О́чень ( Greatly , Highly , Very )

(RUSV: 11 + NRT: 31) = 42
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 1:31 NRT
31 Бог посмотре́л на все,
31 God looked [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что Он созда́л,
[what, that, why] He created,
и все бы́ло о́чень хорошо́.
and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [it was, was] [greatly, highly, very] [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well].
Был ве́чер,
[Be, To Be, Was, Were] evening,
и бы́ло у́тро день шесто́й.
and [it was, was] morning day sixth.
And God saw everything that he had made,
and behold,
it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning,
the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31 ESV

And God saw every thing that he had made,
it was very good.
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31 KJV
 Genesis 12:10 NRT
10 На земле́ был го́лод,
10 [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [earth, ground, land, world] [be, to be, was, were] hunger,
и Авра́м напра́вился жить в Еги́пет,
and Abram headed live [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
потому́ что го́лод был о́чень силе́н.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] hunger [be, to be, was, were] [greatly, highly, very] [mighty, powerful, strong].
Now there was a famine in the land.
So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there,
for the famine was severe in the land.
Genesis 12:10 ESV

And there was a famine in the land:
and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there;
for the famine was grievous in the land.
Genesis 12:10 KJV
 Genesis 12:14 NRT
14 Когда́ Авра́м пришёл в Еги́пет,
14 When Abram [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] Egypt,
египтя́не уви́дели,
[egyptians, the egyptians] [saw, they saw, you saw],
что Са́ра о́чень красива,
[what, that, why] Sarah [greatly, highly, very] красива,
When Abram entered Egypt,
the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.
Genesis 12:14 ESV

And it came to pass,
when Abram was come into Egypt,
the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.
Genesis 12:14 KJV
 Genesis 13:2 RUSV
2 И был Авра́м о́чень бога́т ското́м,
2 And [be, to be, was, were] Abram [greatly, highly, very] [rich, wealthy] cattle,
и серебром,
and серебром,
и золотом.
and [gold, in gold].
Now Abram was very rich in livestock,
in silver,
and in gold.
Genesis 13:2 ESV

And Abram was very rich in cattle,
in silver,
and in gold.
Genesis 13:2 KJV
 Genesis 17:6 NRT
6 Я сде́лаю тебя́ о́чень плодовитым;
6 I [i will do, i will make] you [greatly, highly, very] плодовитым;
от тебя́ Я произведу́ наро́ды,
from you I [i will produce, make] [crowd, multitude, people],
и от тебя́ произойду́т цари́.
and from you [happen, will happen] kings.
I will make you exceedingly fruitful,
and I will make you into nations,
and kings shall come from you.
Genesis 17:6 ESV

And I will make thee exceeding fruitful,
and I will make nations of thee,
and kings shall come out of thee.
Genesis 17:6 KJV
 Genesis 18:5 NRT
5 а я принесу вам что-нибу́дь пое́сть.
5 [while, and, but] i принесу [to you, ye, you] something eat.
Вы подкрепитесь и продолжите свой путь раз уж вы пришли́ к ва́шему слуге́.
[Ye, You] подкрепитесь and продолжите [mine, my own] [path, the way, way] [once, time] уж [ye, you] came [to, for, by] [your, yours] [servant, to the servant].
О́чень хорошо́,
[Greatly, Highly, Very] [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well],
отве́тили они́.
answered [they, they are].
как говори́шь.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] (you say).
while I bring a morsel of bread,
that you may refresh yourselves,
and after that you may pass on—since you have come to your servant.”
So they said,
“Do as you have said.”
Genesis 18:5 ESV

And I will fetch a morsel of bread,
and comfort ye your hearts;
after that ye shall pass on:
for therefore are ye come to your servant.
And they said,
So do,
as thou hast said.
Genesis 18:5 KJV
 Genesis 19:9 RUSV
9 Но они́ сказа́ли:
9 [But, Yet] [they, they are] [said, say, tell, they said]:
пойди́ сюда́.
go [here, hither].
И сказа́ли:
And [said, say, tell, they said]:
вот пришлец,
[behold, here, there] пришлец,
и хо́чет суди́ть?
and wants [judge, to judge]?
тепе́рь мы ху́же поступим с тобо́ю,
now [we, we are] worse поступим [and, from, in, of, with] [by you, thee, you],
не́жели с ни́ми.
(rather than) [and, from, in, of, with] them.
И о́чень приступали к челове́ку сёму,
And [greatly, highly, very] приступали [to, for, by] (to a person) this,
к Ло́ту,
[to, for, by] Lot,
и подошли́,
and (came up),
что́бы вы́ломать дверь.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [break, break out] door.
But they said,
“Stand back!”
And they said,
“This fellow came to sojourn,
and he has become the judge!
Now we will deal worse with you than with them.”
Then they pressed hard against the man Lot,
and drew near to break the door down.
Genesis 19:9 ESV

