Дух ( Spirit )

 Noun - Masculine
(RUSV: 42 + NRT: 45) = 87
See also   (Смотрите Та́кже) :
 Genesis 1:2 RUSV
2 Земля́ же была́ безвидна и пу́ста,
2 [Earth, Ground, Land] [but, same, then] was безвидна and empty,
и тьма над бездною,
and [dark, darkness] above бездною,
и Дух Бо́жий носился над водо́ю.
and Spirit [God, God's] носился above water.
The earth was without form and void,
and darkness was over the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2 ESV

And the earth was without form,
and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2 KJV
 Genesis 6:17 RUSV
17 И вот,
17 And [behold, here, there],
Я наведу́ на зе́млю пото́п во́дный,
I [guide, i will guide you, point it out] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, land] [deluge, flood] water,
чтоб истреби́ть вся́кую плоть,
[in order, so that] [annihilate, destroy, eradicate, exterminate] [any, every] flesh,
в кото́рой есть дух жи́зни,
[at, in, of, on] [which, which one] [there are, there is] spirit life,
под небесами;
[below, beneath, under, underneath] небесами;
[all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что есть на земле́,
[what, that, why] [there are, there is] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, ground, land, world],
лишится жи́зни.
лишится life.
its breadth Genesis 6:17 ESV

even I,
do bring a flood of waters upon the earth,
to destroy all flesh,
wherein is the breath of life,
from under heaven;
and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
Genesis 6:17 KJV
 Genesis 7:15 RUSV
15 и вошли́ к Но́ю в ковчег по паре́ от вся́кой плоти,
15 and [entered, they entered] [to, for, by] Noah [at, in, of, on] [ark, the ark] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [pair, two] from any flesh,
в кото́рой есть дух жи́зни;
[at, in, of, on] [which, which one] [there are, there is] spirit life;
They went into the ark with Noah,
two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life.
Genesis 7:15 ESV

And they went in unto Noah into the ark,
two and two of all flesh,
wherein is the breath of life.
Genesis 7:15 KJV
 Genesis 35:29 RUSV
29 И испусти́л Исаа́к дух и у́мер,
29 And [give, let out] Isaac spirit and died,
и приложи́лся к наро́ду своему́,
and [gathered, i applied, kissed] [to, for, by] [to the people, nation] [to his, your own],
бу́дучи стар и насыщен жи́знью;
being old and насыщен life;
и погребли́ его́ Иса́в и Иа́ков,
and buried [his, him, it] Esau and [Jacob, James],
сыновья его́.
sons [his, him, it].

And Isaac gave up the ghost,
and died,
and was gathered unto his people,
being old and full of days:
and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
Genesis 35:29 KJV
 Genesis 41:8 RUSV
8 У́тром смути́лся дух его́,
8 [In The Morning, Morning] [confused, troubled] spirit [his, him, it],
и посла́л он,
and sent he,
и призва́л всех волхво́в Еги́пта и всех мудрецо́в его́,
and [called, urged] [all, everyone] [magi, the magi, wise men] Egypt and [all, everyone] [sages, wise, wise men] [his, him, it],
и рассказа́л им фарао́н сон свой;
and [he told me, told] [it, them] [pharaoh, the pharaoh] [dream, sleep] [mine, my own];
но не бы́ло никого́,
[but, yet] [never, not] [it was, was] [no one, nobody, none],
кто бы истолкова́л его́ фарао́ну.
who would [interpret, interpretation, interpreted] [his, him, it] [pharaoh, to the pharaoh].
So in the morning his spirit was troubled,
and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men.
Pharaoh told them his dreams,
but there was none who could interpret them to Pharaoh.
Genesis 41:8 ESV

And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled;
and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt,
and all the wise men thereof:
and Pharaoh told them his dream;
but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh.
Genesis 41:8 KJV
 Genesis 41:38 RUSV
38 И сказа́л фарао́н слу́гам свои́м:
38 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [pharaoh, the pharaoh] servants [his, mine, your]:
найдём ли мы тако́го,
[find, let us find, search, we will find] whether [we, we are] [such, this],
как он,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] he,
в ко́тором был бы Дух Бо́жий?
[at, in, of, on] [that, which] [be, to be, was, were] would Spirit [God, God's]?
And Pharaoh said to his servants,
“Can we find a man like this,
in whom is the Spirit of God?”
Genesis 41:38 ESV

And Pharaoh said unto his servants,
Can we find such a one as this is,
a man in whom the Spirit of God is?
Genesis 41:38 KJV
 Genesis 45:27 RUSV
27 Когда́ же они́ пересказали ему́ все слова Ио́сифа,
27 When [but, same, then] [they, they are] пересказали [him, it, to him] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [speech, the words, word, words] Joseph,
кото́рые он говори́л им,
[which, who] he spoke [it, them],
и когда́ уви́дел колесни́цы,
and when [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [chariots, wagons],
кото́рые присла́л Ио́сиф,
[which, who] sent Joseph,
что́бы везти́ его́,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [carry, to carry] [his, him, it],
тогда́ о́жил дух Иа́кова,
then [alive, come to life, revived] spirit [Jacob, James],
отца́ их,
[father, the father] [them, their],
But when they told him all the words of Joseph,
which he had said to them,
and when he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent to carry him,
the spirit of their father Jacob revived.
Genesis 45:27 ESV

And they told him all the words of Joseph,
which he had said unto them:
and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him,
the spirit of Jacob their father revived:
Genesis 45:27 KJV
 Matthew 4:1 NRT
1 Зате́м Дух повёл Иису́са в пусты́ню для того́,
1 Then Spirit led Jesus [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness] for that,
что́бы Ему́ пройти́ искуше́ние от дья́вола.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] temptation from [devil, the devil].
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 4:1 ESV

Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Matthew 4:1 KJV
 Matthew 10:20 NRT
20 и уже́ не вы бу́дете говори́ть,
20 and already [never, not] [ye, you] [will, will be] [to speak, to talk],
а Дух ва́шего Отца́ бу́дет говори́ть в вас.
[while, and, but] Spirit (your his) [Father, The Father] [will be, would be] [to speak, to talk] [at, in, of, on] you.
For it is not you who speak,
but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Matthew 10:20 ESV

For it is not ye that speak,
but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
Matthew 10:20 KJV
 Matthew 10:20 RUSV
20 и́бо не вы бу́дете говори́ть,
20 [for, because] [never, not] [ye, you] [will, will be] [to speak, to talk],
но Дух Отца́ ва́шего бу́дет говори́ть в вас.
[but, yet] Spirit [Father, The Father] (your his) [will be, would be] [to speak, to talk] [at, in, of, on] you.
For it is not you who speak,
but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Matthew 10:20 ESV

For it is not ye that speak,
but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
Matthew 10:20 KJV
 Matthew 12:18 RUSV
18 Се,
18 [This, That, All],
О́трок Мой,
[Boy, The Boy] [Mine, My],
Кото́рого Я избра́л,
[Which, Which One, Whom] I [choose, chose, chosen, elected, i chose],
Возлю́бленный Мой,
Beloved [Mine, My],
Кото́рому благоволи́т душа Моя́.
(To Whom) favors soul My.
Положу́ дух Мой на Него́,
(I Will Put It Down) spirit [Mine, My] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Him,
и возвести́т наро́дам суд;
and [announce, declare, it will announce, proclaim, tell, will proclaim] [nations, peoples, to the peoples] [court, judgment, tribunal];
my servant whom I have chosen,
my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased.
I will put my Spirit upon him,
and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles.
Matthew 12:18 ESV

