Го́лос ( Voice )

 Noun - Nominative - Masculine
(RUSV: 15 + NRT: 24) = 39
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 3:8 RUSV
8 И услы́шали го́лос Господа Бо́га,
8 And heard voice Lord God,
ходящего в ра́ю во вре́мя прохлады дня;
ходящего [at, in, of, on] [heaven, paradise] in [hour, time] прохлады [days, of the day];
и скры́лся Адам и жена́ его́ от лица Господа Бо́га ме́жду деревьями ра́я.
and [disappeared, fled, he disappeared, withdrawn] Adam and wife [his, him, it] from faces Lord God [among, between, meanwhile] деревьями paradise.
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 ESV

And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:
and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 KJV
 Genesis 3:10 RUSV
10 Он сказа́л:
10 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
го́лос Твой я услы́шал в ра́ю,
voice Your i heard [at, in, of, on] [heaven, paradise],
и убоя́лся,
and [afraid, fear, i was afraid],
потому́ что я наг,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] i naked,
и скры́лся.
and [disappeared, fled, he disappeared, withdrawn].
And he said,
“I heard the sound of you in the garden,
and I was afraid,
because I was naked,
and I hid myself.”
Genesis 3:10 ESV

And he said,
I heard thy voice in the garden,
and I was afraid,
because I was naked;
and I hid myself.
Genesis 3:10 KJV
 Genesis 4:10 RUSV
10 И сказа́л:
10 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
что ты сде́лал?
[what, that, why] you did?
го́лос крови бра́та твоего́ вопиет ко Мне от земли;
voice [blood, bleed] brother [thy, your] вопиет to [Me, To Me] from earth;
And the Lord said,
&#;What have you done?
The voice of your brother&#;s blood is crying to me from the ground.
Genesis 4:10 ESV

And he said,
What hast thou done?
the voice of thy brother&#;s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
Genesis 4:10 KJV
 Genesis 21:17 RUSV
17 и услы́шал Бог го́лос о́трока;
17 and heard God voice [boy, child, the boy];
и А́нгел Бо́жий с не́ба воззва́л к Ага́ри и сказа́л ей:
and Angel [God, God's] [and, from, in, of, with] [heaven, sky] [called, called out, cried, cried out] [to, for, by] Hagar and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] her:
что с тобо́ю,
[what, that, why] [and, from, in, of, with] [by you, thee, you],
не бо́йся;
[never, not] [afraid, be afraid, fear];
Бог услы́шал го́лос о́трока отту́да,
God heard voice [boy, child, the boy] (from there),
где он нахо́дится;
[somewhere, where, wherever] he [is located, located];
And God heard the voice of the boy,
and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her,
&#;What troubles you,
Fear not,
for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is.
Genesis 21:17 ESV

And God heard the voice of the lad;
and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven,
and said unto her,
What aileth thee,
fear not;
for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.
Genesis 21:17 KJV
 Genesis 27:22 RUSV
22 Иа́ков подошёл к Исаа́ку,
22 [Jacob, James] (came up) [to, for, by] Isaac,
отцу́ своему́,
father [to his, your own],
и он ощупал его́ и сказа́л:
and he ощупал [his, him, it] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
го́лос Иа́кова;
voice [Jacob, James];
а руки,
[while, and, but] [arms, hand, hands],
руки Исавовы.
[arms, hand, hands] Исавовы.
So Jacob went near to Isaac his father,
who felt him and said,
&#;The voice is Jacob&#;s voice,
but the hands are the hands of Esau.&#;
Genesis 27:22 ESV

