Без ( Without )

 bes bis
(RUSV: 14 + NRT: 28) = 42
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 24:27 NRT
27 сказа́в:
27 [having said, having said that, said, saying]:
Хвала́ Го́споду,
[Glory, Praise] [Lord, To The Lord],
Бо́гу моего́ господи́на Авраа́ма,
God my [lord, master, mister] Abraham,
Кото́рый не оста́вил без Свое́й ми́лости и ве́рности моего́ господи́на,
[Which, Which The, Who] [never, not] [departed, left] without [His, Mine] [grace, graces, kindness, mercy] and [fidelity, loyalty] my [lord, master, mister],
потому́ что Госпо́дь привёл меня́ пря́мо в дом к родне моего́ господи́на.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] Lord [brought, took] [i, me, self] [directly, immediately, specifically, clearly, plainly] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [to, for, by] родне my [lord, master, mister].
and said,
“Blessed be the Lord,
the God of my master Abraham,
who has not forsaken his steadfast love and his faithfulness toward my master.
As for me,
the Lord has led me in the way to the house of my master's kinsmen.”
Genesis 24:27 ESV

And he said,
Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham,
who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth:
I being in the way,
the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren.
Genesis 24:27 KJV
 Genesis 34:19 NRT
19 Молодо́й челове́к без промедле́ния испо́лнил то,
19 Young [man, human, person] without [procrastination, delay] [executed, performed] that,
что они́ сказа́ли,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [said, say, tell, they said],
потому́ что о́чень люби́л дочь Иа́кова а он,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [greatly, highly, very] [i loved, loved] daughter [Jacob, James] [while, and, but] he,
был са́мым уважаемым в до́ме своего́ отца́.
[be, to be, was, were] (by the most) уважаемым [at, in, of, on] [home, house] [his, yours] [father, the father].
And the young man did not delay to do the thing,
because he delighted in Jacob's daughter.
Now he was the most honored of all his father's house.
Genesis 34:19 ESV

And the young man deferred not to do the thing,
because he had delight in Jacob's daughter:
and he was more honorable than all the house of his father.
Genesis 34:19 KJV
 Genesis 37:24 NRT
24 и бро́сили его́ в коло́дец.
24 and [threw, abandoned] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] well.
Коло́дец был пу́стой,
Well [be, to be, was, were] empty,
без воды.
without [lake, water, waters].
And they took him and threw him into a pit.
The pit was empty;
there was no water in it.
Genesis 37:24 ESV

And they took him,
and cast him into a pit:
and the pit was empty,
there was no water in it.
Genesis 37:24 KJV
 Genesis 41:44 NRT
44 Фарао́н сказа́л Ио́сифу:
44 [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Joseph:
Я фарао́н,
I [pharaoh, the pharaoh],
но без твоего́ слова никто́ во всем Еги́пте не посмеет и па́льцем шевельнуть.
[but, yet] without [thy, your] [speech, the words, word, words] [no one, nobody] in [everyone, to everyone] Egypt [never, not] посмеет and finger шевельнуть.
Pharaoh said to Joseph,
“I am Pharaoh,
and without your consent no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.”
Genesis 41:44 ESV

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph,
I am Pharaoh,
and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:44 KJV
 Genesis 41:44 RUSV
44 И сказа́л фарао́н Ио́сифу:
44 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [pharaoh, the pharaoh] Joseph:
я фарао́н;
i [pharaoh, the pharaoh];
без тебя́ никто́ не двинет ни руки свое́й,
without you [no one, nobody] [never, not] двинет neither [arms, hand, hands] [his, mine],
ни ноги свое́й во всей земле́ Еги́петской.
neither [legs, feet] [his, mine] in [all, the whole, whole] [earth, ground, land, world] Egyptian.
Pharaoh said to Joseph,
“I am Pharaoh,
and without your consent no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.”
Genesis 41:44 ESV

