Та́кже ( Also )

(RUSV: 78 + NRT: 36) = 114
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 1:16 NRT
16 Бог созда́л два великих свети́ла большо́е свети́ло,
16 God created two великих [lights, luminaries, stars] [big, large, many] [lamp, light, the luminary],
что́бы управля́ть днём,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [manage, manager, steward, to manage] [happy, day, in the afternoon],
и малое свети́ло,
and [small, little] [lamp, light, the luminary],
что́бы управля́ть но́чью,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [manage, manager, steward, to manage] [at night, by night, night],
а та́кже Он созда́л звезды.
[while, and, but] also He created stars.
And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.
Genesis 1:16 ESV

And God made two great lights;
the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16 KJV
 Genesis 3:6 RUSV
6 И уви́дела жена́,
6 And saw wife,
что де́рево хорошо́ для пищи,
[what, that, why] [timber, tree] [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well] for [food, meat, nutrition],
и что оно́ прия́тно для глаз и вожделенно,
and [what, that, why] it [nice, pleasantly] for eye and вожделенно,
потому́ что даёт знание;
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [give, gives, giveth] знание;
и взяла́ плодо́в его́ и е́ла;
and [taken, took] [fruit, fruits] [his, him, it] and [ate, i ate];
и дала́ та́кже му́жу своему́,
and [gave, i gave it to you] also husband [to his, your own],
и он ел.
and he ate.
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,
she took of its fruit and ate,
and she also gave some to her husband who was with her,
and he ate.
Genesis 3:6 ESV

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
she took of the fruit thereof,
and did eat,
and gave also unto her husband with her;
and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6 KJV
 Genesis 3:22 NRT
22 Пото́м Госпо́дь Бог сказа́л:
22 [Then, Later] Lord God [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Познав добро́ и зло,
– Познав [good, goodness, kindness] and [evil, evils, wicked],
челове́к стал тепе́рь как оди́н из Нас.
[man, human, person] became now [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] [Us, We].
[Forbidden, It Is Forbidden, Must Not],
что́бы он протяну́л ру́ку,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he [held out, put forth] hand,
сорвав плод та́кже и с де́рева жи́зни,
сорвав fruit also and [and, from, in, of, with] tree life,
съел его́ и стал жить ве́чно.
[ate, devoured, i ate it] [his, him, it] and became live [for ever, forever].
Then the Lord God said,
the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil.
lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat,
and live forever—”
Genesis 3:22 ESV

And the LORD God said,
the man is become as one of us,
to know good and evil:
and now,
lest he put forth his hand,
and take also of the tree of life,
and eat,
and live for ever:
Genesis 3:22 KJV
 Genesis 3:22 RUSV
22 И сказа́л Госпо́дь Бог:
22 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Lord God:
[behold, here, there],
Адам стал как оди́н из Нас,
Adam became [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] [Us, We],
зна́я добро́ и зло;
[knew, knowing] [good, goodness, kindness] and [evil, evils, wicked];
и тепе́рь как бы не простер он руки свое́й,
and now [how, what, as, like (comparison)] would [never, not] [extend, stretch] he [arms, hand, hands] [his, mine],
и не взял та́кже от де́рева жи́зни,
and [never, not] took also from tree life,
и не вкуси́л,
and [never, not] tasted,
и не стал жить ве́чно.
and [never, not] became live [for ever, forever].
Then the Lord God said,
the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil.
lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat,
and live forever—”
Genesis 3:22 ESV

And the LORD God said,
the man is become as one of us,
to know good and evil:
and now,
lest he put forth his hand,
and take also of the tree of life,
and eat,
and live for ever:
Genesis 3:22 KJV
 Genesis 4:4 RUSV
4 и А́вель та́кже принёс от первородных стада своего́ и от ту́ка их.
4 and Abel also brought from первородных [herds, flocks] [his, yours] and from (here you go) [them, their].
И призре́л Госпо́дь на А́веля и на дар его́,
And (looked up) Lord [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] Abel and [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [donation, gift, offering] [his, him, it],
and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions.
And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering,
Genesis 4:4 ESV

And Abel,
he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.
And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
Genesis 4:4 KJV
 Genesis 4:22 RUSV
22 Цилла та́кже родила Тувалкаина,
22 Zillah also [bore, gave birth] Тувалкаина,
кото́рый был ковачом всех орудий из ме́ди и железа.
[which, which the, who] [be, to be, was, were] ковачом [all, everyone] орудий [from, in, of, out] [brass, copper] and железа.
И сестра́ Тувалкаина Ноема.
And sister Тувалкаина Ноема.
Zillah also bore Tubal-cain;
he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron.
The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
Genesis 4:22 ESV

And Zillah,
she also bare Tubalcain,
an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:
and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
Genesis 4:22 KJV
 Genesis 4:26 RUSV
26 У Сифа та́кже роди́лся сын,
26 [At, By, With, Of] Сифа also [born, was born] son,
и он наре́к ему́ и́мя:
and he name [him, it, to him] name:
тогда́ на́чали призывать и́мя Господа.
then started summon name Lord.
To Seth also a son was born,
and he called his name Enosh.
At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord.
Genesis 4:26 ESV

And to Seth,
to him also there was born a son;
and he called his name Enos:
then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
Genesis 4:26 KJV
 Genesis 6:19 RUSV
19 Введи́ та́кже в ковчег из всех живо́тных,
19 [Enter, Lead, Lead On] also [at, in, of, on] [ark, the ark] [from, in, of, out] [all, everyone] animals,
и от вся́кой плоти по паре́,
and from any flesh [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [pair, two],
чтоб они́ оста́лись с тобо́ю в живы́х;
[in order, so that] [they, they are] stayed [and, from, in, of, with] [by you, thee, you] [at, in, of, on] [alive, living];
му́жеского по́ла и же́нского пусть они́ бу́дут.
male [gender, paula] and female let [they, they are] [will, be].
And of every living thing of all flesh,
you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you.
They shall be male and female.
Genesis 6:19 ESV

And of every living thing of all flesh,
two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark,
to keep them alive with thee;
they shall be male and female.
Genesis 6:19 KJV
 Genesis 7:3 RUSV
3 та́кже и из птиц небе́сных по семи,
3 also and [from, in, of, out] birds heavenly [along, by, in, on, to, unto] seven,
му́жеского по́ла и же́нского,
male [gender, paula] and female,
что́бы сохрани́ть пле́мя для всей земли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] save tribe for [all, the whole, whole] earth,
and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also,
male and female,
to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth.
Genesis 7:3 ESV

Of fowls also of the air by sevens,
the male and the female;
to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Genesis 7:3 KJV
 Genesis 9:5 RUSV
5 Я взыщу и ва́шу кровь,
5 I взыщу and your blood,
[в кото́рой] жизнь ва́ша,
[[at, in, of, on] [which, which one]] [life, living] your,
взыщу её от вся́кого зверя,
взыщу her from [any, anyone, every one, whosoever] зверя,
взыщу та́кже душу челове́ка от руки челове́ка,
взыщу also [soul, the soul] human from [arms, hand, hands] human,
от руки бра́та его́;
from [arms, hand, hands] brother [his, him, it];
And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning:
from every beast I will require it and from man.
From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
Genesis 9:5 ESV

And surely your blood of your lives will I require;
at the hand of every beast will I require it,
and at the hand of man;
at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
Genesis 9:5 KJV
 Genesis 10:8 RUSV
8 Хуш роди́л та́кже Нимрода:
8 Хуш (gave birth) also Нимрода:
сей на́чал быть силе́н на земле́.
this [began, start] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] [mighty, powerful, strong] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world].
Cush fathered Nimrod;
he was the first on earth to be a mighty man.
Genesis 10:8 ESV

And Cush begat Nimrod:
he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
Genesis 10:8 KJV
 Genesis 10:16 NRT
16 а та́кже иевусеев,
16 [while, and, but] also иевусеев,
and the Jebusites,
the Amorites,
the Girgashites,
Genesis 10:16 ESV

And the Jebusite,
and the Amorite,
and the Girgasite,
Genesis 10:16 KJV
 Genesis 13:5 RUSV
5 И у Ло́та,
5 And [at, by, with, of] Lot,
кото́рый ходи́л с Авра́мом,
[which, which the, who] [walked, went] [and, from, in, of, with] Abram,
та́кже был ме́лкий и кру́пный скот и шатры.
also [be, to be, was, were] small and large [cattle, livestock] and шатры.
And Lot,
who went with Abram,
also had flocks and herds and tents,
Genesis 13:5 ESV

And Lot also,
which went with Abram,
had flocks,
and herds,
and tents.
Genesis 13:5 KJV
 Genesis 14:7 NRT
7 Отту́да они́ повернули наза́д и пришли́ к Эн-Мишпат (то есть Кадешу) и завоевали всю зе́млю амаликитя́н,
7 (From There) [they, they are] повернули back and came [to, for, by] Эн-Мишпат (that [there are, there is] Кадешу) and завоевали [all, whole] [earth, land] amalekites,
а та́кже аморре́ев,
[while, and, but] also amorites,
кото́рые жи́ли в Хацацон-Тамаре.
[which, who] lived [at, in, of, on] Хацацон-Тамаре.
Then they turned back and came to En-mishpat (that is,
Kadesh) and defeated all the country of the Amalekites,
and also the Amorites who were dwelling in Hazazon-tamar.
Genesis 14:7 ESV

And they returned,
and came to Enmishpat,
which is Kadesh,
and smote all the country of the Amalekites,
and also the Amorites,
that dwelt in Hazezontamar.
Genesis 14:7 KJV
 Genesis 14:7 RUSV
7 И возврати́вшись отту́да,
7 And [return, returned, returning] (from there),
они́ пришли́ к исто́чнику Мишпат,
[they, they are] came [to, for, by] [source, to the source] Мишпат,
кото́рый есть Кадес,
[which, which the, who] [there are, there is] Кадес,
и порази́ли всю страну́ Амаликитя́н,
and [amazed, impressed] [all, whole] [country, region] Amalekites,
и та́кже Аморре́ев,
and also Amorites,
живу́щих в Хацацон-Фамаре.
living [at, in, of, on] Хацацон-Фамаре.
Then they turned back and came to En-mishpat (that is,
Kadesh) and defeated all the country of the Amalekites,
and also the Amorites who were dwelling in Hazazon-tamar.
Genesis 14:7 ESV