And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father;
and he felt him,
and said,
The voice is Jacob&#;s voice,
but the hands are the hands of Esau.
Genesis 27:22 KJV
 Genesis 27:38 RUSV
38 Но Иса́в сказа́л отцу́ своему́:
38 [But, Yet] Esau [he said, said, say, saying, tell] father [to his, your own]:
[greater, indeed, really, surely],
оте́ц мой,
father [mine, my],
одно́ у тебя́ благослове́ние?
one [at, by, with, of] you blessing?
благослови́ и меня́,
bless and [i, me, self],
оте́ц мой!
father [mine, my]!
И возвы́сил Иса́в го́лос свой и запла́кал.
And exalted Esau voice [mine, my own] and [cried, wept].
Esau said to his father,
“Have you but one blessing,
my father?
Bless me,
even me also,
O my father.”
And Esau lifted up his voice and wept.
Genesis 27:38 ESV

And Esau said unto his father,
Hast thou but one blessing,
my father?
bless me,
even me also,
O my father.
And Esau lifted up his voice,
and wept.
Genesis 27:38 KJV
 Genesis 29:11 RUSV
11 И поцелова́л Иа́ков Рахи́ль и возвы́сил го́лос свой и запла́кал.
11 And [he kissed me, kiss, kissed] [Jacob, James] Rachel and exalted voice [mine, my own] and [cried, wept].
Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud.
Genesis 29:11 ESV

And Jacob kissed Rachel,
and lifted up his voice,
and wept.
Genesis 29:11 KJV
 Genesis 30:6 RUSV
6 И сказа́ла Рахи́ль:
6 And ((she) said) Rachel:
судил мне Бог,
судил [me, to me] God,
и услы́шал го́лос мой,
and heard voice [mine, my],
и дал мне сы́на.
and gave [me, to me] [a son, my son, son].
Посему нарекла́ ему́ и́мя:
Therefore [named, named it] [him, it, to him] name:
Then Rachel said,
“God has judged me,
and has also heard my voice and given me a son.”
Therefore she called his name Dan.
Genesis 30:6 ESV

And Rachel said,
God hath judged me,
and hath also heard my voice,
and hath given me a son:
therefore called she his name Dan.
Genesis 30:6 KJV
 Matthew 2:18 NRT
18 «Го́лос слы́шен в Раме,
18 «Voice heard [at, in, of, on] [Frame, Rama, Ramah],
плач и горькое рыда́ниепла́чет о де́тях свои́х Рахи́ль и не хо́чет уте́шиться,
[cry, crying, mourning, weeping] and горькое sobbing[crying, weep, weeping] about children their Rachel and [never, not] wants [take comfort, cheer up],
потому́ что их бо́льше нет».
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [them, their] [again, great, more] [no, not]».
&#;A voice was heard in Ramah,
weeping and loud lamentation,
Rachel weeping for her children;
she refused to be comforted,
because they are no more.&#;
Matthew 2:18 ESV

In Rama was there a voice heard,
and weeping,
and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children,
and would not be comforted,
because they are not.
Matthew 2:18 KJV
 Matthew 3:3 NRT
3 Об Иоа́нне говори́л проро́к Иса́ия:
3 About John spoke [prophet, the prophet] [Esaias, Isaiah]:
«Го́лос раздаётся в пусты́не:
«Voice [crying, dispense, distributed, is distributed] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness]:
Пригото́вьте путь Го́споду,
[Prepare, Prepare It] [path, the way, way] [Lord, To The Lord],
сде́лайте прямы́ми дороги Его́!“»
[do, make] [direct, forward, straight] [path, paths, roads, way] [His, Him, It]!“»
For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said,
&#;The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
&#;Prepare the way of the Lord;
make his paths straight.&#;&#;
Matthew 3:3 ESV

For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias,
The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.
Matthew 3:3 KJV
 Matthew 3:17 NRT
17 И вот,
17 And [behold, here, there],
го́лос с небе́с,
voice [and, from, in, of, with] heaven,
[speaking, talking]:
Э́то Мой люби́мый Сын,
[That, This, It] [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son,
в Нем Моя́ ра́дость!
[at, in, of, on] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] My [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure]!
and behold,
a voice from heaven said,
&#;This is my beloved Son,
with whom I am well pleased.&#;
Matthew 3:17 ESV