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph,
I am Pharaoh,
and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 41:44 KJV
 Matthew 9:36 NRT
36 Уви́дев толпы наро́да,
36 [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] [crowd, crowds, multitude] [people, the people],
Он сжа́лился над ни́ми,
He (took pity) above them,
потому́ что э́ти лю́ди бы́ли изму́чены и беспомощны,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] these people [been, has been, were] [exhausted, sleeping] and беспомощны,
как овцы без пастуха́.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] sheep without [shepherd, the shepherd].
When he saw the crowds,
he had compassion for them,
because they were harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36 ESV

But when he saw the multitudes,
he was moved with compassion on them,
because they fainted,
and were scattered abroad,
as sheep having no shepherd.
Matthew 9:36 KJV
 Matthew 10:29 NRT
29 Не продаю́т ли па́ру воробьёв всего́ за одну́ медную моне́ту?
29 [Never, Not] sell whether [a couple, couple, pair, two] sparrows [total, only, altogether] [after, around, at, behind, over] [alone, one] медную [a coin, coin]?
Одна́ко ни оди́н из них не упадёт на зе́млю без во́ли ва́шего Небе́сного Отца́.
However neither [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] [them, they] [never, not] [fall, will fall] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, land] without will (your his) [Heaven, Heavenly] [Father, The Father].
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
Matthew 10:29 ESV

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
Matthew 10:29 KJV
 Matthew 10:29 RUSV
29 Не две ли малые пти́цы продаю́тся за ассарий?
29 [Never, Not] two whether малые [bird, birds, fowls] [for sale, sale, sold] [after, around, at, behind, over] ассарий?
И ни одна́ из них не упадёт на зе́млю без [во́ли] Отца́ ва́шего;
And neither one [from, in, of, out] [them, they] [never, not] [fall, will fall] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, land] without [will] [Father, The Father] (your his);
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
Matthew 10:29 ESV

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
Matthew 10:29 KJV
 Matthew 10:42 NRT
42 И е́сли кто-ли́бо напоит одного́ из са́мых меньших ча́шей холо́дной воды,
42 And [if, a, when, unless] anyone [gives you something to drink, he will get you drunk] one [from, in, of, out] most [little, smaller, smaller ones] [a bowl, bowl, cup] cold [lake, water, waters],
то́лько потому́ что он Мой учени́к,
[alone, only, just] [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] he [Mine, My] [disciple, student],
говорю́ вам и́стину,
[i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth],
он не оста́нется без награ́ды.
he [never, not] [it will remain, remain, will remain] without [awards, prizes, rewards].
And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple,
I say to you,
he will by no means lose his reward.”
Matthew 10:42 ESV

And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple,
verily I say unto you,
he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Matthew 10:42 KJV
 Matthew 13:34 NRT
34 Все э́то Иису́с говори́л наро́ду в при́тчах и ничего́ не объясня́л без притч,
34 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [that, this, it] Jesus spoke [to the people, nation] [at, in, of, on] [parables, proverbs] and [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] explained without parable,
All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables;
he said nothing to them without a parable.
Matthew 13:34 ESV

All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables;
and without a parable spake he not unto them:
Matthew 13:34 KJV
 Matthew 13:34 RUSV
34 Все сие́ Иису́с говори́л наро́ду при́тчами,
34 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] this Jesus spoke [to the people, nation] parables,
и без при́тчи не говори́л им,
and without [parable, parables] [never, not] spoke [it, them],
All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables;
he said nothing to them without a parable.
Matthew 13:34 ESV

All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables;
and without a parable spake he not unto them:
Matthew 13:34 KJV
 Matthew 13:57 RUSV
57 И соблазнялись о Нем.
57 And соблазнялись about [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless].
Иису́с же сказа́л им:
Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
не быва́ет проро́к без чести,
[never, not] [it happens, things happen] [prophet, the prophet] without honor,
ра́зве то́лько в оте́честве своём и в до́ме своём.
[is, perhaps, really] [alone, only, just] [at, in, of, on] [fatherland, country] his and [at, in, of, on] [home, house] his.
And they took offense at him.
But Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.”
Matthew 13:57 ESV