Behold my servant,
whom I have chosen;
my beloved,
in whom my soul is well pleased:
I will put my spirit upon him,
and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.
Matthew 12:18 KJV
 Matthew 12:43 NRT
43 Когда́ нечи́стый дух выхо́дит из челове́ка,
43 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [cast out, comes out, cometh, coming, coming out, goeth, gone, gone out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то он скита́ется по безво́дным места́м,
that he [wandering, wanders] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ ме́сто для о́тдыха,
[looking for, seek, search] place for [recreation, rest],
но не нахо́дит его́.
[but, yet] [never, not] finds [his, him, it].
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
but finds none.
Matthew 12:43 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest,
and findeth none.
Matthew 12:43 KJV
 Matthew 12:43 RUSV
43 Когда́ нечи́стый дух вы́йдет из челове́ка,
43 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [will come out, get out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то хо́дит по безво́дным места́м,
that [goes, walketh, walks] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ поко́я,
[looking for, seek, search] [peace, rest],
и не нахо́дит;
and [never, not] finds;
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
but finds none.
Matthew 12:43 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest,
and findeth none.
Matthew 12:43 KJV
 Matthew 26:41 NRT
41 Бо́дрствуйте и молитесь,
41 (Stay Awake) and pray,
что́бы вам не подда́ться искуше́нию.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [to you, ye, you] [never, not] [give, give in] temptation.
Дух бодр,
Spirit awake,
но те́ло слабо.
[but, yet] body [weak, weakly].
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.&#;
Matthew 26:41 ESV

Watch and pray,
that ye enter not into temptation:
the spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.
Matthew 26:41 KJV
 Matthew 26:41 RUSV
41 бо́дрствуйте и молитесь,
41 (stay awake) and pray,
что́бы не впасть в искуше́ние:
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [never, not] [fall, fall in, fall into] [at, in, of, on] temptation:
дух бодр,
spirit awake,
плоть же не́мощна.
flesh [but, same, then] weak.
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.&#;
Matthew 26:41 ESV

Watch and pray,
that ye enter not into temptation:
the spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.
Matthew 26:41 KJV
 Matthew 27:50 NRT
50 Иису́с сно́ва гро́мко закрича́л и испусти́л дух.
50 Jesus again [loud, loudly] [cry out, he screamed, shouted] and [give, let out] spirit.
And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
Matthew 27:50 ESV

when he had cried again with a loud voice,
yielded up the ghost.
Matthew 27:50 KJV
 Matthew 27:50 RUSV
50 Иису́с же,
50 Jesus [but, same, then],
опя́ть возопи́в гро́мким го́лосом,
again (crying out) loud voice,
испусти́л дух.
[give, let out] spirit.
And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
Matthew 27:50 ESV

when he had cried again with a loud voice,
yielded up the ghost.
Matthew 27:50 KJV
 Mark 1:12 NRT
12 Тотчас Дух побуди́л Иису́са пойти́ в пусты́ню.
12 Immediately Spirit prompted Jesus [come, depart, go, walk] [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness].
The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12 ESV

And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12 KJV
 Mark 1:12 RUSV
12 Неме́дленно по́сле того́ Дух ведёт Его́ в пусты́ню.
12 Immediately [after, beyond] that Spirit leads [His, Him, It] [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness].
The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12 ESV

And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12 KJV
 Mark 1:26 NRT
26 Нечи́стый дух сотря́с челове́ка и с гро́мким кри́ком вы́шел из него́.
26 [Dirty, Unclean] spirit [convulsed, convulsing, shook] human and [and, from, in, of, with] loud [cry, shouting] [came, came out] [from, in, of, out] him.
And the unclean spirit,
convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice,
came out of him.
Mark 1:26 ESV

And when the unclean spirit had torn him,
and cried with a loud voice,
he came out of him.
Mark 1:26 KJV
 Mark 1:26 RUSV
26 Тогда́ дух нечи́стый,
26 Then spirit [dirty, unclean],
сотря́сши его́ и вскрича́в гро́мким го́лосом,
[convulsing, shaking] [his, him, it] and [cried, crying, crying out, screaming, shouted] loud voice,
вы́шел из него́.
[came, came out] [from, in, of, out] him.
And the unclean spirit,
convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice,
came out of him.
Mark 1:26 ESV

And when the unclean spirit had torn him,
and cried with a loud voice,
he came out of him.
Mark 1:26 KJV
 Mark 3:30 NRT
30 Он сказа́л э́то потому́,
30 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [that, this, it] [because, that is why, therefore],
что они́ говори́ли,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [they said, we talked],
бу́дто в Нем нечи́стый дух.
[as if, as though] [at, in, of, on] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] [dirty, unclean] spirit.
for they were saying,
&#;He has an unclean spirit.&#;
Mark 3:30 ESV

Because they said,
He hath an unclean spirit.
Mark 3:30 KJV
 Mark 3:30 RUSV
30 [Сие́ сказа́л Он],
30 [This [he said, said, say, saying, tell] He],
потому́ что говори́ли:
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [they said, we talked]:
в Нем нечи́стый дух.
[at, in, of, on] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless] [dirty, unclean] spirit.
for they were saying,
&#;He has an unclean spirit.&#;
Mark 3:30 ESV

Because they said,
He hath an unclean spirit.
Mark 3:30 KJV
 Mark 5:8 NRT
8 потому́ что Иису́с говори́л ему́:
8 [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] Jesus spoke [him, it, to him]:
«(Come Out),
нечи́стый дух,
[dirty, unclean] spirit,
из э́того челове́ка».
[from, in, of, out] this human».
For he was saying to him,
&#;Come out of the man,
you unclean spirit!&#;
Mark 5:8 ESV

For he said unto him,
Come out of the man,
thou unclean spirit.
Mark 5:8 KJV
 Mark 5:8 RUSV
8 И́бо [Иису́с] сказа́л ему́:
8 [For, Because] [Jesus] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
(come out),
дух нечи́стый,
spirit [dirty, unclean],
из сего́ челове́ка.
[from, in, of, out] (with his) human.
For he was saying to him,
&#;Come out of the man,
you unclean spirit!&#;
Mark 5:8 ESV

For he said unto him,
Come out of the man,
thou unclean spirit.
Mark 5:8 KJV
 Mark 9:17 NRT
17 Кто-то из толпы отве́тил:
17 [Anyone, Somebody, Someone] [from, in, of, out] [crowd, crowds, multitude] answered:
[Master, Teacher, Tutor],
я привёл к Тебе́ сы́на,
i [brought, took] [to, for, by] [Thee, You] [a son, my son, son],
в него́ вселился дух немоты́.
[at, in, of, on] him вселился spirit [dumb, dumbness, mute, muteness, silence].
And someone from the crowd answered him,
I brought my son to you,
for he has a spirit that makes him mute.
Mark 9:17 ESV