And they said,
Stand back.
And they said again,
This one fellow came in to sojourn,
and he will needs be a judge:
now will we deal worse with thee,
than with them.
And they pressed sore upon the man,
even Lot,
and came near to break the door.
Genesis 19:9 KJV
 Genesis 24:16 NRT
16 Она́ была́ о́чень краси́вая де́вушка,
16 [She, She Is] was [greatly, highly, very] beautiful [girl, woman, young woman],
кото́рая ещё не была́ с мужчи́ной.
which [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] was [and, from, in, of, with] man.
Она́ спустилась к исто́чнику,
[She, She Is] спустилась [to, for, by] [source, to the source],
напо́лнила кувши́н и пошла́ обра́тно.
[filled, filled it up] [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] and went back.
The young woman was very attractive in appearance,
a maiden whom no man had known.
She went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up.
Genesis 24:16 ESV

And the damsel was very fair to look upon,
a virgin,
neither had any man known her:
and she went down to the well,
and filled her pitcher,
and came up.
Genesis 24:16 KJV
 Genesis 25:29 NRT
29 Одна́жды,
29 [Once, One Day],
когда́ Иа́ков готовил похлебку,
when [Jacob, James] готовил похлебку,
Иса́в верну́лся с по́ля о́чень голо́дный.
Esau [came back, returned] [and, from, in, of, with] fields [greatly, highly, very] hungry.
Once when Jacob was cooking stew,
Esau came in from the field,
and he was exhausted.
Genesis 25:29 ESV

And Jacob sod pottage:
and Esau came from the field,
and he was faint:
Genesis 25:29 KJV
 Genesis 26:13 NRT
13 он разбогател,
13 he разбогател,
и состоя́ние его́ все росло,
and [condition, state, status] [his, him, it] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] росло,
пока́ он не стал о́чень бога́тым.
[bye, while] he [never, not] became [greatly, highly, very] [affluent, rich, riches, wealth, wealthy].
and the man became rich,
and gained more and more until he became very wealthy.
Genesis 26:13 ESV

And the man waxed great,
and went forward,
and grew until he became very great:
Genesis 26:13 KJV
 Genesis 32:7 RUSV
7 Иа́ков о́чень испуга́лся и смути́лся;
7 [Jacob, James] [greatly, highly, very] scared and [confused, troubled];
и раздели́л люде́й,
and divided [human, of people, people],
бы́вших с ним,
former [and, from, in, of, with] him,
и скот ме́лкий и кру́пный и верблю́дов на два стана.
and [cattle, livestock] small and large and camels [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] two стана.
Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed.
He divided the people who were with him,
and the flocks and herds and camels,
into two camps,
Genesis 32:7 ESV

Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed:
and he divided the people that was with him,
and the flocks,
and herds,
and the camels,
into two bands;
Genesis 32:7 KJV
 Genesis 34:19 NRT
19 Молодо́й челове́к без промедле́ния испо́лнил то,
19 Young [man, human, person] without [procrastination, delay] [executed, performed] that,
что они́ сказа́ли,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [said, say, tell, they said],
потому́ что о́чень люби́л дочь Иа́кова а он,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [greatly, highly, very] [i loved, loved] daughter [Jacob, James] [while, and, but] he,
был са́мым уважаемым в до́ме своего́ отца́.
[be, to be, was, were] (by the most) уважаемым [at, in, of, on] [home, house] [his, yours] [father, the father].
And the young man did not delay to do the thing,
because he delighted in Jacob's daughter.
Now he was the most honored of all his father's house.
Genesis 34:19 ESV