And they returned,
and came to Enmishpat,
which is Kadesh,
and smote all the country of the Amalekites,
and also the Amorites,
that dwelt in Hazezontamar.
Genesis 14:7 KJV
 Genesis 14:12 NRT
12 Они́ забра́ли та́кже Аврамова племянника Ло́та,
12 [They, They Are] [took, took away] also [Abram, Abram's] племянника Lot,
кото́рый жил в Содо́ме,
[which, which the, who] lived [at, in, of, on] Sodom,
и все его́ иму́щество.
and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [his, him, it] property.
They also took Lot,
the son of Abram's brother,
who was dwelling in Sodom,
and his possessions,
and went their way.
Genesis 14:12 ESV

And they took Lot,
Abram's brother's son,
who dwelt in Sodom,
and his goods,
and departed.
Genesis 14:12 KJV
 Genesis 14:16 RUSV
16 и возврати́л все иму́щество и Ло́та,
16 and returned [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] property and Lot,
сродника своего́,
сродника [his, yours],
и иму́щество его́ возврати́л,
and property [his, him, it] returned,
та́кже и же́нщин и наро́д.
also and women and [crowd, nation, people].
Then he brought back all the possessions,
and also brought back his kinsman Lot with his possessions,
and the women and the people.
Genesis 14:16 ESV

And he brought back all the goods,
and also brought again his brother Lot,
and his goods,
and the women also,
and the people.
Genesis 14:16 KJV
 Genesis 15:9 NRT
9 Госпо́дь сказа́л ему́:
9 Lord [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
Приведи́ Мне трехлетнюю телицу,
Bring [Me, To Me] трехлетнюю телицу,
трехлетнюю козу и трехлетнего барана,
трехлетнюю козу and трехлетнего [ram, the ram],
а та́кже принеси́ го́рлицу и молодо́го голубя.
[while, and, but] also [bring, bring it, get] turtledove and young [dove, pigeon].
He said to him,
“Bring me a heifer three years old,
a female goat three years old,
a ram three years old,
a turtledove,
and a young pigeon.”
Genesis 15:9 ESV

And he said unto him,
Take me an heifer of three years old,
and a she goat of three years old,
and a ram of three years old,
and a turtledove,
and a young pigeon.
Genesis 15:9 KJV
 Genesis 19:38 RUSV
38 И мла́дшая та́кже родила сы́на,
38 And [the youngest, younger, youngest] also [bore, gave birth] [a son, my son, son],
и нарекла́ ему́ и́мя:
and [named, named it] [him, it, to him] name:
Он оте́ц Аммонитя́н доны́не.
He father [Ammonites, The Ammonites] [now, until now].
The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-ammi.
He is the father of the Ammonites to this day.
Genesis 19:38 ESV

And the younger,
she also bare a son,
and called his name Benammi:
the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day.
Genesis 19:38 KJV
 Genesis 22:24 RUSV
24 и нало́жница его́,
24 and concubine [his, him, it],
и́менем Реума,
[by name, name] Реума,
та́кже родила Теваха,
also [bore, gave birth] Теваха,
Тахаша и Мааху.
Тахаша and Мааху.
his concubine,
whose name was Reumah,
bore Tebah,
and Maacah.
Genesis 22:24 ESV

And his concubine,
whose name was Reumah,
she bare also Tebah,
and Gaham,
and Thahash,
and Maachah.
Genesis 22:24 KJV
 Genesis 24:10 RUSV
10 И взял раб из верблю́дов господи́на своего́ де́сять верблю́дов и пошёл.
10 And took [a slave, servant, slave] [from, in, of, out] camels [lord, master, mister] [his, yours] ten camels and [gone, went].
В рука́х у него́ бы́ли та́кже всякие сокро́вища господи́на его́.
[At, In, Of, On] [hand, hands] [at, by, with, of] him [been, has been, were] also всякие [hidden treasures, treasures] [lord, master, mister] [his, him, it].
Он встал и пошёл в Месопота́мию,
He [get up, got up] and [gone, went] [at, in, of, on] Mesopotamia,
в го́род Нахора,
[at, in, of, on] [city, town] Nahor,
Then the servant took ten of his master's camels and departed,
taking all sorts of choice gifts from his master;
and he arose and went to Mesopotamia to the city of Nahor.
Genesis 24:10 ESV

And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master,
and departed;
for all the goods of his master were in his hand:
and he arose,
and went to Mesopotamia,
unto the city of Nahor.
Genesis 24:10 KJV
 Genesis 24:53 NRT
53 Пото́м он вы́нул наряды,
53 [Then, Later] he [take out, took out, withdraw] наряды,
а та́кже золотые и серебряные украшения и подарил их Реве́кке;
[while, and, but] also золотые and серебряные украшения and подарил [them, their] [Rebecca, Rebekah];
её бра́ту и ма́тери он та́кже дал дорогие пода́рки.
her brother and [mother, mother's, mothers] he also gave дорогие [gifts, present].
And the servant brought out jewelry of silver and of gold,
and garments,
and gave them to Rebekah.
He also gave to her brother and to her mother costly ornaments.
Genesis 24:53 ESV

And the servant brought forth jewels of silver,
and jewels of gold,
and raiment,
and gave them to Rebekah:
he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things.
Genesis 24:53 KJV
 Genesis 24:53 RUSV
53 И вы́нул раб серебряные ве́щи и золотые ве́щи и оде́жды и дал Реве́кке;
53 And [take out, took out, withdraw] [a slave, servant, slave] серебряные things and золотые things and [clothes, coats, tunics] and gave [Rebecca, Rebekah];
та́кже и бра́ту её и ма́тери её дал бога́тые пода́рки.
also and brother her and [mother, mother's, mothers] her gave [affluent, prosperous, rich, the rich, wealthy] [gifts, present].
And the servant brought out jewelry of silver and of gold,
and garments,
and gave them to Rebekah.
He also gave to her brother and to her mother costly ornaments.
Genesis 24:53 ESV

And the servant brought forth jewels of silver,
and jewels of gold,
and raiment,
and gave them to Rebekah:
he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things.
Genesis 24:53 KJV
 Genesis 25:30 NRT
30 Он сказа́л Иа́кову:
30 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Jacob, James, To Jacob]:
[Quickly, Rather],
дай мне пое́сть немно́го того́ красного,
give [me, to me] eat [a little, little] that красного,
что ты готовишь!
[what, that, why] you готовишь!
Я умира́ю от го́лода!
I (i am dying) from [famine, hunger, starvation]!
(Вот почему́ ему́ та́кже дали и́мя Эдом ).)
([Behold, Here, There] why [him, it, to him] also [gave, given] name Эдом ).).
And Esau said to Jacob,
“Let me eat some of that red stew,
for I am exhausted!”
(Therefore his name was called Edom.
) Genesis 25:30 ESV

And Esau said to Jacob,
Feed me,
I pray thee,
with that same red pottage;
for I am faint:
therefore was his name called Edom.
Genesis 25:30 KJV
 Genesis 26:21 RUSV
21 вы́копали друго́й коло́дезь;
21 [digged, dug up] another [the well, well];
спо́рили та́кже и о нем;
[argued, arguing] also and about [dumb, him, mute, speechless];
и он наре́к ему́ и́мя:
and he name [him, it, to him] name:
Then they dug another well,
and they quarreled over that also,
so he called its name Sitnah.
Genesis 26:21 ESV

And they digged another well,
and strove for that also:
and he called the name of it Sitnah.
Genesis 26:21 KJV
 Genesis 30:32 RUSV
32 Я пройду сего́дня по всему́ [ста́ду] ове́ц твои́х;
32 I пройду today [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, everything] [[herd, the herd, to the herd]] sheep [your, yours];
отдели из него́ вся́кий скот с кра́пинами и с пя́тнами,
отдели [from, in, of, out] him [any, every, everyone, whoever, whosoever] [cattle, livestock] [and, from, in, of, with] speckled and [and, from, in, of, with] spots,
вся́кую скотину черную из ове́ц,
[any, every] скотину черную [from, in, of, out] sheep,
та́кже с пя́тнами и с кра́пинами из коз.
also [and, from, in, of, with] spots and [and, from, in, of, with] speckled [from, in, of, out] goats.
[Тако́й скот] бу́дет наградою мне.
[Such [cattle, livestock]] [will be, would be] наградою [me, to me].
let me pass through all your flock today,
removing from it every speckled and spotted sheep and every black lamb,
and the spotted and speckled among the goats,
and they shall be my wages.
Genesis 30:32 ESV

I will pass through all thy flock to day,
removing from thence all the speckled and spotted cattle,
and all the brown cattle among the sheep,
and the spotted and speckled among the goats:
and of such shall be my hire.
Genesis 30:32 KJV
 Genesis 30:40 NRT
40 Та́кже Иа́ков поворачивал их к пестрым и темным животным,
40 Also [Jacob, James] поворачивал [them, their] [to, for, by] пестрым and темным животным,
кото́рые принадлежа́ли Лавану,
[which, who] [belonged, belonged to] Laban,
а молодняк ставил отде́льно.
[while, and, but] молодняк ставил separately.
Так у него́ появи́лись собственные стада,
So [at, by, with, of] him [appeared, have appeared] собственные [herds, flocks],
и он держал их отде́льно от скота́ Лавана.
and he держал [them, their] separately from [cattle, livestock] Laban.
And Jacob separated the lambs and set the faces of the flocks toward the striped and all the black in the flock of Laban.
He put his own droves apart and did not put them with Laban's flock.
Genesis 30:40 ESV

