( Favor , Favored , Favour , Favoured , Grace , Mercy )

 Noun - Nominative - Feminine - Positive
(RUSV: 16 + NRT: 22) = 38
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 6:8 NRT
8 Но Ной нашёл ми́лость в глаза́х Господа.
8 [But, Yet] Noah found [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] eyes Lord.
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6:8 ESV

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
Genesis 6:8 KJV
 Genesis 18:3 NRT
3 Он сказа́л:
3 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Е́сли я нашёл ми́лость в Твои́х глаза́х,
[If, A, When, Unless] i found [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] [Your, Yours] eyes,
(The Lord),
не пройди́ ми́мо Твоего́ слуги.
[never, not] [come through, go through] [by, past] [Thy, Your] [servant, servants].
and said,
“O Lord,
if I have found favor in your sight,
do not pass by your servant.
Genesis 18:3 ESV

And said,
if now I have found favor in thy sight,
pass not away,
I pray thee,
from thy servant:
Genesis 18:3 KJV
 Genesis 19:19 NRT
19 Слуга́ Твой нашёл в Твои́х глаза́х расположе́ние,
19 Servant Your found [at, in, of, on] [Your, Yours] eyes [layout, location, placement],
и Ты яви́л мне вели́кую ми́лость,
and You [revealed, shewed, shown, was revealed] [me, to me] [great, mighty] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
спасая мою жизнь.
спасая [my, mine] [life, living].
Но в горы мне не добежать:
[But, Yet] [at, in, of, on] [mountains, the mountains] [me, to me] [never, not] добежать:
бе́дствие настигнет меня́,
[affliction, calamity, disaster, distress] настигнет [i, me, self],
и я погибну.
and i погибну.
your servant has found favor in your sight,
and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life.
But I cannot escape to the hills,
lest the disaster overtake me and I die.
Genesis 19:19 ESV

Behold now,
thy servant hath found grace in thy sight,
and thou hast magnified thy mercy,
which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life;
and I cannot escape to the mountain,
lest some evil take me,
and I die:
Genesis 19:19 KJV
 Genesis 19:19 RUSV
19 вот,
19 [behold, here, there],
раб Твой обрёл благоволе́ние пред оча́ми Твои́ми,
[a slave, servant, slave] Your found [benevolence, favor, goodwill, grace, kindness] [before, front] [eyes, sight, with my eyes] Your,
и велика ми́лость Твоя́,
and [great, huge, large] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] Yours,
кото́рую Ты сде́лал со мно́ю,
[which, which one] You did [after, with] me,
что спас жизнь мою;
[what, that, why] спас [life, living] [my, mine];
но я не могу́ спасаться на го́ру,
[but, yet] i [never, not] [can, i can] спасаться [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] mountain,
чтоб не застигла меня́ беда́ и мне не умере́ть;
[in order, so that] [never, not] застигла [i, me, self] trouble and [me, to me] [never, not] die;
your servant has found favor in your sight,
and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life.
But I cannot escape to the hills,
lest the disaster overtake me and I die.
Genesis 19:19 ESV

Behold now,
thy servant hath found grace in thy sight,
and thou hast magnified thy mercy,
which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life;
and I cannot escape to the mountain,
lest some evil take me,
and I die:
Genesis 19:19 KJV
 Genesis 20:13 RUSV
13 когда́ Бог повёл меня́ странствовать из дома отца́ моего́,
13 when God led [i, me, self] странствовать [from, in, of, out] houses [father, the father] my,
то я сказа́л ей:
that i [he said, said, say, saying, tell] her:
сде́лай со мно́ю сию́ ми́лость,
(do it) [after, with] me this [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
в како́е ни придём мы ме́сто,
[at, in, of, on] which neither [come, we will come] [we, we are] place,
везде говори́ обо́ мне:
everywhere [say, speak, tell] about [me, to me]:
э́то брат мой.
[that, this, it] brother [mine, my].
And when God caused me to wander from my father's house,
I said to her,
‘This is the kindness you must do me:
at every place to which we come,
say of me,
“He is my brother.”’”
Genesis 20:13 ESV