And the young man deferred not to do the thing,
because he had delight in Jacob's daughter:
and he was more honorable than all the house of his father.
Genesis 34:19 KJV
 Genesis 35:16 NRT
16 Они́ покинули Вефиль и бы́ли уже́ недалеко́ от Ефрафы,
16 [They, They Are] покинули Bethel and [been, has been, were] already near from Ephrath,
когда́ Рахи́ль начала рожать,
when Rachel [beginning, beginnings] рожать,
и ро́ды бы́ли о́чень тру́дные.
and [birth, childbirth] [been, has been, were] [greatly, highly, very] [difficult, difficult ones].
Then they journeyed from Bethel.
When they were still some distance from Ephrath,
Rachel went into labor,
and she had hard labor.
Genesis 35:16 ESV

And they journeyed from Bethel;
and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath:
and Rachel travailed,
and she had hard labor.
Genesis 35:16 KJV
 Genesis 41:19 RUSV
19 но вот,
19 [but, yet] [behold, here, there],
по́сле них вы́шли семь коро́в други́х,
[after, beyond] [them, they] [came out, exited, gone, gone out, went] seven cows other,
[skinny, thin],
о́чень дурных ви́дом и тощих пло́тью:
[greatly, highly, very] дурных [appearance, countenance, view] and [lean, skinny, thin] flesh:
я не видывал во всей земле́ Еги́петской таки́х худы́х,
i [never, not] видывал in [all, the whole, whole] [earth, ground, land, world] Egyptian such [skinny, thin],
как они́;
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [they, they are];
Seven other cows came up after them,
poor and very ugly and thin,
such as I had never seen in all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:19 ESV

seven other kine came up after them,
poor and very ill favored and leanfleshed,
such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness:
Genesis 41:19 KJV
 Genesis 41:31 RUSV
31 и неприметно бу́дет пре́жнее изоби́лие на земле́,
31 and неприметно [will be, would be] [former, previous, the former] abundance [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world],
по причи́не го́лода,
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [cause, reason] [famine, hunger, starvation],
кото́рый после́дует,
[which, which the, who] (will follow),
и́бо он бу́дет о́чень тяжел.
[for, because] he [will be, would be] [greatly, highly, very] тяжел.
and the plenty will be unknown in the land by reason of the famine that will follow,
for it will be very severe.
Genesis 41:31 ESV

And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following;
for it shall be very grievous.
Genesis 41:31 KJV
 Matthew 2:10 NRT
10 Уви́дев звезду́,
10 [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] [a star, star],
мудрецы́ о́чень си́льно обра́довались.
[sages, wise men] [greatly, highly, very] [exceeding, strongly] rejoiced.
When they saw the star,
they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
Matthew 2:10 ESV

When they saw the star,
they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:10 KJV
 Matthew 4:8 NRT
8 Тогда́ дья́вол привёл Его́ на о́чень высо́кую го́ру и показа́л Ему́ все ца́рства ми́ра во всем их блеске.
8 Then devil [brought, took] [His, Him, It] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [greatly, highly, very] high mountain and [shewed, showed, shown] [Him, It, To Him] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] kingdoms [of the world, peace, world] in [everyone, to everyone] [them, their] блеске.
the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
Matthew 4:8 ESV

the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain,
and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world,
and the glory of them;
Matthew 4:8 KJV
 Matthew 14:26 NRT
26 Но ученики́,
26 [But, Yet] [students, disciples],
уви́дев Его́ иду́щим по воде́,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] [His, Him, It] [going, walking] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] water,
о́чень испуга́лись.
[greatly, highly, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled].
Э́то при́зрак!
[That, This, It] [ghost, spook]!
закрича́ли они́ от стра́ха.
[screamed, shouted, they screamed, voices] [they, they are] from fear.
But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea,
they were terrified,
and said,
“It is a ghost!”
and they cried out in fear.
Matthew 14:26 ESV

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea,
they were troubled,
It is a spirit;
and they cried out for fear.
Matthew 14:26 KJV
 Matthew 17:6 RUSV
6 И,
6 And,
[having heard, heard, hearing],
ученики́ па́ли на лица свои́ и о́чень испуга́лись.
[students, disciples] fell [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] faces their and [greatly, highly, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled].
When the disciples heard this,
they fell on their faces and were terrified.
Matthew 17:6 ESV