And they were offended in him.
But Jesus said unto them,
A prophet is not without honour,
save in his own country,
and in his own house.
Matthew 13:57 KJV
 Matthew 18:8 RUSV
8 Е́сли же рука́ твоя́ и́ли нога́ твоя́ соблазня́ет тебя́,
8 [If, A, When, Unless] [but, same, then] [arm, hand] yours or [foot, leg] yours [seduces, offend] you,
отсеки их и брось от себя́:
[chamber, compartments] [them, their] and [come on, drop it] from [itself, myself, yourself]:
лу́чше тебе́ войти́ в жизнь без руки и́ли без ноги,
[better, expedient] [thee, you] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] [life, living] without [arms, hand, hands] or without [legs, feet],
не́жели с двумя́ рука́ми и с двумя́ нога́ми быть ввержену в ого́нь ве́чный;
(rather than) [and, from, in, of, with] two hands and [and, from, in, of, with] two [feet, underfoot, with your feet] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] [cast, rejected, thrown] [at, in, of, on] [fire, flame] [eternal, everlasting];
And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin,
cut it off and throw it away.
It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.
Matthew 18:8 ESV

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee,
cut them off,
and cast them from thee:
it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed,
rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
Matthew 18:8 KJV
 Matthew 20:3 NRT
3 В третьем ча́су он опя́ть вы́шел и уви́дел,
3 [At, In, Of, On] третьем hour he again [came, came out] and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth],
что на пло́щади ещё стоят лю́ди без рабо́ты.
[what, that, why] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] squares [again, also, another, even, further, more] [are standing, stand, standing] people without [work, works].
And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
Matthew 20:3 ESV

And he went out about the third hour,
and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
Matthew 20:3 KJV
 Matthew 20:6 NRT
6 Пото́м он вы́шел в оди́ннадцатом ча́су и вновь нашёл стоящих люде́й.
6 [Then, Later] he [came, came out] [at, in, of, on] [eleventh, the eleventh] hour and again found standing [human, of people, people].
«Что вы тут стоите весь день без дела
«[What, That, Why] [ye, you] here [are you standing?, stand, stand still, standing] [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] day without [affairs, business, deeds, works]
спроси́л он их.
asked he [them, their].
And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing.
And he said to them,
‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ Matthew 20:6 ESV

And about the eleventh hour he went out,
and found others standing idle,
and saith unto them,
Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Matthew 20:6 KJV
 Matthew 22:12 NRT
12 «Друг,
12 «Friend,
спроси́л царь,
asked king,
как э́то ты вошёл сюда́ без свадебной оде́жды
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [that, this, it] you [entered, has entered] [here, hither] without свадебной [clothes, coats, tunics]
Челове́ку не́чего бы́ло сказа́ть.
(To A Person) nothing [it was, was] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell].
And he said to him,
how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless.
Matthew 22:12 ESV

And he saith unto him,
how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment?
And he was speechless.
Matthew 22:12 KJV
 Mark 4:10 RUSV
10 Когда́ же оста́лся без наро́да,
10 When [but, same, then] [remained, stay, stayed, tarried, tarry] without [people, the people],
окружающие Его́,
окружающие [His, Him, It],
вме́сте с двена́дцатью,
together [and, from, in, of, with] twelve,
спроси́ли Его́ о при́тче.
[asked, they asked] [His, Him, It] about [parable, the parable].
And when he was alone,
those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables.
Mark 4:10 ESV

And when he was alone,
they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.
Mark 4:10 KJV
 Mark 4:19 RUSV
19 но в кото́рых забо́ты века сего́,
19 [but, yet] [at, in, of, on] which [care, cares, concerns] [century, centuries, age] (with his),
обольще́ние бога́тством и други́е пожелания,
[deceitfulness, seduction] [mammon, riches, wealth] and [other, others] пожелания,
входя́ в них,
[enter, entered, entering] [at, in, of, on] [them, they],
заглуша́ют сло́во,
[drown out, muffle, suppress] [saying, the word, word],
и оно́ быва́ет без плода́.
and it [it happens, things happen] without [fruit, the fruit].
but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word,
and it proves unfruitful.
Mark 4:19 ESV