And lo a voice from heaven,
This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased.
Matthew 3:17 KJV
 Matthew 17:5 NRT
5 Пока́ он говори́л,
5 [Bye, While] he spoke,
све́тлое о́блако накры́ло их,
light cloud covered [them, their],
и из облака прозвуча́л го́лос:
and [from, in, of, out] [cloud, clouds] [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Э́то Мой люби́мый Сын,
[That, This, It] [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son,
в Ко́тором Моя́ ра́дость.
[at, in, of, on] [That, Which] My [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure].
Слу́шайте Его́!
[Hear, Listen, Listen Up] [His, Him, It]!
He was still speaking when,
a bright cloud overshadowed them,
and a voice from the cloud said,
&#;This is my beloved Son,
with whom I am well pleased;
listen to him.&#;
Matthew 17:5 ESV

While he yet spake,
a bright cloud overshadowed them:
and behold a voice out of the cloud,
which said,
This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased;
hear ye him.
Matthew 17:5 KJV
 Matthew 27:22 NRT
22 –Что же мне тогда́ де́лать с Иису́сом,
22 –[What, That, Why] [but, same, then] [me, to me] then [to do, to make] [and, from, in, of, with] Jesus,
Кото́рого называ́ют Христо́м?
[Which, Which One, Whom] [are called, called] [By Christ, Christ]?
спроси́л Пила́т.
asked Pilate.
Все в оди́н го́лос закрича́ли:
[All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [at, in, of, on] [alone, one] voice [screamed, shouted, they screamed, voices]:
Пусть Он бу́дет распя́т!
Let He [will be, would be] crucified!
Pilate said to them,
&#;Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?&#;
They all said,
&#;Let him be crucified!&#;
Matthew 27:22 ESV

Pilate saith unto them,
What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
They all say unto him,
Let him be crucified.
Matthew 27:22 KJV
 Mark 1:3 NRT
3 «Го́лос раздаётся в пусты́не:
3 «Voice [crying, dispense, distributed, is distributed] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness]:
Пригото́вьте путь Го́споду,
[Prepare, Prepare It] [path, the way, way] [Lord, To The Lord],
сде́лайте прямы́ми дороги Его́!“»
[do, make] [direct, forward, straight] [path, paths, roads, way] [His, Him, It]!“»
the voice of one crying in the wilderness:
&#;Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight,&#;&#;
Mark 1:3 ESV

The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.
Mark 1:3 KJV
 Mark 1:11 NRT
11 И с небе́с прозвуча́л го́лос:
11 And [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Ты Мой люби́мый Сын!
You [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son!
В Тебе́ Моя́ ра́дость!
[At, In, Of, On] [Thee, You] My [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure]!
And a voice came from heaven,
&#;You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.&#;
Mark 1:11 ESV

And there came a voice from heaven,
Thou art my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased.
Mark 1:11 KJV
 Mark 5:7 NRT
7 и закрича́л во весь го́лос:
7 and [cry out, he screamed, shouted] in [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] voice:
Что Ты от меня́ хо́чешь,
[What, That, Why] You from [i, me, self] [do you want, want, you want to],
Сын Всевы́шнего Бо́га?
Son [Highest, Most High, The Almighty] God?
Заклина́ю Тебя́ Бо́гом,
[Adjure, Conjure, I Conjure, I Conjure You, Implore] You [By God, God],
не мучь меня́
[never, not] [torment, torture] [i, me, self]
And crying out with a loud voice,
he said,
&#;What have you to do with me,
Son of the Most High God?
I adjure you by God,
do not torment me.&#;
Mark 5:7 ESV

And cried with a loud voice,
and said,
What have I to do with thee,
thou Son of the most high God?
I adjure thee by God,
that thou torment me not.
Mark 5:7 KJV
 Mark 9:7 NRT
7 Тут появилось о́блако и накры́ло их,
7 Here появилось cloud and covered [them, their],
и из облака прозвуча́л го́лос:
and [from, in, of, out] [cloud, clouds] [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Э́то Мой люби́мый Сын,
[That, This, It] [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son,
слу́шайте Его́!
[hear, listen, listen up] [His, Him, It]!
And a cloud overshadowed them,
and a voice came out of the cloud,
&#;This is my beloved Son;
listen to him.&#;
Mark 9:7 ESV