And it came to pass,
when God caused me to wander from my father's house,
that I said unto her,
This is thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me;
at every place whither we shall come,
say of me,
He is my brother.
Genesis 20:13 KJV
 Genesis 21:23 NRT
23 Поклянись же мне здесь пе́ред Бо́гом,
23 Поклянись [but, same, then] [me, to me] [here, there] before [By God, God],
что ты не поступишь вероломно ни со мной,
[what, that, why] you [never, not] поступишь вероломно neither [after, with] me,
ни с мои́ми детьми́,
neither [and, from, in, of, with] [mine, my] children,
ни с мои́м потомством.
neither [and, from, in, of, with] my потомством.
Окажи мне и стране́,
Окажи [me, to me] and country,
в кото́рой ты живёшь как прише́лец,
[at, in, of, on] [which, which one] you [live, you live] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [alien, the alien],
ту же ми́лость,
that [but, same, then] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
каку́ю я оказал тебе́.
[what, which] i оказал [thee, you].
Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity,
but as I have dealt kindly with you,
so you will deal with me and with the land where you have sojourned.”
Genesis 21:23 ESV

Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me,
nor with my son,
nor with my son's son:
but according to the kindness that I have done unto thee,
thou shalt do unto me,
and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned.
Genesis 21:23 KJV
 Genesis 24:12 NRT
12 Он сказа́л:
12 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
О Го́споди,
About [Lord, God],
Бог моего́ господи́на Авраа́ма!
God my [lord, master, mister] Abraham!
Дай мне сего́дня успех и яви ми́лость моему́ господи́ну Авраа́му.
Give [me, to me] today успех and [come on, reveal, shew, show] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] my [lord, master, mister] (To Abraham).
And he said,
“O Lord,
God of my master Abraham,
please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham.
Genesis 24:12 ESV

And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham,
I pray thee,
send me good speed this day,
and show kindness unto my master Abraham.
Genesis 24:12 KJV
 Genesis 24:12 RUSV
12 и сказа́л:
12 and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
[Lord, God],
Бо́же господи́на моего́ Авраа́ма!
God [lord, master, mister] my Abraham!
пошли́ [её] сего́дня навстре́чу мне и сотвори́ ми́лость с господи́ном мои́м Авраа́мом;
[gone away, let us go, went] [her] today towards [me, to me] and create [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [and, from, in, of, with] [lord, master, mister] my [Abraham, By Abraham];
And he said,
“O Lord,
God of my master Abraham,
please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham.
Genesis 24:12 ESV

And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham,
I pray thee,
send me good speed this day,
and show kindness unto my master Abraham.
Genesis 24:12 KJV
 Genesis 24:14 NRT
14 Пусть бу́дет так.
14 Let [will be, would be] so.
Е́сли я скажу́ де́вушке:
[If, A, When, Unless] i [i will say, say, tell] [damsel, girl, the girl, to the girl]:
опусти кувши́н с плеча,
опусти [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] [and, from, in, of, with] плеча,
что́бы мне напи́ться»,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [me, to me] (get drunk)»,
а она́ отве́тит:
[while, and, but] [she, she is] [will answer, will respond]:
а я напою и твои́х верблю́дов»,
[while, and, but] i напою and [your, yours] camels»,
то её Ты и назна́чил для слуги Твоего́ Исаа́ка.
that her You and appointed for [servant, servants] [Thy, Your] Isaac.
Так я узнаю,
So i [discover, i recognize, i will find out, know, recognize],
что Ты яви́л ми́лость моему́ господи́ну.
[what, that, why] You [revealed, shewed, shown, was revealed] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] my [lord, master, mister].
Let the young woman to whom I shall say,
‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say,
and I will water your camels’—let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac.
By this I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master.”
Genesis 24:14 ESV

And let it come to pass,
that the damsel to whom I shall say,
Let down thy pitcher,
I pray thee,
that I may drink;
and she shall say,
and I will give thy camels drink also:
let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac;
and thereby shall I know that thou hast showed kindness unto my master.
Genesis 24:14 KJV
 Genesis 24:14 RUSV
14 и деви́ца,
14 and [damsel, girl, the girl],
кото́рой я скажу́:
[which, which one] i [i will say, say, tell]:
'наклони кувши́н твой,
'наклони [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] your,
я напьюсь',
i напьюсь',
и кото́рая ска́жет:
and which [he will say, saith, say, will say]:
я и верблю́дам твои́м дам пить',
i and camels yours [ladies, i will give] [drink, thirsty]',
--вот та,
--[behold, here, there] that,
кото́рую Ты назна́чил рабу́ Твоему́ Исаа́ку;
[which, which one] You appointed [servant, slave] Yours Isaac;
и по сёму узнаю я,
and [along, by, in, on, to, unto] this [discover, i recognize, i will find out, know, recognize] i,
что Ты твори́шь ми́лость с господи́ном мои́м.
[what, that, why] You [create, you create] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [and, from, in, of, with] [lord, master, mister] my.
Let the young woman to whom I shall say,
‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say,
and I will water your camels’—let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac.
By this I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master.”
Genesis 24:14 ESV

