Bible  Genesis 41:1-57 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 По проше́ствии двух лет фарао́ну сни́лось: вот, он стоит у реки;
pah prah-SHEST-vee-ee dvoohh let fah-rah-AW-noo SNEE-lahs vot ohn STAW-eet oo REH-kee
1 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [After The, Procession, The Procession] Two Years [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] [Dream, Dreamed, I Dreamed] [Behold, Here, There] He [Costs, Is Worth, Stand, Standing, Stood, Worth] [At, By, With, Of] Rivers
2 и вот, вы́шли из реки семь коро́в,
ee vot VISH-lee ees REH-kee sem kah-ROF
2 And [Behold, Here, There] [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [From, In, Of, Out] Rivers Seven Cows
хоро́ших ви́дом и ту́чных пло́тью, и паслись в тростнике;
hhah-RAW-sheehh VEE-dahm ee TOOCH-nihh PLOT-yoo ee (v)-
[Good, Good Ones] [Appearance, Countenance, View] And [Obese, Overweight] Flesh And [At, In, Of, On]
3 но вот, по́сле них вы́шли из реки семь коро́в други́х, худы́х
noh vot POS-lee neekh VISH-lee ees REH-kee sem kah-ROF droo-GHEEHH hhoo-DIHH
3 [But, Yet] [Behold, Here, There] [After, Beyond] [Them, They] [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [From, In, Of, Out] Rivers Seven Cows Other [Skinny, Thin]
ви́дом и тощих пло́тью, и ста́ли подле тех коро́в, на берегу реки;
VEE-dahm ee TAW-shheehh
PLOT-yoo ee STAH-lee tehh kah-ROF nuh BEH-ree-goo
[Appearance, Countenance, View] And [Lean, Skinny, Thin] Flesh And [Be, Become, Get] Those Cows [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Coast, Shore] Rivers
4 и съе́ли коро́вы худы́е ви́дом и тощие пло́тью
ee SYEH-lee kah-RAW-vih hhoo-DIH-ee VEE-dahm ee TAW-shhee-ee
4 And [Ate, Eaten, They Ate It] Cows [Bad, Evil, Skinny, Thin] [Appearance, Countenance, View] And Skinny Flesh
семь коро́в хоро́ших ви́дом и ту́чных. И просну́лся фарао́н,
sem kah-ROF hhah-RAW-sheehh VEE-dahm ee TOOCH-nihh ee prahs-NOOL-syah fah-rah-ON
Seven Cows [Good, Good Ones] [Appearance, Countenance, View] And [Obese, Overweight.] And [Awoke, Woke, Woke Up] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh]
5 и засну́л опя́ть, и сни́лось ему́ в друго́й раз:
ee zahs-NOOL ah-PYAHT ee SNEE-lahs yee-MOO (v)- droo-GOY
5 And [Asleep, I Fell Asleep] Again And [Dream, Dreamed, I Dreamed] [Him, It, To Him] [At, In, Of, On] Another [Once, Time]
вот, на одно́м стебле подня́лось семь колосьев ту́чных и хоро́ших;
vot nuh ahd-NOM pahd-NYAH-lahs sem kaw-los-yef TOOCH-nihh ee hhah-RAW-sheehh
[Behold, Here, There] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Alone, One, Some] [Arose, It Has Risen, Risen, Rose] Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Obese, Overweight] And [Good, Good Ones]
6 но вот, по́сле них вы́росло семь колосьев тощих и иссу́шенных восто́чным ве́тром;
noh vot POS-lee neekh VIH-rahs-lah sem kaw-los-yef TAW-shheehh
ee ees-SOO-sheen-nihh vahs-TOCH-nim VET-rahm
6 [But, Yet] [Behold, Here, There] [After, Beyond] [Them, They] [Grew Up, Has Grown] Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Lean, Skinny, Thin] And [Dried Up, Withered] [East, Eastern] (Blown By The Wind)
7 и пожрали тощие колосья семь колосьев ту́чных и
ee TAW-shhee-ee
kaw-los-yah sem kaw-los-yef TOOCH-nihh ee
7 And Skinny [Corn, Ears Of Corn] Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Obese, Overweight] And
по́лных. И просну́лся фарао́н и [по́нял, что] э́то сон.
POL-nihh ee prahs-NOOL-syah fah-rah-ON ee PAW-neel shtoh EH-tuh son
[Complete, Full.] And [Awoke, Woke, Woke Up] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] And [Known, Understood] [What, That, Why] [That, This, It] [Dream, Sleep.]
