Bible  Genesis 12:1-20 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 И сказа́л Госпо́дь Авра́му: пойди́ из земли твое́й, от родства
ee skuh-ZAHL gahs-POT ahv-RAH-moo pie-DEE ees ZEM-lee
tvah-YAY ot
1 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Lord Abram Go [From, In, Of, Out] Earth Yours From
твоего́ и из дома отца́ твоего́, в зе́млю, кото́рую Я укажу тебе́;
tvah-ee-VAU ee ees DAW-mah
aht-TSAH tvah-ee-VAU (v)- ZEM-lew kah-TAW-roo-yoo yah tee-BEH
[Thy, Your] And [From, In, Of, Out] Houses [Father, The Father] [Thy, Your] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Land] [Which, Which One] I [Thee, You]
2 и Я произведу́ от тебя́ вели́кий наро́д, и благословлю́
ee yah prah-eez-vee-DOO ot tee-BYAH vee-LEE-kiy nah-ROT ee blah-gahs-lahv-LEW
2 And I [I Will Produce, Make] From You Great [Crowd, Nation, People] And [Bless, I Bless You, I Will Bless You]
тебя́, и возвеличу и́мя твоё, и бу́дешь ты в благослове́ние;
tee-BYAH ee EE-myah tvah-YAW ee BOO-deesh tih (v)- blah-gahs-lah-VEH-nyeh
You And Name [Thy, Your] And [Will You Be, You Will] You [At, In, Of, On] Blessing
3 Я благословлю́ благословляющих тебя́, и злословящих тебя́
yah blah-gahs-lahv-LEW tee-BYAH ee tee-BYAH
3 I [Bless, I Bless You, I Will Bless You] You And You
прокляну; и благословя́тся в тебе́ все племена́ земны́е.
ee blah-gahs-lah-VYAHT-syah (v)- tee-BEH (v)syeh
plee-mee-NAH zeem-NIH-ee
And [Blessed, They Will Be Blessed] [At, In, Of, On] [Thee, You] [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [Families, Tribes] [Earthly, Terrestrial.]
4 И пошёл Авра́м, как сказа́л ему́ Госпо́дь; и с ним
ee pah-SHOL ahv-RAHM kahk skuh-ZAHL yee-MOO gahs-POT ee (s)- neem
4 And [Gone, Went] Abram [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Him, It, To Him] Lord And [And, From, In, Of, With] Him
пошёл Лот. Авра́м был семидесяти пяти́ лет, когда́ вы́шел из Харрана.
pah-SHOL lot ahv-RAHM bihl pee-TEE let kah-g'DAH VIH-sheel ees hhahr-rah-nah
[Gone, Went] Lot. Abram [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Five Years When [Came, Came Out] [From, In, Of, Out] Haran.
5 И взял Авра́м с собо́ю Са́ру, жену́ свою́, Ло́та, сы́на бра́та своего́, и все име́ние, кото́рое они́ приобрели,
ee vzyahl ahv-RAHM (s)- sah-BAW-yoo SAH-roo jee-NOO svah-YOO LAW-tah SIH-nah BRAH-tah svah-ee-VAU ee (v)syeh
ee-MEH-nee-ee kah-TAW-rah-ee ah-NEE
5 And Took Abram [And, From, In, Of, With] [By Myself, Yourself, Yourselves] [Sarah, Sarai] [My Wife, Wife] [Its, My, Thy, Your] Lot [A Son, My Son, Son] Brother [His, Yours] And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [Estate, Possessions, Property, Substance] Which [They, They Are]
и всех люде́й, кото́рых они́ име́ли в Харране; и вы́шли, что́бы идти́ в зе́млю Ханаа́нскую; и пришли́ в зе́млю Ханаа́нскую.
ee vsehh lew-DAY kah-TAW-rihh ah-NEE ee-MEH-lee (v)- ee VISH-lee SHTOH-bih eed-TEE (v)- ZEM-lew hhah-nah-AHNS-koo-yoo ee preesh-LEE (v)- ZEM-lew hhah-nah-AHNS-koo-yoo
And [All, Everyone] [Human, Of People, People] Which [They, They Are] [Had, Have Had] [At, In, Of, On] And [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [Go, To Go] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Land] Canaanite And Came [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Land] Canaanite.
6 И прошёл Авра́м по земле́ сей до места
ee prah-SHOL ahv-RAHM pah zeem-LEH say daw MES-tah
6 And Passed Abram [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] This [Before, Until] Places
Сихема, до дубра́вы Мо́ре. В э́той земле́ тогда́ [жи́ли] Хананеи.
see-hheh-mah daw doob-RAH-vih MAW-ree (v)- EH-tie zeem-LEH tahg-DAH JEE-lee hhah-nah-neh-ee
Sichem [Before, Until] [Oak Forests, Plain, Plains] [Sea, Water.] [At, In, Of, On] This [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Then Lived [Canaanite, Canaanites, The Canaanites.]