And when the disciples heard it,
they fell on their face,
and were sore afraid.
Matthew 17:6 KJV
 Matthew 18:31 RUSV
31 Това́рищи его́,
31 [Comrades, Partners] [his, him, it],
видев происше́дшее,
[having seen, seeing, seen] (what happened),
о́чень огорчи́лись и,
[greatly, highly, very] [are you upset, upset, were upset] and,
[came, coming],
рассказа́ли государю своему́ все бы́вшее.
[they told me, told] государю [to his, your own] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [former, the former].
When his fellow servants saw what had taken place,
they were greatly distressed,
and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place.
Matthew 18:31 ESV

So when his fellowservants saw what was done,
they were very sorry,
and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
Matthew 18:31 KJV
 Matthew 25:25 NRT
25 Я о́чень боя́лся и поэ́тому пошёл и спрятал твой тала́нт в зе́млю.
25 I [greatly, highly, very] [fear, feared, i was afraid] and [that is why, therefore, wherefore] [gone, went] and спрятал your talent [at, in, of, on] [earth, land].
Вот то,
[Behold, Here, There] that,
что тебе́ принадлежи́т».
[what, that, why] [thee, you] belongs».
so I was afraid,
and I went and hid your talent in the ground.
you have what is yours.’ Matthew 25:25 ESV

And I was afraid,
and went and hid thy talent in the earth:
there thou hast that is thine.
Matthew 25:25 KJV
 Matthew 26:7 NRT
7 И когда́ Он возлежа́л за столо́м,
7 And when He [reclined, reclining, sat] [after, around, at, behind, over] table,
к Нему́ подошла́ же́нщина с алеба́стровым кувши́ном,
[to, for, by] [Him, His] (came up) woman [and, from, in, of, with] alabaster [box, flask, jug, with a jug],
в ко́тором бы́ло о́чень дорого́е аромати́ческое ма́сло,
[at, in, of, on] [that, which] [it was, was] [greatly, highly, very] [costly, expensive] [aromatic, fragrant] [oil, ointment],
и возлила́ э́то ма́сло Ему́ на го́лову.
and [i poured it out, poured] [that, this, it] [oil, ointment] [Him, It, To Him] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] head.
a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment,
and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table.
Matthew 26:7 ESV

There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment,
and poured it on his head,
as he sat at meat.
Matthew 26:7 KJV
 Matthew 27:54 NRT
54 Со́тник и те,
54 Centurion and those,
кто вме́сте с ним стерегли́ Иису́са,
who together [and, from, in, of, with] him guarded Jesus,
уви́дев землетрясе́ние и все,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] earthquake and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что произошло́,
[what, that, why] happened,
о́чень испуга́лись и сказа́ли:
[greatly, highly, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled] and [said, say, tell, they said]:
Он действи́тельно был Сы́ном Бо́га!
He [really, truly, indeed] [be, to be, was, were] Son God!
When the centurion and those who were with him,
keeping watch over Jesus,
saw the earthquake and what took place,
they were filled with awe and said,
“Truly this was the Son of God!”
Matthew 27:54 ESV

Now when the centurion,
and they that were with him,
watching Jesus,
saw the earthquake,
and those things that were done,
they feared greatly,
Truly this was the Son of God.
Matthew 27:54 KJV
 Matthew 28:8 NRT
8 Же́нщины ушли́ от гробни́цы испу́ганные,
8 Women [escaped, gone, went away] from [sepulchre, sepulchres, tomb, tombs] [afraid, frightened, scared],
но в то же вре́мя о́чень обрадованные.
[but, yet] [at, in, of, on] that [but, same, then] [hour, time] [greatly, highly, very] обрадованные.
Они́ побежа́ли,
[They, They Are] [fled, let us run, ran, run, they ran],
что́бы поскорее рассказа́ть обо́ всем ученика́м Иису́са.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] поскорее [describe, explain, tell, to tell] about [everyone, to everyone] [for students, disciples] Jesus.
So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy,
and ran to tell his disciples.
Matthew 28:8 ESV

And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy;
and did run to bring his disciples word.
Matthew 28:8 KJV
 Mark 2:12 NRT
12 Больно́й тут же,
12 Sick here [but, same, then],
на глаза́х у всех,
[at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] eyes [at, by, with, of] [all, everyone],
[get up, got up],
взял цино́вку и вы́шел.
took [a mat, bed, mat] and [came, came out].
Э́то о́чень изумило всех,
[That, This, It] [greatly, highly, very] изумило [all, everyone],
и лю́ди сла́вили Бо́га,
and people [glorified, praised] God,
[saying, talking]:
Тако́го мы никогда́ ещё не ви́дели!
[Such, This] [we, we are] never [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [have you seen, seen]!
And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all,
so that they were all amazed and glorified God,
“We never saw anything like this!”
Mark 2:12 ESV