8 У́тром смути́лся дух его́, и посла́л он, и призва́л всех волхво́в Еги́пта и всех мудрецо́в
OOT-rahm smoo-TEEL-syah doohh yeh-VOAH ee pahs-LAHL ohn ee preez-VAHL vsehh vahlhh-VOF yee-GHEEP-tah ee vsehh mood-ree-TSOF
8 [In The Morning, Morning] [Confused, Troubled] Spirit [His, Him, It] And Sent He And [Called, Urged] [All, Everyone] [Magi, The Magi, Wise Men] Egypt And [All, Everyone] [Sages, Wise, Wise Men]
его́, и рассказа́л им фарао́н сон свой; но не бы́ло никого́, кто бы истолкова́л его́ фарао́ну.
yeh-VOAH ee rahss-kah-ZAHL eem fah-rah-ON son svoy noh nyeh BIH-lah nee-kah-VAU ktoh bih ees-tahl-kah-VAHL yeh-VOAH fah-rah-AW-noo
[His, Him, It] And [He Told Me, Told] [It, Them] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Dream, Sleep] [Mine, My Own] [But, Yet] [Never, Not] [It Was, Was] [No One, Nobody, None] Who Would [Interpret, Interpretation, Interpreted] [His, Him, It] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh.]
9 И стал говори́ть гла́вный виноче́рпий фарао́ну
ee stahl gah-vah-REET GLAHV-niy vee-nah-CHER-piy fah-rah-AW-noo
9 And Became [To Speak, To Talk] [Main, Major, Primary] [Butler, Cupbearer, The Cupbearer] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh]
и сказа́л: грехи́ мои́ вспоминаю я ны́не;
ee skuh-ZAHL gree-HHEE mah-EE yah NIH-nee
And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Sins My I [Currently, Now]
10 фарао́н прогневался на рабо́в свои́х и отда́л меня́
fah-rah-ON nuh rah-BOF svah-EEHH ee aht-DAHL mee-NYAH
10 [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Servant, Servants, Slaves] Their And Gave [I, Me, Self]
и гла́вного хлебода́ра под стра́жу в дом нача́льника телохрани́телей;
ee GLAHV-nah-vah hhlee-bah-DAH-rah pot STRAH-joo (v)- dom nah-CHAHL-nee-kah tee-lahh-rah-NEE-tee-liy
And [Chief, Main, The Main One] [Baker, Bakers, Bakery] [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [Guard, Watch] [At, In, Of, On] [Dwelling, Home, House] [Chief, The Boss] [Bodyguards, Guard]
11 и сни́лся нам сон в одну́ ночь,
ee SNEEL-syah nahm son (v)- ahd-NOO noch
11 And [Dreamed, I Dreamed About It] [To Us, Us] [Dream, Sleep] [At, In, Of, On] [Alone, One] Night
мне и ему́, ка́ждому сни́лся сон осо́бенного значе́ния;
mneh ee yee-MOO KAHJ-dah-moo SNEEL-syah son ah-SAW-been-nah-vah znah-CHEH-nee-yah
[Me, To Me] And [Him, It, To Him] [Any One, Each, To Each] [Dreamed, I Dreamed About It] [Dream, Sleep] Special Values
12 там же был с на́ми молодо́й Евре́й, раб нача́льника телохрани́телей; мы
tahm zheh bihl (s)- NAH-mee mah-lah-DOY yeev-RAY rahp nah-CHAHL-nee-kah tee-lahh-rah-NEE-tee-liy mih
12 There [But, Same, Then] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [And, From, In, Of, With] [Us, We] Young [Hebrew, Jew] [A Slave, Servant, Slave] [Chief, The Boss] [Bodyguards, Guard] [We, We Are]
рассказа́ли ему́ сны на́ши, и он истолкова́л нам ка́ждому соответственно с его́ сновидением;
rahss-kah-ZAH-lee yee-MOO snih NAH-shee ee ohn ees-tahl-kah-VAHL nahm KAHJ-dah-moo (s)- yeh-VOAH
[They Told Me, Told] [Him, It, To Him] Dreams Our And He [Interpret, Interpretation, Interpreted] [To Us, Us] [Any One, Each, To Each] [And, From, In, Of, With] [His, Him, It]
13 и как он истолкова́л нам, так и
ee kahk ohn ees-tahl-kah-VAHL nahm tahk ee
13 And [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] He [Interpret, Interpretation, Interpreted] [To Us, Us] So And
сбылось: я возвращен на ме́сто моё, а тот повешен.
SBIH-lahs yah nuh MES-tah mah-YAW ah tot
[Came True, It Came True] I [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Place My [While, And, But] That .
14 И посла́л фарао́н и позва́л Ио́сифа. И поспе́шно вы́вели его́
ee pahs-LAHL fah-rah-ON ee pahz-VAHL ee-AW-see-fah ee pahs-PESH-nah VIH-vee-lee yeh-VOAH
14 And Sent [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] And Called Joseph. And [Haste, Hastily, Hurried, Quickly] [Cast, They Brought It Out, They Took Me Out, Threw] [His, Him, It]
из темни́цы. Он остригся и переменил оде́жду свою́ и пришёл к фарао́ну.
ees teem-NEE-tsih ohn ee ah-DEJ-doo svah-YOO ee pree-SHOL k fah-rah-AW-noo
[From, In, Of, Out] Dungeons. He And Clothes [Its, My, Thy, Your] And [Arrive, Came, Come] [To, For, By] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh.]