And let it come to pass,
that the damsel to whom I shall say,
Let down thy pitcher,
I pray thee,
that I may drink;
and she shall say,
and I will give thy camels drink also:
let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac;
and thereby shall I know that thou hast showed kindness unto my master.
Genesis 24:14 KJV
 Genesis 24:49 NRT
49 Ита́к,
49 So,
е́сли вы окажете ми́лость и ве́рность моему́ господи́ну,
[if, a, when, unless] [ye, you] окажете [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [faithfulness, loyalty] my [lord, master, mister],
так и скажи́те мне,
so and tell [me, to me],
а е́сли нет,
[while, and, but] [if, a, when, unless] [no, not],
то́же скажи́те мне,
[too, also] tell [me, to me],
что́бы я знал,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] i [knew, know],
что мне де́лать.
[what, that, why] [me, to me] [to do, to make].
Now then,
if you are going to show steadfast love and faithfulness to my master,
tell me;
and if not,
tell me,
that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.”
Genesis 24:49 ESV

And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my master,
tell me:
and if not,
tell me;
that I may turn to the right hand,
or to the left.
Genesis 24:49 KJV
 Genesis 24:49 RUSV
49 И ны́не скажи́те мне:
49 And [currently, now] tell [me, to me]:
намерены ли вы оказать ми́лость и пра́вду господи́ну моему́ и́ли нет?
намерены whether [ye, you] оказать [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [the truth, truth] [lord, master, mister] my or [no, not]?
скажи́те мне,
tell [me, to me],
и я обращусь напра́во,
and i обращусь [right, to the right],
и́ли нале́во.
or [left, to the left].
Now then,
if you are going to show steadfast love and faithfulness to my master,
tell me;
and if not,
tell me,
that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.”
Genesis 24:49 ESV

And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my master,
tell me:
and if not,
tell me;
that I may turn to the right hand,
or to the left.
Genesis 24:49 KJV
 Genesis 30:27 NRT
27 Но Лаван сказа́л ему́:
27 [But, Yet] Laban [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
Е́сли я нашёл ми́лость в твои́х глаза́х,
[If, A, When, Unless] i found [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] [your, yours] eyes,
прошу́ тебя́,
[ask, beg, i beg, plead] you,
я узна́л че́рез гадание,
i (found out) [across, by way of, through] гадание,
что Госпо́дь благословляет меня́ благодаря́ тебе́
[what, that, why] Lord благословляет [i, me, self] [because of, thanks to] [thee, you]
But Laban said to him,
“If I have found favor in your sight,
I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.
Genesis 30:27 ESV

And Laban said unto him,
I pray thee,
if I have found favor in thine eyes,
for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.
Genesis 30:27 KJV
 Genesis 32:5 NRT
5 У меня́ есть быки́,
5 [At, By, With, Of] [i, me, self] [there are, there is] [bulls, oxen],
овцы и козы,
sheep and goats,
слуги и служа́нки.
[servant, servants] and [maids, maidservants, servant girl].
Я посыла́ю э́ту весть моему́ господи́ну,
I [i send, send] this [news, tidings] my [lord, master, mister],
что́бы найти́ ми́лость в твои́х глаза́х».
[to, so that, in order to, because of] find [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] [your, yours] eyes».
I have oxen,
male servants,
and female servants.
I have sent to tell my lord,
in order that I may find favor in your sight.’”
Genesis 32:5 ESV

And I have oxen,
and asses,
and menservants,
and womenservants:
and I have sent to tell my lord,
that I may find grace in thy sight.
Genesis 32:5 KJV
 Genesis 39:21 NRT
21 Но Госпо́дь был с ним;
21 [But, Yet] Lord [be, to be, was, were] [and, from, in, of, with] him;
Он яви́л ему́ ми́лость и дарова́л ему́ расположе́ние в глаза́х гла́вного стра́жа.
He [revealed, shewed, shown, was revealed] [him, it, to him] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [bestowed, granted] [him, it, to him] [layout, location, placement] [at, in, of, on] eyes [chief, main, the main one] [guard, officers].
But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
Genesis 39:21 ESV