And Jacob did separate the lambs,
and set the faces of the flocks toward the ring-streaked,
and all the brown in the flock of Laban;
and he put his own flocks by themselves,
and put them not unto Laban's cattle.
Genesis 30:40 KJV
 Genesis 30:43 NRT
43 Иа́ков на́чал богате́ть,
43 [Jacob, James] [began, start] (get rich),
у него́ тепе́рь бы́ли большие стада,
[at, by, with, of] him now [been, has been, were] [big, large, huge] [herds, flocks],
а та́кже служа́нки,
[while, and, but] also [maids, maidservants, servant girl],
[servant, servants],
верблю́ды и ослы́.
camels and donkeys.
Thus the man increased greatly and had large flocks,
female servants and male servants,
and camels and donkeys.
Genesis 30:43 ESV

And the man increased exceedingly,
and had much cattle,
and maidservants,
and menservants,
and camels,
and asses.
Genesis 30:43 KJV
 Genesis 31:49 NRT
49 а та́кже Мицпа,
49 [while, and, but] also Мицпа,
ведь он сказа́л:
[because, after all, indeed] he [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Пусть Госпо́дь смо́трит за тобо́й и мной,
Let Lord [looks, watches] [after, around, at, behind, over] you and me,
когда́ мы бу́дем вдали́ друг от дру́га.
when [we, we are] (we will be) far-away friend from friend.
and Mizpah,
for he said,
“The Lord watch between you and me,
when we are out of one another's sight.
Genesis 31:49 ESV

And Mizpah;
for he said,
The LORD watch between me and thee,
when we are absent one from another.
Genesis 31:49 KJV
 Genesis 31:49 RUSV
49 [та́кже]:
49 [also]:
[that is why, because],
что Лаван сказа́л:
[what, that, why] Laban [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
да надзирает Госпо́дь на́до мно́ю и над тобо́ю,
yes надзирает Lord necessary me and above [by you, thee, you],
когда́ мы скроемся друг от дру́га;
when [we, we are] скроемся friend from friend;
and Mizpah,
for he said,
“The Lord watch between you and me,
when we are out of one another's sight.
Genesis 31:49 ESV

And Mizpah;
for he said,
The LORD watch between me and thee,
when we are absent one from another.
Genesis 31:49 KJV
 Genesis 32:7 NRT
7 В великом стра́хе и смятении Иа́ков раздели́л люде́й,
7 [At, In, Of, On] [great, mighty] [fear, terror] and смятении [Jacob, James] divided [human, of people, people],
кото́рые бы́ли с ним,
[which, who] [been, has been, were] [and, from, in, of, with] him,
а та́кже стада кру́пного и ме́лкого скота́ и верблю́дов.
[while, and, but] also [herds, flocks] [a large one, large] and small [cattle, livestock] and camels.
Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed.
He divided the people who were with him,
and the flocks and herds and camels,
into two camps,
Genesis 32:7 ESV

Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed:
and he divided the people that was with him,
and the flocks,
and herds,
and the camels,
into two bands;
Genesis 32:7 KJV
 Genesis 36:3 NRT
3 а та́кже Басемату,
3 [while, and, but] also Басемату,
дочь Измаи́ла,
daughter [Ishmael, Ishmael's],
сестру́ Невайота.
[my sister, sister] Невайота.
and Basemath,
Ishmael's daughter,
the sister of Nebaioth.
Genesis 36:3 ESV

And Bashemath Ishmael's daughter,
sister of Nebajoth.
Genesis 36:3 KJV
 Genesis 40:15 RUSV
15 и́бо я украден из земли Евреев;
15 [for, because] i украден [from, in, of, out] earth Евреев;
а та́кже и здесь ничего́ не сде́лал,
[while, and, but] also and [here, there] [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] did,
за что бы бро́сить меня́ в темни́цу.
[after, around, at, behind, over] [what, that, why] would [cast, quit, throw, toss] [i, me, self] [at, in, of, on] [dungeon, prison].
For I was indeed stolen out of the land of the Hebrews,
and here also I have done nothing that they should put me into the pit.”
Genesis 40:15 ESV

For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews:
and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.
Genesis 40:15 KJV
 Genesis 40:16 RUSV
16 Гла́вный хлебода́р уви́дел,
16 [Main, Major, Primary] [baker, bread maker] [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth],
что истолкова́л он хорошо́,
[what, that, why] [interpret, interpretation, interpreted] he [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well],
и сказа́л Ио́сифу:
and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Joseph:
мне та́кже сни́лось:
[me, to me] also [dream, dreamed, i dreamed]:
вот на го́лове у меня́ три корзи́ны решетчатых;
[behold, here, there] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [brain, head, mind] [at, by, with, of] [i, me, self] three baskets решетчатых;
When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was favorable,
he said to Joseph,
“I also had a dream:
there were three cake baskets on my head,
Genesis 40:16 ESV

When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good,
he said unto Joseph,
I also was in my dream,
I had three white baskets on my head:
Genesis 40:16 KJV
 Genesis 41:27 RUSV
27 и семь коро́в тощих и худы́х,
27 and seven cows [lean, skinny, thin] and [skinny, thin],
вышедших по́сле тех,
вышедших [after, beyond] those,
э́то семь лет,
[that, this, it] seven years,
та́кже и семь колосьев тощих и иссу́шенных восто́чным ве́тром,
also and seven [corn, ears of corn] [lean, skinny, thin] and [dried up, withered] [east, eastern] (blown by the wind),
э́то семь лет го́лода.
[that, this, it] seven years [famine, hunger, starvation].
The seven lean and ugly cows that came up after them are seven years,
and the seven empty ears blighted by the east wind are also seven years of famine.
Genesis 41:27 ESV

And the seven thin and ill favored kine that came up after them are seven years;
and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine.
Genesis 41:27 KJV
 Genesis 45:23 RUSV
23 та́кже и отцу́ своему́ посла́л де́сять осло́в,
23 also and father [to his, your own] sent ten [asses, donkeys],
навьюченных лучшими [произведениями] Египетскими,
навьюченных лучшими [произведениями] Египетскими,
и де́сять осли́ц,
and ten donkeys,
навьюченных зерно́м,
навьюченных grain,
хле́бом и припасами отцу́ своему́ на путь.
bread and припасами father [to his, your own] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [path, the way, way].
To his father he sent as follows:
ten donkeys loaded with the good things of Egypt,
and ten female donkeys loaded with grain,
and provision for his father on the journey.
Genesis 45:23 ESV

And to his father he sent after this manner;
ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt,
and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way.
Genesis 45:23 KJV
 Genesis 50:9 RUSV
9 С ним отпра́вились та́кже колесни́цы и вса́дники,
9 [And, From, In, Of, With] him [departed, set off, we went] also [chariots, wagons] and [riders, horsemen],
так что сонм был весьма́ велик.
so [what, that, why] сонм [be, to be, was, were] [exceeding, exceedingly, quite, very] [big, great, large].
And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen.
It was a very great company.
Genesis 50:9 ESV

And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen:
and it was a very great company.
Genesis 50:9 KJV
 Genesis 50:23 RUSV
23 И ви́дел Ио́сиф дете́й у Ефре́ма до тре́тьего ро́да,
23 And [saw, seen] Joseph [child, children] [at, by, with, of] [Ephraim, Ephraim's] [before, until] [the third, third] [family, tribe],
та́кже и сыновья Махира,
also and sons Махира,
сы́на Манассиина,
[a son, my son, son] Манассиина,
роди́лись на коле́ни Ио́сифа.
[come, originate, were born] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [kneeling, knees] Joseph.
And Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation.
The children also of Machir the son of Manasseh were counted as Joseph's own.
Genesis 50:23 ESV

And Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation:
the children also of Machir the son of Manasseh were brought up upon Joseph's knees.
Genesis 50:23 KJV
 Matthew 4:7 NRT
7 Иису́с отве́тил ему́:
7 Jesus answered [him, it, to him]:
Напи́сано та́кже:
Written also:
«Не испы́тывай Господа,
«[Never, Not] [test, try it] Lord,
Бо́га твоего́».
God [thy, your]».
Jesus said to him,
“Again it is written,
‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
Matthew 4:7 ESV

Jesus said unto him,
It is written again,
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Matthew 4:7 KJV
 Matthew 4:7 RUSV
7 Иису́с сказа́л ему́:
7 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
напи́сано та́кже:
written also:
не искуша́й Господа Бо́га твоего́.
[never, not] tempt Lord God [thy, your].
Jesus said to him,
“Again it is written,
‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
Matthew 4:7 ESV

Jesus said unto him,
It is written again,
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Matthew 4:7 KJV
 Matthew 5:31 RUSV
31 Ска́зано та́кже,
31 (It's Been Said) also,
что е́сли кто разведётся с жено́ю свое́ю,
[what, that, why] [if, a, when, unless] who [divorce, divorced, divorcement, he will get divorced, will get divorced] [and, from, in, of, with] [my wife, wife] his,
пусть даст ей разводную.
let [give, shall give, will give] her разводную.
“It was also said,
‘Whoever divorces his wife,
let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ Matthew 5:31 ESV

It hath been said,
Whosoever shall put away his wife,
let him give her a writing of divorcement:
Matthew 5:31 KJV
 Matthew 5:32 NRT
32 Я же говорю́ вам,
32 I [but, same, then] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
что ка́ждый,
[what, that, why] [each, every],
кто разво́дится со свое́й жено́й не по причи́не её изме́ны,
who [divorced, getting divorced] [after, with] [his, mine] wife [never, not] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [cause, reason] her [cheating, fornication, treason],
толка́ет её к наруше́нию супру́жеской ве́рности,
pushes her [to, for, by] violation [marital, married, matrimonial] [fidelity, loyalty],
и вся́кий,
and [any, every, everyone, whoever, whosoever],
кто же́нится на разведённой же́нщине,
who [getting married, marries] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] divorced woman,
та́кже наруша́ет супру́жескую ве́рность.
also violates marital [faithfulness, loyalty].
But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife,
except on the ground of sexual immorality,
makes her commit adultery,
and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Matthew 5:32 ESV