7 И яви́лся Госпо́дь Авра́му и сказа́л: пото́мству твоему́ отда́м Я
ee yee-VEEL-syah gahs-POT ahv-RAH-moo ee skuh-ZAHL pah-TOMST-voo tvah-ee-MOO aht-DAHM yah
7 And [Appeared, He Appeared] Lord Abram And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Posterity Yours [I Will Give, I Will Give It Back, Repay] I
зе́млю сию́. И созда́л [он] там же́ртвенник Го́споду, Кото́рый яви́лся ему́.
ZEM-lew see-YOO ee sahz-DAHL ohn tahm JERT-veen-neek GOS-pah-doo kah-TAW-riy yee-VEEL-syah yee-MOO
[Earth, Land] This. And Created He There Altar [Lord, To The Lord] [Which, Which The, Who] [Appeared, He Appeared] [Him, It, To Him.]
8 Отту́да дви́нулся он к горе, на восто́к от Вефиля; и поста́вил шатёр свой [так, что от
aht-TOO-dah DVEE-nool-syah ohn k GAW-ree
nuh vahs-TOK ot veh-fee-lyah ee pahs-TAH-veel shee-TYOR svoy tahk shtoh ot
8 (From There) [Journeyed, Moved] He [To, For, By] [Woe, Grief, Mountain, Sorrow] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] East From Bethel And [Put, Set] [Tent, The Tent] [Mine, My Own] So [What, That, Why] From
него́] Вефиль [был] на за́пад, а Гай на восто́к; и созда́л там же́ртвенник Го́споду и призва́л и́мя Господа.
nyeh-VOH veh-feel bihl nuh ZAH-paht ah nuh vahs-TOK ee sahz-DAHL tahm JERT-veen-neek GOS-pah-doo ee preez-VAHL EE-myah GOS-pah-dah
Him Bethel [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] West [While, And, But] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] East And Created There Altar [Lord, To The Lord] And [Called, Urged] Name Lord.
9 И подня́лся Авра́м и продолжа́л идти́ к ю́гу.
ee pahd-NYAHL-syah ahv-RAHM ee prah-dahl-JAHL eed-TEE k YOO-goo
9 And [Got Up, Rose Up, Went, Went Up] Abram And [Continued, He Continued] [Go, To Go] [To, For, By] South.
10 И был го́лод в той земле́. И сошел Авра́м
ee bihl GAW-lod (v)- toy zeem-LEH ee saw-shel ahv-RAHM
10 And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Hunger [At, In, Of, On] That [Earth, Ground, Land, World.] And [Came Down, Descended, Got Off] Abram
в Еги́пет, пожить там, потому́ что уси́лился го́лод в земле́ той.
(v)- yee-GHEE-peet tahm pah-tah-MOO shtoh oo-SEE-leel-syah GAW-lod (v)- zeem-LEH toy
[At, In, Of, On] Egypt There [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] Intensified Hunger [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] That.
11 Когда́ же он приближа́лся к Египту, то сказа́л Саре,
kah-g'DAH zheh ohn preeb-lee-JAHL-syah k taw skuh-ZAHL
11 When [But, Same, Then] He Approached [To, For, By] That [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell]
же́не свое́й: вот, я зна́ю, что ты же́нщина, прекрасная ви́дом;
JEH-nee svah-YAY vot yah ZNAH-yoo shtoh tih JEN-shhee-nah VEE-dahm
Wife [His, Mine] [Behold, Here, There] I [I Know, Know] [What, That, Why] You Woman [Appearance, Countenance, View]
12 и когда́ Египтя́не уви́дят тебя́, то ска́жут: э́то
ee kah-g'DAH yee-gheep-TYAH-nee oo-VEE-deet tee-BYAH taw SKAH-joot EH-tuh
12 And When [Egyptians, The Egyptians] [See, They Will See] You That [They Will Say, Say] [That, This, It]
жена́ его́; и убью́т меня́, а тебя́ оста́вят в живы́х;
jeh-NAH yeh-VOAH ee oob-YOOT mee-NYAH
ah tee-BYAH ahs-TAH-veet (v)- jee-VIHH
Wife [His, Him, It] And [Kill, Murder, They Will Kill You, Will Kill] [I, Me, Self] [While, And, But] You (They Will Leave) [At, In, Of, On] [Alive, Living]
13 скажи́ же, что ты мне сестра́, дабы мне хорошо́
skah-JEE zheh shtoh tih mneh seest-RAH DAH-bih
mneh hhah-rah-SHAW
13 [Say, Tell] [But, Same, Then] [What, That, Why] You [Me, To Me] Sister [So That, In Order To] [Me, To Me] [Fine, Good, Nice, Pleasant, Well]
бы́ло ра́ди тебя́, и дабы жива́ была́ душа моя́ чрез тебя́.