But the LORD was with Joseph,
and showed him mercy,
and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
Genesis 39:21 KJV
 Genesis 39:21 RUSV
21 И Госпо́дь был с Ио́сифом,
21 And Lord [be, to be, was, were] [and, from, in, of, with] Joseph,
и простер к нему́ ми́лость,
and [extend, stretch] [to, for, by] [him, his] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
и дарова́л ему́ благоволе́ние в оча́х нача́льника темни́цы.
and [bestowed, granted] [him, it, to him] [benevolence, favor, goodwill, grace, kindness] [at, in, of, on] eyes [chief, the boss] dungeons.
But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
Genesis 39:21 ESV

But the LORD was with Joseph,
and showed him mercy,
and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
Genesis 39:21 KJV
 Genesis 40:14 NRT
14 Но в те до́брые для тебя́ времена́,
14 [But, Yet] [at, in, of, on] those [good, kind] for you [days, time, times],
молю тебя́,
[i pray, pray] you,
вспо́мни обо́ мне и окажи мне ми́лость:
remember about [me, to me] and окажи [me, to me] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy]:
упомяни обо́ мне фарао́ну,
упомяни about [me, to me] [pharaoh, to the pharaoh],
что́бы вызволить меня́ из темни́цы.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] вызволить [i, me, self] [from, in, of, out] dungeons.
Only remember me,
when it is well with you,
and please do me the kindness to mention me to Pharaoh,
and so get me out of this house.
Genesis 40:14 ESV

But think on me when it shall be well with thee,
and show kindness,
I pray thee,
unto me,
and make mention of me unto Pharaoh,
and bring me out of this house:
Genesis 40:14 KJV
 Genesis 43:14 NRT
14 Пусть Бог Всемогу́щий дарует вам ми́лость пе́ред ним,
14 Let God [Omnipotent, The Almighty] дарует [to you, ye, you] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] before him,
что́бы он позво́лил и друго́му ва́шему бра́ту,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he [allowed, permited] and another [your, yours] brother,
и Вениами́ну верну́ться с ва́ми.
and Benjamin [return, to return] [and, from, in, of, with] you.
Что же до меня́,
[What, That, Why] [but, same, then] [before, until] [i, me, self],
то е́сли мне суждено лиши́ться дете́й,
that [if, a, when, unless] [me, to me] суждено [forfeit, lose] [child, children],
пусть я лишусь.
let i лишусь.
May God Almighty grant you mercy before the man,
and may he send back your other brother and Benjamin.
And as for me,
if I am bereaved of my children,
I am bereaved.”
Genesis 43:14 ESV

And God Almighty give you mercy before the man,
that he may send away your other brother,
and Benjamin.
If I be bereaved of my children,
I am bereaved.
Genesis 43:14 KJV
 Genesis 43:14 RUSV
14 Бог же Всемогу́щий да даст вам найти́ ми́лость у челове́ка того́,
14 God [but, same, then] [Omnipotent, The Almighty] yes [give, shall give, will give] [to you, ye, you] find [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, by, with, of] human that,
что́бы он отпусти́л вам и друго́го бра́та ва́шего и Вениами́на,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he [let go, release, released] [to you, ye, you] and [another, the other one] brother (your his) and Benjamin,
а мне е́сли уже́ быть безде́тным,
[while, and, but] [me, to me] [if, a, when, unless] already [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] childless,
то пусть бу́ду безде́тным.
that let [i will, will] childless.
May God Almighty grant you mercy before the man,
and may he send back your other brother and Benjamin.
And as for me,
if I am bereaved of my children,
I am bereaved.”
Genesis 43:14 ESV