But I say unto you,
That whosoever shall put away his wife,
saving for the cause of fornication,
causeth her to commit adultery:
and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Matthew 5:32 KJV
 Matthew 6:16 RUSV
16 Та́кже,
16 Also,
когда́ поститесь,
when поститесь,
не будьте унылы,
[never, not] [abide, be, exist] унылы,
как лицеме́ры,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] hypocrites,
и́бо они́ принима́ют на себя́ мрачные лица,
[for, because] [they, they are] [accept, receive, take, they accept] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [itself, myself, yourself] мрачные faces,
что́бы показа́ться лю́дям постящимися.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [shew, show, show up, to show up] people постящимися.
И́стинно говорю́ вам,
[Truly, Verily] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
что они́ уже́ получа́ют награ́ду свою́.
[what, that, why] [they, they are] already [get, receive, they get] reward [its, my, thy, your].
“And when you fast,
do not look gloomy like the hypocrites,
for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others.
I say to you,
they have received their reward.
Matthew 6:16 ESV

Moreover when ye fast,
be not,
as the hypocrites,
of a sad countenance:
for they disfigure their faces,
that they may appear unto men to fast.
Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.
Matthew 6:16 KJV
 Matthew 9:17 RUSV
17 Не вливают та́кже вина молодо́го в мехи ве́тхие;
17 [Never, Not] вливают also [fault, wine] young [at, in, of, on] [coat, fur] [decrepit, dilapidated];
а ина́че прорываются мехи,
[while, and, but] otherwise прорываются [coat, fur],
и вино́ вытекает,
and wine вытекает,
и мехи пропадают,
and [coat, fur] пропадают,
но вино́ молодо́е вливают в но́вые мехи,
[but, yet] wine [young, youth] вливают [at, in, of, on] [new, recent] [coat, fur],
и сберегается то и друго́е.
and сберегается that and other.
Neither is new wine put into old wineskins.
If it is,
the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed.
But new wine is put into fresh wineskins,
and so both are preserved.”
Matthew 9:17 ESV

Neither do men put new wine into old bottles:
else the bottles break,
and the wine runneth out,
and the bottles perish:
but they put new wine into new bottles,
and both are preserved.
Matthew 9:17 KJV
 Matthew 18:19 RUSV
19 И́стинно та́кже говорю́ вам,
19 [Truly, Verily] also [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
что е́сли дво́е из вас согласятся на земле́ проси́ть о всяком де́ле,
[what, that, why] [if, a, when, unless] two [from, in, of, out] you согласятся [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [earth, ground, land, world] ask about всяком business,
чего́ бы ни попроси́ли,
what would neither [asked, they asked],
бу́дет им от Отца́ Моего́ Небе́сного,
[will be, would be] [it, them] from [Father, The Father] My [Heaven, Heavenly],
Again I say to you,
if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask,
it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:19 ESV

Again I say unto you,
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 18:19 KJV
 Matthew 19:24 NRT
24 Та́кже говорю́ вам:
24 Also [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
ле́гче верблю́ду пройти́ сквозь иго́льное ушко,
easier [camel, to the camel] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] through [needle, needle's] [ear, eye, the ear],
чём бога́тому войти́ в Бо́жье Ца́рство.
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] [rich, wealthy] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] [God, God's] [Kingdom, The Kingdom].
Again I tell you,
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24 ESV

And again I say unto you,
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24 KJV
 Matthew 23:6 RUSV
6 та́кже лю́бят предвозлежа́ния на пи́ршествах и председания в синаго́гах
6 also love [prepositions, prerequisites] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] feasts and [chairs, seat, seats, squats] [at, in, of, on] synagogues
and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues Matthew 23:6 ESV

And love the uppermost rooms at feasts,
and the chief seats in the synagogues,
Matthew 23:6 KJV
 Matthew 23:18 RUSV
18 Та́кже:
18 Also:
е́сли кто поклянётся же́ртвенником,
[if, a, when, unless] who [he will swear, swear, swears, will swear] altar,
то ничего́,
that [anything, nothing, never mind],
е́сли же кто поклянётся да́ром,
[if, a, when, unless] [but, same, then] who [he will swear, swear, swears, will swear] [for free, for nothing, free, nothing],
кото́рый на нем,
[which, which the, who] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [dumb, him, mute, speechless],
то повинен.
that guilty.
And you say,
‘If anyone swears by the altar,
it is nothing,
but if anyone swears by the gift that is on the altar,
he is bound by his oath.’ Matthew 23:18 ESV

Whosoever shall swear by the altar,
it is nothing;
but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it,
he is guilty.
Matthew 23:18 KJV
 Matthew 24:6 RUSV
6 Та́кже услы́шите о во́йнах и о вое́нных слу́хах.
6 Also [will hear, you will hear] about wars and about military [rumors, rumours].
не ужаса́йтесь,
[never, not] [be horrified, horrified, terrified],
и́бо надлежи́т всему́ тому́ быть,
[for, because] [due, it should, to be] [all, everything] [one, the one] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become],
но э́то ещё не коне́ц:
[but, yet] [that, this, it] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] end:
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
See that you are not alarmed,
for this must take place,
but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:6 ESV

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:6 KJV
 Matthew 25:22 RUSV
22 Подошёл та́кже и получи́вший два тала́нта и сказа́л:
22 (Came Up) also and received two [talent, talents] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
[lord, master, mister]!
два тала́нта ты дал мне;
two [talent, talents] you gave [me, to me];
[behold, here, there],
други́е два тала́нта я приобрёл на них.
[other, others] two [talent, talents] i [gained, has gained, purchased] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [them, they].
And he also who had the two talents came forward,
you delivered to me two talents;
I have made two talents more.’ Matthew 25:22 ESV

He also that had received two talents came and said,
thou deliveredst unto me two talents:
I have gained two other talents beside them.
Matthew 25:22 KJV
 Matthew 27:44 RUSV
44 Та́кже и разбо́йники,
44 Also and [robber, bandit],
распя́тые с Ним,
[crucified, the crucified] [and, from, in, of, with] Him,
поноси́ли Его́.
reviled [His, Him, It].
And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way.
Matthew 27:44 ESV

The thieves also,
which were crucified with him,
cast the same in his teeth.
Matthew 27:44 KJV
 Matthew 27:55 NRT
55 Там та́кже бы́ло и мно́го же́нщин,
55 There also [it was, was] and [a lot of, many] women,
кото́рые издали наблюда́ли за происходя́щим.
[which, who] [distance, from a distance, from afar] [observed, watched] [after, around, at, behind, over] (what is happening).
Они́ сле́довали за Иису́сом из самой Галиле́и,
[They, They Are] followed [after, around, at, behind, over] Jesus [from, in, of, out] [by myself, most, myself] Galilee,
помогая Ему́.
помогая [Him, It, To Him].
There were also many women there,
looking on from a distance,
who had followed Jesus from Galilee,
ministering to him,
Matthew 27:55 ESV

And many women were there beholding afar off,
which followed Jesus from Galilee,
ministering unto him:
Matthew 27:55 KJV
 Matthew 27:55 RUSV
55 Там бы́ли та́кже и смотре́ли издали мно́гие же́нщины,
55 There [been, has been, were] also and [beheld, beholding, looked, saw, watched, watching] [distance, from a distance, from afar] many women,
кото́рые сле́довали за Иису́сом из Галиле́и,
[which, who] followed [after, around, at, behind, over] Jesus [from, in, of, out] Galilee,
служа́ Ему́;
serving [Him, It, To Him];
There were also many women there,
looking on from a distance,
who had followed Jesus from Galilee,
ministering to him,
Matthew 27:55 ESV

And many women were there beholding afar off,
which followed Jesus from Galilee,
ministering unto him:
Matthew 27:55 KJV
 Matthew 27:57 RUSV
57 Когда́ же наста́л ве́чер,
57 When [but, same, then] [come, has come, it is time] evening,
пришёл бога́тый челове́к из Аримафеи,
[arrive, came, come] [rich, wealthy] [man, human, person] [from, in, of, out] [Arimathaea, Arimathea],
и́менем Ио́сиф,
[by name, name] Joseph,
кото́рый та́кже учи́лся у Иису́са;
[which, which the, who] also [learned, studied] [at, by, with, of] Jesus;
When it was evening,
there came a rich man from Arimathea,
named Joseph,
who also was a disciple of Jesus.
Matthew 27:57 ESV

When the even was come,
there came a rich man of Arimathaea,
named Joseph,
who also himself was Jesus' disciple:
Matthew 27:57 KJV
 Mark 1:19 RUSV
19 И,
19 And,
пройдя́ отту́да немно́го,
[having passed, passed] (from there) [a little, little],
Он уви́дел Иа́кова Зеведе́ева и Иоа́нна,
He [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [Jacob, James] [Zebedee, Zebedee's] and John,
бра́та его́,
brother [his, him, it],
та́кже в ло́дке починивающих се́ти;
also [at, in, of, on] [boat, ship] починивающих [net, nets, networks];
And going on a little farther,
he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother,
who were in their boat mending the nets.
Mark 1:19 ESV

And when he had gone a little farther thence,
he saw James the son of Zebedee,
and John his brother,
who also were in the ship mending their nets.
Mark 1:19 KJV
 Mark 2:26 NRT
26 Э́то произошло́ при первосвяще́ннике Авиата́ре.
26 [That, This, It] happened [at, in] [high priest, the high priest] [Abiathar, Aviator].
Дави́д вошёл в дом Бо́жий и ел свяще́нный хлеб,
David [entered, has entered] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [God, God's] and ate sacred [bread, loaves, shewbread],
кото́рый нельзя́ есть никому́,
[which, which the, who] [forbidden, it is forbidden, must not] [there are, there is] nobody,
кро́ме свяще́нников,
[but, except, besides] priests,
а та́кже дал его́ свои́м лю́дям.
[while, and, but] also gave [his, him, it] [his, mine, your] people.
how he entered the house of God,
in the time of Abiathar the high priest,
and ate the bread of the Presence,
which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat,
and also gave it to those who were with him?”
Mark 2:26 ESV

