His, Him, It] | [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] | [Cause, Reason] | From | [People, The People] |
36 | И́бо | мно́жество | наро́да | сле́довало | и | кричало: | смерть | ему́! |
EE-bah | MNAW-jeest-vah | nah-RAW-dah | SLEH-dah-vah-lah | ee | smert | yee-MOO | ||
36 | [For, Because] | [Lots Of, Many] | [People, The People] | [I Should Have, Should, Should Have] | And | [Death, Dying] | [Him, It, To Him] |
37 | При | вхо́де | в | кре́пость | Павел | сказа́л | тысяченачальнику: | мо́жно | ли |
pree | VHHAW-dee | (v)- | KREH-pahst | skuh-ZAHL | MOJ-nah | lee | |||
37 | [At, In] | [Entrance, Input] | [At, In, Of, On] | Fortress | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | [Can, May] | Whether |
мне | сказа́ть | тебе́ | не́что? | А | тот | сказа́л: | ты | зна́ешь | по-гре́чески? |
mneh | skah-ZAHT | tee-BEH | NECH-taw | ah | tot | skuh-ZAHL | tih | ZNAH-eesh |
paw GREH-chees-kee |
[Me, To Me] | [Say, Speak, Tell, To Say, To Tell] | [Thee, You] | [Something, Anything?] | [While, And, But] | That | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | You | [Know, Knowest, Understand, You Know] | (In Greek?) |
38 | Так | не | ты | ли | тот | Египтя́нин, | кото́рый | пред | си́ми |
tahk | nyeh | tih | lee | tot | yee-gheep-TYAH-neen | kah-TAW-riy | pret | SEE-mee | |
38 | So | [Never, Not] | You | Whether | That | [Egyptian, The Egyptian] | [Which, Which The, Who] | [Before, Front] | This |
днями | произвел | возмуще́ние | и | вы́вел | в | пусты́ню | четы́ре | ты́сячи | челове́к | разбо́йников? |
vahz-moo-SHHEH-nee-ee | ee | VIH-veel | (v)- | poos-TIH-new | cheh-TIH-reh | TIH-see-chee | cheh-lah-VEK | rahz-BOY-nee-kahf | ||
Disturbance | And | (Brought Out) | [At, In, Of, On] | [Desert, The Desert, Wasteland, Wilderness] | Four | [Thousand, Thousands] | [Man, Human, Person] | [Robbers, Thieves?] |
39 | Павел | же | сказа́л: | я | Иудеянин, | Тарсянин, | граждани́н | небезызвестного |
zheh | skuh-ZAHL | yah | grahj-dah-NEEN | |||||
39 | [But, Same, Then] | [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] | I | Citizen |
Киликийского | города; | прошу́ | тебя́, | позво́ль | мне | говори́ть | к | наро́ду. |
GAW-rah-dah gah-rah-DAH |
prah-SHOO | tee-BYAH | pahz-VOL | mneh | gah-vah-REET | k | nah-RAW-doo | |
[Cities, City, Town, Towns] | [Ask, Beg, I Beg, Plead] | You | [Allow Me, Enable, Let] | [Me, To Me] | [To Speak, To Talk] | [To, For, By] | [To The People, Nation.] |
40 | Когда́ | же | тот | позво́лил, | Павел, | сто́я | на | лестнице, | дал | знак | руко́ю |
kah-g'DAH | zheh | tot | pahz-VAU-leel | STAW-yah | nuh | dahl | znahk | roo-KAW-yoo | |||
40 | When | [But, Same, Then] | That | [Allowed, Permited] | [Standing, Stood] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | Gave | [Beckoned, Indication, Sign, Signaled] | [By Hand, Hand, With My Hand] |
наро́ду; | и, | когда́ | сде́лалось | глубо́кое | молчание, | на́чал | говори́ть | на | евре́йском | языке́ | так: |
nah-RAW-doo | ee | kah-g'DAH | SDEH-lah-lahs | gloo-BAW-kah-ee | NAH-cheel | gah-vah-REET | nuh | yeev-RAY-skahm | yee-zih-KEH | tahk | |
[To The People, Nation] | And | When | [Done, Happened, It Happened] | [Deep, Depth] | [Began, Start] | [To Speak, To Talk] | [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] | [Jewish, Hebrew] | Language | So |