15 Фарао́н сказа́л Ио́сифу: мне сни́лся сон, и нет никого́, кто бы
fah-rah-ON skuh-ZAHL ee-AW-see-foo mneh SNEEL-syah son ee net nee-kah-VAU ktoh bih
15 [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Joseph [Me, To Me] [Dreamed, I Dreamed About It] [Dream, Sleep] And [No, Not] [No One, Nobody, None] Who Would
истолкова́л его́, а о тебе́ я слы́шал, что ты умеешь толковать сны.
ees-tahl-kah-VAHL yeh-VOAH ah oah tee-BEH yah SLIH-sheel shtoh tih snih
[Interpret, Interpretation, Interpreted] [His, Him, It] [While, And, But] About [Thee, You] I Heard [What, That, Why] You Dreams.
16 И отвеча́л Ио́сиф фарао́ну, говоря́: э́то
ee aht-vee-CHAHL ee-AW-seef fah-rah-AW-noo gah-vah-RYAH EH-tuh
16 And Answered Joseph [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] [Saying, Talking] [That, This, It]
не моё; Бог даст отве́т во бла́го фарао́ну.
nyeh mah-YAW bohh dahst aht-VET voh BLAH-gah fah-rah-AW-noo
[Never, Not] My God [Give, Shall Give, Will Give] Answer In [Benefit, Blessing, Good, The Benefit] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh.]
17 И сказа́л фарао́н Ио́сифу: мне сни́лось: вот, стою я на берегу реки;
ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON ee-AW-see-foo mneh SNEE-lahs vot STAW-yoo
yah nuh BEH-ree-goo
17 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Joseph [Me, To Me] [Dream, Dreamed, I Dreamed] [Behold, Here, There] [I Am Standing, Stand, Standing] I [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Coast, Shore] Rivers
18 и вот, вы́шли из реки семь коро́в
ee vot VISH-lee ees REH-kee sem kah-ROF
18 And [Behold, Here, There] [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [From, In, Of, Out] Rivers Seven Cows
ту́чных пло́тью и хоро́ших ви́дом и паслись в тростнике;
TOOCH-nihh PLOT-yoo ee hhah-RAW-sheehh VEE-dahm ee (v)-
[Obese, Overweight] Flesh And [Good, Good Ones] [Appearance, Countenance, View] And [At, In, Of, On]
19 но вот, по́сле них вы́шли семь коро́в други́х, худы́х, о́чень дурных ви́дом
noh vot POS-lee neekh VISH-lee sem kah-ROF droo-GHEEHH hhoo-DIHH AW-cheen VEE-dahm
19 [But, Yet] [Behold, Here, There] [After, Beyond] [Them, They] [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] Seven Cows Other [Skinny, Thin] [Greatly, Highly, Very] [Appearance, Countenance, View]
и тощих пло́тью: я не видывал во всей земле́ Еги́петской таки́х худы́х, как они́;
ee TAW-shheehh
PLOT-yoo yah nyeh voh vsay zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski tah-KEEHH hhoo-DIHH kahk ah-NEE
And [Lean, Skinny, Thin] Flesh I [Never, Not] In [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian Such [Skinny, Thin] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [They, They Are]
20 и съе́ли тощие и худы́е коро́вы пре́жних семь коро́в ту́чных;
ee SYEH-lee TAW-shhee-ee
ee hhoo-DIH-ee kah-RAW-vih PREJ-neehh sem kah-ROF TOOCH-nihh
20 And [Ate, Eaten, They Ate It] Skinny And [Bad, Evil, Skinny, Thin] Cows [Past, Previous, The Former] Seven Cows [Obese, Overweight]
21 и вошли́ [тучные] в утро́бу их, но не приметно бы́ло, что они́ вошли́
ee vahsh-LEE (v)- oot-RAW-boo eehh noh nyeh BIH-lah shtoh ah-NEE vahsh-LEE
21 And [Entered, They Entered] [At, In, Of, On] [The Womb, Womb] [Them, Their] [But, Yet] [Never, Not] [It Was, Was] [What, That, Why] [They, They Are] [Entered, They Entered]
в утро́бу их: они́ бы́ли так же худы ви́дом, как и снача́ла. И я просну́лся.