And one of the multitude answered and said,
I have brought unto thee my son,
which hath a dumb spirit;
Mark 9:17 KJV
 Mark 9:18 NRT
18 И когда́ дух схва́тывает его́,
18 And when spirit [grabs, grasps, seizes, taketh] [his, him, it],
то броса́ет его́ на зе́млю,
that [cast, leaves, throws] [his, him, it] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, land],
и тогда́ у ма́льчика идёт пе́на изо рта,
and then [at, by, with, of] boy goes [foam, foameth, foams] [among, art, from, of, out, with] mouth,
он скрежещет зуба́ми и цепенеет.
he скрежещет [teeth, with my teeth, with teeth] and цепенеет.
Я проси́л Твои́х ученико́в изгна́ть ду́ха,
I [asked, begged, requested] [Your, Yours] disciples [banish, expel] spirit,
но они́ не смогли́.
[but, yet] [they, they are] [never, not] [could, they could].
And whenever it seizes him,
it throws him down,
and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid.
So I asked your disciples to cast it out,
and they were not able.&#;
Mark 9:18 ESV

And wheresoever he taketh him,
he teareth him:
and he foameth,
and gnasheth with his teeth,
and pineth away:
and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out;
and they could not.
Mark 9:18 KJV
 Mark 9:20 NRT
20 Ма́льчика привели́.
20 Boy [bring, brought].
Как то́лько дух уви́дел Иису́са,
[How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [alone, only, just] spirit [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] Jesus,
он вы́звал у ма́льчика приступ,
he (called out) [at, by, with, of] boy приступ,
и тот упа́л и стал кататься по земле́,
and that fell and became кататься [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [earth, ground, land, world],
и изо рта у него́ пошла́ пе́на.
and [among, art, from, of, out, with] mouth [at, by, with, of] him went [foam, foameth, foams].
And they brought the boy to him.
And when the spirit saw him,
immediately it convulsed the boy,
and he fell on the ground and rolled about,
foaming at the mouth.
Mark 9:20 ESV

And they brought him unto him:
and when he saw him,
straightway the spirit tare him;
and he fell on the ground,
and wallowed foaming.
Mark 9:20 KJV
 Mark 9:20 RUSV
20 И привели́ его́ к Нему́.
20 And [bring, brought] [his, him, it] [to, for, by] [Him, His].
Как ско́ро [беснова́тый] уви́дел Его́,
[How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [forthwith, immediately, quickly, soon] [possessed] [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] [His, Him, It],
дух сотря́с его́;
spirit [convulsed, convulsing, shook] [his, him, it];
он упа́л на зе́млю и валялся,
he fell [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, land] and валялся,
испуская пе́ну.
испуская [foam, foameth, foams, froth, lather, suds].
And they brought the boy to him.
And when the spirit saw him,
immediately it convulsed the boy,
and he fell on the ground and rolled about,
foaming at the mouth.
Mark 9:20 ESV

And they brought him unto him:
and when he saw him,
straightway the spirit tare him;
and he fell on the ground,
and wallowed foaming.
Mark 9:20 KJV
 Mark 9:22 NRT
22 Дух ча́сто броса́ет его́ то в ого́нь,
22 Spirit [frequently, often, ofttimes, usually] [cast, leaves, throws] [his, him, it] that [at, in, of, on] [fire, flame],
то в во́ду,
that [at, in, of, on] water,
что́бы погуби́ть его́.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [destroy, ruin, to destroy] [his, him, it].
Сжа́лься над на́ми и помоги,
[Have Mercy, Mercy, Pity, Take Pity] above [us, we] and help,
е́сли Ты что-нибу́дь мо́жешь сде́лать.
[if, a, when, unless] You something [can, be able to] (to do).
And it has often cast him into fire and into water,
to destroy him.
But if you can do anything,
have compassion on us and help us.&#;
Mark 9:22 ESV

And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire,
and into the waters,
to destroy him:
but if thou canst do any thing,
have compassion on us,
and help us.
Mark 9:22 KJV
 Mark 9:22 RUSV
22 и многокра́тно [дух] бросал его́ и в ого́нь и в во́ду,
22 and repeatedly [spirit] бросал [his, him, it] and [at, in, of, on] [fire, flame] and [at, in, of, on] water,
что́бы погуби́ть его́;
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [destroy, ruin, to destroy] [his, him, it];
[but, yet],
е́сли что мо́жешь,
[if, a, when, unless] [what, that, why] [can, be able to],
сжа́лься над на́ми и помоги нам.
[have mercy, mercy, pity, take pity] above [us, we] and help [to us, us].
And it has often cast him into fire and into water,
to destroy him.
But if you can do anything,
have compassion on us and help us.&#;
Mark 9:22 ESV

And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire,
and into the waters,
to destroy him:
but if thou canst do any thing,
have compassion on us,
and help us.
Mark 9:22 KJV
 Mark 9:25 NRT
25 Иису́с,
25 Jesus,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen],
что сбегается толпа́,
[what, that, why] сбегается [crowd, multitude],
приказа́л нечи́стому ду́ху,
ordered unclean spirit,
[saying, talking]:
Дух немоты́ и глухоты,
Spirit [dumb, dumbness, mute, muteness, silence] and глухоты,
Я приказываю тебе́:
I приказываю [thee, you]:
вы́йди из него́ и бо́льше никогда́ не входи́!
(come out) [from, in, of, out] him and [again, great, more] never [never, not] [come, come in, enter]!
And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together,
he rebuked the unclean spirit,
saying to it,
&#;You mute and deaf spirit,
I command you,
come out of him and never enter him again.&#;
Mark 9:25 ESV

When Jesus saw that the people came running together,
he rebuked the foul spirit,
saying unto him,
Thou dumb and deaf spirit,
I charge thee,
come out of him,
and enter no more into him.
Mark 9:25 KJV
 Mark 9:25 RUSV
25 Иису́с,
25 Jesus,
[saw, seeing],
что сбегается наро́д,
[what, that, why] сбегается [crowd, nation, people],
запрети́л ду́ху нечи́стому,
banned spirit unclean,
сказа́в ему́:
[having said, having said that, said, saying] [him, it, to him]:
дух немо́й и глухо́й!
spirit [dumb, mute, speechless] and deaf!
Я повелева́ю тебе́,
I [command, i command, i command you] [thee, you],
вы́йди из него́ и впредь не входи́ в него́.
(come out) [from, in, of, out] him and [henceforth, from now on] [never, not] [come, come in, enter] [at, in, of, on] him.
And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together,
he rebuked the unclean spirit,
saying to it,
&#;You mute and deaf spirit,
I command you,
come out of him and never enter him again.&#;
Mark 9:25 ESV

When Jesus saw that the people came running together,
he rebuked the foul spirit,
saying unto him,
Thou dumb and deaf spirit,
I charge thee,
come out of him,
and enter no more into him.
Mark 9:25 KJV
 Mark 9:26 NRT
26 Вскри́кнув и си́льно сотря́сши ма́льчика,
26 [Cried, Crying, Crying Out, Screaming] and [exceeding, strongly] [convulsing, shaking] boy,
дух вы́шел.
spirit [came, came out].
Ма́льчик стал как мёртвый,
Boy became [how, what, as, like (comparison)] dead,
так что мно́гие говори́ли,
so [what, that, why] many [they said, we talked],
что он у́мер.
[what, that, why] he died.
And after crying out and convulsing him terribly,
it came out,
and the boy was like a corpse,
so that most of them said,
&#;He is dead.&#;
Mark 9:26 ESV

