Добра́ ( Good , Goodness , Kindness , Of Good )

 Noun - Neuter
(RUSV: 3 + NRT: 3) = 6
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 2:9 RUSV
9 И произрастил Госпо́дь Бог из земли вся́кое де́рево,
9 And произрастил Lord God [from, in, of, out] earth [anything, everyone, everything] [timber, tree],
приятное на вид и хоро́шее для пищи,
приятное [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [appearance, countenance, face, view] and good for [food, meat, nutrition],
и де́рево жи́зни посреди́ ра́я,
and [timber, tree] life [among, in the middle, midst] paradise,
и де́рево познания добра́ и зла.
and [timber, tree] познания [good, goodness, kindness, of good] and evil.
And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
The tree of life was in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9 ESV

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight,
and good for food;
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9 KJV
 Genesis 2:17 RUSV
17 а от де́рева познания добра́ и зла не ешь от него́,
17 [while, and, but] from tree познания [good, goodness, kindness, of good] and evil [never, not] eat from him,
и́бо в день,
[for, because] [at, in, of, on] day,
в кото́рый ты вкусишь от него́,
[at, in, of, on] [which, which the, who] you вкусишь from him,
сме́ртью умрёшь.
death [die, you are going to die, you will die].
but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat,
for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.&#;
Genesis 2:17 ESV

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Genesis 2:17 KJV
 Matthew 12:35 NRT
35 Из храни́лища добра́ до́брый челове́к выносит до́брое,
35 [From, In, Of, Out] storage [good, goodness, kindness, of good] [good, kind] [man, human, person] (takes out) [good, kind],
а злой челове́к выносит зло́е из храни́лища зла.
[while, and, but] [evil, wicked] [man, human, person] (takes out) evil [from, in, of, out] storage evil.
The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good,
and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.
Matthew 12:35 ESV

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things:
and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
Matthew 12:35 KJV
 Luke 6:45 NRT
45 Из храни́лища добра́ в своём се́рдце до́брый челове́к выносит до́брое,
45 [From, In, Of, Out] storage [good, goodness, kindness, of good] [at, in, of, on] his [heart, hearts] [good, kind] [man, human, person] (takes out) [good, kind],
а злой челове́к выносит зло́е из храни́лища зла.
[while, and, but] [evil, wicked] [man, human, person] (takes out) evil [from, in, of, out] storage evil.
Ведь на языке́ у челове́ка то,
[Because, After All, Indeed] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] language [at, by, with, of] human that,
чём напо́лнено его́ се́рдце.
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] [filled, filled with] [his, him, it] [heart, hearts].
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good,
and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil,
for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Luke 6:45 ESV

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good;
and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil:
for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Luke 6:45 KJV
 Luke 12:19 NRT
19 Тогда́ я смогу́ сказа́ть себе́:
19 Then i [able, could, i can, might] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself]:
тепе́рь у тебя́ полно добра́ на мно́го лет.
now [at, by, with, of] you [complete, full] [good, goodness, kindness, of good] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [a lot of, many] years.
[Have A Rest, Relax, Rest],
[have some fun, rejoice]».
And I will say to my soul,
you have ample goods laid up for many years;
be merry.&#;&#;
Luke 12:19 ESV

And I will say to my soul,
thou hast much goods laid up for many years;
take thine ease,
and be merry.
Luke 12:19 KJV
 Luke 12:19 RUSV
19 и скажу́ душе мое́й:
19 and [i will say, say, tell] soul my:
мно́го добра́ лежи́т у тебя́ на мно́гие го́ды:
[a lot of, many] [good, goodness, kindness, of good] [lie, lies, lying] [at, by, with, of] you [on the, it, at, to, in, by] many years:
(rest easy),
[have some fun, rejoice].
And I will say to my soul,
you have ample goods laid up for many years;
be merry.&#;&#;
Luke 12:19 ESV

And I will say to my soul,
thou hast much goods laid up for many years;
take thine ease,
and be merry.
Luke 12:19 KJV
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