And the cares of this world,
and the deceitfulness of riches,
and the lusts of other things entering in,
choke the word,
and it becometh unfruitful.
Mark 4:19 KJV
 Mark 4:34 NRT
34 Без притч Иису́с вообще́ не учи́л,
34 Without parable Jesus [at all, generally] [never, not] [learned, taught, teaching],
но когда́ Он остава́лся наедине́ со Свои́ми ученика́ми,
[but, yet] when He [stayed, remained] [alone, in private] [after, with] (With Their Own) [disciples, pupils],
Он все им объясня́л.
He [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [it, them] explained.
He did not speak to them without a parable,
but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.
Mark 4:34 ESV

But without a parable spake he not unto them:
and when they were alone,
he expounded all things to his disciples.
Mark 4:34 KJV
 Mark 4:34 RUSV
34 Без при́тчи же не говори́л им,
34 Without [parable, parables] [but, same, then] [never, not] spoke [it, them],
а ученика́м наедине́ изъясня́л все.
[while, and, but] [for students, disciples] [alone, in private] explained [all, any, every, everybody, everyone].
He did not speak to them without a parable,
but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.
Mark 4:34 ESV

But without a parable spake he not unto them:
and when they were alone,
he expounded all things to his disciples.
Mark 4:34 KJV
 Mark 6:4 NRT
4 Иису́с же сказа́л им:
4 Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Не быва́ет проро́к без чести,
[Never, Not] [it happens, things happen] [prophet, the prophet] without honor,
ра́зве то́лько в го́роде своём и в своём до́ме.
[is, perhaps, really] [alone, only, just] [at, in, of, on] [city, town] his and [at, in, of, on] his [home, house].
And Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor,
except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”
Mark 6:4 ESV

But Jesus,
said unto them,
A prophet is not without honour,
but in his own country,
and among his own kin,
and in his own house.
Mark 6:4 KJV
 Mark 6:4 RUSV
4 Иису́с же сказа́л им:
4 Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
не быва́ет проро́к без чести,
[never, not] [it happens, things happen] [prophet, the prophet] without honor,
ра́зве то́лько в оте́честве своём и у сродников и в до́ме своём.
[is, perhaps, really] [alone, only, just] [at, in, of, on] [fatherland, country] his and [at, by, with, of] сродников and [at, in, of, on] [home, house] his.
And Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor,
except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”
Mark 6:4 ESV

But Jesus,
said unto them,
A prophet is not without honour,
but in his own country,
and among his own kin,
and in his own house.
Mark 6:4 KJV
 Mark 6:34 NRT
34 Когда́ Иису́с сошел на берег и уви́дел большую толпу́,
34 When Jesus [came down, descended, got off] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [beach, coast, seashore, shore] and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [big, large] [crowd, multitude, the crowd],
Он сжа́лился над людьми́,
He (took pity) above people,
потому́ что они́ бы́ли как овцы без пастуха́,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [they, they are] [been, has been, were] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] sheep without [shepherd, the shepherd],
и на́чал их учи́ть мно́гим вещам.
and [began, start] [them, their] [learn, speaking, taught, teach, teaching] [many, most, much] вещам.
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd,
and he had compassion on them,
because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
And he began to teach them many things.
Mark 6:34 ESV

And Jesus,
when he came out,
saw much people,
and was moved with compassion toward them,
because they were as sheep not having a shepherd:
and he began to teach them many things.
Mark 6:34 KJV
 Mark 9:41 NRT
41 Е́сли кто-ли́бо напоит вас ча́шей воды за то,
41 [If, A, When, Unless] anyone [gives you something to drink, he will get you drunk] you [a bowl, bowl, cup] [lake, water, waters] [after, around, at, behind, over] that,
что вы носите Моё и́мя,
[what, that, why] [ye, you] [wear, wear it] My name,
говорю́ вам и́стину,
[i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth],
он не оста́нется без награ́ды.
he [never, not] [it will remain, remain, will remain] without [awards, prizes, rewards].
For truly,
I say to you,
whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.
Mark 9:41 ESV

For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name,
because ye belong to Christ,
verily I say unto you,
he shall not lose his reward.
Mark 9:41 KJV
 Luke 1:74 NRT
74 изба́вить нас от рук на́ших враго́в,
74 [deliver, redeem] [us, we] from [arm, hand] our [enemies, foes],
что́бы мы могли́ без стра́ха служи́ть Ему́,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [we, we are] could without fear [serve, serving] [Him, It, To Him],
that we,
being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
might serve him without fear,
Luke 1:74 ESV