How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest,
and did eat the shewbread,
which is not lawful to eat but for the priests,
and gave also to them which were with him?
Mark 2:26 KJV
 Mark 3:15 NRT
15 Он та́кже надели́л их вла́стью изгоня́ть де́монов.
15 He also [endowed, empowered] [them, their] [authority, dominion, power] [banish, cast out, evict, exile, expel] [demons, devils].
and have authority to cast out demons.
Mark 3:15 ESV

And to have power to heal sicknesses,
and to cast out devils:
Mark 3:15 KJV
 Mark 7:4 NRT
4 Они́ не едя́т ничего́,
4 [They, They Are] [never, not] [are eating, eating] [anything, nothing, never mind],
принесенного с рынка,
принесенного [and, from, in, of, with] рынка,
пока́ не совершат ритуа́льного омове́ния.
[bye, while] [never, not] совершат ritual [ablutions, washings].
И́ми соблюдается та́кже и мно́жество други́х установлений,
[By Them, Them, They] соблюдается also and [lots of, many] other установлений,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)],
(for example),
о мытье чаш,
about мытье bowls,
кувши́нов и медной посуды.
pitchers and медной посуды.
and when they come from the marketplace,
they do not eat unless they wash.
And there are many other traditions that they observe,
such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels and dining couches.
) Mark 7:4 ESV

And when they come from the market,
except they wash,
they eat not.
And many other things there be,
which they have received to hold,
as the washing of cups,
and pots,
brasen vessels,
and of tables.
Mark 7:4 KJV
 Mark 10:12 NRT
12 И е́сли жена́ разво́дится со свои́м му́жем и выхо́дит за́муж за друго́го,
12 And [if, a, when, unless] wife [divorced, getting divorced] [after, with] [his, mine, your] husband and [cast out, comes out, cometh, coming, coming out, goeth, gone, gone out] [marriage, married] [after, around, at, behind, over] [another, the other one],
она́ та́кже наруша́ет супру́жескую ве́рность.
[she, she is] also violates marital [faithfulness, loyalty].
and if she divorces her husband and marries another,
she commits adultery.”
Mark 10:12 ESV

And if a woman shall put away her husband,
and be married to another,
she committeth adultery.
Mark 10:12 KJV
 Mark 10:30 NRT
30 полу́чит в э́той жи́зни в сто раз бо́льше и домо́в,
30 [receive, will receive] [at, in, of, on] this life [at, in, of, on] [hundred, one hundred] [once, time] [again, great, more] and houses,
и бра́тьев,
and [brethren, brothers],
и сестёр,
and sisters,
и матере́й,
and mothers,
и дете́й,
and [child, children],
и земе́ль,
and lands,
но та́кже и преследований,
[but, yet] also and преследований,
а в бу́дущем ве́ке он полу́чит жизнь ве́чную.
[while, and, but] [at, in, of, on] future [century, epoch] he [receive, will receive] [life, living] [eternal, everlasting].
who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time,
houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands,
with persecutions,
and in the age to come eternal life.
Mark 10:30 ESV

But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time,
and brethren,
and sisters,
and mothers,
and children,
and lands,
with persecutions;
and in the world to come eternal life.
Mark 10:30 KJV
 Mark 12:21 RUSV
21 Взял её второ́й и у́мер,
21 Took her second and died,
и он не оста́вил дете́й;
and he [never, not] [departed, left] [child, children];
та́кже и тре́тий.
also and third.
And the second took her,
and died,
leaving no offspring.
And the third likewise.
Mark 12:21 ESV

And the second took her,
and died,
neither left he any seed:
and the third likewise.
Mark 12:21 KJV
 Mark 15:32 NRT
32 Христо́с,
32 Christ,
Царь Изра́иля!
King Israel!
Пусть Он сойдет с креста́,
Let He [come down, get off, will do] [and, from, in, of, with] cross,
что́бы мы уви́дели и пове́рили.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [we, we are] [saw, they saw, you saw] and believed.
Та́кже оскорбля́ли Его́ и распя́тые вме́сте с Ним.
Also [humiliated, insulted, reviled] [His, Him, It] and [crucified, the crucified] together [and, from, in, of, with] Him.
Let the Christ,
the King of Israel,
come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.”
Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.
Mark 15:32 ESV

Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross,
that we may see and believe.
And they that were crucified with him reviled him.
Mark 15:32 KJV
 Luke 2:4 RUSV
4 Пошёл та́кже и Ио́сиф из Галиле́и,
4 [Gone, Went] also and Joseph [from, in, of, out] Galilee,
из города Назаре́та,
[from, in, of, out] [cities, city, town, towns] Nazareth,
в Иуде́ю,
[at, in, of, on] [Judaea, Judea],
в го́род Дави́дов,
[at, in, of, on] [city, town] David,
называ́емый Вифлее́м,
[called, named] Bethlehem,
потому́ что он был из дома и ро́да Дави́дова,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] he [be, to be, was, were] [from, in, of, out] houses and [family, tribe] David,
And Joseph also went up from Galilee,
from the town of Nazareth,
to Judea,
to the city of David,
which is called Bethlehem,
because he was of the house and lineage of David,
Luke 2:4 ESV

And Joseph also went up from Galilee,
out of the city of Nazareth,
into Judaea,
unto the city of David,
which is called Bethlehem;
(because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
Luke 2:4 KJV
 Luke 2:24 NRT
24 Они́ должны́ бы́ли та́кже по Зако́ну Господа принести́ в же́ртву па́ру го́рлиц и́ли двух молоды́х голубе́й.
24 [They, They Are] [must, should] [been, has been, were] also [along, by, in, on, to, unto] Law Lord [bring, get, fetch] [at, in, of, on] [offering, sacrifice, the victim] [a couple, couple, pair, two] [turtledove, turtledoves] or two [young, youth] pigeons.
and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord,
“a pair of turtledoves,
or two young pigeons.”
Luke 2:24 ESV

And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord,
A pair of turtledoves,
or two young pigeons.
Luke 2:24 KJV
 Luke 2:36 NRT
36 Там находи́лась та́кже проро́чица А́нна,
36 There was also [prophetess, the prophetess] Anna,
дочь Фануила,
daughter Phanuel,
из ро́да Аси́ра.
[from, in, of, out] [family, tribe] [Aser, Asher].
Она́ была́ в глубо́кой ста́рости.
[She, She Is] was [at, in, of, on] [deep, depth] (old age).
А́нна прожила́ семь лет со свои́м му́жем,
Anna lived seven years [after, with] [his, mine, your] husband,
And there was a prophetess,
the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Asher.
She was advanced in years,
having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin,
Luke 2:36 ESV

And there was one Anna,
a prophetess,
the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Aser:
she was of a great age,
and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
Luke 2:36 KJV
 Luke 2:36 RUSV
36 Тут была́ та́кже А́нна проро́чица,
36 Here was also Anna [prophetess, the prophetess],
дочь Фануилова,
daughter Фануилова,
от коле́на Асирова,
from knees Асирова,
дости́гшая глубо́кой ста́рости,
[achieved, having reached] [deep, depth] (old age),
прожи́в с му́жем от де́вства своего́ семь лет,
[having lived, survived] [and, from, in, of, with] husband from virginity [his, yours] seven years,
And there was a prophetess,
the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Asher.
She was advanced in years,
having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin,
Luke 2:36 ESV

And there was one Anna,
a prophetess,
the daughter of Phanuel,
of the tribe of Aser:
she was of a great age,
and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
Luke 2:36 KJV
 Luke 2:42 RUSV
42 И когда́ Он был двена́дцати лет,
42 And when He [be, to be, was, were] twelve years,
пришли́ они́ та́кже по обы́чаю в Иерусали́м на пра́здник.
came [they, they are] also [along, by, in, on, to, unto] custom [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [holiday, feast].
And when he was twelve years old,
they went up according to custom.
Luke 2:42 ESV

And when he was twelve years old,
they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.
Luke 2:42 KJV
 Luke 3:14 RUSV
14 Спра́шивали его́ та́кже и во́ины:
14 [Asked, Question] [his, him, it] also and [soldiers, warriors]:
а нам что де́лать?
[while, and, but] [to us, us] [what, that, why] [to do, to make]?
И сказа́л им:
And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
никого́ не обижа́йте,
[no one, nobody, none] [never, not] offend,
не клевещи́те,
[never, not] slander,
и дово́льствуйтесь свои́м жа́лованьем.
and [be content, content] [his, mine, your] [salary, wages].
Soldiers also asked him,
“And we,
what shall we do?”
And he said to them,
“Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation,
and be content with your wages.”
Luke 3:14 ESV

And the soldiers likewise demanded of him,
And what shall we do?
And he said unto them,
Do violence to no man,
neither accuse any falsely;
and be content with your wages.
Luke 3:14 KJV
 Luke 4:27 RUSV
27 мно́го та́кже бы́ло прокажённых в Изра́иле при проро́ке Елисе́е,
27 [a lot of, many] also [it was, was] lepers [at, in, of, on] Israel [at, in] [prophet, the prophet] Elisha,
и ни оди́н из них не очи́стился,
and neither [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] [them, they] [never, not] [cleaned up, cleansed, cleared],
кро́ме Неемана Сириянина.
[but, except, besides] Неемана [Syrian, The Syrian].
And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha,
and none of them was cleansed,
but only Naaman the Syrian.”
Luke 4:27 ESV

And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet;
and none of them was cleansed,
saving Naaman the Syrian.
Luke 4:27 KJV
 Luke 4:41 NRT
41 Та́кже и де́моны выходи́ли из мно́гих люде́й с кри́ком:
41 Also and [demons, devils] (went out) [from, in, of, out] [many, most] [human, of people, people] [and, from, in, of, with] [cry, shouting]:
Ты Сын Бо́га!
You Son God!
Но Иису́с запреща́л им и не разреша́л говори́ть,
[But, Yet] Jesus forbade [it, them] and [never, not] [allow, allowed] [to speak, to talk],
потому́ что они́ зна́ли,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [they, they are] knew,
что Он Христо́с.
[what, that, why] He Christ.
And demons also came out of many,
“You are the Son of God!”
But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak,
because they knew that he was the Christ.
Luke 4:41 ESV

