Bible  Genesis 5:1-32 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Вот родосло́вие Ада́ма: когда́ Бог
vot rah-dahs-LAW-vee-ee ah-DAH-mah kah-g'DAH bohh
1 [Behold, Here, There] [Family Tree, Genealogy, Generations, Pedigree] Adam When God
сотвори́л челове́ка, по подо́бию Божию созда́л его́,
saht-vah-REEL chee-lie-VYEH-kuh pah pah-DAW-bee-yoo baw-jee-yoo sahz-DAHL yeh-VOAH
Created Human [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Likeness, Similarity] [God, God's] Created [His, Him, It]
2 мужчи́ну и же́нщину сотвори́л их, и благослови́л их,
mooj-CHEE-noo ee JEN-shhee-noo saht-vah-REEL eehh ee blah-gahs-lah-VEEL eehh
2 (A Man) And Woman Created [Them, Their] And Blessed [Them, Their]
и наре́к им и́мя: челове́к, в день сотворения их.
ee nah-REK eem EE-myah cheh-lah-VEK (v)- den eehh
And Name [It, Them] Name [Man, Human, Person] [At, In, Of, On] Day [Them, Their.]
3 Адам жил сто три́дцать лет и роди́л [сы́на] по
jeel staw TREED-tsaht let ee rah-DEEL SIH-nah pah
3 Adam Lived [Hundred, One Hundred] Thirty Years And (Gave Birth) [A Son, My Son, Son] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
подо́бию своему́ по о́бразу своему́, и наре́к ему́ и́мя: Сиф.
pah-DAW-bee-yoo svah-ee-MOO pah OB-rah-zoo svah-ee-MOO ee nah-REK yee-MOO EE-myah seef
[Likeness, Similarity] [To His, Your Own] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Image, The Image] [To His, Your Own] And Name [Him, It, To Him] Name Seth.
4 Дней Ада́ма по рожде́нии им Сифа бы́ло
dnay ah-DAH-mah pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee eem BIH-lah
4 Days Adam [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] [It, Them] [It Was, Was]
восемьсо́т лет, и роди́л он сыно́в и дочере́й.
vah-seem-SOT let ee rah-DEEL ohn sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
(Eight Hundred) Years And (Gave Birth) He [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
5 Всех же дней жи́зни Адамовой бы́ло девятьсо́т три́дцать лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay JEEZ-nee BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT TREED-tsaht let ee ohn OO-meer
5 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Life [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Thirty Years And He Died.
6 Сиф жил сто пять лет и роди́л Еноса.
seef jeel staw pyaht let ee rah-DEEL yeh-naw-sah
6 Seth Lived [Hundred, One Hundred] Five Years And (Gave Birth) Enos.
7 По рожде́нии Еноса Сиф жил восемьсо́т семь лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee yeh-naw-sah seef jeel vah-seem-SOT sem let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
7 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Enos Seth Lived (Eight Hundred) Seven Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
8 Всех же дней Сифовых бы́ло девятьсо́т двена́дцать лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT dvee-NAHD-tsaht let ee ohn OO-meer
8 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Twelve Years And He Died.
9 Енос жил девяно́сто лет и роди́л Каинана.
yeh-nos jeel dee-vee-NOS-tah let ee rah-DEEL kah-ee-nah-nah
9 Enos Lived Ninety Years And (Gave Birth) Cainan.
10 По рожде́нии Каинана Енос жил восемьсо́т
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee kah-ee-nah-nah yeh-nos jeel vah-seem-SOT
10 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Cainan Enos Lived (Eight Hundred)
пятна́дцать лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
peet-NAHD-tsaht let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Fifteen Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
11 Всех же дней Еноса бы́ло девятьсо́т пять лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay yeh-naw-sah BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT pyaht let ee ohn OO-meer
11 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Enos [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Five Years And He Died.
12 Каинан жил се́мьдесят лет и роди́л Малелеила.
kah-ee-nahn jeel SEM-dee-seet let ee rah-DEEL mah-leh-leh-ee-lah
12 Cainan Lived Seventy Years And (Gave Birth) Mahalaleel.
13 По рожде́нии Малелеила Каинан жил восемьсо́т
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee mah-leh-leh-ee-lah kah-ee-nahn jeel vah-seem-SOT
13 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Mahalaleel Cainan Lived (Eight Hundred)
соро́к лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
sah-ROK let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Forty Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
14 Всех же дней Каинана бы́ло девятьсо́т де́сять лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay kah-ee-nah-nah BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT DEH-syaht let ee ohn OO-meer
14 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Cainan [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Ten Years And He Died.
15 Малелеил жил шестьдеся́т пять лет и роди́л Иареда.
mah-leh-leh-eel jeel sheest-dee-SYAHT pyaht let ee rah-DEEL ee-ah-reh-dah
15 [Mahalaleel, Mahalalel] Lived Sixty Five Years And (Gave Birth) Jared.
16 По рожде́нии Иареда Малелеил жил восемьсо́т
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee ee-ah-reh-dah mah-leh-leh-eel jeel vah-seem-SOT
16 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Jared [Mahalaleel, Mahalalel] Lived (Eight Hundred)
три́дцать лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
TREED-tsaht let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Thirty Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
17 Всех же дней Малелеила бы́ло восемьсо́т девяно́сто пять лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay mah-leh-leh-ee-lah BIH-lah vah-seem-SOT dee-vee-NOS-tah pyaht let ee ohn OO-meer
17 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Mahalaleel [It Was, Was] (Eight Hundred) Ninety Five Years And He Died.