(v)- oot-RAW-boo eehh ah-NEE BIH-lee tahk zheh VEE-dahm kahk ee snah-CHAH-lah ee yah prahs-NOOL-syah
[At, In, Of, On] [The Womb, Womb] [Them, Their] [They, They Are] [Been, Has Been, Were] So [But, Same, Then] [Appearance, Countenance, View] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] And First. And I [Awoke, Woke, Woke Up.]
22 [Пото́м] сни́лось мне: вот, на одно́м
pah-TOM SNEE-lahs mneh vot nuh ahd-NOM
22 [Then, Later] [Dream, Dreamed, I Dreamed] [Me, To Me] [Behold, Here, There] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Alone, One, Some]
стебле подня́лись семь колосьев по́лных и хоро́ших;
pahd-NYAH-lees sem kaw-los-yef POL-nihh ee hhah-RAW-sheehh
[Got Up, Rose] Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Complete, Full] And [Good, Good Ones]
23 но вот, по́сле них вы́росло семь
noh vot POS-lee neekh VIH-rahs-lah sem
23 [But, Yet] [Behold, Here, There] [After, Beyond] [Them, They] [Grew Up, Has Grown] Seven
колосьев тонких, тощих и иссу́шенных восто́чным ве́тром;
kaw-los-yef TAW-shheehh
ee ees-SOO-sheen-nihh vahs-TOCH-nim VET-rahm
[Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Lean, Skinny, Thin] And [Dried Up, Withered] [East, Eastern] (Blown By The Wind)
24 и пожрали тощие колосья семь колосьев хоро́ших.
ee TAW-shhee-ee
kaw-los-yah sem kaw-los-yef hhah-RAW-sheehh
24 And Skinny [Corn, Ears Of Corn] Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Good, Good Ones.]
Я рассказа́л э́то волхвам, но никто́ не изъяснил мне.
yah rahss-kah-ZAHL EH-tuh noh neek-TAW nyeh mneh
I [He Told Me, Told] [That, This, It] [But, Yet] [No One, Nobody] [Never, Not] [Me, To Me.]
25 И сказа́л Ио́сиф фарао́ну: сон фарао́нов
ee skuh-ZAHL ee-AW-seef fah-rah-AW-noo son fah-rah-AW-nahf
25 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Joseph [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] [Dream, Sleep] [Pharaohs, The Pharaohs]
оди́н: что Бог сде́лает, то Он возвести́л фарао́ну.
ah-DEEN shtoh bohh SDEH-lah-eet taw ohn vahz-vees-TEEL fah-rah-AW-noo
[Alone, One] [What, That, Why] God [It Will Do, Will Do] That He [Announced, Proclaimed] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh.]
26 Семь коро́в хоро́ших, э́то семь лет; и
sem kah-ROF hhah-RAW-sheehh EH-tuh sem let ee
26 Seven Cows [Good, Good Ones] [That, This, It] Seven Years And
семь колосьев хоро́ших, э́то семь лет: сон оди́н;
sem kaw-los-yef hhah-RAW-sheehh EH-tuh sem let son ah-DEEN
Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Good, Good Ones] [That, This, It] Seven Years [Dream, Sleep] [Alone, One]
27 и семь коро́в тощих и худы́х, вышедших по́сле тех, э́то семь лет,
ee sem kah-ROF TAW-shheehh
ee hhoo-DIHH POS-lee tehh EH-tuh sem let
27 And Seven Cows [Lean, Skinny, Thin] And [Skinny, Thin] [After, Beyond] Those [That, This, It] Seven Years
та́кже и семь колосьев тощих и иссу́шенных восто́чным ве́тром, э́то семь лет го́лода.
TAHK-jee ee sem kaw-los-yef TAW-shheehh
ee ees-SOO-sheen-nihh vahs-TOCH-nim VET-rahm EH-tuh sem let GAW-lah-dah
Also And Seven [Corn, Ears Of Corn] [Lean, Skinny, Thin] And [Dried Up, Withered] [East, Eastern] (Blown By The Wind) [That, This, It] Seven Years [Famine, Hunger, Starvation.]
28 Вот почему́ сказа́л я фарао́ну: что Бог сде́лает, то Он показа́л фарао́ну.
vot pah-chee-MOO skuh-ZAHL yah fah-rah-AW-noo shtoh bohh SDEH-lah-eet taw ohn pah-kah-ZAHL fah-rah-AW-noo
28 [Behold, Here, There] Why [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] I [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] [What, That, Why] God [It Will Do, Will Do] That He [Shewed, Showed, Shown] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh.]