And immediately he arose,
took up the bed,
and went forth before them all;
insomuch that they were all amazed,
and glorified God,
We never saw it on this fashion.
Mark 2:12 KJV
 Mark 12:40 NRT
40 Они́ разоря́ют дома вдов и напока́з до́лго мо́лятся.
40 [They, They Are] [ruin, ruined] houses widows and [for show, on display] [for a long time, long, time] [pray, they pray].
Таки́х ждёт о́чень суро́вое наказа́ние.
Such waiting [greatly, highly, very] severe punishment.
who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers.
They will receive the greater condemnation.”
Mark 12:40 ESV

Which devour widows' houses,
and for a pretence make long prayers:
these shall receive greater damnation.
Mark 12:40 KJV
 Mark 14:3 NRT
3 Иису́с в э́то вре́мя был в Вифа́нии,
3 Jesus [at, in, of, on] [that, this, it] [hour, time] [be, to be, was, were] [at, in, of, on] [Bethabara, Bethany],
в до́ме Симона прокажённого.
[at, in, of, on] [home, house] Simon [leper, the leper].
Он возлежа́л за столо́м,
He [reclined, reclining, sat] [after, around, at, behind, over] table,
когда́ в дом вошла́ же́нщина с алеба́стровым кувши́ном о́чень дорого́го аромати́ческого масла,
when [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [came in, entered, get in, go in, walk in] woman [and, from, in, of, with] alabaster [box, flask, jug, with a jug] [greatly, highly, very] [dear, expensive] aromatic [oil, oils],
пригото́вленного из чи́стого на́рда.
cooked [from, in, of, out] [pure, clean] [nard, spikenard].
Отби́в запеча́танное го́рлышко,
[Beating Off, Bouncing] sealed [neck, the neck],
она́ вы́лила ма́сло на го́лову Иису́су.
[she, she is] (poured out) [oil, ointment] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] head Jesus.
And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,
as he was reclining at table,
a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard,
very costly,
and she broke the flask and poured it over his head.
Mark 14:3 ESV

And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,
as he sat at meat,
there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious;
and she brake the box,
and poured it on his head.
Mark 14:3 KJV
 Mark 16:4 NRT
4 Но когда́ они́ пришли́,
4 [But, Yet] when [they, they are] came,
то уви́дели,
that [saw, they saw, you saw],
что ка́мень уже́ отва́лен,
[what, that, why] [rock, stone] already [rolled off, dropped off, push off, cast off, taken away],
а он был о́чень большим.
[while, and, but] he [be, to be, was, were] [greatly, highly, very] [big, huge, large].
And looking up,
they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large.
Mark 16:4 ESV

And when they looked,
they saw that the stone was rolled away:
for it was very great.
Mark 16:4 KJV
 Luke 1:29 NRT
29 Мари́ю э́ти слова о́чень удиви́ли,
29 [Maria, Mary] these [speech, the words, word, words] [greatly, highly, very] [astonished, surprised, troubled],
и она́ размышля́ла,
and [she, she is] [contemplate, discern, i was thinking, meditate, pondered, pondering],
что бы зна́чило тако́е приве́тствие.
[what, that, why] would [imply, mean, meant, signify] such [greeting, greetings, salutation].
But she was greatly troubled at the saying,
and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be.
Luke 1:29 ESV

And when she saw him,
she was troubled at his saying,
and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
Luke 1:29 KJV
 Luke 2:9 NRT
9 Вдруг пе́ред ни́ми предста́л а́нгел Господа,
9 [All Of A Sudden, Suddenly] before them appeared angel Lord,
окружённый сия́нием Госпо́дней сла́вы.
surrounded [radiance, with radiance] Lord's glory.
Пастухи́ о́чень испуга́лись,
Shepherds [greatly, highly, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled],
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them,
and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were filled with great fear.
Luke 2:9 ESV

the angel of the Lord came upon them,
and the glory of the Lord shone round about them:
and they were sore afraid.
Luke 2:9 KJV
 Luke 7:2 NRT
2 Там у одного́ со́тника был бо́лен и лежа́л при сме́рти слуга́.
2 There [at, by, with, of] one centurion [be, to be, was, were] [ill, is sick, sick] and [lay, lying] [at, in] [death, of death] servant.
Со́тник о́чень дорожи́л э́тим свои́м слуго́й,
Centurion [greatly, highly, very] [appreciated, cherished, treasured, valued] this [his, mine, your] [a servant, servant],
Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death,
who was highly valued by him.
Luke 7:2 ESV