And God Almighty give you mercy before the man,
that he may send away your other brother,
and Benjamin.
If I be bereaved of my children,
I am bereaved.
Genesis 43:14 KJV
 Genesis 43:29 RUSV
29 И подня́л глаза свои́,
29 And [lifted, lifting, raised] eyes their,
и уви́дел Вениами́на,
and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] Benjamin,
бра́та своего́,
brother [his, yours],
сы́на ма́тери свое́й,
[a son, my son, son] [mother, mother's, mothers] [his, mine],
и сказа́л:
and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
э́то брат ваш ме́ньший,
[that, this, it] brother [your, yours] [less, smaller],
о ко́тором вы ска́зывали мне?
about [that, which] [ye, you] [said, saying, they said, they told me, told] [me, to me]?
И сказа́л:
And [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
да бу́дет ми́лость Божия с тобо́ю,
yes [will be, would be] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [God, God's] [and, from, in, of, with] [by you, thee, you],
сын мой!
son [mine, my]!
And he lifted up his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin,
his mother's son,
and said,
“Is this your youngest brother,
of whom you spoke to me?
God be gracious to you,
my son!”
Genesis 43:29 ESV

And he lifted up his eyes,
and saw his brother Benjamin,
his mother's son,
and said,
Is this your younger brother,
of whom ye spake unto me?
And he said,
God be gracious unto thee,
my son.
Genesis 43:29 KJV
 Genesis 47:25 RUSV
25 Они́ сказа́ли:
25 [They, They Are] [said, say, tell, they said]:
ты спас нам жизнь;
you спас [to us, us] [life, living];
да обретем ми́лость в оча́х господи́на на́шего и да бу́дем раба́ми фарао́ну.
yes обретем [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [at, in, of, on] eyes [lord, master, mister] our and yes (we will be) slaves [pharaoh, to the pharaoh].
And they said,
“You have saved our lives;
may it please my lord,
we will be servants to Pharaoh.”
Genesis 47:25 ESV

And they said,
Thou hast saved our lives:
let us find grace in the sight of my lord,
and we will be Pharaoh's servants.
Genesis 47:25 KJV
 Genesis 47:29 NRT
29 Когда́ пришло́ ему́ вре́мя умира́ть,
29 When [come, it has come] [him, it, to him] [hour, time] (to die),
он позва́л своего́ сы́на Ио́сифа и сказа́л ему́:
he called [his, yours] [a son, my son, son] Joseph and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
Е́сли я нашёл расположе́ние в твои́х глаза́х,
[If, A, When, Unless] i found [layout, location, placement] [at, in, of, on] [your, yours] eyes,
положи́ ру́ку мне под бедро́ и обещай,
put hand [me, to me] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [hip, thigh] and обещай,
что явишь мне ми́лость и ве́рность.
[what, that, why] явишь [me, to me] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [faithfulness, loyalty].
Не хорони меня́ в Еги́пте,
[Never, Not] хорони [i, me, self] [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
And when the time drew near that Israel must die,
he called his son Joseph and said to him,
“If now I have found favor in your sight,
put your hand under my thigh and promise to deal kindly and truly with me.
Do not bury me in Egypt,
Genesis 47:29 ESV

And the time drew nigh that Israel must die:
and he called his son Joseph,
and said unto him,
If now I have found grace in thy sight,
I pray thee,
thy hand under my thigh,
and deal kindly and truly with me;
bury me not,
I pray thee,
in Egypt:
Genesis 47:29 KJV
 Genesis 47:29 RUSV
29 И пришло́ вре́мя Изра́илю умере́ть,
29 And [come, it has come] [hour, time] Israel die,
и призва́л он сы́на своего́ Ио́сифа и сказа́л ему́:
and [called, urged] he [a son, my son, son] [his, yours] Joseph and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
е́сли я нашёл благоволе́ние в оча́х твои́х,
[if, a, when, unless] i found [benevolence, favor, goodwill, grace, kindness] [at, in, of, on] eyes [your, yours],
положи́ ру́ку твою́ под стегно́ моё и [кляни́сь],
put hand yours [below, beneath, under, underneath] стегно my and [[oath, swear, swear it]],
что ты окажешь мне ми́лость и пра́вду,
[what, that, why] you окажешь [me, to me] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [the truth, truth],
не похоронишь меня́ в Еги́пте,
[never, not] похоронишь [i, me, self] [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
And when the time drew near that Israel must die,
he called his son Joseph and said to him,
“If now I have found favor in your sight,
put your hand under my thigh and promise to deal kindly and truly with me.
Do not bury me in Egypt,
Genesis 47:29 ESV