29 Вот, наступа́ет семь лет вели́кого изоби́лия во всей земле́ Еги́петской;
vot nahs-too-PAH-eet sem let vee-LEE-kah-vah ee-zah-BEE-lee-yah voh vsay zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
29 [Behold, Here, There] Coming Seven Years [Great, The Great One] Abundance In [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian
30 по́сле них настанут семь лет го́лода, и забудется
POS-lee neekh sem let GAW-lah-dah ee
30 [After, Beyond] [Them, They] Seven Years [Famine, Hunger, Starvation] And
все то изоби́лие в земле́ Еги́петской, и истощит го́лод зе́млю,
taw ee-zah-BEE-lee-ee (v)- zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski ee GAW-lod ZEM-lew
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] That Abundance [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian And Hunger [Earth, Land]
31 и неприметно бу́дет пре́жнее изоби́лие на земле́, по
ee BOO-deet PREJ-nee-ee ee-zah-BEE-lee-ee nuh zeem-LEH pah
31 And [Will Be, Would Be] [Former, Previous, The Former] Abundance [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
причи́не го́лода, кото́рый после́дует, и́бо он бу́дет о́чень тяжел.
pree-CHEE-nee GAW-lah-dah kah-TAW-riy pahs-LEH-doo-eet EE-bah ohn BOO-deet AW-cheen
[Cause, Reason] [Famine, Hunger, Starvation] [Which, Which The, Who] (Will Follow) [For, Because] He [Will Be, Would Be] [Greatly, Highly, Very] .
32 А что сон повторился фарао́ну два́жды, [э́то зна́чит], что
ah shtoh son fah-rah-AW-noo DVAHJ-dih EH-tuh ZNAH-cheet shtoh
32 [While, And, But] [What, That, Why] [Dream, Sleep] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] Twice [That, This, It] [Interpreted, Means] [What, That, Why]
сие́ и́стинно сло́во Божие, и что вско́ре Бог испо́лнит сие́.
see-YEH EES-teen-nah SLOH-vah baw-jee-yeh ee shtoh VSKAW-ree bohh ees-POL-neet see-YEH
This [Truly, Verily] [Saying, The Word, Word] [God, God's] And [What, That, Why] Soon God [Execute, Fulfill, Will Execute, Will Fulfill] This.
33 И ны́не да усмотрит фарао́н му́жа разумного
ee NIH-nee dah fah-rah-ON MOO-jah
33 And [Currently, Now] Yes [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Husband, Man, Men]
и му́дрого и да поста́вит его́ над землёю Еги́петскою.
ee MOOD-rah-vah ee dah pahs-TAH-veet yeh-VOAH naht zeem-LYAW-yoo yee-GHEE-peets-kah-yoo
And Wise And Yes [Deliver, To Put, Will Deliver] [His, Him, It] Above [Earth, Land] [Egypt, Egyptian.]
34 Да повели́т фарао́н поста́вить над землёю надзирателей и
dah pah-vee-LEET fah-rah-ON pahs-TAH-veet naht zeem-LYAW-yoo ee
34 Yes (Will Command) [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Put Above [Earth, Land] And
собира́ть в семь лет изоби́лия пя́тую часть с земли Еги́петской;
sah-bee-RAHT (v)- sem let ee-zah-BEE-lee-yah PYAH-too-yoo chahst (s)- ZEM-lee
[Accumulate, Gather, To Collect] [At, In, Of, On] Seven Years Abundance [Fifth, One-fifth, The Fifth] [Part, Portion] [And, From, In, Of, With] Earth Egyptian
35 пусть они́ беру́т вся́кий хлеб э́тих наступающих хоро́ших годо́в и
poost ah-NEE bee-ROOT VSYAH-kiy hhlep EH-teehh hhah-RAW-sheehh gah-DOF ee
35 Let [They, They Are] [Take, They Take] [Any, Every, Everyone, Whoever, Whosoever] [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] These [Good, Good Ones] Years And
соберу́т в города́х хлеб под веде́ние фарао́на в пищу, и пусть берегут;
sah-bee-ROOT (v)- gah-rah-DAHH hhlep pot vee-DEH-nee-ee fah-rah-AW-nah (v)- PEE-shhoo
ee poost
[Collect, Gather, They Will Collect, Will Collect] [At, In, Of, On] [Cities, Towns] [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [Conduction, Doing] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [At, In, Of, On] [Beep, Food, Squeak] And Let
36 и бу́дет сия́ пища в запа́с для земли на семь лет
ee BOO-deet see-YAH PEE-shhah
(v)- zah-PAHS dlyah ZEM-lee
nuh sem let
36 And [Will Be, Would Be] This [Food, Meat] [At, In, Of, On] [Reserve, Stock] For Earth [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Seven Years
го́лода, кото́рые бу́дут в земле́ Еги́петской, дабы земля́ не погибла от го́лода.
GAW-lah-dah kah-TAW-rih-ee BOO-doot (v)- zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski DAH-bih
zem-LYAH nyeh ot GAW-lah-dah
[Famine, Hunger, Starvation] [Which, Who] [Will, Be] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian [So That, In Order To] [Earth, Ground, Land] [Never, Not] From [Famine, Hunger, Starvation.]