18 Иаред жил сто шестьдеся́т два года и роди́л Ено́ха.
ee-ah-ret jeel staw sheest-dee-SYAHT dvah GAW-dah
ee rah-DEEL yee-NAW-hhah
18 Jared Lived [Hundred, One Hundred] Sixty Two [Of The Year, Years] And (Gave Birth) Enoch.
19 По рожде́нии Ено́ха Иаред жил восемьсо́т лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee yee-NAW-hhah ee-ah-ret jeel vah-seem-SOT let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
19 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Enoch Jared Lived (Eight Hundred) Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
20 Всех же дней Иареда бы́ло девятьсо́т шестьдеся́т два года; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay ee-ah-reh-dah BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT sheest-dee-SYAHT dvah GAW-dah
ee ohn OO-meer
20 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Jared [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Sixty Two [Of The Year, Years] And He Died.
21 Ено́х жил шестьдеся́т пять лет и роди́л Мафусала.
yee-NOHH jeel sheest-dee-SYAHT pyaht let ee rah-DEEL mah-foo-sah-lah
21 Enoch Lived Sixty Five Years And (Gave Birth) Methuselah.
22 И ходи́л Ено́х пред Бо́гом, по рожде́нии
ee khah-DEEL yee-NOHH pret BOH-gahm pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee
22 And [Walked, Went] Enoch [Before, Front] [By God, God] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth]
Мафусала, три́ста лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
mah-foo-sah-lah TREES-tah let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Methuselah (Three Hundred) Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
23 Всех же дней Ено́ха бы́ло три́ста шестьдеся́т пять лет.
vsehh zheh dnay yee-NAW-hhah BIH-lah TREES-tah sheest-dee-SYAHT pyaht let
23 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Enoch [It Was, Was] (Three Hundred) Sixty Five Years.
24 И ходи́л Ено́х пред Бо́гом; и не ста́ло его́, потому́ что Бог взял его́.
ee khah-DEEL yee-NOHH pret BOH-gahm ee nyeh STAH-lah yeh-VOAH pah-tah-MOO shtoh bohh vzyahl yeh-VOAH
24 And [Walked, Went] Enoch [Before, Front] [By God, God] And [Never, Not] [Became, It Became] [His, Him, It] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] God Took [His, Him, It.]
25 Мафусал жил сто во́семьдесят семь лет и роди́л Ламеха.
mah-foo-sahl jeel staw VAU-seem-dee-seet sem let ee rah-DEEL lah-meh-hhah
25 Methuselah Lived [Hundred, One Hundred] Eighty Seven Years And (Gave Birth) Lamech.
26 По рожде́нии Ламеха Мафусал жил семьсот
pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee lah-meh-hhah mah-foo-sahl jeel
26 [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Lamech Methuselah Lived
во́семьдесят два года и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
VAU-seem-dee-seet dvah GAW-dah
ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Eighty Two [Of The Year, Years] And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
27 Всех же дней Мафусала бы́ло девятьсо́т шестьдеся́т де́вять лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay mah-foo-sah-lah BIH-lah dee-veet-SOT sheest-dee-SYAHT DEH-vyaht let ee ohn OO-meer
27 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Methuselah [It Was, Was] (Nine Hundred) Sixty Nine Years And He Died.
28 Ламех жил сто во́семьдесят два года и роди́л сы́на,
lah-mehh jeel staw VAU-seem-dee-seet dvah GAW-dah
ee rah-DEEL SIH-nah
28 Lamech Lived [Hundred, One Hundred] Eighty Two [Of The Year, Years] And (Gave Birth) [A Son, My Son, Son]
29 и наре́к ему́ и́мя: Ной, сказа́в: он утешит нас в работе
ee nah-REK yee-MOO EE-myah noy skah-ZAHF ohn nahs (v)-
29 And Name [Him, It, To Him] Name Noah [Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] He [Us, We] [At, In, Of, On]
на́шей и в трудах рук на́ших при [возделывании] земли, кото́рую про́клял Госпо́дь.
NAH-shiy ee (v)- rook NAH-sheehh pree ZEM-lee
kah-TAW-roo-yoo PROK-leel gahs-POT
Our And [At, In, Of, On] [Arm, Hand] Our [At, In] Earth [Which, Which One] [Cursed, Cursedst] Lord.
30 И жил Ламех по рожде́нии Но́я пятьсо́т
ee jeel lah-mehh pah rahj-DEH-nee-ee NAW-yah peet-SOT
30 And Lived Lamech [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Birth, Childbirth] Noah (Five Hundred)
девяно́сто пять лет и роди́л сыно́в и дочере́й.
dee-vee-NOS-tah pyaht let ee rah-DEEL sih-NOF ee dah-chee-RAY
Ninety Five Years And (Gave Birth) [Children, Sons] And Daughters.
31 Всех же дней Ламеха бы́ло семьсот се́мьдесят семь лет; и он у́мер.
vsehh zheh dnay lah-meh-hhah BIH-lah SEM-dee-seet sem let ee ohn OO-meer
31 [All, Everyone] [But, Same, Then] Days Lamech [It Was, Was] Seventy Seven Years And He Died.
32 Но́ю бы́ло пятьсо́т лет и роди́л Ной Си́ма, Ха́ма и Иафета.
NAW-yoo BIH-lah peet-SOT let ee rah-DEEL noy SEE-mah HHAH-mah ee ee-ah-feh-tah
32 Noah [It Was, Was] (Five Hundred) Years And (Gave Birth) Noah Shem Ham And Japheth.
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Russian Synodal Version (RUSV) - Public Domain
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 Revision: 8/23/2024 10:31:40 PM
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