That he would grant unto us,
that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,
Luke 1:74 KJV
 Luke 6:49 NRT
49 А того́,
49 [While, And, But] that,
кто слу́шает Мои́ слова,
who [hear, listens] My [speech, the words, word, words],
но не исполня́ет их,
[but, yet] [never, not] [performs, fulfills] [them, their],
мо́жно сравни́ть с челове́ком,
[can, may] compare [and, from, in, of, with] [a man, human, man],
кото́рый постро́ил дом на земле́ без фунда́мента.
[which, which the, who] built [dwelling, home, house] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world] without [foundation, the foundation].
Как то́лько река́ обру́шилась на дом,
[How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [alone, only, just] [river, stream] collapsed [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [dwelling, home, house],
он тут же ру́хнул,
he here [but, same, then] collapsed,
и паде́ние его́ бы́ло вели́ким.
and [a fall, drop, fall] [his, him, it] [it was, was] [great, greatest].
But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation.
When the stream broke against it,
immediately it fell,
and the ruin of that house was great.”
Luke 6:49 ESV

But he that heareth,
and doeth not,
is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth;
against which the stream did beat vehemently,
and immediately it fell;
and the ruin of that house was great.
Luke 6:49 KJV
 Luke 6:49 RUSV
49 А слу́шающий и неисполняющий подо́бен челове́ку,
49 [While, And, But] [listener, listening, the listener] and non-performing [like, similar] (to a person),
постро́ившему дом на земле́ без основа́ния,
[built, to the one who built, who built it] [dwelling, home, house] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world] without [foundations, grounds, perspectives],
[which, which the, who],
когда́ напёрла на него́ вода́,
when [press, push, thimbled] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] him water,
тотчас обру́шился;
immediately collapsed;
и разруше́ние дома сего́ бы́ло вели́кое.
and [destruction, ruin] houses (with his) [it was, was] [great, the great].
But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation.
When the stream broke against it,
immediately it fell,
and the ruin of that house was great.”
Luke 6:49 ESV

But he that heareth,
and doeth not,
is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth;
against which the stream did beat vehemently,
and immediately it fell;
and the ruin of that house was great.
Luke 6:49 KJV
 Luke 10:19 NRT
19 Вот,
19 [Behold, Here, There],
Я дал вам власть наступа́ть без вреда́ для вас на змей и скорпио́нов и преодолева́ть всю си́лу врага́.
I gave [to you, ye, you] [authority, dominion, power] [advance, come] without [damage, harm, injury] for you [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] serpent and scorpions and overcome [all, whole] strength enemy.
I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you.
Luke 10:19 ESV

I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19 KJV
 Luke 13:7 NRT
7 Тогда́ он сказа́л виногра́дарю:
7 Then he [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [grower, to the grower, vinedresser]:
«Вот уже́ три года я прихожу́ смотре́ть,
«[Behold, Here, There] already three [of the year, years] i (i am coming) [behold, look, see, to look, view, watch],
нет ли на э́том инжи́ре плодо́в,
[no, not] whether [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] this figs [fruit, fruits],
и ничего́ не нахожу́.
and [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [find, i find].
Сруби́ его́,
[Cut, Cut Down, Log, Log Cabins] [his, him, it],
заче́м он без по́льзы занима́ет ме́сто
[how, wherefore, why] he without [benefits, uses] [occupies, takes] place
And he said to the vinedresser,
for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree,
and I find none.
Cut it down.
Why should it use up the ground?’ Luke 13:7 ESV

Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard,
these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree,
and find none:
cut it down;
why cumbereth it the ground?
Luke 13:7 KJV
 Luke 18:8 NRT
8 Говорю́ вам:
8 [I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you]:
Он без промедле́ния защити́т их.
He without [procrastination, delay] [defend, protect, will protect] [them, their].
Но когда́ Сын Челове́ческий придёт,
[But, Yet] when Son [Human, Man] [come, comes, cometh, coming, will come],
то найдёт ли Он ве́ру на земле́?
that [find, it will find, will find] whether He [belief, doctrine, faith] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world]?
I tell you,
he will give justice to them speedily.
when the Son of Man comes,
will he find faith on earth?”
Luke 18:8 ESV