And the spirit cried,
and rent him sore,
and came out of him:
and he was as one dead;
insomuch that many said,
He is dead.
Mark 9:26 KJV
 Mark 13:11 NRT
11 И когда́ вас арестуют и поведу́т на суд,
11 And when you арестуют and (they will lead) [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [court, judgment, tribunal],
не беспоко́йтесь зара́нее о том,
[never, not] worry [aforehand, before, beforehand, in advance, previously] about [that, volume],
что вам сказа́ть.
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell].
Говори́те то,
[Say, Speak] that,
что вам бу́дет дано́ в тот час,
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [will be, would be] given [at, in, of, on] that hour,
ведь э́то не вы са́ми бу́дете говори́ть,
[because, after all, indeed] [that, this, it] [never, not] [ye, you] themselves [will, will be] [to speak, to talk],
а Свято́й Дух.
[while, and, but] Holy Spirit.
And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over,
do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say,
but say whatever is given you in that hour,
for it is not you who speak,
but the Holy Spirit.
Mark 13:11 ESV

But when they shall lead you,
and deliver you up,
take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak,
neither do ye premeditate:
but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour,
that speak ye:
for it is not ye that speak,
but the Holy Ghost.
Mark 13:11 KJV
 Mark 13:11 RUSV
11 Когда́ же поведу́т предава́ть вас,
11 When [but, same, then] (they will lead) betray you,
не забо́тьтесь наперёд,
[never, not] [anxious, take care] [ahead, before, beforehand, foretold, in advance],
что вам говори́ть,
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [to speak, to talk],
и не обдумывайте;
and [never, not] обдумывайте;
но что дано́ бу́дет вам в тот час,
[but, yet] [what, that, why] given [will be, would be] [to you, ye, you] [at, in, of, on] that hour,
то и говори́те,
that and [say, speak],
и́бо не вы бу́дете говори́ть,
[for, because] [never, not] [ye, you] [will, will be] [to speak, to talk],
но Дух Святый.
[but, yet] Spirit Holy.
And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over,
do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say,
but say whatever is given you in that hour,
for it is not you who speak,
but the Holy Spirit.
Mark 13:11 ESV

But when they shall lead you,
and deliver you up,
take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak,
neither do ye premeditate:
but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour,
that speak ye:
for it is not ye that speak,
but the Holy Ghost.
Mark 13:11 KJV
 Mark 14:38 NRT
38 Бо́дрствуйте и молитесь,
38 (Stay Awake) and pray,
что́бы вам не подда́ться искуше́нию.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [to you, ye, you] [never, not] [give, give in] temptation.
Дух бодр,
Spirit awake,
но те́ло слабо.
[but, yet] body [weak, weakly].
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.&#;
Mark 14:38 ESV

Watch ye and pray,
lest ye enter into temptation.
The spirit truly is ready,
but the flesh is weak.
Mark 14:38 KJV
 Mark 14:38 RUSV
38 Бо́дрствуйте и молитесь,
38 (Stay Awake) and pray,
что́бы не впасть в искуше́ние:
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [never, not] [fall, fall in, fall into] [at, in, of, on] temptation:
дух бодр,
spirit awake,
плоть же не́мощна.
flesh [but, same, then] weak.
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak.&#;
Mark 14:38 ESV

Watch ye and pray,
lest ye enter into temptation.
The spirit truly is ready,
but the flesh is weak.
Mark 14:38 KJV
 Mark 15:37 NRT
37 Гро́мко вскри́кнув,
37 [Loud, Loudly] [cried, crying, crying out, screaming],
Иису́с испусти́л дух.
Jesus [give, let out] spirit.
And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.
Mark 15:37 ESV

And Jesus cried with a loud voice,
and gave up the ghost.
Mark 15:37 KJV
 Mark 15:37 RUSV
37 Иису́с же,
37 Jesus [but, same, then],
возгласи́в гро́мко,
[exclaiming, having proclaimed] [loud, loudly],
испусти́л дух.
[give, let out] spirit.
And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.
Mark 15:37 ESV

And Jesus cried with a loud voice,
and gave up the ghost.
Mark 15:37 KJV
 Mark 15:39 NRT
39 Стоя́вший напро́тив Иису́са со́тник,
39 Standing [against, in front of] Jesus centurion,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen],
как Он испусти́л дух,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] He [give, let out] spirit,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Э́тот Челове́к действи́тельно был Сы́ном Бо́га!
This [Man, Human, Person] [really, truly, indeed] [be, to be, was, were] Son God!
And when the centurion,
who stood facing him,
saw that in this way he breathed his last,
he said,
&#;Truly this man was the Son of God!&#;
Mark 15:39 ESV

And when the centurion,
which stood over against him,
saw that he so cried out,
and gave up the ghost,
he said,
Truly this man was the Son of God.
Mark 15:39 KJV
 Mark 15:39 RUSV
39 Со́тник,
39 Centurion,
стоя́вший напро́тив Его́,
standing [against, in front of] [His, Him, It],
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen],
что Он,
[what, that, why] He,
так возгласи́в,
so [exclaiming, having proclaimed],
испусти́л дух,
[give, let out] spirit,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
и́стинно Челове́к Сей был Сын Бо́жий.
[truly, verily] [Man, Human, Person] This [be, to be, was, were] Son [God, God's].
And when the centurion,
who stood facing him,
saw that in this way he breathed his last,
he said,
&#;Truly this man was the Son of God!&#;
Mark 15:39 ESV

And when the centurion,
which stood over against him,
saw that he so cried out,
and gave up the ghost,
he said,
Truly this man was the Son of God.
Mark 15:39 KJV
 Luke 1:35 NRT
35 А́нгел отве́тил:
35 Angel answered:
Свято́й Дух сойдет на тебя́,
Holy Spirit [come down, get off, will do] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] you,
и тебя́ осени́т си́ла Всевы́шнего.
and you [autumn, overshadows] [energy, force, power, strength] [Highest, Most High, The Almighty].
Поэ́тому Ребёнок,
[That Is Why, Therefore, Wherefore] [Baby, Child],
Кото́рый роди́тся у тебя́,
[Which, Which The, Who] [born, will be born] [at, by, with, of] you,
бу́дет свят Он бу́дет зва́ться Сы́ном Бо́га.
[will be, would be] holy He [will be, would be] [be called, name] Son God.
And the angel answered her,
&#;The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
therefore the child to be born will be called holy&#;the Son of God.
Luke 1:35 ESV

And the angel answered and said unto her,
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35 KJV
 Luke 1:35 RUSV
35 А́нгел сказа́л Ей в отве́т:
35 Angel [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Her [at, in, of, on] answer:
Дух Святый найдёт на Тебя́,
Spirit Holy [find, it will find, will find] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] You,
и си́ла Всевы́шнего осени́т Тебя́;
and [energy, force, power, strength] [Highest, Most High, The Almighty] [autumn, overshadows] You;
посему и рожда́емое Свято́е наречётся Сы́ном Божиим.
therefore and [born, what is being born] Holy [will be called, will be named] Son [God, God's].
And the angel answered her,
&#;The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
therefore the child to be born will be called holy&#;the Son of God.
Luke 1:35 ESV