37 Сие́ понравилось фарао́ну и всем слу́гам его́.
see-YEH fah-rah-AW-noo ee vsem SLOO-gahm yeh-VOAH
37 This [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] And [Everyone, To Everyone] Servants [His, Him, It.]
38 И сказа́л фарао́н слу́гам свои́м: найдём ли мы
ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON SLOO-gahm svah-EEM nigh-DYOM lee mih
38 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Servants [His, Mine, Your] [Find, Let Us Find, Search, We Will Find] Whether [We, We Are]
тако́го, как он, челове́ка, в ко́тором был бы Дух Бо́жий?
tah-KAW-vah kahk ohn chee-lie-VYEH-kuh (v)- KAW-tah-rahm bihl bih doohh BAW-jiy
[Such, This] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] He Human [At, In, Of, On] [That, Which] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Would Spirit [God, God's?]
39 И сказа́л фарао́н Ио́сифу: так как Бог откры́л тебе́
ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON ee-AW-see-foo tahk kahk bohh ahtk-RIL tee-BEH
39 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Joseph So [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] God Opened [Thee, You]
все сие́, то нет столь разумного и му́дрого, как ты;
see-YEH taw net stol ee MOOD-rah-vah kahk tih
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] This That [No, Not] [As, So] And Wise [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] You
40 ты бу́дешь над до́мом мои́м, и твоего́ слова держа́ться
tih BOO-deesh naht DAW-mahm mah-EEM ee tvah-ee-VAU SLAW-vah
40 You [Will You Be, You Will] Above Home My And [Thy, Your] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] (Hold On)
бу́дет весь наро́д мой; то́лько престо́лом я бу́ду бо́льше тебя́.
BOO-deet ves nah-ROT moy TOL-kah prees-TAW-lahm yah BOO-doo BOL-shee tee-BYAH
[Will Be, Would Be] [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] [Crowd, Nation, People] [Mine, My] [Alone, Only, Just] [The Throne, Throne] I [I Will, Will] [Again, Great, More] You.
41 И сказа́л фарао́н Ио́сифу: вот, я поставля́ю тебя́ над все́ю землёю Еги́петскою.
ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON ee-AW-see-foo vot yah pahs-tahv-LYAH-yoo tee-BYAH naht VSEH-yoo zeem-LYAW-yoo yee-GHEE-peets-kah-yoo
41 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Joseph [Behold, Here, There] I [Establish, I Supply, Supply] You Above [All, Every, Everything, Whatever] [Earth, Land] [Egypt, Egyptian.]
42 И снял фарао́н пе́рстень свой с руки свое́й и наде́л его́ на
ee snyahl fah-rah-ON PERS-teen svoy (s)- ROO-kee
svah-YAY ee nah-DEL yeh-VOAH nuh
42 And [Removed, Stripped Off, Taking, Took, Took Away] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Ring, The Ring] [Mine, My Own] [And, From, In, Of, With] [Arms, Hand, Hands] [His, Mine] And [Allotment, Portion, Put] [His, Him, It] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon]
ру́ку Ио́сифа; оде́л его́ в виссонные оде́жды, возложи́л золоту́ю цепь на ше́ю ему́;
ROO-koo ee-AW-see-fah ah-DEL yeh-VOAH (v)- ah-DEJ-dih vahz-lah-JEEL zah-lah-TOO-yoo tsep nuh SHEH-yoo yee-MOO
Hand Joseph [Clothed, Dressed] [His, Him, It] [At, In, Of, On] [Clothes, Coats, Tunics] [Entrusted, Laid] [Golden, The Golden One] Chain [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Neck, Throat] [Him, It, To Him]
43 веле́л везти́ его́ на второ́й из свои́х колесни́ц и
vee-LEL veez-TEE yeh-VOAH nuh vtah-ROY ees svah-EEHH kah-lees-NEETS ee
43 [He Told Me To, Ordered, Told] [Carry, To Carry] [His, Him, It] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Second [From, In, Of, Out] Their [Chariot, Chariots, Wagons] And
провозглаша́ть пред ним: преклоняйтесь! И поста́вил его́ над все́ю землёю Еги́петскою.
prah-vahzg-lah-SHAHT pret neem ee pahs-TAH-veel yeh-VOAH naht VSEH-yoo zeem-LYAW-yoo yee-GHEE-peets-kah-yoo
[Declare, Proclaim] [Before, Front] Him And [Put, Set] [His, Him, It] Above [All, Every, Everything, Whatever] [Earth, Land] [Egypt, Egyptian.]
44 И сказа́л фарао́н Ио́сифу: я фарао́н; без тебя́ никто́ не
ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON ee-AW-see-foo yah fah-rah-ON bes
tee-BYAH neek-TAW nyeh
44 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Joseph I [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Without You [No One, Nobody] [Never, Not]
двинет ни руки свое́й, ни ноги свое́й во всей земле́ Еги́петской.
nee ROO-kee
svah-YAY nee NAW-ghee
svah-YAY voh vsay zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
Neither [Arms, Hand, Hands] [His, Mine] Neither [Legs, Feet] [His, Mine] In [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian.