I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth?
Luke 18:8 KJV
 Luke 22:35 NRT
35 Пото́м Иису́с спроси́л их:
35 [Then, Later] Jesus asked [them, their]:
Когда́ Я посыла́л вас без кошелька́,
When I sent you without [moneybag, purse, wallet],
без су́мки,
without [bag, bags],
без санда́лий,
without [sandal, sandals, shoe's],
нужда́лись ли вы в чем-ли́бо?
[needed, they needed] whether [ye, you] [at, in, of, on] anything?
Ни в чём,
Neither [at, in, of, on] [how, than, what, whence, which, why],
отве́тили они́.
answered [they, they are].
And he said to them,
“When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals,
did you lack anything?”
They said,
Luke 22:35 ESV

And he said unto them,
When I sent you without purse,
and scrip,
and shoes,
lacked ye any thing?
And they said,
Luke 22:35 KJV
 Luke 22:35 RUSV
35 И сказа́л им:
35 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
когда́ Я посыла́л вас без мешка и без су́мы и без о́буви,
when I sent you without [bag, moneybag, pouch, purse, sack] and without [bag, bags] and without [footwear, shoe, shoes],
име́ли ли вы в чём недоста́ток?
[had, have had] whether [ye, you] [at, in, of, on] [how, than, what, whence, which, why] [disadvantage, flaw]?
Они́ отвеча́ли:
[They, They Are] [answered, they answered]:
ни в чём.
neither [at, in, of, on] [how, than, what, whence, which, why].
And he said to them,
“When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals,
did you lack anything?”
They said,
Luke 22:35 ESV

And he said unto them,
When I sent you without purse,
and scrip,
and shoes,
lacked ye any thing?
And they said,
Luke 22:35 KJV
 John 1:3 NRT
3 Все,
3 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone],
что существу́ет,
[what, that, why] [there is, exists],
бы́ло сотворено́ че́рез Него́,
[it was, was] [created, made] [across, by way of, through] Him,
и без Него́ ничто́ из того́,
and without Him [none, nothing] [from, in, of, out] that,
что есть,
[what, that, why] [there are, there is],
не начало существова́ть.
[never, not] [start, beginning] [exist, to exist].
All things were made through him,
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3 ESV

All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3 KJV
 John 1:3 RUSV
3 Все чрез Него́ начало быть,
3 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] through Him [start, beginning] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become],
и без Него́ ничто́ не начало быть,
and without Him [none, nothing] [never, not] [start, beginning] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become],
что начало быть.
[what, that, why] [start, beginning] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become].
All things were made through him,
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3 ESV

All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3 KJV
 John 3:34 NRT
34 По́сланный Бо́гом говори́т слова Бо́жьи,
34 Sent [By God, God] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [speech, the words, word, words] [God, God's],
и Бог даёт Ему́ Своего́ Ду́ха без вся́кого ограниче́ния.
and God [give, gives, giveth] [Him, It, To Him] [His, Yours] Spirit without [any, anyone, every one, whosoever] [measure, restrictions].
For he whom God has sent utters the words of God,
for he gives the Spirit without measure.
John 3:34 ESV

For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God:
for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
John 3:34 KJV
 John 8:7 NRT
7 Они́ упря́мо продолжа́ли Его́ спра́шивать.
7 [They, They Are] stubbornly continued [His, Him, It] [ask, asking, inquire, question, to ask].
Тогда́ Иису́с вы́прямился и сказа́л:
Then Jesus [he straightened up, stood, straightened up] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Кто из вас без греха́,
Who [from, in, of, out] you without [of sin, offences, sin],
пусть пе́рвым бро́сит в неё ка́мень.
let first [cast, he will quit, throw, will throw] [at, in, of, on] her [rock, stone].
And as they continued to ask him,
he stood up and said to them,
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7 ESV