And there was a cloud that overshadowed them:
and a voice came out of the cloud,
This is my beloved Son:
hear him.
Mark 9:7 KJV
 Luke 1:44 RUSV
44 И́бо когда́ го́лос приве́тствия Твоего́ дошёл до слу́ха моего́,
44 [For, Because] when voice [greeting, greetings, salutation] [Thy, Your] [has reached, reached] [before, until] [hearing, listening, rumor] my,
взыгра́л младе́нец ра́достно во чре́ве моем.
[jumped up, leaped] [babe, baby, child, infant] [joy, joyfully, rejoice] in [the womb, womb] [my, mine].
For behold,
when the sound of your greeting came to my ears,
the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
Luke 1:44 ESV

as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears,
the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
Luke 1:44 KJV
 Luke 3:4 NRT
4 Как напи́сано в кни́ге проро́ка Иса́ии:
4 [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] written [at, in, of, on] book [prophet, the prophet] Isaiah:
«Го́лос раздаётся в пусты́не:
«Voice [crying, dispense, distributed, is distributed] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness]:
Пригото́вьте путь Го́споду,
[Prepare, Prepare It] [path, the way, way] [Lord, To The Lord],
сде́лайте прямы́ми дороги Его́!
[do, make] [direct, forward, straight] [path, paths, roads, way] [His, Him, It]!
As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet,
&#;The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
&#;Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.
Luke 3:4 ESV

As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet,
The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight.
Luke 3:4 KJV
 Luke 3:22 NRT
22 и на Него́ спусти́лся Свято́й Дух в теле́сном ви́де,
22 and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Him [i went down, went down] Holy Spirit [at, in, of, on] [bodily, physical] [form, shape, view],
в о́бразе голубя.
[at, in, of, on] image [dove, pigeon].
И с небе́с прозвуча́л го́лос:
And [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Ты Мой люби́мый Сын!
You [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son!
В Тебе́ Моя́ ра́дость!
[At, In, Of, On] [Thee, You] My [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure]!
and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form,
like a dove;
and a voice came from heaven,
&#;You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.&#;
Luke 3:22 ESV

And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him,
and a voice came from heaven,
which said,
Thou art my beloved Son;
in thee I am well pleased.
Luke 3:22 KJV
 Luke 8:28 NRT
28 Когда́ он уви́дел Иису́са,
28 When he [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] Jesus,
он бро́сился к Его́ нога́м и закрича́л во весь го́лос:
he rushed [to, for, by] [His, Him, It] [feet, knees] and [cry out, he screamed, shouted] in [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] voice:
Что Ты от меня́ хо́чешь,
[What, That, Why] You from [i, me, self] [do you want, want, you want to],
Сын Всевы́шнего Бо́га?
Son [Highest, Most High, The Almighty] God?
Умоля́ю Тебя́,
[Beg, I Beg, I Beg You, Plead] You,
не мучь меня́
[never, not] [torment, torture] [i, me, self]
When he saw Jesus,
he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice,
&#;What have you to do with me,
Son of the Most High God?
I beg you,
do not torment me.&#;
Luke 8:28 ESV

When he saw Jesus,
he cried out,
and fell down before him,
and with a loud voice said,
What have I to do with thee,
thou Son of God most high?
I beseech thee,
torment me not.
Luke 8:28 KJV
 Luke 9:35 NRT
35 А из облака прозвуча́л го́лос:
35 [While, And, But] [from, in, of, out] [cloud, clouds] [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Э́то Мой Сын,
[That, This, It] [Mine, My] Son,
Мой и́збранный.
[Mine, My] [beloved, chosen, the chosen one].
Его́ слу́шайте!
[His, Him, It] [hear, listen, listen up]!
And a voice came out of the cloud,
&#;This is my Son,
my Chosen One;
listen to him!&#;
Luke 9:35 ESV