45 И наре́к фарао́н Ио́сифу и́мя: Цафнаф-Панеах, и дал ему́ в
ee nah-REK fah-rah-ON ee-AW-see-foo EE-myah ee dahl yee-MOO (v)-
45 And Name [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Joseph Name And Gave [Him, It, To Him] [At, In, Of, On]
жену́ Асенефу, дочь Потифера, жреца́ Илиопольского. И пошёл Ио́сиф по земле́ Еги́петской.
jee-NOO doch paw-tee-feh-rah jree-TSAH ee-lee-aw-pols-kaw-vau ee pah-SHOL ee-AW-seef pah zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
[My Wife, Wife] Daughter [Potiphera, Potipherah] [Priest, The Priest] . And [Gone, Went] Joseph [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian.
46 Ио́сифу бы́ло три́дцать лет от рожде́ния, когда́ он предста́л пред лице́ фарао́на,
ee-AW-see-foo BIH-lah TREED-tsaht let ot rahj-DEH-nee-yah kah-g'DAH ohn preeds-TAHL pret lee-TSEH fah-rah-AW-nah
46 Joseph [It Was, Was] Thirty Years From [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] When He Appeared [Before, Front] [Face, Individual, Person] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh]
царя́ Еги́петского. И вы́шел Ио́сиф от лица фарао́нова и прошёл по всей земле́ Еги́петской.
tsah-RYAH yee-GHEE-peets-kah-vah ee VIH-sheel ee-AW-seef ot LEE-tsah
fah-rah-AW-nah-vah ee prah-SHOL pah vsay zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
King Egyptian. And [Came, Came Out] Joseph From Faces [Pharaoh, Pharaoh's] And Passed [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian.
47 Земля́ же в семь лет изоби́лия приносила [из зерна] по горсти.
zem-LYAH zheh (v)- sem let ee-zah-BEE-lee-yah ees zeer-NAH
47 [Earth, Ground, Land] [But, Same, Then] [At, In, Of, On] Seven Years Abundance [From, In, Of, Out] Grains [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] .
48 И собра́л он вся́кий хлеб семи лет, кото́рые бы́ли [плодородны] в земле́
ee sahb-RAHL ohn VSYAH-kiy hhlep let kah-TAW-rih-ee BIH-lee (v)- zeem-LEH
48 And [Bring, Collected] He [Any, Every, Everyone, Whoever, Whosoever] [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] Seven Years [Which, Who] [Been, Has Been, Were] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World]
Еги́петской, и положи́л хлеб в города́х; в [ка́ждом] го́роде положи́л хлеб поле́й, окружа́ющих его́.
yee-GHEE-peet-ski ee pah-lah-JEEL hhlep (v)- gah-rah-DAHH (v)- KAHJ-dahm GAW-rah-dee pah-lah-JEEL hhlep pah-LAY ahk-roo-JAH-yoo-shheehh yeh-VOAH
Egyptian And Put [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [At, In, Of, On] [Cities, Towns] [At, In, Of, On] [Each, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [City, Town] Put [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [Field, Fields] [Surrounding People, Those Around] [His, Him, It.]
49 И скопил Ио́сиф хлеба весьма́ мно́го, как песку
ee ee-AW-seef HHLEH-bah vees-MAH MNAW-gah kahk
49 And Joseph [Bread, Of Bread] [Exceeding, Exceedingly, Quite, Very] [A Lot Of, Many] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)]
морского, так что переста́л и счита́ть, и́бо не ста́ло счета.
tahk shtoh pee-rees-TAHL ee schee-TAHT EE-bah nyeh STAH-lah
So [What, That, Why] [Ceased, Finished, He Stopped, Stopped] And Count [For, Because] [Never, Not] [Became, It Became] .
50 До наступления годо́в го́лода, у Ио́сифа роди́лись два
daw gah-DOF GAW-lah-dah oo ee-AW-see-fah rah-DEE-lees dvah
50 [Before, Until] Years [Famine, Hunger, Starvation] [At, By, With, Of] Joseph [Come, Originate, Were Born] Two
сы́на, кото́рых родила ему́ Асене́фа, дочь Потифера, жреца́ Илиопольского.
SIH-nah kah-TAW-rihh rah-DEE-lah
yee-MOO ah-see-NEH-fah doch paw-tee-feh-rah jree-TSAH ee-lee-aw-pols-kaw-vau
[A Son, My Son, Son] Which [Bore, Gave Birth] [Him, It, To Him] Asenath Daughter [Potiphera, Potipherah] [Priest, The Priest] .