And devils also came out of many,
crying out,
and saying,
Thou art Christ the Son of God.
And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak:
for they knew that he was Christ.
Luke 4:41 KJV
 Luke 4:41 RUSV
41 Выходи́ли та́кже и бе́сы из мно́гих с кри́ком и говори́ли:
41 (Went Out) also and [demons, devils] [from, in, of, out] [many, most] [and, from, in, of, with] [cry, shouting] and [they said, we talked]:
Ты Христо́с,
You Christ,
Сын Бо́жий.
Son [God, God's].
А Он запреща́л им ска́зывать,
[While, And, But] He forbade [it, them] [affect, say],
что они́ зна́ют,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] know,
что Он Христо́с.
[what, that, why] He Christ.
And demons also came out of many,
“You are the Son of God!”
But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak,
because they knew that he was the Christ.
Luke 4:41 ESV

And devils also came out of many,
crying out,
and saying,
Thou art Christ the Son of God.
And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak:
for they knew that he was Christ.
Luke 4:41 KJV
 Luke 5:10 RUSV
10 та́кже и Иа́кова и Иоа́нна,
10 also and [Jacob, James] and John,
сынове́й Зеведе́евых,
sons [The Zebedees, Zebedee's],
бы́вших това́рищами Симону.
former [comrades, partners] [Simon, Simon's].
И сказа́л Симону Иису́с:
And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Simon, Simon's] Jesus:
не бо́йся;
[never, not] [afraid, be afraid, fear];
отны́не бу́дешь лови́ть челове́ков.
[from now on, henceforth, now] [will you be, you will] catch [men, people].
and so also were James and John,
sons of Zebedee,
who were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said to Simon,
“Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be catching men.”
Luke 5:10 ESV

And so was also James,
and John,
the sons of Zebedee,
which were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said unto Simon,
Fear not;
from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
Luke 5:10 KJV
 Luke 5:33 RUSV
33 Они́ же сказа́ли Ему́:
33 [They, They Are] [but, same, then] [said, say, tell, they said] [Him, It, To Him]:
почему́ ученики́ Иоа́нновы постя́тся ча́сто и моли́твы творя́т,
why [students, disciples] [John, John's] [fasting, they are fasting] [frequently, often, ofttimes, usually] and prayers [create, they create],
та́кже и фарисе́йские,
also and pharisees,
а Твои́ едя́т и пьют?
[while, and, but] [Thy, Your] [are eating, eating] and [drink, they drink]?
And they said to him,
“The disciples of John fast often and offer prayers,
and so do the disciples of the Pharisees,
but yours eat and drink.”
Luke 5:33 ESV

And they said unto him,
Why do the disciples of John fast often,
and make prayers,
and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees;
but thine eat and drink?
Luke 5:33 KJV
 Luke 5:36 NRT
36 Он та́кже рассказа́л им при́тчу:
36 He also [he told me, told] [it, them] [a parable, parable]:
Никто́ не пришива́ет запла́ту к ста́рому плащу́,
[No One, Nobody] [never, not] [sews on, stitches] [patch, piece] [to, for, by] old [mantle, raincoat],
оторва́в для э́того кусо́к от но́вого.
(tearing off) for this [a chunk, a fragment, a lump, a morsel, a piece] from [new, recent].
Е́сли он э́то сде́лает,
[If, A, When, Unless] he [that, this, it] [it will do, will do],
то он и но́вый плащ испо́ртит,
that he and [modern, new, recent] [cloak, coat, mantle, raincoat] [spoil, will spoil],
и к ста́рому запла́та не подойдёт.
and [to, for, by] old patch [never, not] [will do, will fit].
He also told them a parable:
“No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment.
If he does,
he will tear the new,
and the piece from the new will not match the old.
Luke 5:36 ESV

And he spake also a parable unto them;
No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old;
if otherwise,
then both the new maketh a rent,
and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.
Luke 5:36 KJV
 Luke 6:4 NRT
4 Он вошёл в дом Бо́жий,
4 He [entered, has entered] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [God, God's],
взял свяще́нный хлеб,
took sacred [bread, loaves, shewbread],
кото́рый нельзя́ есть никому́,
[which, which the, who] [forbidden, it is forbidden, must not] [there are, there is] nobody,
кро́ме свяще́нников,
[but, except, besides] priests,
и ел,
and ate,
а та́кже дал его́ свои́м лю́дям.
[while, and, but] also gave [his, him, it] [his, mine, your] people.
how he entered the house of God and took and ate the bread of the Presence,
which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat,
and also gave it to those with him?”
Luke 6:4 ESV

How he went into the house of God,
and did take and eat the shewbread,
and gave also to them that were with him;
which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone?
Luke 6:4 KJV
 Luke 6:18 RUSV
18 кото́рые пришли́ послу́шать Его́ и исцели́ться от боле́зней свои́х,
18 [which, who] came [hear, listen, listen to it, to listen] [His, Him, It] and (be healed) from [diseases, illness, infirmities, sickness] their,
та́кже и стра́ждущие от нечи́стых духов;
also and [suffering, the suffering, troubled, vexed] from unclean spirits;
и исцеля́лись.
and [cured, healed].
who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases.
And those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured.
Luke 6:18 ESV

And they that were vexed with unclean spirits:
and they were healed.
Luke 6:18 KJV
 Luke 6:39 RUSV
39 Сказа́л та́кже им при́тчу:
39 [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] also [it, them] [a parable, parable]:
мо́жет ли слепо́й води́ть слепо́го?
[can, may, maybe] whether blind [drive, lead, to drive] [blind, the blind man]?
не о́ба ли упаду́т в я́му?
[never, not] both whether (will fall) [at, in, of, on] [ditch, hole, pit, the pit]?
He also told them a parable:
“Can a blind man lead a blind man?
Will they not both fall into a pit?
Luke 6:39 ESV

And he spake a parable unto them,
Can the blind lead the blind?
shall they not both fall into the ditch?
Luke 6:39 KJV
 Luke 8:2 NRT
2 а та́кже не́сколько же́нщин,
2 [while, and, but] also [a few, not many, several, some, somewhat] women,
кото́рые бы́ли исцелены́ от злых духов и боле́зней:
[which, who] [been, has been, were] [cured, healed] from [angry, evil] spirits and [diseases, illness, infirmities, sickness]:
[Maria, Mary],
про́званная Магдали́ной,
nicknamed Magdalene,
из кото́рой вы́шли семь де́монов,
[from, in, of, out] [which, which one] [came out, exited, gone, gone out, went] seven [demons, devils],
and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities:
called Magdalene,
from whom seven demons had gone out,
Luke 8:2 ESV

And certain women,
which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities,
Mary called Magdalene,
out of whom went seven devils,
Luke 8:2 KJV
 Luke 9:11 NRT
11 Одна́ко толпы наро́да,
11 However [crowd, crowds, multitude] [people, the people],
узна́в об э́том,
[having found out, having learned, learned, perceived] about this,
пошли́ за Иису́сом.
[gone away, let us go, went] [after, around, at, behind, over] Jesus.
Он раду́шно их при́нял и говори́л им о Бо́жьем Ца́рстве,
He [cordially, welcome, welcomed] [them, their] accepted and spoke [it, them] about [God, God's] [Kingdom, The Kingdom],
а та́кже исцеля́л тех,
[while, and, but] also [cured, healed] those,
кто в э́том нужда́лся.
who [at, in, of, on] this [he needed, needed].
When the crowds learned it,
they followed him,
and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing.
Luke 9:11 ESV

And the people,
when they knew it,
followed him:
and he received them,
and spake unto them of the kingdom of God,
and healed them that had need of healing.
Luke 9:11 KJV
 Luke 10:32 RUSV
32 Та́кже и леви́т,
32 Also and leviticus,
быв на том ме́сте,
[be, exist] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [that, volume] location,
(came up),
посмотре́л и прошёл ми́мо.
looked and passed [by, past].
So likewise a Levite,
when he came to the place and saw him,
passed by on the other side.
Luke 10:32 ESV

And likewise a Levite,
when he was at the place,
came and looked on him,
and passed by on the other side.
Luke 10:32 KJV
 Luke 16:18 NRT
18 Ка́ждый,
18 [Each, Every],
кто разво́дится со свое́й жено́й и же́нится на друго́й,
who [divorced, getting divorced] [after, with] [his, mine] wife and [getting married, marries] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] another,
наруша́ет супру́жескую ве́рность,
violates marital [faithfulness, loyalty],
и тот,
and that,
кто же́нится на же́нщине,
who [getting married, marries] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] woman,
разведённой со свои́м му́жем,
divorced [after, with] [his, mine, your] husband,
та́кже наруша́ет супру́жескую ве́рность.
also violates marital [faithfulness, loyalty].
“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery,
and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
Luke 16:18 ESV

Whosoever putteth away his wife,
and marrieth another,
committeth adultery:
and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
Luke 16:18 KJV
 Luke 16:20 RUSV
20 Был та́кже не́который ни́щий,
20 [Be, To Be, Was, Were] also some [beggar, begging, poor man],
и́менем Ла́зарь,
[by name, name] Lazarus,
кото́рый лежа́л у ворот его́ в струпьях
[which, which the, who] [lay, lying] [at, by, with, of] [gate, door, neck] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [scabs, sores]
And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus,
covered with sores,
Luke 16:20 ESV

And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus,
which was laid at his gate,
full of sores,
Luke 16:20 KJV
 Luke 16:26 RUSV
26 и сверх всего́ того́ ме́жду на́ми и ва́ми утверждена́ вели́кая пропасть,
26 and [above, beyond] [total, only, altogether] that [among, between, meanwhile] [us, we] and you approved [great, mighty] [the abyss, precipice],
так что хотя́щие перейти́ отсю́да к вам не мо́гут,
so [what, that, why] [those who want, willing] (go over) (from here) [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you] [never, not] [can, could, may, maybe, might],
та́кже и отту́да к нам не перехо́дят.
also and (from there) [to, for, by] [to us, us] [never, not] [they are moving, they are moving on].
And besides all this,
between us and you a great chasm has been fixed,
in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able,
and none may cross from there to us.’ Luke 16:26 ESV