And the time drew nigh that Israel must die:
and he called his son Joseph,
and said unto him,
If now I have found grace in thy sight,
I pray thee,
thy hand under my thigh,
and deal kindly and truly with me;
bury me not,
I pray thee,
in Egypt:
Genesis 47:29 KJV
 Matthew 23:23 RUSV
23 Горе вам,
23 [Woe, Grief, Mountain, Sorrow] [to you, ye, you],
кни́жники и фарисе́и,
scribes and pharisees,
что даёте десяти́ну с мя́ты,
[what, that, why] [give, you give] [tithe, tithing] [and, from, in, of, with] [mint, peppermint, spearmint],
аниса и тми́на,
аниса and [cumin, cummin],
и оста́вили важнейшее в зако́не:
and left важнейшее [at, in, of, on] law:
[court, judgment, tribunal],
ми́лость и ве́ру;
[favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] and [belief, doctrine, faith];
сие́ надлежа́ло де́лать,
this [it should have been, should have] [to do, to make],
и того́ не оставля́ть.
and that [never, not] [abandon, forsake, leave, to leave].
“Woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees,
For you tithe mint and dill and cumin,
and have neglected the weightier matters of the law:
justice and mercy and faithfulness.
These you ought to have done,
without neglecting the others.
Matthew 23:23 ESV

Woe unto you,
scribes and Pharisees,
for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,
and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,
and faith:
these ought ye to have done,
and not to leave the other undone.
Matthew 23:23 KJV
 Mark 5:19 NRT
19 но Иису́с отказал ему́.
19 [but, yet] Jesus отказал [him, it, to him].
Ступа́й домо́й к свои́м родным,
[Go, Go On] [home, house] [to, for, by] [his, mine, your] родным,
сказа́л Он,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] He,
и расскажи́ им,
and [declare, tell] [it, them],
что сде́лал для тебя́ Госпо́дь,
[what, that, why] did for you Lord,
и каку́ю ми́лость Он к тебе́ прояви́л.
and [what, which] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] He [to, for, by] [thee, you] showed.
And he did not permit him but said to him,
“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you,
and how he has had mercy on you.”
Mark 5:19 ESV

Howbeit Jesus suffered him not,
but saith unto him,
Go home to thy friends,
and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee,
and hath had compassion on thee.
Mark 5:19 KJV
 Luke 1:28 NRT
28 А́нгел пришёл к ней и сказа́л:
28 Angel [arrive, came, come] [to, for, by] her and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Приве́тствую тебя́,
[Greetings, Welcome] you,
получи́вшая ми́лость!
received [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy]!
С тобо́й Госпо́дь!
[And, From, In, Of, With] you Lord!
And he came to her and said,
O favored one,
the Lord is with you!”
Luke 1:28 ESV

And the angel came in unto her,
and said,
thou that art highly favoured,
the Lord is with thee:
blessed art thou among women.
Luke 1:28 KJV
 Luke 1:30 NRT
30 А́нгел продолжа́л:
30 Angel [continued, he continued]:
Не бо́йся,
[Never, Not] [afraid, be afraid, fear],
[Maria, Mary],
потому́ что Бог прояви́л к тебе́ ми́лость!
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] God showed [to, for, by] [thee, you] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy]!
And the angel said to her,
“Do not be afraid,
for you have found favor with God.
Luke 1:30 ESV

And the angel said unto her,
Fear not,
for thou hast found favour with God.
Luke 1:30 KJV
 Luke 1:43 NRT
43 Чём я заслужи́ла таку́ю ми́лость,
43 [How, Than, What, Whence, Which, Why] i deserved [such, such a] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
что ко мне пришла́ мать моего́ Господа?
[what, that, why] to [me, to me] came mother my Lord?
And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:43 ESV

And whence is this to me,
that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Luke 1:43 KJV
 Luke 1:50 NRT
50 Из поколе́ния в поколе́ние Он проявля́ет ми́лость к боя́щимся Его́!
50 [From, In, Of, Out] [generation, generations] [at, in, of, on] generation He [displays, exhibits, manifests] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [to, for, by] [afraid, fear] [His, Him, It]!
And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.
Luke 1:50 ESV

And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Luke 1:50 KJV
 Luke 1:50 RUSV
50 и ми́лость Его́ в ро́ды родов к боя́щимся Его́;
50 and [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [His, Him, It] [at, in, of, on] [birth, childbirth] childbirth [to, for, by] [afraid, fear] [His, Him, It];
And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.
Luke 1:50 ESV