And there came a voice out of the cloud,
This is my beloved Son:
hear him.
Luke 9:35 KJV
 Luke 9:36 NRT
36 Когда́ го́лос умо́лк,
36 When voice [he fell silent, silent],
они́ уви́дели Иису́са уже́ одного́.
[they, they are] [saw, they saw, you saw] Jesus already one.
Они́ молча́ли об э́том и в то вре́мя никому́ не расска́зывали о том,
[They, They Are] [silent, they were silent] about this and [at, in, of, on] that [hour, time] nobody [never, not] [they told, they told me] about [that, volume],
что ви́дели.
[what, that, why] [have you seen, seen].
And when the voice had spoken,
Jesus was found alone.
And they kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen.
Luke 9:36 ESV

And when the voice was past,
Jesus was found alone.
And they kept it close,
and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.
Luke 9:36 KJV
 Luke 11:27 RUSV
27 Когда́ же Он говори́л э́то,
27 When [but, same, then] He spoke [that, this, it],
одна́ же́нщина,
one woman,
возвы́сив го́лос из наро́да,
[exalting, raising] voice [from, in, of, out] [people, the people],
сказа́ла Ему́:
((she) said) [Him, It, To Him]:
блаже́нно чре́во,
[blessed, blissfully] (the womb),
носи́вшее Тебя́,
[who wore, worn] You,
и сосцы́,
and [breasts, nipples, teats],
Тебя́ пита́вшие!
You [fed, who fed]!
As he said these things,
a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him,
&#;Blessed is the womb that bore you,
and the breasts at which you nursed!&#;
Luke 11:27 ESV

And it came to pass,
as he spake these things,
a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice,
and said unto him,
Blessed is the womb that bare thee,
and the paps which thou hast sucked.
Luke 11:27 KJV
 Luke 23:18 NRT
18 Тогда́ все в оди́н го́лос закрича́ли:
18 Then [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [at, in, of, on] [alone, one] voice [screamed, shouted, they screamed, voices]:
Смерть Ему́!
[Death, Dying] [Him, It, To Him]!
Отпусти́ нам Вара́вву!
(Let Go) [to us, us] Barabbas!
But they all cried out together,
&#;Away with this man,
and release to us Barabbas&#;&#;
Luke 23:18 ESV

And they cried out all at once,
Away with this man,
and release unto us Barabbas:
Luke 23:18 KJV
 Luke 23:20 RUSV
20 Пила́т сно́ва возвы́сил го́лос,
20 Pilate again exalted voice,
жела́я отпусти́ть Иису́са.
wishing [let go, release] Jesus.
Pilate addressed them once more,
desiring to release Jesus,
Luke 23:20 ESV

Pilate therefore,
willing to release Jesus,
spake again to them.
Luke 23:20 KJV
 John 1:23 NRT
23 Иоа́нн отве́тил им слова́ми проро́ка Иса́ии:
23 John answered [it, them] [in words, words] [prophet, the prophet] Isaiah:
– «Я го́лос,
– «I voice,
кото́рый раздаётся в пусты́не:
[which, which the, who] [crying, dispense, distributed, is distributed] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness]:
вы́прямите путь для Господа».
straighten [path, the way, way] for Lord».
He said,
&#;I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness,
&#;Make straight the way of the Lord,&#;
as the prophet Isaiah said.&#;
John 1:23 ESV

He said,
I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Make straight the way of the Lord,
as said the prophet Esaias.
John 1:23 KJV
 John 3:8 RUSV
8 Дух ды́шит,
8 Spirit [bloweth, blows, breathes],
где хо́чет,
[somewhere, where, wherever] wants,
и го́лос его́ слы́шишь,
and voice [his, him, it] [do you hear, hear, hearest],
а не зна́ешь,
[while, and, but] [never, not] [know, knowest, understand, you know],
отку́да прихо́дит и куда́ ухо́дит:
[whence, where, where from] [came, comes, cometh] and [to where, where to] leaving:
так быва́ет со вся́ким,
so [it happens, things happen] [after, with] everyone,
рождённым от Ду́ха.
born from Spirit.
The wind blows where it wishes,
and you hear its sound,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.&#;
John 3:8 ESV