And the angel answered and said unto her,
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35 KJV
 Luke 1:41 NRT
41 Когда́ Елизаве́та услы́шала приве́тствие Мари́и,
41 When [Elisabeth, Elizabeth] heard [greeting, greetings, salutation] [Maria, Mary],
ребёнок внутри́ у неё встрепену́лся;
[baby, child] [inside, within] [at, by, with, of] her [roused up, startled];
Елизаве́ту напо́лнил Свято́й Дух,
Elizabeth [filled, pour] Holy Spirit,
And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
the baby leaped in her womb.
And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
Luke 1:41 ESV

And it came to pass,
when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary,
the babe leaped in her womb;
and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
Luke 1:41 KJV
 Luke 1:47 NRT
47 и дух мой ра́дуется о Бо́ге,
47 and spirit [mine, my] rejoices about God,
Спаси́теле моем,
[Redeemer, Savior, The Savior] [my, mine],
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
Luke 1:47 ESV

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Luke 1:47 KJV
 Luke 1:47 RUSV
47 и возра́довался дух Мой о Бо́ге,
47 and rejoiced spirit [Mine, My] about God,
Спаси́теле Моем,
[Redeemer, Savior, The Savior] [My, Mine],
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
Luke 1:47 ESV

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Luke 1:47 KJV
 Luke 1:67 NRT
67 Свято́й Дух напо́лнил Заха́рию,
67 Holy Spirit [filled, pour] [Zacharias, Zechariah],
отца́ Иоа́нна,
[father, the father] John,
и он на́чал проро́чествовать:
and he [began, start] [prophesied, prophesy]:
And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied,
Luke 1:67 ESV

And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost,
and prophesied,
Luke 1:67 KJV
 Luke 2:25 NRT
25 В Иерусали́ме в э́то вре́мя был челове́к,
25 [At, In, Of, On] Jerusalem [at, in, of, on] [that, this, it] [hour, time] [be, to be, was, were] [man, human, person],
кото́рого зва́ли Симео́ном.
[which, which one, whom] [called, my name was, name] Simeon.
Он был пра́веден и благочести́в,
He [be, to be, was, were] [just, righteous] and [devout, godly, pious],
и с наде́ждой ожида́л Того́,
and [and, from, in, of, with] hope [anticipated, expected] That,
Кто принесёт утеше́ние для Изра́иля,
Who (will bring) [comfort, consolation] for Israel,
и на нем был Свято́й Дух.
and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless] [be, to be, was, were] Holy Spirit.
Now there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon,
and this man was righteous and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
Luke 2:25 ESV

there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon;
and the same man was just and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel:
and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
Luke 2:25 KJV
 Luke 2:25 RUSV
25 Тогда́ был в Иерусали́ме челове́к,
25 Then [be, to be, was, were] [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem [man, human, person],
и́менем Симео́н.
[by name, name] Simeon.
Он был муж пра́ведный и благочести́вый,
He [be, to be, was, were] husband [righteous, holy] and [devout, godly, pious],
ча́ющий утеше́ния Изра́илева;
[expecting, tea] [comfort, consolations, reassurance, solace] Israel;
и Дух Святый был на нем.
and Spirit Holy [be, to be, was, were] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless].
Now there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon,
and this man was righteous and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
Luke 2:25 ESV

there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon;
and the same man was just and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel:
and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
Luke 2:25 KJV
 Luke 2:26 NRT
26 Свято́й Дух откры́л ему́,
26 Holy Spirit opened [him, it, to him],
что он не умрёт,
[what, that, why] he [never, not] [die, he will die, will die],
пока́ не уви́дит Госпо́днего Христа́.
[bye, while] [never, not] (will see) Lord's Christ.
And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord&#;s Christ.
Luke 2:26 ESV

And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost,
that he should not see death,
before he had seen the Lord&#;s Christ.
Luke 2:26 KJV
 Luke 3:22 NRT
22 и на Него́ спусти́лся Свято́й Дух в теле́сном ви́де,
22 and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Him [i went down, went down] Holy Spirit [at, in, of, on] [bodily, physical] [form, shape, view],
в о́бразе голубя.
[at, in, of, on] image [dove, pigeon].
И с небе́с прозвуча́л го́лос:
And [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [it sounded, sounded] voice:
Ты Мой люби́мый Сын!
You [Mine, My] [darling, favorite] Son!
В Тебе́ Моя́ ра́дость!
[At, In, Of, On] [Thee, You] My [gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure]!
and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form,
like a dove;
and a voice came from heaven,
&#;You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.&#;
Luke 3:22 ESV

And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him,
and a voice came from heaven,
which said,
Thou art my beloved Son;
in thee I am well pleased.
Luke 3:22 KJV
 Luke 3:22 RUSV
22 и Дух Святый нисшел на Него́ в теле́сном ви́де,
22 and Spirit Holy descended [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Him [at, in, of, on] [bodily, physical] [form, shape, view],
как голубь,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [dove, pigeon],
и был глас с небе́с,
and [be, to be, was, were] voice [and, from, in, of, with] heaven,
[verbal, verbative]:
Ты Сын Мой Возлю́бленный;
You Son [Mine, My] Beloved;
в Тебе́ Моё благоволе́ние!
[at, in, of, on] [Thee, You] My [benevolence, favor, goodwill, grace, kindness]!
and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form,
like a dove;
and a voice came from heaven,
&#;You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.&#;
Luke 3:22 ESV

And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him,
and a voice came from heaven,
which said,
Thou art my beloved Son;
in thee I am well pleased.
Luke 3:22 KJV
 Luke 4:1 NRT
1 Иису́с,
1 Jesus,
испо́лненный Свято́го Ду́ха,
[executed, fulfilled, full, performed] [Saint, Holy] Spirit,
возврати́лся с Иорда́на,
[came again, come back, departed, returned, turn again, went down] [and, from, in, of, with] Jordan,
и Дух повёл Его́ в пусты́ню.
and Spirit led [His, Him, It] [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness].
And Jesus,
full of the Holy Spirit,
returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness Luke 4:1 ESV

And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan,
and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Luke 4:1 KJV
 Luke 4:18 NRT
18 «Дух Господа на Мне,
18 «Spirit Lord [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [Me, To Me],
потому́ что Он пома́зал Меня́ возвеща́ть бе́дным Ра́достную Весть.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] He anointed [I, Me, Self] [announce, proclaim] [poor, the poor] [Glad, Good, Happy, Joyful] [News, Tidings].
Он посла́л Меня́ провозглаша́ть свобо́ду пле́нникам,
He sent [I, Me, Self] [declare, proclaim] [freedom, liberty] [prisoners, to prisoners],
прозре́ние слепы́м,
epiphany blind,
освободи́ть угнетённых,
[liberty, release] [oppressed, the oppressed],
&#;The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
Luke 4:18 ESV

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;
he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luke 4:18 KJV
 Luke 4:18 RUSV
18 Дух Госпо́день на Мне;
18 Spirit [Jehovah, Lord's] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [Me, To Me];
и́бо Он пома́зал Меня́ благовествова́ть ни́щим,
[for, because] He anointed [I, Me, Self] [evangelize, preach] [beggars, poor],
и посла́л Меня́ исцеля́ть сокрушённых се́рдцем,
and sent [I, Me, Self] heal [broken, crushed] (with my heart),
пропове́дывать пле́нным освобожде́ние,
[preach, to preach] [captured, prisoners] [liberation, release],
слепы́м прозре́ние,
blind epiphany,
отпусти́ть изму́ченных на свобо́ду,
[let go, release] exhausted [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [freedom, liberty],
&#;The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
Luke 4:18 ESV