51 И наре́к Ио́сиф и́мя первенцу: Манассия, потому́ что [говори́л он]
ee nah-REK ee-AW-seef EE-myah mah-nahs-see-yah pah-tah-MOO shtoh gah-vah-REEL ohn
51 And Name Joseph Name [Manasseh, Manasses] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] Spoke He
Бог дал мне забы́ть все несчастья мои́ и весь дом отца́ моего́.
bohh dahl mneh zah-BIT (v)syeh
mah-EE ee ves dom aht-TSAH mah-ee-VAU
God Gave [Me, To Me] Forget [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] My And [All, Entire, Everything, The Whole, Whole] [Dwelling, Home, House] [Father, The Father] My.
52 А друго́му наре́к и́мя: Ефре́м, потому́ что [говори́л
ah droo-GAW-moo nah-REK EE-myah yeef-REM pah-tah-MOO shtoh gah-vah-REEL
52 [While, And, But] Another Name Name Ephraim [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] Spoke
он] Бог сде́лал меня́ плодовитым в земле́ страда́ния моего́.
ohn bohh SDEH-lahl mee-NYAH
(v)- zeem-LEH strah-DAH-nee-yah mah-ee-VAU
He God Did [I, Me, Self] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [Suffer, Suffering] My.
53 И прошли́ семь лет изоби́лия, кото́рое бы́ло в земле́ Еги́петской,
ee prahsh-LEE sem let ee-zah-BEE-lee-yah kah-TAW-rah-ee BIH-lah (v)- zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
53 And [Gone, Passed] Seven Years Abundance Which [It Was, Was] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian
54 и наступили семь лет го́лода, как сказа́л Ио́сиф. И был
ee sem let GAW-lah-dah kahk skuh-ZAHL ee-AW-seef ee bihl
54 And Seven Years [Famine, Hunger, Starvation] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Joseph. And [Be, To Be, Was, Were]
го́лод во всех зе́млях, а во всей земле́ Еги́петской был хлеб.
GAW-lod voh vsehh ZEM-leehh ah voh vsay zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski bihl hhlep
Hunger In [All, Everyone] [Country, Earth, Lands, Region] [While, And, But] In [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread.]
55 Но когда́ и вся земля́ Еги́петская начала терпе́ть го́лод, то наро́д на́чал вопиять к фарао́ну
noh kah-g'DAH ee vsyah zem-LYAH yee-GHEE-peets-kah-yah nah-CHAH-lah
teer-PET GAW-lod taw nah-ROT NAH-cheel k fah-rah-AW-noo
55 [But, Yet] When And [All, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land] [Egypt, Egyptian] [Beginning, Beginnings] [Endure, To Tolerate, Tolerate] Hunger That [Crowd, Nation, People] [Began, Start] [To, For, By] [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh]
о хле́бе. И сказа́л фарао́н всем Египтя́нам: пойди́те к Ио́сифу и де́лайте, что он вам ска́жет.
oah HHLEH-bee ee skuh-ZAHL fah-rah-ON vsem yee-gheep-TYAH-nahm pie-DEE-tee k ee-AW-see-foo ee DEH-lie-tee shtoh ohn vahm SKAH-jeet
About Bread. And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Everyone, To Everyone] [Egyptians, To The Egyptians] [Come, Go] [To, For, By] Joseph And [Do, Do It] [What, That, Why] He [To You, Ye, You] [He Will Say, Saith, Say, Will Say.]
56 И был го́лод по всей земле́; и отворил Ио́сиф все
ee bihl GAW-lod pah vsay zeem-LEH ee ee-AW-seef (v)syeh
56 And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Hunger [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] And Joseph [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone]
жи́тницы, и стал продава́ть хлеб Египтя́нам. Го́лод же усиливался в земле́ Еги́петской.
JEET-nee-tsih ee stahl prah-dah-VAHT hhlep yee-gheep-TYAH-nahm GAW-lod zheh (v)- zeem-LEH yee-GHEE-peet-ski
[Breadbaskets, Granaries] And Became Sell [Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [Egyptians, To The Egyptians.] Hunger [But, Same, Then] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Egyptian.
57 И из всех стран приходи́ли в Еги́пет покупа́ть
ee ees vsehh pree-hhah-DEE-lee (v)- yee-GHEE-peet pah-koo-PAHT
57 And [From, In, Of, Out] [All, Everyone] [Came, Come] [At, In, Of, On] Egypt Buy
хлеб у Ио́сифа, и́бо го́лод уси́лился по всей земле́.
hhlep oo ee-AW-see-fah EE-bah GAW-lod oo-SEE-leel-syah pah vsay zeem-LEH
[Bread, Loaves, Shewbread] [At, By, With, Of] Joseph [For, Because] Hunger Intensified [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World.]
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