And beside all this,
between us and you there is a great gulf fixed:
so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot;
neither can they pass to us,
that would come from thence.
Luke 16:26 KJV
 Luke 17:1 RUSV
1 Сказа́л та́кже [Иису́с] ученика́м:
1 [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] also [Jesus] [for students, disciples]:
невозмо́жно не придти собла́знам,
impossible [never, not] come temptations,
но горе тому́,
[but, yet] [woe, grief, mountain, sorrow] [one, the one],
че́рез кого́ они́ прихо́дят;
[across, by way of, through] [that, who, whom] [they, they are] [they are coming, they come];
And he said to his disciples,
“Temptations to sin are sure to come,
but woe to the one through whom they come!
Luke 17:1 ESV

Then said he unto the disciples,
It is impossible but that offences will come:
but woe unto him,
through whom they come!
Luke 17:1 KJV
 Luke 17:22 RUSV
22 Сказа́л та́кже ученика́м:
22 [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] also [for students, disciples]:
приду́т дни,
[come, they will come, will come] days,
когда́ пожела́ете ви́деть хотя́ оди́н из дней Сы́на Челове́ческого,
when [if you wish, want, desire] [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness] [although, though] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] days [A Son, My Son, Son] [Human, Man, Man's],
и не уви́дите;
and [never, not] [see, you will see];
And he said to the disciples,
“The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man,
and you will not see it.
Luke 17:22 ESV

And he said unto the disciples,
The days will come,
when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man,
and ye shall not see it.
Luke 17:22 KJV
 Luke 17:31 RUSV
31 В тот день,
31 [At, In, Of, On] that day,
кто бу́дет на кро́вле,
who [will be, would be] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [housetop, roof, roofing, the roof],
а ве́щи его́ в до́ме,
[while, and, but] things [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [home, house],
тот не сходи́ взять их;
that [never, not] [descend, fall, go] [take, to take] [them, their];
и кто бу́дет на по́ле,
and who [will be, would be] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] field,
та́кже не обраща́йся наза́д.
also [never, not] [appeal, contact us] back.
On that day,
let the one who is on the housetop,
with his goods in the house,
not come down to take them away,
and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back.
Luke 17:31 ESV

In that day,
he which shall be upon the housetop,
and his stuff in the house,
let him not come down to take it away:
and he that is in the field,
let him likewise not return back.
Luke 17:31 KJV
 Luke 18:1 RUSV
1 Сказа́л та́кже им при́тчу о том,
1 [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] also [it, them] [a parable, parable] about [that, volume],
что должно́ всегда́ моли́ться и не уныва́ть,
[what, that, why] [must, should] [always, is always] pray and [never, not] [get discouraged, to be despondent],
And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.
Luke 18:1 ESV

And he spake a parable unto them to this end,
that men ought always to pray,
and not to faint;
Luke 18:1 KJV
 Luke 18:9 RUSV
9 Сказа́л та́кже к не́которым,
9 [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] also [to, for, by] [for some, some],
кото́рые уве́рены бы́ли о себе́,
[which, who] [are you sure, sure] [been, has been, were] about [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself],
что они́ пра́ведны,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [holy, righteous],
и уничижа́ли други́х,
and [contempt, despised, humiliated] other,
сле́дующую при́тчу:
[next, the next one] [a parable, parable]:
He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous,
and treated others with contempt:
Luke 18:9 ESV

And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous,
and despised others:
Luke 18:9 KJV
 Luke 20:31 RUSV
31 взял её тре́тий;
31 took her third;
та́кже и все се́меро,
also and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] seven,
и у́мерли,
and died,
не оста́вив дете́й;
[never, not] leaving [child, children];
and the third took her,
and likewise all seven left no children and died.
Luke 20:31 ESV

And the third took her;
and in like manner the seven also:
and they left no children,
and died.
Luke 20:31 KJV
 Luke 21:2 NRT
2 Он уви́дел та́кже и бе́дную вдову́,
2 He [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] also and poor widow,
кото́рая бро́сила две ме́дные моне́тки.
which [give up, quit, threw] two [brass, copper] coins.
and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.
Luke 21:2 ESV

And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
Luke 21:2 KJV
 Luke 21:2 RUSV
2 уви́дел та́кже и бе́дную вдову́,
2 [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] also and poor widow,
положи́вшую туда́ две ле́пты,
[casting, put, putting, the one who put] there two [coins, contributions, mites],
and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.
Luke 21:2 ESV

And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
Luke 21:2 KJV
 Luke 21:16 RUSV
16 Пре́даны та́кже бу́дете и роди́телями,
16 [Betrayed, Devoted] also [will, will be] and parents,
и бра́тьями,
and [brethren, brothers],
и ро́дственниками,
and [kinsfolk, kinsfolks, relatives],
и друзья́ми,
and friends,
и не́которых из вас умертвя́т;
and some [from, in, of, out] you [death, kill, they will kill, they will kill you];
You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends,
and some of you they will put to death.
Luke 21:16 ESV

And ye shall be betrayed both by parents,
and brethren,
and kinsfolks,
and friends;
and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
Luke 21:16 KJV
 Luke 22:20 NRT
20 Та́кже взял и ча́шу по́сле у́жина и сказа́л:
20 Also took and [chalice, bowl, cup] [after, beyond] [banquet, supper] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Э́та ча́ша но́вый заве́т,
[That, These, This] bowl [modern, new, recent] [covenant, testament, the covenant],
скреплённый Мое́й кро́вью,
bonded My blood,
кото́рая за вас пролива́ется.
which [after, around, at, behind, over] you [shed, spilling, spills].
And likewise the cup after they had eaten,
“This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.
Luke 22:20 ESV

Likewise also the cup after supper,
This cup is the new testament in my blood,
which is shed for you.
Luke 22:20 KJV
 Luke 22:20 RUSV
20 Та́кже и ча́шу по́сле ве́чери,
20 Also and [chalice, bowl, cup] [after, beyond] [eaten, parties, supper],
[saying, talking]:
сия́ ча́ша [есть] Но́вый Заве́т в Мое́й крови,
this bowl [[there are, there is]] [Modern, New, Recent] [Covenant, Testament, The Covenant] [at, in, of, on] My [blood, bleed],
кото́рая за вас пролива́ется.
which [after, around, at, behind, over] you [shed, spilling, spills].
And likewise the cup after they had eaten,
“This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.
Luke 22:20 ESV

Likewise also the cup after supper,
This cup is the new testament in my blood,
which is shed for you.
Luke 22:20 KJV
 Luke 22:36 RUSV
36 Тогда́ Он сказа́л им:
36 Then He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
но тепе́рь,
[but, yet] now,
кто име́ет мешо́к,
who [has, it has] [bag, moneybag, pouch, purse, sack],
тот возьми́ его́,
that [get, take] [his, him, it],
та́кже и суму;
also and (the bag);
а у кого́ нет,
[while, and, but] [at, by, with, of] [that, who, whom] [no, not],
прода́й оде́жду свою́ и купи́ меч;
sell clothes [its, my, thy, your] and buy sword;
He said to them,
“But now let the one who has a moneybag take it,
and likewise a knapsack.
And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.
Luke 22:36 ESV

Then said he unto them,
But now,
he that hath a purse,
let him take it,
and likewise his scrip:
and he that hath no sword,
let him sell his garment,
and buy one.
Luke 22:36 KJV
 Luke 23:7 RUSV
7 И,
7 And,
[having found out, having learned, learned, perceived],
что Он из о́бласти И́родовой,
[what, that, why] He [from, in, of, out] [areas, regions] Herod's,
посла́л Его́ к И́роду,
sent [His, Him, It] [to, for, by] Herod,
кото́рый в э́ти дни был та́кже в Иерусали́ме.
[which, which the, who] [at, in, of, on] these days [be, to be, was, were] also [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem.
And when he learned that he belonged to Herod's jurisdiction,
he sent him over to Herod,
who was himself in Jerusalem at that time.
Luke 23:7 ESV

And as soon as he knew that he belonged unto Herod's jurisdiction,
he sent him to Herod,
who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time.
Luke 23:7 KJV
 Luke 23:15 RUSV
15 и И́род та́кже,
15 and Herod also,
и́бо я посыла́л Его́ к нему́;
[for, because] i sent [His, Him, It] [to, for, by] [him, his];
и ничего́ не на́йдено в Нем досто́йного сме́рти;
and [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [discovered, found] [at, in, of, on] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] worthy [death, of death];
Neither did Herod,
for he sent him back to us.
nothing deserving death has been done by him.
Luke 23:15 ESV

nor yet Herod:
for I sent you to him;
nothing worthy of death is done unto him.
Luke 23:15 KJV
 Luke 23:36 RUSV
36 Та́кже и во́ины руга́лись над Ним,
36 Also and [soldiers, warriors] [they swore, they were fighting] above Him,
подходя́ и поднося́ Ему́ у́ксус
[approaching, coming up] and [bringing, offering] [Him, It, To Him] vinegar
The soldiers also mocked him,
coming up and offering him sour wine Luke 23:36 ESV

And the soldiers also mocked him,
coming to him,
and offering him vinegar,
Luke 23:36 KJV
 Luke 23:51 RUSV
51 не уча́ствовавший в сове́те и в де́ле их;
51 [never, not] [participant, the participant] [at, in, of, on] [council, the council] and [at, in, of, on] business [them, their];
из Аримафеи,
[from, in, of, out] [Arimathaea, Arimathea],
города Иуде́йского,
[cities, city, town, towns] Jewish,
ожида́вший та́кже Ца́рствия Божия,
waiting also [Kingdom, Kingdoms] [God, God's],
who had not consented to their decision and action;
and he was looking for the kingdom of God.
Luke 23:51 ESV