And a certain centurion's servant,
who was dear unto him,
was sick,
and ready to die.
Luke 7:2 KJV
 Luke 7:37 NRT
37 В э́то вре́мя одна́ же́нщина из э́того города,
37 [At, In, Of, On] [that, this, it] [hour, time] one woman [from, in, of, out] this [cities, city, town, towns],
кото́рая была́ изве́стна как гре́шница,
which was [famous, known] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] sinner,
[having found out, having learned, learned, perceived],
что Иису́с обе́дает в до́ме фарисе́я,
[what, that, why] Jesus (having lunch) [at, in, of, on] [home, house] [pharisee, the pharisee],
принесла́ туда́ алеба́стровый кувши́н,
[brought, i brought it] there alabaster [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel],
в ко́тором бы́ло о́чень дорого́е аромати́ческое ма́сло.
[at, in, of, on] [that, which] [it was, was] [greatly, highly, very] [costly, expensive] [aromatic, fragrant] [oil, ointment].
And behold,
a woman of the city,
who was a sinner,
when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee's house,
brought an alabaster flask of ointment,
Luke 7:37 ESV

a woman in the city,
which was a sinner,
when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house,
brought an alabaster box of ointment,
Luke 7:37 KJV
 Luke 9:34 NRT
34 Когда́ он ещё говори́л,
34 When he [again, also, another, even, further, more] spoke,
показа́лось о́блако и накры́ло их.
(it seemed) cloud and covered [them, their].
Оказа́вшись в о́блаке,
[Being, Finding Yourself] [at, in, of, on] [cloud, the cloud],
они́ о́чень испуга́лись.
[they, they are] [greatly, highly, very] [afraid, fearful, scared, they were scared, troubled].
As he was saying these things,
a cloud came and overshadowed them,
and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.
Luke 9:34 ESV

While he thus spake,
there came a cloud,
and overshadowed them:
and they feared as they entered into the cloud.
Luke 9:34 KJV
 Luke 18:23 NRT
23 Когда́ нача́льник услы́шал э́то,
23 When [boss, supervisor] heard [that, this, it],
он опеча́лился,
he [grieved, saddened],
потому́ что был о́чень бога́т.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [be, to be, was, were] [greatly, highly, very] [rich, wealthy].
But when he heard these things,
he became very sad,
for he was extremely rich.
Luke 18:23 ESV

And when he heard this,
he was very sorrowful:
for he was very rich.
Luke 18:23 KJV
 Luke 18:23 RUSV
23 Он же,
23 He [but, same, then],
услы́шав сие́,
[having heard, heard, hearing] this,
[grieved, saddened],
потому́ что был о́чень бога́т.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [be, to be, was, were] [greatly, highly, very] [rich, wealthy].
But when he heard these things,
he became very sad,
for he was extremely rich.
Luke 18:23 ESV

And when he heard this,
he was very sorrowful:
for he was very rich.
Luke 18:23 KJV
 Luke 20:47 NRT
47 Они́ разоря́ют дома вдов и напока́з до́лго мо́лятся.
47 [They, They Are] [ruin, ruined] houses widows and [for show, on display] [for a long time, long, time] [pray, they pray].
Таки́х ждёт о́чень суро́вое наказа́ние.
Such waiting [greatly, highly, very] severe punishment.
who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers.
They will receive the greater condemnation.”
Luke 20:47 ESV

Which devour widows' houses,
and for a shew make long prayers:
the same shall receive greater damnation.
Luke 20:47 KJV
 Luke 22:15 NRT
15 Иису́с сказа́л им:
15 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Я о́чень хоте́л есть э́ту Па́сху с ва́ми пе́ред Мои́ми страда́ниями.
I [greatly, highly, very] [he wanted, wanted] [there are, there is] this [Easter, Passover] [and, from, in, of, with] you before [Mine, My] [suffer, suffering].
And he said to them,
“I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Luke 22:15 ESV