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;
he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luke 4:18 KJV
 Luke 8:55 NRT
55 Дух де́вочки возврати́лся к ней,
55 Spirit girls [came again, come back, departed, returned, turn again, went down] [to, for, by] her,
и она́ сра́зу же вста́ла.
and [she, she is] [at once, immediately, straightaway] [but, same, then] [arose, got up].
Иису́с сказа́л,
Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell],
что́бы ей дали есть.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] her [gave, given] [there are, there is].
And her spirit returned,
and she got up at once.
And he directed that something should be given her to eat.
Luke 8:55 ESV

And her spirit came again,
and she arose straightway:
and he commanded to give her meat.
Luke 8:55 KJV
 Luke 8:55 RUSV
55 И возврати́лся дух её;
55 And [came again, come back, departed, returned, turn again, went down] spirit her;
она́ тотчас вста́ла,
[she, she is] immediately [arose, got up],
и Он веле́л дать ей есть.
and He [he told me to, ordered, told] [give, to give] her [there are, there is].
And her spirit returned,
and she got up at once.
And he directed that something should be given her to eat.
Luke 8:55 ESV

And her spirit came again,
and she arose straightway:
and he commanded to give her meat.
Luke 8:55 KJV
 Luke 9:39 NRT
39 Иногда́ его́ схва́тывает дух,
39 [Occasionally, Sometimes] [his, him, it] [grabs, grasps, seizes, taketh] spirit,
и тогда́ ма́льчик внеза́пно начина́ет крича́ть,
and then boy [suddenly, unexpectedly] [it starts, starts] [cry, scream, shout],
его́ сво́дит су́дорогой,
[his, him, it] [mixes, reduces] [convulses, cramp, teareth],
так что у него́ изо рта идёт пе́на.
so [what, that, why] [at, by, with, of] him [among, art, from, of, out, with] mouth goes [foam, foameth, foams].
Дух терза́ет его́ до по́лного изнеможе́ния и лишь тогда́ не́хотя отступа́ет.
Spirit torments [his, him, it] [before, until] [complete, entire, full] exhaustion and only then [grudgingly, reluctantly, unwillingly] [departeth, leave, retreating, retreats].
And behold,
a spirit seizes him,
and he suddenly cries out.
It convulses him so that he foams at the mouth,
and shatters him,
and will hardly leave him.
Luke 9:39 ESV

a spirit taketh him,
and he suddenly crieth out;
and it teareth him that he foameth again,
and bruising him hardly departeth from him.
Luke 9:39 KJV
 Luke 9:39 RUSV
39 его́ схва́тывает дух,
39 [his, him, it] [grabs, grasps, seizes, taketh] spirit,
и он внеза́пно вскри́кивает,
and he [suddenly, unexpectedly] [cry out, screams],
и терза́ет его́,
and torments [his, him, it],
так что он испуска́ет пе́ну;
so [what, that, why] he emits [foam, foameth, foams, froth, lather, suds];
и наси́лу отступа́ет от него́,
and [barely, hardly, violently, with difficulty] [departeth, leave, retreating, retreats] from him,
изму́чив его́.
exhausted [his, him, it].
And behold,
a spirit seizes him,
and he suddenly cries out.
It convulses him so that he foams at the mouth,
and shatters him,
and will hardly leave him.
Luke 9:39 ESV

a spirit taketh him,
and he suddenly crieth out;
and it teareth him that he foameth again,
and bruising him hardly departeth from him.
Luke 9:39 KJV
 Luke 9:42 NRT
42 Когда́ ма́льчик ещё шёл,
42 When boy [again, also, another, even, further, more] walked,
дух бро́сил его́ на зе́млю в припа́дке.
spirit threw [his, him, it] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, land] [at, in, of, on] [a seizure, convulsed, seizure].
Но Иису́с приказа́л нечи́стому ду́ху вы́йти,
[But, Yet] Jesus ordered unclean spirit [come out, go out, exit, leave],
исцели́л ма́льчика,
healed boy,
а зате́м отда́л его́ отцу́.
[while, and, but] then gave [his, him, it] father.
While he was coming,
the demon threw him to the ground and convulsed him.
But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy,
and gave him back to his father.
Luke 9:42 ESV

And as he was yet a coming,
the devil threw him down,
and tare him.
And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,
and healed the child,
and delivered him again to his father.
Luke 9:42 KJV
 Luke 11:24 NRT
24 Когда́ нечи́стый дух выхо́дит из челове́ка,
24 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [cast out, comes out, cometh, coming, coming out, goeth, gone, gone out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то он скита́ется по безво́дным места́м,
that he [wandering, wanders] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ ме́сто для о́тдыха,
[looking for, seek, search] place for [recreation, rest],
но не нахо́дит его́.
[but, yet] [never, not] finds [his, him, it].
Тогда́ он говори́т:
Then he [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
«Возвращу́сь-ка я в дом,
«[Come Back, I Will Be Back, I Will Come Back] i [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house],
из кото́рого вы́шел».
[from, in, of, out] [which, which one, whom] [came, came out]».
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
and finding none it says,
&#;I will return to my house from which I came.&#;
Luke 11:24 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest;
and finding none,
he saith,
I will return unto my house whence I came out.
Luke 11:24 KJV
 Luke 11:24 RUSV
24 Когда́ нечи́стый дух вы́йдет из челове́ка,
24 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [will come out, get out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то хо́дит по безво́дным места́м,
that [goes, walketh, walks] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ поко́я,
[looking for, seek, search] [peace, rest],
не находя́,
[never, not] finding,
[he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
возвращу́сь в дом мой,
[going, i will be back, i will return, return] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [mine, my],
отку́да вы́шел;
[whence, where, where from] [came, came out];
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
and finding none it says,
&#;I will return to my house from which I came.&#;
Luke 11:24 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest;
and finding none,
he saith,
I will return unto my house whence I came out.
Luke 11:24 KJV
 Luke 12:12 NRT
12 потому́ что Свято́й Дух в тот са́мый час нау́чит вас,
12 [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] Holy Spirit [at, in, of, on] that [most, the very] hour [shall teach, teach, will teach] you,
что вам говори́ть.
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [to speak, to talk].
for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.&#;
Luke 12:12 ESV

For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
Luke 12:12 KJV
 Luke 12:12 RUSV
12 и́бо Святый Дух нау́чит вас в тот час,
12 [for, because] Holy Spirit [shall teach, teach, will teach] you [at, in, of, on] that hour,
что должно́ говори́ть.
[what, that, why] [must, should] [to speak, to talk].
for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.&#;
Luke 12:12 ESV

For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
Luke 12:12 KJV
 Luke 23:46 NRT
46 Иису́с гро́мко кри́кнул:
46 Jesus [loud, loudly] [cry out, shouted]:
в Твои́ руки Я отдаю́ Мой дух!
[at, in, of, on] [Thy, Your] [arms, hand, hands] I (i give) [Mine, My] spirit!
Сказа́в э́то,
[Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] [that, this, it],
Он испусти́л дух.
He [give, let out] spirit.
Then Jesus,
calling out with a loud voice,
into your hands I commit my spirit!&#;
And having said this he breathed his last.
Luke 23:46 ESV