(The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them;)
he was of Arimathaea,
a city of the Jews:
who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.
Luke 23:51 KJV
 Luke 23:55 RUSV
55 После́довали та́кже и же́нщины,
55 [Followed, Followed By] also and women,
прише́дшие с Иису́сом из Галиле́и,
[the newcomers, those who came] [and, from, in, of, with] Jesus [from, in, of, out] Galilee,
и смотре́ли гроб,
and [beheld, beholding, looked, saw, watched, watching] [coffin, sepulchre],
и как полага́лось те́ло Его́;
and [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [it was supposed, it was supposed to] body [His, Him, It];
The women who had come with him from Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid.
Luke 23:55 ESV

And the women also,
which came with him from Galilee,
followed after,
and beheld the sepulchre,
and how his body was laid.
Luke 23:55 KJV
 John 2:2 RUSV
2 Был та́кже зван Иису́с и ученики́ Его́ на брак.
2 [Be, To Be, Was, Were] also called Jesus and [students, disciples] [His, Him, It] [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] [marriage, getting married].
Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.
John 2:2 ESV

And both Jesus was called,
and his disciples,
to the marriage.
John 2:2 KJV
 John 2:15 NRT
15 Сде́лав из верёвок плеть,
15 (Having Done) [from, in, of, out] ropes scourge,
Он вы́гнал из хра́ма всех торго́вцев,
He [drove, drove out, kicked out] [from, in, of, out] temple [all, everyone] merchants,
а та́кже ове́ц и бы́ков.
[while, and, but] also sheep and [bulls, oxen].
Он опроки́нул столы́ меня́л,
He overturned tables [changed, changers],
рассы́пав их моне́ты.
[scattering, sprinkling] [them, their] [coins, farthings, pennies].
And making a whip of cords,
he drove them all out of the temple,
with the sheep and oxen.
And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
John 2:15 ESV

And when he had made a scourge of small cords,
he drove them all out of the temple,
and the sheep,
and the oxen;
and poured out the changers' money,
and overthrew the tables;
John 2:15 KJV
 John 2:15 RUSV
15 И,
15 And,
сде́лав бич из верёвок,
(having done) [scourge, whip] [from, in, of, out] ropes,
вы́гнал из хра́ма всех,
[drove, drove out, kicked out] [from, in, of, out] temple [all, everyone],
[та́кже] и ове́ц и воло́в;
[also] and sheep and oxen;
и де́ньги у меновщико́в рассыпал,
and [cash, currency, money] [at, by, with, of] changers scattered,
а столы́ их опроки́нул.
[while, and, but] tables [them, their] overturned.
And making a whip of cords,
he drove them all out of the temple,
with the sheep and oxen.
And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
John 2:15 ESV

And when he had made a scourge of small cords,
he drove them all out of the temple,
and the sheep,
and the oxen;
and poured out the changers' money,
and overthrew the tables;
John 2:15 KJV
 John 3:23 RUSV
23 А Иоа́нн та́кже крести́л в Еноне,
23 [While, And, But] John also [baptize, baptized, baptizing] [at, in, of, on] Enone,
близ Сали́ма,
near Salima,
потому́ что там бы́ло мно́го воды;
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] there [it was, was] [a lot of, many] [lake, water, waters];
и приходи́ли [туда́] и крести́лись,
and [came, come] [there] and [baptized, they were baptized],
John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim,
because water was plentiful there,
and people were coming and being baptized John 3:23 ESV

And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim,
because there was much water there:
and they came,
and were baptized.
John 3:23 KJV
 John 5:19 RUSV
19 На э́то Иису́с сказа́л:
19 [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [that, this, it] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
[truly, verily],
и́стинно говорю́ вам:
[truly, verily] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
Сын ничего́ не мо́жет твори́ть Сам от Себя́,
Son [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [can, may, maybe] create [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] from [Itself, Myself, Yourself],
е́сли не уви́дит Отца́ творя́щего:
[if, a, when, unless] [never, not] (will see) [Father, The Father] [creative, creator, the creator]:
[for, because],
что твори́т Он,
[what, that, why] creates He,
то и Сын твори́т та́кже.
that and Son creates also.
So Jesus said to them,
I say to you,
the Son can do nothing of his own accord,
but only what he sees the Father doing.
For whatever the Father does,
that the Son does likewise.
John 5:19 ESV

Then answered Jesus and said unto them,
I say unto you,
The Son can do nothing of himself,
but what he seeth the Father do:
for what things soever he doeth,
these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 5:19 KJV
 John 6:11 RUSV
11 Иису́с,
11 Jesus,
взяв хле́бы и возда́в благодаре́ние,
[by taking, taking, took] [bread, breads, shewbread] and [having rendered, having rewarded] thanksgiving,
роздал ученика́м,
[distributed, hand out] [for students, disciples],
а ученики́ возлежа́вшим,
[while, and, but] [students, disciples] [reclining, seated],
та́кже и ры́бы,
also and [fish, fishes],
ско́лько кто хоте́л.
[how, how many, how much] who [he wanted, wanted].
Jesus then took the loaves,
and when he had given thanks,
he distributed them to those who were seated.
So also the fish,
as much as they wanted.
John 6:11 ESV

And Jesus took the loaves;
and when he had given thanks,
he distributed to the disciples,
and the disciples to them that were set down;
and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
John 6:11 KJV
 John 9:15 RUSV
15 Спроси́ли его́ та́кже и фарисе́и,
15 [Asked, They Asked] [his, him, it] also and pharisees,
как он прозре́л.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] he [i have seen the light, received his sight].
Он сказа́л им:
He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
бре́ние положи́л Он на мои́ глаза,
[made clay, shaving, drilling, boring, mixing] put He [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] my eyes,
и я умы́лся,
and i [washed, washed up],
и ви́жу.
and [i see, perceive, see].
So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight.
And he said to them,
“He put mud on my eyes,
and I washed,
and I see.”
John 9:15 ESV

Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight.
He said unto them,
He put clay upon mine eyes,
and I washed,
and do see.
John 9:15 KJV
 John 15:27 RUSV
27 а та́кже и вы бу́дете свиде́тельствовать,
27 [while, and, but] also and [ye, you] [will, will be] [testify, witness],
потому́ что вы снача́ла со Мно́ю.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [ye, you] first [after, with] Me.
And you also will bear witness,
because you have been with me from the beginning.
John 15:27 ESV

And ye also shall bear witness,
because ye have been with me from the beginning.
John 15:27 KJV
 John 18:3 NRT
3 Поэ́тому Иу́да привёл туда́ с собо́й отря́д ри́мских во́инов,
3 [That Is Why, Therefore, Wherefore] Judas [brought, took] there [and, from, in, of, with] [by himself, himself] squad roman warriors,
а та́кже слуг,
[while, and, but] also servants,
по́сланных первосвяще́нниками и фарисе́ями.
sent (high priests) and pharisees.
Они́ пришли́ с фонаря́ми,
[They, They Are] came [and, from, in, of, with] lanterns,
фа́келами и ору́жием.
torches and weapons.
So Judas,
having procured a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees,
went there with lanterns and torches and weapons.
John 18:3 ESV

Judas then,
having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees,
cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.
John 18:3 KJV
 John 18:18 RUSV
18 Ме́жду тем рабы́ и служи́тели,
18 [Among, Between, Meanwhile] [by that, that] [handmaiden, servant, servants, slaves] and servants,
разведя́ ого́нь,
(having parted) [fire, flame],
потому́ что бы́ло хо́лодно,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [it was, was] cold,
стоя́ли и гре́лись.
[standing, stood, they were standing] and [warmed, warmed up, warming].
Пётр та́кже стоя́л с ни́ми и гре́лся.
Peter also [i was standing, standing, stood] [and, from, in, of, with] them and [i was warming up, warmed, warmed up, warming].
Now the servants and officers had made a charcoal fire,
because it was cold,
and they were standing and warming themselves.
Peter also was with them,
standing and warming himself.
John 18:18 ESV

And the servants and officers stood there,
who had made a fire of coals;
for it was cold:
and they warmed themselves:
and Peter stood with them,
and warmed himself.
John 18:18 KJV
 John 19:37 RUSV
37 Та́кже и в другом [ме́сте] Писа́ние говори́т:
37 Also and [at, in, of, on] [a friend, friend] [location] [Scripture, Scriptures] [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
воззря́т на Того́,
(will look) [at, by, in, it, on the, to, toward, upon] That,
Кото́рого пронзи́ли.
[Which, Which One, Whom] pierced.
And again another Scripture says,
“They will look on him whom they have pierced.”
John 19:37 ESV

And again another scripture saith,
They shall look on him whom they pierced.
John 19:37 KJV
 John 19:39 RUSV
39 Пришёл та́кже и Никоди́м,
39 [Arrive, Came, Come] also and Nicodemus,
--приходи́вший пре́жде к Иису́су но́чью,
--[coming, had come, who came] before [to, for, by] Jesus [at night, by night, night],
--и принёс соста́в из сми́рны и алоя,
--and brought [compound, composition] [from, in, of, out] [myrrh, smyrna] and aloes,
литр о́коло ста.
[litre, liter] [near, nearby] hundred.
Nicodemus also,
who earlier had come to Jesus by night,
came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes,
about seventy-five pounds in weight.
John 19:39 ESV

And there came also Nicodemus,
which at the first came to Jesus by night,
and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes,
about an hundred pound weight.
John 19:39 KJV
 John 21:13 NRT
13 Иису́с подошёл,
13 Jesus (came up),
взял хлеб и дал им,
took [bread, loaves, shewbread] and gave [it, them],
а та́кже и ры́бу.
[while, and, but] also and fish.
Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them,
and so with the fish.
John 21:13 ESV

Jesus then cometh,
and taketh bread,
and giveth them,
and fish likewise.
John 21:13 KJV
 John 21:13 RUSV
13 Иису́с прихо́дит,
13 Jesus [came, comes, cometh],
берет хлеб и даёт им,
takes [bread, loaves, shewbread] and [give, gives, giveth] [it, them],
та́кже и ры́бу.
also and fish.
Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them,
and so with the fish.
John 21:13 ESV

Jesus then cometh,
and taketh bread,
and giveth them,
and fish likewise.
John 21:13 KJV
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