And he said unto them,
With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:
Luke 22:15 KJV
 Luke 22:15 RUSV
15 и сказа́л им:
15 and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
о́чень жела́л Я есть с ва́ми сию́ па́сху пре́жде Моего́ страда́ния,
[greatly, highly, very] [desired, wanted, wished] I [there are, there is] [and, from, in, of, with] you this [easter, passover] before My [suffer, suffering],
And he said to them,
“I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Luke 22:15 ESV

And he said unto them,
With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:
Luke 22:15 KJV
 Luke 23:8 NRT
8 И́род,
8 Herod,
уви́дев Иису́са,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] Jesus,
о́чень обра́довался,
[greatly, highly, very] [delighted, happy, i was delighted, i was happy],
потому́ что уже́ давно́ хоте́л Его́ уви́деть.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] already [for a long time, long ago] [he wanted, wanted] [His, Him, It] see.
Он мно́го слы́шал об Иису́се и наде́ялся,
He [a lot of, many] heard about Jesus and hoped,
что Тот соверши́т для него́ како́е-нибу́дь чу́до.
[what, that, why] That (will commit) for him [any, some kind of] [miracle, sign].
When Herod saw Jesus,
he was very glad,
for he had long desired to see him,
because he had heard about him,
and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.
Luke 23:8 ESV

And when Herod saw Jesus,
he was exceeding glad:
for he was desirous to see him of a long season,
because he had heard many things of him;
and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Luke 23:8 KJV
 Luke 23:8 RUSV
8 И́род,
8 Herod,
уви́дев Иису́са,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] Jesus,
о́чень обра́довался,
[greatly, highly, very] [delighted, happy, i was delighted, i was happy],
и́бо давно́ жела́л ви́деть Его́,
[for, because] [for a long time, long ago] [desired, wanted, wished] [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness] [His, Him, It],
потому́ что мно́го слы́шал о Нем,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [a lot of, many] heard about [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless],
и наде́ялся уви́деть от Него́ како́е-нибу́дь чу́до,
and hoped see from Him [any, some kind of] [miracle, sign],
When Herod saw Jesus,
he was very glad,
for he had long desired to see him,
because he had heard about him,
and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.
Luke 23:8 ESV

And when Herod saw Jesus,
he was exceeding glad:
for he was desirous to see him of a long season,
because he had heard many things of him;
and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Luke 23:8 KJV
 Luke 24:1 RUSV
1 В пе́рвый же день неде́ли,
1 [At, In, Of, On] [first, the first] [but, same, then] day [week, weeks],
о́чень ра́но,
[greatly, highly, very] early,
неся́ пригото́вленные арома́ты,
carrying [cooked, prepared] [flavors, fragrances, smell],
пришли́ они́ ко гробу,
came [they, they are] to [casket, coffin, grave, sepulchre, tomb],
и вме́сте с ни́ми не́которые други́е;
and together [and, from, in, of, with] them some [other, others];
But on the first day of the week,
at early dawn,
they went to the tomb,
taking the spices they had prepared.
Luke 24:1 ESV

Now upon the first day of the week,
very early in the morning,
they came unto the sepulchre,
bringing the spices which they had prepared,
and certain others with them.
Luke 24:1 KJV
 John 12:3 NRT
3 Мари́я в э́то вре́мя взяла́ кувши́н чи́стого на́рдового масла,
3 [Maria, Mary] [at, in, of, on] [that, this, it] [hour, time] [taken, took] [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] [pure, clean] [nard, spikenard, anointing] [oil, oils],
кото́рое сто́ило о́чень до́рого,
which [cost, it was worth it] [greatly, highly, very] expensive,
и вы́лила его́ на ноги Иису́су.
and (poured out) [his, him, it] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [legs, feet] Jesus.
Пото́м она́ ста́ла вытира́ть Его́ ноги свои́ми волоса́ми.
[Then, Later] [she, she is] became wipe [His, Him, It] [legs, feet] (with their own) hair.
Весь дом напо́лнился арома́том масла.
[All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] [dwelling, home, house] (filled up) [aroma, fragrance] [oil, oils].
Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard,
and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.
The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
John 12:3 ESV

Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard,
very costly,
and anointed the feet of Jesus,
and wiped his feet with her hair:
and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
John 12:3 KJV
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