The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8 KJV
 John 3:29 NRT
29 Неве́ста принадлежи́т жениху́.
29 Bride belongs [bridegroom, groom, to the groom].
Друг же жениха́ стоит ря́дом,
Friend [but, same, then] [bridegroom, groom, the groom] [costs, is worth, worth] [beside, near, nearby],
слу́шает его́ ра́достный го́лос и сам ра́дуется его́ сча́стью.
[hear, listens] [his, him, it] [glad, joyful, joyous, rejoices, rejoiceth] voice and [himself, itself, myself, self] rejoices [his, him, it] happiness.
В э́том и моя́ ра́дость,
[At, In, Of, On] this and my [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure],
и сейча́с она́ испо́лнилась.
and now [she, she is] [complete, fulfilled].
The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.
The friend of the bridegroom,
who stands and hears him,
rejoices greatly at the bridegroom&#;s voice.
Therefore this joy of mine is now complete.
John 3:29 ESV

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom:
but the friend of the bridegroom,
which standeth and heareth him,
rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom&#;s voice:
this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
John 3:29 KJV
 John 3:29 RUSV
29 Име́ющий неве́сту есть жени́х,
29 Having bride [there are, there is] groom,
а друг жениха́,
[while, and, but] friend [bridegroom, groom, the groom],
стоящий и внима́ющий ему́,
standing and [attentive, listening] [him, it, to him],
ра́достью ра́дуется,
joy rejoices,
слы́ша го́лос жениха́.
hearing voice [bridegroom, groom, the groom].
Сия́-то ра́дость моя́ испо́лнилась.
[This Then, This Is It] [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure] my [complete, fulfilled].
The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.
The friend of the bridegroom,
who stands and hears him,
rejoices greatly at the bridegroom&#;s voice.
Therefore this joy of mine is now complete.
John 3:29 ESV

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom:
but the friend of the bridegroom,
which standeth and heareth him,
rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom&#;s voice:
this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
John 3:29 KJV
 John 5:25 NRT
25 Говорю́ вам и́стину:
25 [I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
наступа́ет вре́мя,
coming [hour, time],
и уже́ наступи́ло,
and already [came, come, it has come],
когда́ мёртвые услы́шат го́лос Сы́на Бо́жьего,
when dead [hear, will hear] voice [A Son, My Son, Son] [God, God's],
и те,
and those,
кто услы́шит,
who (will hear),
[life, live, will come to life].
I say to you,
an hour is coming,
and is now here,
when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God,
and those who hear will live.
John 5:25 ESV

I say unto you,
The hour is coming,
and now is,
when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God:
and they that hear shall live.
John 5:25 KJV
 John 5:28 NRT
28 Не удивля́йтесь э́тому,
28 [Never, Not] (be surprised) this,
потому́ что наста́нет вре́мя,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [come, cometh, coming, it will come, will come] [hour, time],
когда́ все,
when [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
кто нахо́дится сейча́с в моги́лах,
who [is located, located] now [at, in, of, on] graves,
услы́шат Его́ го́лос
[hear, will hear] [His, Him, It] voice
Do not marvel at this,
for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice John 5:28 ESV

Marvel not at this:
for the hour is coming,
in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
John 5:28 KJV
 John 10:3 NRT
3 Сто́рож открыва́ет ему́ ворота,
3 [Gatekeeper, Guard, Porter, Watchman] opens [him, it, to him] [gates, door],
и овцы слы́шат его́ го́лос.
and sheep [hear, understand] [his, him, it] voice.
Он зовёт свои́х ове́ц по имена́м и выво́дит их.
He calling their sheep [along, by, in, on, to, unto] names and [displays, leadeth, leads, outputs] [them, their].
To him the gatekeeper opens.
The sheep hear his voice,
and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
John 10:3 ESV