BIH-lah RAH-dee tee-BYAH ee DAH-bih
jee-VAH bih-LAH DOO-shah
mah-YAH chres tee-BYAH
[It Was, Was] (For The Sake Of) You And [So That, In Order To] [Alive, Live] Was Soul My Through You.
14 И бы́ло, когда́ пришёл Авра́м в
ee BIH-lah kah-g'DAH pree-SHOL ahv-RAHM (v)-
14 And [It Was, Was] When [Arrive, Came, Come] Abram [At, In, Of, On]
Еги́пет, Египтя́не уви́дели, что она́ же́нщина весьма́ краси́вая;
yee-GHEE-peet yee-gheep-TYAH-nee oo-VEE-dee-lee shtoh ah-NAH JEN-shhee-nah vees-MAH krah-SEE-vah-yah
Egypt [Egyptians, The Egyptians] [Saw, They Saw, You Saw] [What, That, Why] [She, She Is] Woman [Exceeding, Exceedingly, Quite, Very] Beautiful
15 уви́дели её и вельмо́жи фараоновы и похвалили
oo-VEE-dee-lee yee-YAW ee veel-MAW-jee ee
15 [Saw, They Saw, You Saw] Her And Nobles And
её фарао́ну; и взята́ была́ она́ в дом фарао́нов.
yee-YAW fah-rah-AW-noo ee vzee-TAH bih-LAH ah-NAH (v)- dom fah-rah-AW-nahf
Her [Pharaoh, To The Pharaoh] And Taken Was [She, She Is] [At, In, Of, On] [Dwelling, Home, House] [Pharaohs, The Pharaohs.]
16 И Авра́му хорошо́ бы́ло ра́ди её; и был у него́ ме́лкий
ee ahv-RAH-moo hhah-rah-SHAW BIH-lah RAH-dee yee-YAW ee bihl oo nyeh-VOH MEL-kiy
16 And Abram [Fine, Good, Nice, Pleasant, Well] [It Was, Was] (For The Sake Of) Her And [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [At, By, With, Of] Him Small
и кру́пный скот и ослы́, и рабы́ и рабы́ни, и лошаки и верблю́ды.
ee KROOP-niy skot ee ahs-LIH ee rah-BIH ee rah-BIH-nee ee ee veerb-LEW-dih
And Large [Cattle, Livestock] And Donkeys And [Handmaiden, Servant, Servants, Slaves] And Slaves And And Camels.
17 Но Госпо́дь порази́л тяжкими ударами фарао́на и дом его́ за Са́ру, жену́ Аврамову.
noh gahs-POT pah-rah-ZEEL fah-rah-AW-nah ee dom yeh-VOAH zah SAH-roo jee-NOO
17 [But, Yet] Lord [Amazed, I Was Amazed, Smite, Smote] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] And [Dwelling, Home, House] [His, Him, It] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] [Sarah, Sarai] [My Wife, Wife] .
18 И призва́л фарао́н Авра́ма и сказа́л: что ты э́то сде́лал
ee preez-VAHL fah-rah-ON ahv-RAH-mah ee skuh-ZAHL shtoh tih EH-tuh SDEH-lahl
18 And [Called, Urged] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] Abram And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [What, That, Why] You [That, This, It] Did
со мно́ю? для чего́ не сказа́л мне, что она́ жена́ твоя́?
saw MNAW-yoo dlyah chee-VAU nyeh skuh-ZAHL mneh shtoh ah-NAH jeh-NAH tvah-YAH
[After, With] Me? For What [Never, Not] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Me, To Me] [What, That, Why] [She, She Is] Wife Yours?
19 для чего́ ты сказа́л: она́ сестра́ моя́? и я взял бы́ло
dlyah chee-VAU tih skuh-ZAHL ah-NAH seest-RAH mah-YAH ee yah vzyahl BIH-lah
19 For What You [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [She, She Is] Sister My? And I Took [It Was, Was]
её себе́ в жену́. И тепе́рь вот жена́ твоя́; возьми́ и пойди́.
yee-YAW see-BEH (v)- jee-NOO ee tee-PER vot jeh-NAH tvah-YAH vahz-MEE ee pie-DEE
Her [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [At, In, Of, On] [My Wife, Wife.] And Now [Behold, Here, There] Wife Yours [Get, Take] And Go.
20 И дал о нем фарао́н повеле́ние лю́дям, и проводили
ee dahl oah nyom fah-rah-ON pah-vee-LEH-nee-ee LEW-deem ee
20 And Gave About [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Command, Decree, The Command] People And
его́, и жену́ его́, и все, что у него́ бы́ло.
yeh-VOAH ee jee-NOO yeh-VOAH ee (v)syeh
shtoh oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lah
[His, Him, It] And [My Wife, Wife] [His, Him, It] And [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] [What, That, Why] [At, By, With, Of] Him [It Was, Was.]
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 Revision: 8/23/2024 10:32:42 PM
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