And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice,
he said,
into thy hands I commend my spirit:
and having said thus,
he gave up the ghost.
Luke 23:46 KJV
 Luke 23:46 RUSV
46 Иису́с,
46 Jesus,
возгласи́в гро́мким го́лосом,
[exclaiming, having proclaimed] loud voice,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
в руки Твои́ предаю́ дух Мой.
[at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [Thy, Your] [betray, i betray] spirit [Mine, My].
сие́ сказа́в,
this [having said, having said that, said, saying],
испусти́л дух.
[give, let out] spirit.
Then Jesus,
calling out with a loud voice,
into your hands I commit my spirit!&#;
And having said this he breathed his last.
Luke 23:46 ESV

And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice,
he said,
into thy hands I commend my spirit:
and having said thus,
he gave up the ghost.
Luke 23:46 KJV
 Luke 24:39 RUSV
39 Посмотрите на руки Мои́ и на ноги Мои́;
39 [Look, See] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [arms, hand, hands] My and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [legs, feet] My;
э́то Я Сам;
[that, this, it] I [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self];
осяжите Меня́ и рассмотрите;
touch [I, Me, Self] and consider;
и́бо дух плоти и ко́стей не име́ет,
[for, because] spirit flesh and bones [never, not] [has, it has],
как ви́дите у Меня́.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] see [at, by, with, of] [I, Me, Self].
See my hands and my feet,
that it is I myself.
Touch me,
and see.
For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.&#;
Luke 24:39 ESV

Behold my hands and my feet,
that it is I myself:
handle me,
and see;
for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,
as ye see me have.
Luke 24:39 KJV
 John 1:32 NRT
32 И Иоа́нн подтверди́л свои́ слова:
32 And John confirmed their [speech, the words, word, words]:
Я ви́дел,
I [saw, seen],
как Дух спуска́лся на Него́ с небе́с в о́бразе голубя и как Он оста́лся на Нем.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] Spirit [descend, descended, descending, i went down] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Him [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [at, in, of, on] image [dove, pigeon] and [how, what, as, like (comparison)] He [remained, stay, stayed, tarried, tarry] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [Dumb, Him, Mute, Speechless].
And John bore witness:
&#;I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove,
and it remained on him.
John 1:32 ESV

And John bare record,
I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove,
and it abode upon him.
John 1:32 KJV
 John 1:33 NRT
33 Я бы не узна́л Его́,
33 I would [never, not] (found out) [His, Him, It],
е́сли бы Посла́вший меня́ крести́ть водо́й не сказа́л мне:
[if, a, when, unless] would [Sender, Sent, The Sender] [i, me, self] baptize water [never, not] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [me, to me]:
«На Кого́ опу́стится и на Ком оста́нется Дух,
«[On The, It, At, To, In, By] [That, Who, Whom] [descend, descending, will go down] and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Whom [it will remain, remain, will remain] Spirit,
Тот и бу́дет крести́ть люде́й Святы́м Ду́хом».
That and [will be, would be] baptize [human, of people, people] Holy [Spirit, The Spirit]».
I myself did not know him,
but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me,
&#;He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain,
this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.&#;
John 1:33 ESV

And I knew him not:
but he that sent me to baptize with water,
the same said unto me,
Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending,
and remaining on him,
the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.
John 1:33 KJV
 John 3:6 NRT
6 От плоти рожда́ется плоть,
6 From flesh (is born) flesh,
а Дух рожда́ет дух.
[while, and, but] Spirit (gives birth) spirit.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6 ESV

That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6 KJV
 John 3:6 RUSV
6 Рождённое от плоти есть плоть,
6 Born from flesh [there are, there is] flesh,
а рождённое от Ду́ха есть дух.
[while, and, but] born from Spirit [there are, there is] spirit.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6 ESV

That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6 KJV
 John 3:8 RUSV
8 Дух ды́шит,
8 Spirit [bloweth, blows, breathes],
где хо́чет,
[somewhere, where, wherever] wants,
и го́лос его́ слы́шишь,
and voice [his, him, it] [do you hear, hear, hearest],
а не зна́ешь,
[while, and, but] [never, not] [know, knowest, understand, you know],
отку́да прихо́дит и куда́ ухо́дит:
[whence, where, where from] [came, comes, cometh] and [to where, where to] leaving:
так быва́ет со вся́ким,
so [it happens, things happen] [after, with] everyone,
рождённым от Ду́ха.
born from Spirit.
The wind blows where it wishes,
and you hear its sound,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.&#;
John 3:8 ESV

The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8 KJV
 John 4:24 NRT
24 Бог есть Дух,
24 God [there are, there is] Spirit,
и поклоня́ющиеся Ему́ должны́ поклоня́ться в ду́хе и и́стине.
and worshipers [Him, It, To Him] [must, should] [to worship, worship] [at, in, of, on] spirit and [true, truth].
God is spirit,
and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.&#;
John 4:24 ESV

God is a Spirit:
and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24 KJV
 John 4:24 RUSV
24 Бог есть дух,
24 God [there are, there is] spirit,
и поклоня́ющиеся Ему́ должны́ поклоня́ться в ду́хе и и́стине.
and worshipers [Him, It, To Him] [must, should] [to worship, worship] [at, in, of, on] spirit and [true, truth].
God is spirit,
and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.&#;
John 4:24 ESV

God is a Spirit:
and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24 KJV
 John 6:63 NRT
63 Дух даёт жизнь,
63 Spirit [give, gives, giveth] [life, living],
челове́ку э́то не под си́лу . Слова,
(to a person) [that, this, it] [never, not] [below, beneath, under, underneath] strength . [Speech, The Words, Word, Words],
кото́рые Я вам говори́л,
[which, who] I [to you, ye, you] spoke,
э́то дух и жизнь.
[that, this, it] spirit and [life, living].
It is the Spirit who gives life;
the flesh is no help at all.
The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
John 6:63 ESV

It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit,
and they are life.
John 6:63 KJV
 John 6:63 RUSV
63 Дух животвори́т;
63 Spirit (gives life);
плоть не по́льзует нима́ло.
flesh [never, not] uses [nothing, not at all].
[Speech, The Words, Word, Words],
кото́рые говорю́ Я вам,
[which, who] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] I [to you, ye, you],
суть дух и жизнь.
[essence, point] spirit and [life, living].
It is the Spirit who gives life;
the flesh is no help at all.
The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
John 6:63 ESV

It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit,
and they are life.
John 6:63 KJV
 John 7:39 NRT
39 Иису́с име́л в ви́ду Ду́ха,
39 Jesus had [at, in, of, on] [i think, kind of, mind, think] Spirit,
Кото́рого пове́рившие в Него́ должны́ бы́ли по́зже получи́ть.
[Which, Which One, Whom] (those who believed) [at, in, of, on] Him [must, should] [been, has been, were] later [get, obtain, receive, to get].
Дух ещё не был дан ве́рующим,
Spirit [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [be, to be, was, were] given believers,
так как Иису́с ещё не был просла́влен.
so [how, what, as, like (comparison)] Jesus [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [be, to be, was, were] glorified.
Now this he said about the Spirit,
whom those who believed in him were to receive,
for as yet the Spirit had not been given,
because Jesus was not yet glorified.
John 7:39 ESV