To him the porter openeth;
and the sheep hear his voice:
and he calleth his own sheep by name,
and leadeth them out.
John 10:3 KJV
 John 10:4 NRT
4 Когда́ он вы́ведет всех свои́х,
4 When he [display, it will output, output, will display] [all, everyone] their,
то идёт впереди́ них,
that goes ahead [them, they],
и овцы иду́т за ним,
and sheep [are going, come, coming, go, going] [after, around, at, behind, over] him,
потому́ что зна́ют его́ го́лос.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] know [his, him, it] voice.
When he has brought out all his own,
he goes before them,
and the sheep follow him,
for they know his voice.
John 10:4 ESV

And when he putteth forth his own sheep,
he goeth before them,
and the sheep follow him:
for they know his voice.
John 10:4 KJV
 John 10:4 RUSV
4 И когда́ вы́ведет свои́х ове́ц,
4 And when [display, it will output, output, will display] their sheep,
идёт пе́ред ни́ми;
goes before them;
а овцы за ним иду́т,
[while, and, but] sheep [after, around, at, behind, over] him [are going, come, coming, go, going],
потому́ что зна́ют го́лос его́.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] know voice [his, him, it].
When he has brought out all his own,
he goes before them,
and the sheep follow him,
for they know his voice.
John 10:4 ESV

And when he putteth forth his own sheep,
he goeth before them,
and the sheep follow him:
for they know his voice.
John 10:4 KJV
 John 10:16 RUSV
16 Есть у Меня́ и други́е овцы,
16 [There Are, There Is] [at, by, with, of] [I, Me, Self] and [other, others] sheep,
кото́рые не сего́ двора́,
[which, who] [never, not] (with his) [yard, courtyard],
и тех надлежи́т Мне привести́:
and those [due, it should, to be] [Me, To Me] lead:
и они́ услы́шат го́лос Мой,
and [they, they are] [hear, will hear] voice [Mine, My],
и бу́дет одно́ ста́до и оди́н Па́стырь.
and [will be, would be] one [herd, flock] and [alone, one] Shepherd.
And I have other sheep that are not of this fold.
I must bring them also,
and they will listen to my voice.
So there will be one flock,
one shepherd.
John 10:16 ESV

And other sheep I have,
which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring,
and they shall hear my voice;
and there shall be one fold,
and one shepherd.
John 10:16 KJV
 John 10:27 NRT
27 Мои́ овцы слы́шат Мой го́лос,
27 My sheep [hear, understand] [Mine, My] voice,
Я зна́ю их,
I [i know, know] [them, their],
и они́ иду́т за Мной.
and [they, they are] [are going, come, coming, go, going] [after, around, at, behind, over] Me.
My sheep hear my voice,
and I know them,
and they follow me.
John 10:27 ESV

My sheep hear my voice,
and I know them,
and they follow me:
John 10:27 KJV
 John 12:28 NRT
28 Оте́ц,
28 Father,
просла́вь Своё и́мя!
glorify (Its Own) name!
И с небе́с разда́лся го́лос:
And [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [resounded, rang out] voice:
Просла́вил и ещё просла́влю!
Glorified and [again, also, another, even, further, more] [glorify, i will glorify]!
glorify your name.&#;
Then a voice came from heaven:
&#;I have glorified it,
and I will glorify it again.&#;
John 12:28 ESV

glorify thy name.
Then came there a voice from heaven,
I have both glorified it,
and will glorify it again.
John 12:28 KJV
 John 12:30 NRT
30 Иису́с сказа́л:
30 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Э́тот го́лос был не для Меня́,
This voice [be, to be, was, were] [never, not] for [I, Me, Self],
а для вас.
[while, and, but] for you.
Jesus answered,
&#;This voice has come for your sake,
not mine.
John 12:30 ESV

Jesus answered and said,
This voice came not because of me,
but for your sakes.
John 12:30 KJV
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