And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Luke 1:50 KJV
 Luke 1:54 RUSV
54 воспри́нял Изра́иля,
54 perceived Israel,
о́трока Своего́,
[boy, child, the boy] [His, Yours],
воспомянув ми́лость,
remembering [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
He has helped his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy,
Luke 1:54 ESV

He hath holpen his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy;
Luke 1:54 KJV
 Luke 1:58 NRT
58 Её сосе́ди и ро́дственники услы́шали о том,
58 Her [neighbors, neighbours] and [cousins, relatives] heard about [that, volume],
что Бог яви́л ей вели́кую ми́лость,
[what, that, why] God [revealed, shewed, shown, was revealed] her [great, mighty] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy],
и ра́довались вме́сте с ней.
and rejoiced together [and, from, in, of, with] her.
And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown great mercy to her,
and they rejoiced with her.
Luke 1:58 ESV

And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her;
and they rejoiced with her.
Luke 1:58 KJV
 Luke 1:58 RUSV
58 И услы́шали сосе́ди и ро́дственники её,
58 And heard [neighbors, neighbours] and [cousins, relatives] her,
что возвели́чил Госпо́дь ми́лость Свою́ над не́ю,
[what, that, why] [exalted, glorify] Lord [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [Its, My, Thy, Your] above [her, she],
и ра́довались с не́ю.
and rejoiced [and, from, in, of, with] [her, she].
And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown great mercy to her,
and they rejoiced with her.
Luke 1:58 ESV

And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her;
and they rejoiced with her.
Luke 1:58 KJV
 Luke 1:72 NRT
72 Так Он прояви́л ми́лость к на́шим пре́дкам,
72 So He showed [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [to, for, by] our ancestors,
по́мня Свой свято́й заве́т,
[remember, remembering, remembrance] [Mine, My Own] holy [covenant, testament, the covenant],
to show the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant,
Luke 1:72 ESV

To perform the mercy promised to our fathers,
and to remember his holy covenant;
Luke 1:72 KJV
 Luke 1:72 RUSV
72 сотвори́т ми́лость с отца́ми на́шими и помя́нет свято́й заве́т Свой,
72 [create, make] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [and, from, in, of, with] fathers our and [remember, will remember] holy [covenant, testament, the covenant] [Mine, My Own],
to show the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant,
Luke 1:72 ESV

To perform the mercy promised to our fathers,
and to remember his holy covenant;
Luke 1:72 KJV
 Luke 2:40 NRT
40 Ребёнок рос и набира́лся сил и му́дрости,
40 [Baby, Child] (grew up) and [i was gaining, was gaining] [force, forces] and wisdom,
и ми́лость Бо́жья была́ на Нем.
and [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] [God, God's] was [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless].
Двенадцатиле́тний Иису́с в хра́ме
(Twelve Years Old) Jesus [at, in, of, on] temple
And the child grew and became strong,
filled with wisdom.
And the favor of God was upon him.
Luke 2:40 ESV

And the child grew,
and waxed strong in spirit,
filled with wisdom:
and the grace of God was upon him.
Luke 2:40 KJV
 Luke 10:37 NRT
37 Учи́тель Зако́на отве́тил:
37 [Master, Teacher, Tutor] Law answered:
кто прояви́л к нему́ ми́лость.
who showed [to, for, by] [him, his] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy].
Тогда́ Иису́с сказа́л ему́:
Then Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
Иди́ и ты поступа́й так же.
Go and you [do it, go ahead] so [but, same, then].
He said,
“The one who showed him mercy.”
And Jesus said to him,
“You go,
and do likewise.”
Luke 10:37 ESV

And he said,
He that shewed mercy on him.
Then said Jesus unto him,
and do thou likewise.
Luke 10:37 KJV
 Luke 10:37 RUSV
37 Он сказа́л:
37 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
оказа́вший ему́ ми́лость.
rendered [him, it, to him] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy].
Тогда́ Иису́с сказа́л ему́:
Then Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
и ты поступа́й так же.
and you [do it, go ahead] so [but, same, then].
He said,
“The one who showed him mercy.”
And Jesus said to him,
“You go,
and do likewise.”
Luke 10:37 ESV

And he said,
He that shewed mercy on him.
Then said Jesus unto him,
and do thou likewise.
Luke 10:37 KJV
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