(But this spake he of the Spirit,
which they that believe on him should receive:
for the Holy Ghost was not yet given;
because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)
John 7:39 KJV
 John 14:26 NRT
26 Засту́пник же,
26 [Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, Protector] [but, same, then],
Свято́й Дух,
Holy Spirit,
Кото́рого Оте́ц пошлёт вам во и́мя Моё,
[Which, Which One, Whom] Father (will send) [to you, ye, you] in name My,
нау́чит вас всему́ и напо́мнит вам все,
[shall teach, teach, will teach] you [all, everything] and [it will remind you, remembrance, remind] [to you, ye, you] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
о чём Я вам говори́л.
about [how, than, what, whence, which, why] I [to you, ye, you] spoke.
But the Helper,
the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26 ESV

But the Comforter,
which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 14:26 KJV
 John 14:26 RUSV
26 Утеши́тель же,
26 [Comforter, Helper] [but, same, then],
Дух Святый,
Spirit Holy,
Кото́рого пошлёт Оте́ц во и́мя Моё,
[Which, Which One, Whom] (will send) Father in name My,
нау́чит вас всему́ и напо́мнит вам все,
[shall teach, teach, will teach] you [all, everything] and [it will remind you, remembrance, remind] [to you, ye, you] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что Я говори́л вам.
[what, that, why] I spoke [to you, ye, you].
But the Helper,
the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26 ESV

But the Comforter,
which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 14:26 KJV
 John 15:26 NRT
26 Когда́ придёт Засту́пник Дух и́стины,
26 When [come, comes, cometh, coming, will come] [Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, Protector] Spirit [truth, truths],
Кото́рого Я пошлю́ к вам и Кото́рый исхо́дит от Отца́,
[Which, Which One, Whom] I [i will send, send, send it] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you] and [Which, Which The, Who] [originates, proceed, proceedeth, proceeds] from [Father, The Father],
Он бу́дет свиде́тельствовать обо́ Мне.
He [will be, would be] [testify, witness] about [Me, To Me].
“But when the Helper comes,
whom I will send to you from the Father,
the Spirit of truth,
who proceeds from the Father,
he will bear witness about me.
John 15:26 ESV

But when the Comforter is come,
whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth,
which proceedeth from the Father,
he shall testify of me:
John 15:26 KJV
 John 15:26 RUSV
26 Когда́ же приидет Утеши́тель,
26 When [but, same, then] [come, he will come, will come] [Comforter, Helper],
Кото́рого Я пошлю́ вам от Отца́,
[Which, Which One, Whom] I [i will send, send, send it] [to you, ye, you] from [Father, The Father],
Дух и́стины,
Spirit [truth, truths],
Кото́рый от Отца́ исхо́дит,
[Which, Which The, Who] from [Father, The Father] [originates, proceed, proceedeth, proceeds],
Он бу́дет свиде́тельствовать о Мне;
He [will be, would be] [testify, witness] about [Me, To Me];
&#;But when the Helper comes,
whom I will send to you from the Father,
the Spirit of truth,
who proceeds from the Father,
he will bear witness about me.
John 15:26 ESV

But when the Comforter is come,
whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth,
which proceedeth from the Father,
he shall testify of me:
John 15:26 KJV
 John 16:13 NRT
13 Вот когда́ Дух и́стины придёт,
13 [Behold, Here, There] when Spirit [truth, truths] [come, comes, cometh, coming, will come],
Он введёт вас во всю полноту́ и́стины.
He [introduce, will introduce] you in [all, whole] [completeness, fullness] [truth, truths].
Он не бу́дет говори́ть от Себя́,
He [never, not] [will be, would be] [to speak, to talk] from [Itself, Myself, Yourself],
но бу́дет передава́ть то,
[but, yet] [will be, would be] [transfer, pass] that,
что Сам слы́шит,
[what, that, why] [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] [hear, hears],
и ска́жет вам,
and [he will say, saith, say, will say] [to you, ye, you],
что должно́ произойти́.
[what, that, why] [must, should] happen.
When the Spirit of truth comes,
he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak on his own authority,
but whatever he hears he will speak,
and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
John 16:13 ESV

Howbeit when he,
the Spirit of truth,
is come,
he will guide you into all truth:
for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak:
and he will shew you things to come.
John 16:13 KJV
 John 16:13 RUSV
13 Когда́ же приидет Он,
13 When [but, same, then] [come, he will come, will come] He,
Дух и́стины,
Spirit [truth, truths],
то наста́вит вас на вся́кую и́стину:
that [will instruct, will guide] you [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [any, every] [the truth, truth]:
и́бо не от Себя́ говори́ть бу́дет,
[for, because] [never, not] from [Itself, Myself, Yourself] [to speak, to talk] [will be, would be],
но бу́дет говори́ть,
[but, yet] [will be, would be] [to speak, to talk],
что услы́шит,
[what, that, why] (will hear),
и бу́дущее возвести́т вам.
and future [announce, declare, it will announce, proclaim, tell, will proclaim] [to you, ye, you].
When the Spirit of truth comes,
he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak on his own authority,
but whatever he hears he will speak,
and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
John 16:13 ESV

Howbeit when he,
the Spirit of truth,
is come,
he will guide you into all truth:
for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak:
and he will shew you things to come.
John 16:13 KJV
 John 16:15 NRT
15 Все,
15 [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone],
что принадлежи́т Отцу́,
[what, that, why] belongs Father,
принадлежи́т Мне.
belongs [Me, To Me].
Поэ́тому Я говорю́,
[That Is Why, Therefore, Wherefore] I [i am talking, say, talking, tell],
что Дух возвести́т вам Моё.
[what, that, why] Spirit [announce, declare, it will announce, proclaim, tell, will proclaim] [to you, ye, you] My.
All that the Father has is mine;
therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
John 16:15 ESV

All things that the Father hath are mine:
therefore said I,
that he shall take of mine,
and shall shew it unto you.
John 16:15 KJV
 John 19:30 NRT
30 Иису́с попро́бовал вино́ и сказа́л:
30 Jesus [i tried it, tried] wine and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Сказа́в э́то,
[Having Said, Having Said That, Said, Saying] [that, this, it],
Он урони́л го́лову на грудь и преда́л дух.
He [bowed, dropped, dropped it] head [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [breast, chest] and [betray, betrayed, delivered, gave up] spirit.
When Jesus had received the sour wine,
he said,
&#;It is finished,&#;
and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
John 19:30 ESV

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
he said,
It is finished:
and he bowed his head,
and gave up the ghost.
John 19:30 KJV
 John 19:30 RUSV
30 Когда́ же Иису́с вкуси́л у́ксуса,
30 When [but, same, then] Jesus tasted vinegar,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
преклони́в главу́,
[bowed down, kneeled, kneeling, knelt] [chapter, chief, head],
преда́л дух.
[betray, betrayed, delivered, gave up] spirit.
When Jesus had received the sour wine,
he said,
&#;It is finished,&#;
and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
John 19:30 ESV

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
he said,
It is finished:
and he bowed his head,
and gave up the ghost.
John 19:30 KJV
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