So when they continued asking him,
he lifted up himself,
and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you,
let him first cast a stone at her.
John 8:7 KJV
 John 8:7 RUSV
7 Когда́ же продолжа́ли спра́шивать Его́,
7 When [but, same, then] continued [ask, asking, inquire, question, to ask] [His, Him, It],
[exclaimed, exclaiming, lifted up, rising up, stood up],
сказа́л им:
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
кто из вас без греха́,
who [from, in, of, out] you without [of sin, offences, sin],
пе́рвый брось на неё ка́мень.
[first, the first] [come on, drop it] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] her [rock, stone].
And as they continued to ask him,
he stood up and said to them,
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7 ESV

So when they continued asking him,
he lifted up himself,
and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you,
let him first cast a stone at her.
John 8:7 KJV
 John 15:5 NRT
5 Я лоза́,
5 I [the vine, vine],
а вы ве́тви.
[while, and, but] [ye, you] [branch, branches].
Кто нахо́дится во Мне,
Who [is located, located] in [Me, To Me],
а Я в нем,
[while, and, but] I [at, in, of, on] [dumb, him, mute, speechless],
прино́сит мно́го плода́.
[bringeth, brings] [a lot of, many] [fruit, the fruit].
Без Меня́ вы не мо́жете де́лать ничего́.
Without [I, Me, Self] [ye, you] [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] [to do, to make] [anything, nothing, never mind].
I am the vine;
you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him,
he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5 ESV

I am the vine,
ye are the branches:
He that abideth in me,
and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit:
for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5 KJV
 John 15:5 RUSV
5 Я есмь лоза́,
5 I [am, i am] [the vine, vine],
а вы ве́тви;
[while, and, but] [ye, you] [branch, branches];
кто пребыва́ет во Мне,
who [abides, abideth, dwell, stays] in [Me, To Me],
и Я в нем,
and I [at, in, of, on] [dumb, him, mute, speechless],
тот прино́сит мно́го плода́;
that [bringeth, brings] [a lot of, many] [fruit, the fruit];
и́бо без Меня́ не мо́жете де́лать ничего́.
[for, because] without [I, Me, Self] [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] [to do, to make] [anything, nothing, never mind].
I am the vine;
you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him,
he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5 ESV

I am the vine,
ye are the branches:
He that abideth in me,
and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit:
for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5 KJV
 John 15:25 NRT
25 В э́том исполня́ется ска́занное в их Зако́не:
25 [At, In, Of, On] this [fulfilled, it is being executed, performing] (what has been said) [at, in, of, on] [them, their] Law:
«Они́ возненави́дели Меня́ без вся́кой причи́ны».
«[They, They Are] [hated, they hated it] [I, Me, Self] without any [the reasons, cause]».
But the word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled:
‘They hated me without a cause.’ John 15:25 ESV

But this cometh to pass,
that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law,
They hated me without a cause.
John 15:25 KJV
 John 16:29 NRT
29 Тогда́ ученики́ Иису́са сказа́ли:
29 Then [students, disciples] Jesus [said, say, tell, they said]:
Сейча́с Ты говори́шь я́сно,
Now You (you say) [it is clear, i see clearly],
без притч.
without parable.
His disciples said,
now you are speaking plainly and not using figurative speech!
John 16:29 ESV

His disciples said unto him,
now speakest thou plainly,
and speakest no proverb.
John 16:29 KJV
 John 19:23 NRT
23 Когда́ во́ины распя́ли Иису́са,
23 When [soldiers, warriors] crucified Jesus,
они́ взя́ли Его́ ве́рхнюю оде́жду и раздели́ли на четы́ре ча́сти,
[they, they are] [have taken, they took it, took] [His, Him, It] [outer, top, upper] clothes and divided [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] four [parts, piece, portion],
ка́ждому по одно́й.
[any one, each, to each] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [alone, one].
Руба́шка Иису́са была́ без швов,
Shirt Jesus was without seams,
со́тканная целико́м.
woven whole.
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus,
they took his garments and divided them into four parts,
one part for each soldier;
also his tunic.
But the tunic was seamless,
woven in one piece from top to bottom,
John 19:23 ESV

Then the soldiers,
when they had crucified Jesus,
took his garments,
and made four parts,
to every soldier a part;
and also his coat:
now the coat was without seam,
woven from the top throughout.
John 19:23 KJV
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